Default functionals defined on any space similar to R^n or L^2.
The constant functional. |
The functional corresponding to the mixed L1-Lp norm on |
The Huber functional. |
Functional that maps a scalar to itself. |
Indicator on some box shaped domain. |
The convex conjugate to the mixed L1--Lp norm on |
The indicator function on the unit ball in given the |
Indicator on the set of non-negative numbers. |
Indicator on unit ball of nuclear norm for matrix valued functions. |
Indicator functional of simplex. |
Indicator functional of a unit sum constraint. |
The indicator function of the singleton set {0}. |
The Kullback-Leibler divergence functional. |
The convex conjugate of Kullback-Leibler divergence functional. |
The Kullback-Leibler Cross Entropy divergence functional. |
The convex conjugate of Kullback-Leibler Cross Entorpy functional. |
The functional corresponding to L1-norm. |
The functional corresponding to the L2-norm. |
The functional corresponding to the squared L2-norm. |
The functional corresponding to the Lp-norm. |
Moreau envelope of a convex functional. |
Nuclear norm for matrix valued functions. |
Functional for a general quadratic form |
Functional that scales the input argument by a value. |
The functional corresponding to separable sum of functionals. |
Functional that maps all elements in the domain to zero. |