Source code for odl.solvers.functional.default_functionals

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"""Default functionals defined on any space similar to R^n or L^2."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from numbers import Integral

import numpy as np

from odl.operator import (
    ConstantOperator, DiagonalOperator, Operator, PointwiseNorm,
    ScalingOperator, ZeroOperator)
from odl.solvers.functional.functional import (
    Functional, FunctionalQuadraticPerturb)
from odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators import (
    combine_proximals, proj_simplex, proximal_box_constraint,
    proximal_const_func, proximal_convex_conj, proximal_convex_conj_kl,
    proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy, proximal_convex_conj_l1,
    proximal_convex_conj_l1_l2, proximal_convex_conj_l2,
    proximal_convex_conj_linfty, proximal_huber, proximal_l1, proximal_l1_l2,
    proximal_l2, proximal_l2_squared, proximal_linfty)
from import ProductSpace
from odl.util import conj_exponent

__all__ = ('ZeroFunctional', 'ConstantFunctional', 'ScalingFunctional',
           'LpNorm', 'L1Norm', 'GroupL1Norm', 'L2Norm', 'L2NormSquared',
           'Huber', 'NuclearNorm',
           'IndicatorZero', 'IndicatorBox', 'IndicatorNonnegativity',
           'IndicatorLpUnitBall', 'IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall',
           'KullbackLeibler', 'KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy',
           'SeparableSum', 'MoreauEnvelope')

[docs]class LpNorm(Functional): r"""The functional corresponding to the Lp-norm. Notes ----- If the functional is defined on an :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_p`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_p = \left(\sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|^p \right)^{1/p}. If the functional is defined on an :math:`L_2`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_p`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_p = \left(\int_\Omega |x(t)|^p dt. \right)^{1/p} """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, exponent): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. exponent : float Exponent for the norm (``p``). """ super(LpNorm, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.exponent = float(exponent)
# TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the Lp-norm of ``x``.""" if self.exponent == 0: return, 0)) elif self.exponent == 1: return x.ufuncs.absolute().inner( elif self.exponent == 2: return np.sqrt(x.inner(x)) elif np.isfinite(self.exponent): tmp = x.ufuncs.absolute() tmp.ufuncs.power(self.exponent, out=tmp) return np.power(tmp.inner(, 1 / self.exponent) elif self.exponent == np.inf: return x.ufuncs.absolute().ufuncs.max() elif self.exponent == -np.inf: return x.ufuncs.absolute().ufuncs.min() else: raise RuntimeError('unknown exponent')
@property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the Lp-norm.""" return IndicatorLpUnitBall(self.domain, exponent=conj_exponent(self.exponent)) @property def proximal(self): """Return the proximal factory of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_l1 : proximal factory for the L1-norm. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_l2 : proximal factory for the L2-norm. """ if self.exponent == 1: return proximal_l1(space=self.domain) elif self.exponent == 2: return proximal_l2(space=self.domain) elif self.exponent == np.inf: return proximal_linfty(space=self.domain) else: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for p=1, ' 'p=2, and p=inf') @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional. The functional is not differentiable in ``x=0``. However, when evaluating the gradient operator in this point it will return 0. """ functional = self if self.exponent == 1: class L1Gradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(L1Gradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point.""" return x.ufuncs.sign() def derivative(self, x): """Derivative is a.e. zero.""" return ZeroOperator(self.domain) return L1Gradient() elif self.exponent == 2: class L2Gradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(L2Gradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point. The gradient is not defined in 0. """ norm_of_x = x.norm() if norm_of_x == 0: return else: return x / norm_of_x return L2Gradient() else: raise NotImplementedError('`gradient` only implemented for p=1 ' 'and p=2') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.exponent)
[docs]class GroupL1Norm(Functional): r"""The functional corresponding to the mixed L1-Lp norm on `ProductSpace`. The L1-norm, ``|| ||x||_p ||_1``, is defined as the integral/sum of ``||x||_p``, where ``||x||_p`` is the pointwise p-norm. This is also known as the cross norm. Notes ----- If the functional is defined on an :math:`\mathbb{R}^{n \times m}`-like space, the group :math:`L_1`-norm, denoted :math:`\| \cdot \|_{\times, p}` is defined as .. math:: \|F\|_{\times, p} = \sum_{i = 1}^n \left(\sum_{j=1}^m |F_{i,j}|^p\right)^{1/p} If the functional is defined on an :math:`(\mathcal{L}^p)^m`-like space, the group :math:`L_1`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| F \|_{\times, p} = \int_{\Omega} \left(\sum_{j = 1}^m |F_j(x)|^p\right)^{1/p} \mathrm{d}x. """
[docs] def __init__(self, vfspace, exponent=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- vfspace : `ProductSpace` Space of vector fields on which the operator acts. It has to be a product space of identical spaces, i.e. a power space. exponent : non-zero float, optional Exponent of the norm in each point. Values between 0 and 1 are currently not supported due to numerical instability. Infinity gives the supremum norm. Default: ``vfspace.exponent``, usually 2. Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(2) >>> pspace = odl.ProductSpace(space, 2) >>> op = GroupL1Norm(pspace) >>> op([[3, 3], [4, 4]]) 10.0 Set exponent of inner (p) norm: >>> op2 = GroupL1Norm(pspace, exponent=1) >>> op2([[3, 3], [4, 4]]) 14.0 """ if not isinstance(vfspace, ProductSpace): raise TypeError('`space` must be a `ProductSpace`') if not vfspace.is_power_space: raise TypeError('`space.is_power_space` must be `True`') super(GroupL1Norm, self).__init__( space=vfspace, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.pointwise_norm = PointwiseNorm(vfspace, exponent)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the group L1-norm of ``x``.""" # TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440 pointwise_norm = self.pointwise_norm(x) return pointwise_norm.inner(
@property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient operator of the functional. The functional is not differentiable in ``x=0``. However, when evaluating the gradient operator in this point it will return 0. Notes ----- The gradient is given by .. math:: \left[ \nabla \| \|f\|_1 \|_1 \right]_i = \frac{f_i}{|f_i|} .. math:: \left[ \nabla \| \|f\|_2 \|_1 \right]_i = \frac{f_i}{\|f\|_2} else: .. math:: \left[ \nabla || ||f||_p ||_1 \right]_i = \frac{| f_i |^{p-2} f_i}{||f||_p^{p-1}} """ functional = self class GroupL1Gradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of the `GroupL1Norm` functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(GroupL1Gradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x)``.""" pwnorm_x = functional.pointwise_norm(x) pwnorm_x.ufuncs.sign(out=pwnorm_x) functional.pointwise_norm.derivative(x).adjoint(pwnorm_x, out=out) return out return GroupL1Gradient() @property def proximal(self): """Return the ``proximal factory`` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_l1 : `proximal factory` for the L1-norm. """ if self.pointwise_norm.exponent == 1: return proximal_l1(space=self.domain) elif self.pointwise_norm.exponent == 2: return proximal_l1_l2(space=self.domain) else: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for p = 1 ' 'or 2') @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the group L1-norm.""" conj_exp = conj_exponent(self.pointwise_norm.exponent) return IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall(self.domain, exponent=conj_exp) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, exponent={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.pointwise_norm.exponent)
[docs]class IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall(Functional): """The convex conjugate to the mixed L1--Lp norm on `ProductSpace`. See Also -------- GroupL1Norm """
[docs] def __init__(self, vfspace, exponent=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- vfspace : `ProductSpace` Space of vector fields on which the operator acts. It has to be a product space of identical spaces, i.e. a power space. exponent : non-zero float, optional Exponent of the norm in each point. Values between 0 and 1 are currently not supported due to numerical instability. Infinity gives the supremum norm. Default: ``vfspace.exponent``, usually 2. Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(2) >>> pspace = odl.ProductSpace(space, 2) >>> op = IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall(pspace) >>> op([[0.1, 0.5], [0.2, 0.3]]) 0 >>> op([[3, 3], [4, 4]]) inf Set exponent of inner (p) norm: >>> op2 = IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall(pspace, exponent=1) """ if not isinstance(vfspace, ProductSpace): raise TypeError('`space` must be a `ProductSpace`') if not vfspace.is_power_space: raise TypeError('`space.is_power_space` must be `True`') super(IndicatorGroupL1UnitBall, self).__init__( space=vfspace, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.pointwise_norm = PointwiseNorm(vfspace, exponent)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" x_norm = self.pointwise_norm(x).ufuncs.max() if x_norm > 1: return np.inf else: return 0
@property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_l1 : `proximal factory` for the L1-norms convex conjugate. """ if self.pointwise_norm.exponent == np.inf: return proximal_convex_conj_l1(space=self.domain) elif self.pointwise_norm.exponent == 2: return proximal_convex_conj_l1_l2(space=self.domain) else: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for p = 1 ' 'or 2') @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of IndicatorLpUnitBall. Returns ------- convex_conj : GroupL1Norm The convex conjugate is the the group L1-norm. """ conj_exp = conj_exponent(self.pointwise_norm.exponent) return GroupL1Norm(self.domain, exponent=conj_exp) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, exponent={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.pointwise_norm.exponent)
[docs]class IndicatorLpUnitBall(Functional): r"""The indicator function on the unit ball in given the ``Lp`` norm. It does not implement `gradient` since it is not differentiable everywhere. Notes ----- This functional is defined as .. math:: f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 0 & \text{if } ||x||_{L_p} \leq 1, \ \infty & \text{else,} \end{array} \right. where :math:`||x||_{L_p}` is the :math:`L_p`-norm, which for finite values of :math:`p` is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_{L_p} = \left( \int_{\Omega} |x|^p dx \right)^{1/p}, and for :math:`p = \infty` it is defined as .. math:: ||x||_{\infty} = \max_x (|x|). The functional also allows noninteger and nonpositive values of the exponent :math:`p`, however in this case :math:`\| x \|_{L_p}` is not a norm. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, exponent): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. exponent : int or infinity Specifies wich norm to use. """ super(IndicatorLpUnitBall, self).__init__(space=space, linear=False) self.__norm = LpNorm(space, exponent) self.__exponent = float(exponent)
@property def exponent(self): """Exponent corresponding to the norm.""" return self.__exponent
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" x_norm = self.__norm(x) if x_norm > 1: return np.inf else: return 0
@property def convex_conj(self): """The conjugate functional of IndicatorLpUnitBall. The convex conjugate functional of an ``Lp`` norm, ``p < infty`` is the indicator function on the unit ball defined by the corresponding dual norm ``q``, given by ``1/p + 1/q = 1`` and where ``q = infty`` if ``p = 1`` [Roc1970]. By the Fenchel-Moreau theorem, the convex conjugate functional of indicator function on the unit ball in ``Lq`` is the corresponding Lp-norm [BC2011]. References ---------- [Roc1970] Rockafellar, R. T. *Convex analysis*. Princeton University Press, 1970. [BC2011] Bauschke, H H, and Combettes, P L. *Convex analysis and monotone operator theory in Hilbert spaces*. Springer, 2011. """ if self.exponent == np.inf: return L1Norm(self.domain) elif self.exponent == 2: return L2Norm(self.domain) else: return LpNorm(self.domain, exponent=conj_exponent(self.exponent)) @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_l1 : `proximal factory` for convex conjuagte of L1-norm. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_l2 : `proximal factory` for convex conjuagte of L2-norm. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_linfty : `proximal factory` for convex conjuagte of Linfty-norm. """ if self.exponent == np.inf: return proximal_convex_conj_l1(space=self.domain) elif self.exponent == 2: return proximal_convex_conj_l2(space=self.domain) elif self.exponent == 1: return proximal_convex_conj_linfty(space=self.domain) else: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for p=1, ' 'p=2 or p=inf') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r},{!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.exponent)
[docs]class L1Norm(LpNorm): r"""The functional corresponding to L1-norm. The L1-norm, ``||x||_1``, is defined as the integral/sum of ``|x|``. Notes ----- If the functional is defined on an :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_1`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_1 = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|. If the functional is defined on an :math:`L_2`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_1`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_1 = \int_\Omega |x(t)| dt. The `proximal` factory allows using vector-valued stepsizes: >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> f = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> x = >>> f.proximal([0.5, 1.0, 1.5])(x) rn(3).element([ 0.5, 0. , 0. ]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, space): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. """ super(L1Norm, self).__init__(space=space, exponent=1)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class L2Norm(LpNorm): r"""The functional corresponding to the L2-norm. The L2-norm, ``||x||_2``, is defined as the square-root out of the integral/sum of ``x^2``. Notes ----- If the functional is defined on an :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_2`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_2 = \sqrt{ \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|^2 }. If the functional is defined on an :math:`L_2`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_2`-norm is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_2 = \sqrt{ \int_\Omega |x(t)|^2 dt. } """
[docs] def __init__(self, space): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. """ super(L2Norm, self).__init__(space=space, exponent=2)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class L2NormSquared(Functional): r"""The functional corresponding to the squared L2-norm. The squared L2-norm, ``||x||_2^2``, is defined as the integral/sum of ``x^2``. Notes ----- If the functional is defined on an :math:`\mathbb{R}^n`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_2^2`-functional is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_2^2 = \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i|^2. If the functional is defined on an :math:`L_2`-like space, the :math:`\| \cdot \|_2^2`-functional is defined as .. math:: \| x \|_2^2 = \int_\Omega |x(t)|^2 dt. The `proximal` factory allows using vector-valued stepsizes: >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> f = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(space) >>> x = >>> f.proximal([0.5, 1.5, 2.0])(x) rn(3).element([ 0.5 , 0.25, 0.2 ]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, space): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. """ super(L2NormSquared, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=2)
# TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the squared L2-norm of ``x``.""" return x.inner(x)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return ScalingOperator(self.domain, 2.0) @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_l2_squared : `proximal factory` for the squared L2-norm. """ return proximal_l2_squared(space=self.domain) @property def convex_conj(self): r"""The convex conjugate functional of the squared L2-norm. Notes ----- The conjugate functional of :math:`\| \cdot \|_2^2` is :math:`\frac{1}{4}\| \cdot \|_2^2` """ return (1.0 / 4) * L2NormSquared(self.domain) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class ConstantFunctional(Functional): """The constant functional. This functional maps all elements in the domain to a given, constant value. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, constant): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional. constant : element in ``domain.field`` The constant value of the functional """ super(ConstantFunctional, self).__init__( space=space, linear=(constant == 0), grad_lipschitz=0) self.__constant = self.range.element(constant)
@property def constant(self): """The constant value of the functional.""" return self.__constant
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return a constant value.""" return self.constant
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return ZeroOperator(self.domain) @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional.""" return proximal_const_func(self.domain) @property def convex_conj(self): r"""Convex conjugate functional of the constant functional. Notes ----- This functional is defined as .. math:: f^*(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -constant & \text{if } x = 0, \\ \infty & \text{else} \end{array} \right. """ return IndicatorZero(self.domain, -self.constant) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.constant)
[docs]class ZeroFunctional(ConstantFunctional): """Functional that maps all elements in the domain to zero."""
[docs] def __init__(self, space): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional. """ super(ZeroFunctional, self).__init__(space=space, constant=0)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class ScalingFunctional(Functional, ScalingOperator): """Functional that scales the input argument by a value. Since the range of a functional is always a field, the domain of this functional is also a field, i.e. real or complex numbers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, field, scale): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- field : `Field` Domain of the functional. scale : element in ``domain`` The constant value to scale by. Examples -------- >>> field = odl.RealNumbers() >>> func = ScalingFunctional(field, 3) >>> func(5) 15.0 """ Functional.__init__(self, space=field, linear=True, grad_lipschitz=0) ScalingOperator.__init__(self, field, scale)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return ConstantFunctional(self.domain, self.scalar)
[docs]class IdentityFunctional(ScalingFunctional): """Functional that maps a scalar to itself. See Also -------- odl.operator.default_ops.IdentityOperator """
[docs] def __init__(self, field): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- field : `Field` Domain of the functional. """ super(IdentityFunctional, self).__init__(field, 1.0)
[docs]class IndicatorBox(Functional): r"""Indicator on some box shaped domain. Notes ----- The indicator :math:`F` with lower bound :math:`a` and upper bound :math:`b` is defined as: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } a \leq x \leq b \text{ everywhere}, \\ \infty & \text{else} \end{cases} """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, lower=None, upper=None): """Initialize an instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional. lower : ``space.field`` element or ``space`` `element-like`, optional The lower bound. Default: ``None``, interpreted as -infinity upper : ``space.field`` element or ``space`` `element-like`, optional The upper bound. Default: ``None``, interpreted as +infinity Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> func = IndicatorBox(space, 0, 2) >>> func([0, 1, 2]) # all points inside 0 >>> func([0, 1, 3]) # one point outside inf """ super(IndicatorBox, self).__init__(space, linear=False) self.lower = lower self.upper = upper
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" # Since the proximal projects onto our feasible set we can simply # check if it changes anything proj = self.proximal(1)(x) return np.inf if x.dist(proj) > 0 else 0
@property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional.""" return proximal_box_constraint(self.domain, self.lower, self.upper) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.lower, self.upper)
[docs]class IndicatorNonnegativity(IndicatorBox): r"""Indicator on the set of non-negative numbers. Notes ----- The nonnegativity indicator :math:`F` is defined as: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } 0 \leq x \text{ everywhere}, \\ \infty & \text{else} \end{cases} """
[docs] def __init__(self, space): """Initialize an instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional. Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> func = IndicatorNonnegativity(space) >>> func([0, 1, 2]) # all points positive 0 >>> func([0, 1, -3]) # one point negative inf """ super(IndicatorNonnegativity, self).__init__( space, lower=0, upper=None)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class IndicatorZero(Functional): """The indicator function of the singleton set {0}. The function has a constant value if the input is zero, otherwise infinity. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, constant=0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional. constant : element in ``domain.field``, optional The constant value of the functional Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> func = IndicatorZero(space) >>> func([0, 0, 0]) 0 >>> func([0, 0, 1]) inf >>> func = IndicatorZero(space, constant=2) >>> func([0, 0, 0]) 2 """ super(IndicatorZero, self).__init__(space, linear=False) self.__constant = constant
@property def constant(self): """The constant value of the functional if ``x=0``.""" return self.__constant
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" if x.norm() == 0: # In this case x is the zero-element. return self.constant else: return np.inf
@property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional. Notes ----- By the Fenchel-Moreau theorem the convex conjugate is the constant functional [BC2011] with the constant value of -`constant`. References ---------- [BC2011] Bauschke, H H, and Combettes, P L. *Convex analysis and monotone operator theory in Hilbert spaces*. Springer, 2011. """ return ConstantFunctional(self.domain, -self.constant) @property def proximal(self): """Return the proximal factory of the functional. This is the zero operator. """ def zero_proximal(sigma=1.0): """Proximal factory for zero operator. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float, optional Step size parameter. """ return ZeroOperator(self.domain) return zero_proximal def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.constant)
[docs]class KullbackLeibler(Functional): r"""The Kullback-Leibler divergence functional. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F` with prior :math:`g>=0` is given by: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} \int \left( x(t) - g(t) + g(t) \log \left( \frac{g(t)}{x(t)} \right) \right) dt & \text{if } x(t) > 0 \; \forall t \\ +\infty & \text{else.} \end{cases} Note that we use the common definition 0 log(0) := 0. KL based objectives are common in MLEM optimization problems and are often used as data-matching term when data noise governed by a multivariate Poisson probability distribution is significant. The functional is related to the Kullback-Leibler cross entropy functional `KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy`. The KL cross entropy is the one diescribed in `this Wikipedia article <>`_, and the functional :math:`F` is obtained by switching place of the prior and the varialbe in the KL cross entropy functional. For a theoretical exposition, see `Csiszar1991`_. See Also -------- KullbackLeiblerConvexConj : the convex conjugate functional KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy : related functional References ---------- .. _Csiszar1991: """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, prior=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. prior : ``space`` `element-like`, optional Depending on the context, the prior, target or data distribution. It is assumed to be nonnegative. Default: if None it is take as the one-element. Examples -------- Test that KullbackLeibler(x,x) = 0 >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> prior = 3 * >>> func = odl.solvers.KullbackLeibler(space, prior=prior) >>> func(prior) 0.0 Test that zeros in the prior are handled correctly >>> prior = >>> func = odl.solvers.KullbackLeibler(space, prior=prior) >>> x = >>> func(x) 3.0 """ super(KullbackLeibler, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) if prior is not None and prior not in self.domain: raise ValueError('`prior` not in `domain`' ''.format(prior, self.domain)) self.__prior = prior
@property def prior(self): """The prior in the Kullback-Leibler functional.""" return self.__prior # TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the KL-diveregnce in the point ``x``. If any components of ``x`` is non-positive, the value is positive infinity. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.special with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): if self.prior is None: res = (x - 1 - np.log(x)).inner( else: xlogy = scipy.special.xlogy(self.prior, self.prior / x) res = (x - self.prior + xlogy).inner( if not np.isfinite(res): # In this case, some element was less than or equal to zero return np.inf else: return res
@property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient of the KL functional. The gradient of `KullbackLeibler` with ``prior`` :math:`g` is given as .. math:: \nabla F(x) = 1 - \frac{g}{x}. The gradient is not defined in points where one or more components are non-positive. """ functional = self class KLGradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(KLGradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point. The gradient is not defined in points where one or more components are non-positive. """ if functional.prior is None: return (-1.0) / x + 1 else: return (-functional.prior) / x + 1 return KLGradient() @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_kl : `proximal factory` for convex conjugate of KL. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj : Proximal of the convex conjugate of a functional. """ return proximal_convex_conj(proximal_convex_conj_kl(space=self.domain, g=self.prior)) @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the KL-functional.""" return KullbackLeiblerConvexConj(self.domain, self.prior) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.prior)
[docs]class KullbackLeiblerConvexConj(Functional): r"""The convex conjugate of Kullback-Leibler divergence functional. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F^*` with prior :math:`g>=0` is given by: .. math:: F^*(x) = \begin{cases} \sum_{i} \left( -g_i \ln(1 - x_i) \right) & \text{if } x_i < 1 \forall i \\ +\infty & \text{else} \end{cases} See Also -------- KullbackLeibler : convex conjugate functional """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, prior=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. prior : ``space`` `element-like`, optional Depending on the context, the prior, target or data distribution. It is assumed to be nonnegative. Default: if None it is take as the one-element. """ super(KullbackLeiblerConvexConj, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) if prior is not None and prior not in self.domain: raise ValueError('`prior` not in `domain`' ''.format(prior, self.domain)) self.__prior = prior
@property def prior(self): """The prior in convex conjugate Kullback-Leibler functional.""" return self.__prior # TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the value in the point ``x``. If any components of ``x`` is larger than or equal to 1, the value is positive infinity. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.special with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): if self.prior is None: res = -(np.log(1 - x)).inner( else: xlogy = scipy.special.xlogy(self.prior, 1 - x) res = -self.domain.element(xlogy).inner( if not np.isfinite(res): # In this case, some element was larger than or equal to one return np.inf else: return res
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional. The gradient is not defined in points where one or more components are larger than or equal to one. """ functional = self class KLCCGradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(KLCCGradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point. The gradient is not defined in points where one or more components are larger than or equal to one. """ if functional.prior is None: return 1.0 / (1 - x) else: return functional.prior / (1 - x) return KLCCGradient() @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_kl : `proximal factory` for convex conjugate of KL. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj : Proximal of the convex conjugate of a functional. """ return proximal_convex_conj_kl(space=self.domain, g=self.prior) @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the conjugate KL-functional.""" return KullbackLeibler(self.domain, self.prior) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.prior)
[docs]class KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy(Functional): r"""The Kullback-Leibler Cross Entropy divergence functional. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F` with prior :math:`g>0` is given by: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} \sum_{i} \left( g_i - x_i + x_i \log \left( \frac{x_i}{g_i} \right) \right) & \text{if } g_i > 0 \forall i \\ +\infty & \text{else} \end{cases} For further information about the functional, see the `Wikipedia article on the Kullback Leibler divergence <>`_, or read for example `this article <>`_. The KL cross entropy functional :math:`F`, described above, is related to another functional which is also know as KL divergence. This functional is often used as data discrepancy term in inverse problems, when data is corrupted with Poisson noise. It is obtained by changing place of the prior and the variable. See the See Also section. For a theoretical exposition, see `Csiszar1991`_. See Also -------- KullbackLeibler : related functional KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropyConvexConj : the convex conjugate functional References ---------- .. _Csiszar1991: """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, prior=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. prior : ``space`` `element-like`, optional Depending on the context, the prior, target or data distribution. It is assumed to be nonnegative. Default: if None it is take as the one-element. """ super(KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) if prior is not None and prior not in self.domain: raise ValueError('`prior` not in `domain`' ''.format(prior, self.domain)) self.__prior = prior
@property def prior(self): """The prior in the Kullback-Leibler functional.""" return self.__prior # TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the KL-diveregnce in the point ``x``. If any components of ``x`` is non-positive, the value is positive infinity. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.special with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): if self.prior is None: xlogx = scipy.special.xlogy(x, x) res = (1 - x + xlogx).inner( else: xlogy = scipy.special.xlogy(x, x / self.prior) res = (self.prior - x + xlogy).inner( if not np.isfinite(res): # In this case, some element was less than or equal to zero return np.inf else: return res
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional. The gradient is not defined in points where one or more components are less than or equal to 0. """ functional = self class KLCrossEntropyGradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(KLCrossEntropyGradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point. The gradient is not defined in for points with components less than or equal to zero. """ if functional.prior is None: tmp = np.log(x) else: tmp = np.log(x / functional.prior) if np.all(np.isfinite(tmp)): return tmp else: # The derivative is not defined. raise ValueError('The gradient of the Kullback-Leibler ' 'Cross Entropy functional is not defined ' 'for `x` with one or more components ' 'less than or equal to zero.'.format(x)) return KLCrossEntropyGradient() @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy : `proximal factory` for convex conjugate of the KL cross entropy. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj : Proximal of the convex conjugate of a functional. """ return proximal_convex_conj(proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy( space=self.domain, g=self.prior)) @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the KL-functional.""" return KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropyConvexConj(self.domain, self.prior) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.prior)
[docs]class KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropyConvexConj(Functional): r"""The convex conjugate of Kullback-Leibler Cross Entorpy functional. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F^*` with prior :math:`g>0` is given by .. math:: F^*(x) = \sum_i g_i \left(e^{x_i} - 1\right) See Also -------- KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy : convex conjugate functional """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, prior=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. prior : ``space`` `element-like`, optional Depending on the context, the prior, target or data distribution. It is assumed to be nonnegative. Default: if None it is take as the one-element. """ super(KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropyConvexConj, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) if prior is not None and prior not in self.domain: raise ValueError('`prior` not in `domain`' ''.format(prior, self.domain)) self.__prior = prior
@property def prior(self): """The prior in convex conjugate Kullback-Leibler Cross Entorpy.""" return self.__prior # TODO: update when integration operator is in place: issue #440
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the value in the point ``x``.""" if self.prior is None: tmp = self.domain.element((np.exp(x) - 1)).inner( else: tmp = (self.prior * (np.exp(x) - 1)).inner( return tmp
# TODO: replace this when UFuncOperators is in place: PL #576 @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" functional = self class KLCrossEntCCGradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(KLCrossEntCCGradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point.""" if functional.prior is None: return self.domain.element(np.exp(x)) else: return functional.prior * np.exp(x) return KLCrossEntCCGradient() @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy : `proximal factory` for convex conjugate of the KL cross entropy. """ return proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy(space=self.domain, g=self.prior) @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional of the conjugate KL-functional.""" return KullbackLeiblerCrossEntropy(self.domain, self.prior) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.prior)
[docs]class SeparableSum(Functional): r"""The functional corresponding to separable sum of functionals. The separable sum of functionals ``f_1, f_2, ..., f_n`` is given by :: h(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = sum_i^n f_i(x_i) The separable sum is thus defined for any collection of functionals with the same range. Notes ----- The separable sum of functionals :math:`f_1, f_2, ..., f_n` is given by .. math:: h(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n f_i(x_i) It has several useful features that also distribute. For example, the gradient is a `DiagonalOperator`: .. math:: [\nabla h](x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = [\nabla f_1(x_i), \nabla f_2(x_i), ..., \nabla f_n(x_i)] The convex conjugate is also a separable sum: .. math:: [h^*](y_1, y_2, ..., y_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n f_i^*(y_i) And the proximal distributes: .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma h}(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = [\mathrm{prox}_{\sigma f_1}(x_1), \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma f_2}(x_2), ..., \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma f_n}(x_n)]. If :math:`\sigma = (\sigma_1, \sigma_2, \ldots, \sigma_n)` is a list of positive ``float``'s, then it distributes, too: .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma h}(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) = [\mathrm{prox}_{\sigma_1 f_1}(x_1), \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma_2 f_2}(x_2), ..., \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma_n f_n}(x_n)]. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *functionals): r"""Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- functional1, ..., functionalN : `Functional` The functionals in the sum. Can also be given as ``space, n`` with ``n`` integer, in which case the functional is repeated ``n`` times. Examples -------- Create functional ``f([x1, x2]) = ||x1||_1 + ||x2||_2``: >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> l1 = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> l2 = odl.solvers.L2Norm(space) >>> f_sum = odl.solvers.SeparableSum(l1, l2) The `proximal` factory allows using vector-valued stepsizes: >>> x = >>> f_sum.proximal([0.5, 2.0])(x) ProductSpace(rn(3), 2).element([ [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [ 0., 0., 0.] ]) Create functional ``f([x1, ... ,xn]) = \sum_i ||xi||_1``: >>> f_sum = odl.solvers.SeparableSum(l1, 5) """ # Make a power space if the second argument is an integer if (len(functionals) == 2 and isinstance(functionals[1], Integral)): functionals = [functionals[0]] * functionals[1] if not all(isinstance(op, Functional) for op in functionals): raise TypeError('all arguments must be `Functional` instances') domains = [func.domain for func in functionals] domain = ProductSpace(*domains) linear = all(func.is_linear for func in functionals) super(SeparableSum, self).__init__(space=domain, linear=linear) self.__functionals = tuple(functionals)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return the separable sum evaluated in ``x``.""" return sum(fi(xi) for xi, fi in zip(x, self.functionals))
@property def functionals(self): """The summands of the functional.""" return self.__functionals
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return ``self[index]``. Parameters ---------- indices : index expression Object determining which parts of the sum to extract. Returns ------- subfunctional : `Functional` or `SeparableSum` Functional corresponding to the given indices. Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> l1 = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> l2 = odl.solvers.L2Norm(space) >>> f_sum = odl.solvers.SeparableSum(l1, l2, 2*l2) Extract single sub-functional via integer index: >>> f_sum[0] L1Norm(rn(3)) Extract subset of functionals: >>> f_sum[:2] SeparableSum(L1Norm(rn(3)), L2Norm(rn(3))) """ result = self.functionals[indices] if isinstance(result, tuple): return SeparableSum(*result) else: return result
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" gradients = [func.gradient for func in self.functionals] return DiagonalOperator(*gradients) @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional. The proximal operator separates over separable sums. Returns ------- proximal : combine_proximals """ proximals = [func.proximal for func in self.functionals] return combine_proximals(*proximals) @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate functional. Convex conjugate distributes over separable sums, so the result is simply the separable sum of the convex conjugates. """ convex_conjs = [func.convex_conj for func in self.functionals] return SeparableSum(*convex_conjs) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" func_repr = ', '.join(repr(func) for func in self.functionals) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, func_repr)
[docs]class QuadraticForm(Functional): """Functional for a general quadratic form ``x^T A x + b^T x + c``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, operator=None, vector=None, constant=0): """Initialize a new instance. All parameters are optional, but at least one of ``op`` and ``vector`` have to be provided in order to infer the space. The computed value is:: x.inner(operator(x)) + vector.inner(x) + constant Parameters ---------- operator : `Operator`, optional Operator for the quadratic part of the functional. ``None`` means that this part is ignored. vector : `LinearSpaceElement`, optional Vector for the linear part of the functional. ``None`` means that this part is ignored. constant : `Operator`, optional Constant offset of the functional. """ if operator is None and vector is None: raise ValueError('need to provide at least one of `operator` and ' '`vector`') if operator is not None: domain = operator.domain elif vector is not None: domain = if (operator is not None and vector is not None and vector not in operator.domain): raise ValueError('domain of `operator` and space of `vector` need ' 'to match') super(QuadraticForm, self).__init__( space=domain, linear=(operator is None and constant == 0)) self.__operator = operator self.__vector = vector self.__constant = constant if self.constant not in self.range: raise ValueError('`constant` must be an element in the range of ' 'the functional')
@property def operator(self): """Operator for the quadratic part of the functional.""" return self.__operator @property def vector(self): """Vector for the linear part of the functional.""" return self.__vector @property def constant(self): """Constant offset of the functional.""" return self.__constant
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" if self.operator is None: return self.vector.inner(x) + self.constant elif self.vector is None: return x.inner(self.operator(x)) + self.constant else: tmp = self.operator(x) tmp += self.vector return x.inner(tmp) + self.constant
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" if self.operator is None: return ConstantOperator(self.vector, self.domain) else: if not self.operator.is_linear: # TODO: Acutally works otherwise, but needs more work raise NotImplementedError('`operator` must be linear') # Figure out if operator is symmetric opadjoint = self.operator.adjoint if opadjoint == self.operator: gradient = 2 * self.operator else: gradient = self.operator + opadjoint # Return gradient if self.vector is None: return gradient else: return gradient + self.vector @property def convex_conj(self): r"""The convex conjugate functional of the quadratic form. Notes ----- The convex conjugate of the quadratic form :math:`<x, Ax> + <b, x> + c` is given by .. math:: (<x, Ax> + <b, x> + c)^* (x) = <(x - b), A^-1 (x - b)> - c = <x , A^-1 x> - <x, A^-* b> - <x, A^-1 b> + <b, A^-1 b> - c. If the quadratic part of the functional is zero it is instead given by a translated indicator function on zero, i.e., if .. math:: f(x) = <b, x> + c, then .. math:: f^*(x^*) = \begin{cases} -c & \text{if } x^* = b \\ \infty & \text{else.} \end{cases} See Also -------- IndicatorZero """ if self.operator is None: tmp = IndicatorZero(space=self.domain, constant=-self.constant) if self.vector is None: return tmp else: return tmp.translated(self.vector) if self.vector is None: # Handle trivial case separately return QuadraticForm(operator=self.operator.inverse, constant=-self.constant) else: # Compute the needed variables opinv = self.operator.inverse vector = -opinv.adjoint(self.vector) - opinv(self.vector) constant = self.vector.inner(opinv(self.vector)) - self.constant # Create new quadratic form return QuadraticForm(operator=opinv, vector=vector, constant=constant)
[docs]class NuclearNorm(Functional): r"""Nuclear norm for matrix valued functions. Notes ----- For a matrix-valued function :math:`f : \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}`, the nuclear norm with parameters :math:`p` and :math:`q` is defined by .. math:: \left( \int_\Omega \|\sigma(f(x))\|_p^q d x \right)^{1/q}, where :math:`\sigma(f(x))` is the vector of singular values of the matrix :math:`f(x)` and :math:`\| \cdot \|_p` is the usual :math:`p`-norm on :math:`\mathbb{R}^{\min(n, m)}`. For a detailed description of its properties, e.g, its proximal, convex conjugate and more, see [Du+2016]. References ---------- [Du+2016] J. Duran, M. Moeller, C. Sbert, and D. Cremers. *Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models* SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences 9(1): 116--151, 2016. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, outer_exp=1, singular_vector_exp=2): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `ProductSpace` of `ProductSpace` of `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. outer_exp : {1, 2, inf}, optional Exponent for the outer norm. singular_vector_exp : {1, 2, inf}, optional Exponent for the norm for the singular vectors. Examples -------- Simple example, nuclear norm of matrix valued function with all ones in 3 points. The singular values are [2, 0], which has squared 2-norm 2. Since there are 3 points, the expected total value is 6. >>> r3 = odl.rn(3) >>> space = odl.ProductSpace(odl.ProductSpace(r3, 2), 2) >>> norm = NuclearNorm(space) >>> norm( 6.0 """ if (not isinstance(space, ProductSpace) or not isinstance(space[0], ProductSpace)): raise TypeError('`space` must be a `ProductSpace` of ' '`ProductSpace`s') if (not space.is_power_space or not space[0].is_power_space): raise TypeError('`space` must be of the form `TensorSpace^(nxm)`') super(NuclearNorm, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.outernorm = LpNorm(self.domain[0, 0], exponent=outer_exp) self.pwisenorm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain[0], exponent=singular_vector_exp) self.pshape = (len(self.domain), len(self.domain[0]))
def _asarray(self, vec): """Convert ``x`` to an array. Here the indices are changed such that the "outer" indices come last in order to have the access order as `numpy.linalg.svd` needs it. This is the inverse of `_asvector`. """ shape = self.domain[0, 0].shape + self.pshape arr = np.empty(shape, dtype=self.domain.dtype) for i, xi in enumerate(vec): for j, xij in enumerate(xi): arr[..., i, j] = xij.asarray() return arr def _asvector(self, arr): """Convert ``arr`` to a `domain` element. This is the inverse of `_asarray`. """ result = np.moveaxis(arr, [-2, -1], [0, 1]) return self.domain.element(result)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" # Convert to array with most arr = self._asarray(x) svd_diag = np.linalg.svd(arr, compute_uv=False) # Rotate the axes so the svd-direction is first s_reordered = np.moveaxis(svd_diag, -1, 0) # Return nuclear norm return self.outernorm(self.pwisenorm(s_reordered))
@property def proximal(self): """Return the proximal operator. Raises ------ NotImplementedError if ``outer_exp`` is not 1 or ``singular_vector_exp`` is not 1, 2 or infinity """ if self.outernorm.exponent != 1: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for ' '`outer_exp==1`') if self.pwisenorm.exponent not in [1, 2, np.inf]: raise NotImplementedError('`proximal` only implemented for ' '`singular_vector_exp` in [1, 2, inf]') def nddot(a, b): """Compute pointwise matrix product in the last indices.""" return np.einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', a, b) func = self # Add epsilon to fix rounding errors, i.e. make sure that when we # project on the unit ball, we actually end up slightly inside the unit # ball. Without, we may end up slightly outside. dtype = getattr(self.domain, 'dtype', float) eps = np.finfo(dtype).resolution * 10 class NuclearNormProximal(Operator): """Proximal operator of `NuclearNorm`.""" def __init__(self, sigma): self.sigma = float(sigma) super(NuclearNormProximal, self).__init__( func.domain, func.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" arr = func._asarray(x) # Compute SVD U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(arr, full_matrices=False) # transpose pointwise V = Vt.swapaxes(-1, -2) # Take pseudoinverse of s sinv = s.copy() sinv[sinv != 0] = 1 / sinv[sinv != 0] # Take pointwise proximal operator of s w.r.t. the norm # on the singular vectors if func.pwisenorm.exponent == 1: abss = np.abs(s) - (self.sigma - eps) sprox = np.sign(s) * np.maximum(abss, 0) elif func.pwisenorm.exponent == 2: s_reordered = np.moveaxis(s, -1, 0) snorm = func.pwisenorm(s_reordered).asarray() snorm = np.maximum(self.sigma, snorm, out=snorm) sprox = ((1 - eps) - self.sigma / snorm)[..., None] * s elif func.pwisenorm.exponent == np.inf: snorm = np.sum(np.abs(s), axis=-1) snorm = np.maximum(self.sigma, snorm, out=snorm) sprox = ((1 - eps) - self.sigma / snorm)[..., None] * s else: raise RuntimeError # Compute s matrix sproxsinv = (sprox * sinv)[..., :, None] # Compute the final result result = nddot(nddot(arr, V), sproxsinv * Vt) # Cast to vector and return. Note array and vector have # different shapes. return func._asvector(result) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{!r}.proximal({})'.format(func, self.sigma) return NuclearNormProximal @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate of the nuclear norm. The convex conjugate is the indicator function on the unit ball of the dual norm where the dual norm is obtained by taking the conjugate exponent of both the outer and singular vector exponents. """ return IndicatorNuclearNormUnitBall( self.domain, conj_exponent(self.outernorm.exponent), conj_exponent(self.pwisenorm.exponent)) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.outernorm.exponent, self.pwisenorm.exponent)
[docs]class IndicatorNuclearNormUnitBall(Functional): r"""Indicator on unit ball of nuclear norm for matrix valued functions. Notes ----- For a matrix-valued function :math:`f : \Omega \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}`, the nuclear norm with parameters :math:`p` and :math:`q` is defined by .. math:: \left( \int_\Omega \|\sigma(f(x))\|_p^q d x \right)^{1/q}, where :math:`\sigma(f(x))` is the vector of singular values of the matrix :math:`f(x)` and :math:`\| \cdot \|_p` is the usual :math:`p`-norm on :math:`\mathbb{R}^{\min(n, m)}`. This function is defined as the indicator on the unit ball of the nuclear norm, that is, 0 if the nuclear norm is less than 1, and infinity else. For a detailed description of its properties, e.g, its proximal, convex conjugate and more, see [Du+2016]. References ---------- [Du+2016] J. Duran, M. Moeller, C. Sbert, and D. Cremers. *Collaborative Total Variation: A General Framework for Vectorial TV Models* SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences 9(1): 116--151, 2016. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, outer_exp=1, singular_vector_exp=2): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `ProductSpace` of `ProductSpace` of `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. outer_exp : {1, 2, inf}, optional Exponent for the outer norm. singular_vector_exp : {1, 2, inf}, optional Exponent for the norm for the singular vectors. Examples -------- Simple example, nuclear norm of matrix valued function with all ones in 3 points. The singular values are [2, 0], which has squared 2-norm 2. Since there are 3 points, the expected total value is 6. Since the nuclear norm is larger than 1, the indicator is infinity. >>> r3 = odl.rn(3) >>> space = odl.ProductSpace(odl.ProductSpace(r3, 2), 2) >>> norm = IndicatorNuclearNormUnitBall(space) >>> norm( inf """ super(IndicatorNuclearNormUnitBall, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.__norm = NuclearNorm(space, outer_exp, singular_vector_exp)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" x_norm = self.__norm(x) if x_norm > 1: return np.inf else: return 0
@property def proximal(self): """The proximal operator.""" # Implement proximal via duality return proximal_convex_conj(self.convex_conj.proximal) @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate of the unit ball indicator of the nuclear norm. The convex conjugate is the dual nuclear norm where the dual norm is obtained by taking the conjugate exponent of both the outer and singular vector exponents. """ return NuclearNorm(self.domain, conj_exponent(self.__norm.outernorm.exponent), conj_exponent(self.__norm.pwisenorm.exponent)) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.__norm.outernorm.exponent, self.__norm.pwisenorm.exponent)
[docs]class IndicatorSimplex(Functional): r"""Indicator functional of simplex. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F` is given by: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } x_i \geq 0 \forall i \text{ and } \sum_i x_i = r \ +\infty & \text{else.} \end{cases} where :math:`r` is the diameter. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, diameter=1, sum_rtol=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. diameter : positive float, optional Diameter of the simplex. sum_rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance for sum comparison. Default: - ``space.dtype == 'float64'``: ``1e-10 * space.size`` - Otherwise: ``1e-6 * space.size`` Examples -------- Example where a point lies outside the unit simplex ... >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> ind_simplex = IndicatorSimplex(space) >>> x = >>> ind_simplex(x) inf ... and one where it lies inside the unit simplex. >>> x /= x.ufuncs.sum() >>> ind_simplex(x) 0 """ super(IndicatorSimplex, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.diameter = float(diameter) if sum_rtol is None: if space.dtype == 'float64': sum_rtol = 1e-10 * self.domain.size else: sum_rtol = 1e-6 * self.domain.size self.sum_rtol = sum_rtol
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" sum_constr = abs(x.ufuncs.sum() / self.diameter - 1) <= self.sum_rtol nonneq_constr = x.ufuncs.greater_equal(0).asarray().all() if sum_constr and nonneq_constr: return 0 else: return np.inf
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional. The indicator functional is not differentiable over the entire domain. """ raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented') @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional.""" domain = self.domain diameter = self.diameter class ProximalSimplex(Operator): """Proximal operator implemented by the algorithm of [D+2008]. [D+2008] Duchi, J., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Singer, Y., and Chandra, T. *Efficient Projections onto the L1-ball for Learning in High dimensions*. ICML 2008, pp. 272-279. """ def __init__(self, sigma): self.sigma = sigma super(ProximalSimplex, self).__init__( domain=domain, range=domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): # projection onto simplex proj_simplex(x, diameter, out) return ProximalSimplex @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate.""" raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class IndicatorSumConstraint(Functional): r"""Indicator functional of a unit sum constraint. Notes ----- The functional :math:`F` is given by: .. math:: F(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \sum_i x_i = 1 \ +\infty & \text{else.} \end{cases} """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, sum_value=1, sum_rtol=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` or `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. sum_value : float Desired value of the sum constraint. sum_rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance for sum comparison. If set to None, the default is ``space.size`` times ``1e-10`` when ``space.dtype`` is ``float64`` and ``1e-6`` otherwise. Examples -------- Example where a point does not have unit sum ... >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> ind_sum = IndicatorSumConstraint(space) >>> x = >>> ind_sum(x) inf ... and one where it does. >>> x /= x.ufuncs.sum() >>> ind_sum(x) 0 """ super(IndicatorSumConstraint, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) if sum_rtol is None: if space.dtype == 'float64': sum_rtol = 1e-10 * self.domain.size else: sum_rtol = 1e-6 * self.domain.size self.sum_rtol = float(sum_rtol) self.sum_value = float(sum_value)
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" if abs(x.ufuncs.sum() / self.sum_value - 1) <= self.sum_rtol: return 0 else: return np.inf
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional. The indicator functional is not differentiable over the entire domain. """ raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented') @property def proximal(self): """Return the `proximal factory` of the functional.""" domain = self.domain class ProximalSum(Operator): """Proximal operator.""" def __init__(self, sigma): self.sigma = sigma super(ProximalSum, self).__init__( domain=domain, range=domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): offset = 1 / x.size * (self.sum_value - x.ufuncs.sum()) out.assign(x) out += offset return ProximalSum @property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate.""" raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain)
[docs]class MoreauEnvelope(Functional): r"""Moreau envelope of a convex functional. The Moreau envelope is a way to smooth an arbitrary convex functional such that its gradient can be computed given the proximal of the original functional. The new functional has the same critical points as the original. It is also called the Moreau-Yosida regularization. Note that the only computable property of the Moreau envelope is the gradient, the functional itself cannot be evaluated efficiently. See `Proximal Algorithms`_ for more information. Notes ----- The Moreau envelope of a convex functional :math:`f : \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}` multiplied by a scalar :math:`\sigma` is defined by .. math:: \mathrm{env}_{\sigma f}(x) = \inf_{y \in \mathcal{X}} \left\{ \frac{1}{2 \sigma} \| x - y \|_2^2 + f(y) \right\} The gradient of the envelope is given by .. math:: [\nabla \mathrm{env}_{\sigma f}](x) = \frac{1}{\sigma} (x - \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma f}(x)) Example: if :math:`f = \| \cdot \|_1`, then .. math:: [\mathrm{env}_{\sigma \| \cdot \|_1}(x)]_i = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2 \sigma} x_i^2 & \text{if } |x_i| \leq \sigma \\ |x_i| - \frac{\sigma}{2} & \text{if } |x_i| > \sigma, \end{cases} which is the usual Huber functional. References ---------- .. _Proximal Algorithms: \ """
[docs] def __init__(self, functional, sigma=1.0): """Initialize an instance. Parameters ---------- functional : `Functional` The functional ``f`` in the definition of the Moreau envelope that is to be smoothed. sigma : positive float, optional The scalar ``sigma`` in the definition of the Moreau envelope. Larger values mean stronger smoothing. Examples -------- Create smoothed l1 norm: >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> l1_norm = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> smoothed_l1 = MoreauEnvelope(l1_norm) """ super(MoreauEnvelope, self).__init__( space=functional.domain, linear=False) self.__functional = functional self.__sigma = sigma
@property def functional(self): """The functional that has been regularized.""" return self.__functional @property def sigma(self): """Regularization constant, larger means stronger regularization.""" return self.__sigma @property def gradient(self): """The gradient operator.""" return (ScalingOperator(self.domain, 1 / self.sigma) - (1 / self.sigma) * self.functional.proximal(self.sigma))
[docs]class Huber(Functional): r"""The Huber functional. Notes ----- The Huber norm is the integral over a smoothed norm. In detail, it is given by .. math:: F(x) = \int_\Omega f_{\gamma}(||x(y)||_2) dy where :math:`||\cdot||_2` denotes the Euclidean norm for vector-valued functions which reduces to the absolute value for scalar-valued functions. The function :math:`f` with smoothing :math:`\gamma` is given by .. math:: f_{\gamma}(t) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{2 \gamma} t^2 & \text{if } |t| \leq \gamma \\ |t| - \frac{\gamma}{2} & \text{else} \end{cases}. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, gamma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `TensorSpace` Domain of the functional. gamma : float Smoothing parameter of the Huber functional. If ``gamma = 0``, the functional is non-smooth and corresponds to the usual L1 norm. For ``gamma > 0``, it has a ``1/gamma``-Lipschitz gradient so that its convex conjugate is ``gamma``-strongly convex. Examples -------- Example of initializing the Huber functional: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 14) >>> gamma = 0.1 >>> huber_norm = odl.solvers.Huber(space, gamma=0.1) Check that if all elements are > ``gamma`` we get the L1-norm up to a constant: >>> x = 2 * gamma * >>> tol = 1e-5 >>> constant = gamma / 2 * >>> f = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) - constant >>> abs(huber_norm(x) - f(x)) < tol True Check that if all elements are < ``gamma`` we get the squared L2-norm times the weight ``1/(2*gamma)``: >>> x = gamma / 2 * >>> f = 1 / (2 * gamma) * odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(space) >>> abs(huber_norm(x) - f(x)) < tol True Compare Huber- and L1-norm for vanishing smoothing ``gamma=0``: >>> x = odl.phantom.white_noise(space) >>> huber_norm = odl.solvers.Huber(space, gamma=0) >>> l1_norm = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> abs(huber_norm(x) - l1_norm(x)) < tol True Redo previous example for a product space in two dimensions: >>> domain = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], [5, 5]) >>> space = odl.ProductSpace(domain, 2) >>> x = odl.phantom.white_noise(space) >>> huber_norm = odl.solvers.Huber(space, gamma=0) >>> l1_norm = odl.solvers.GroupL1Norm(space, 2) >>> abs(huber_norm(x) - l1_norm(x)) < tol True """ self.__gamma = float(gamma) if self.gamma > 0: grad_lipschitz = 1 / self.gamma else: grad_lipschitz = np.inf super(Huber, self).__init__( space=space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=grad_lipschitz)
@property def gamma(self): """The smoothing parameter of the Huber norm functional.""" return self.__gamma
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" if isinstance(self.domain, ProductSpace): norm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain, 2)(x) else: norm = x.ufuncs.absolute() if self.gamma > 0: tmp = norm.ufuncs.square() tmp *= 1 / (2 * self.gamma) index = norm.ufuncs.greater_equal(self.gamma) tmp[index] = norm[index] - self.gamma / 2 else: tmp = norm return tmp.inner(
@property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate""" if isinstance(self.domain, ProductSpace): norm = GroupL1Norm(self.domain, 2) else: norm = L1Norm(self.domain) return FunctionalQuadraticPerturb(norm.convex_conj, quadratic_coeff=self.gamma / 2) @property def proximal(self): """Return the ``proximal factory`` of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_huber : `proximal factory` for the Huber norm. """ return proximal_huber(space=self.domain, gamma=self.gamma) @property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient operator of the functional. The gradient of the Huber functional is given by .. math:: \nabla f_{\gamma}(x) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{\gamma} x & \text{if } \|x\|_2 \leq \gamma \\ \frac{1}{\|x\|_2} x & \text{else} \end{cases}. Examples -------- Check that the gradient norm is less than the norm of the one element: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 14) >>> norm_one = >>> x = odl.phantom.white_noise(space) >>> huber_norm = odl.solvers.Huber(space, gamma=0.1) >>> grad = huber_norm.gradient(x) >>> tol = 1e-5 >>> grad.norm() <= norm_one + tol True Redo previous example for a product space in two dimensions: >>> domain = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], [5, 5]) >>> space = odl.ProductSpace(domain, 2) >>> norm_one = >>> x = odl.phantom.white_noise(space) >>> huber_norm = odl.solvers.Huber(space, gamma=0.2) >>> grad = huber_norm.gradient(x) >>> tol = 1e-5 >>> grad.norm() <= norm_one + tol True """ functional = self class HuberGradient(Operator): """The gradient operator of this functional.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(HuberGradient, self).__init__( functional.domain, functional.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point.""" if isinstance(self.domain, ProductSpace): norm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain, 2)(x) else: norm = x.ufuncs.absolute() grad = x / functional.gamma index = norm.ufuncs.greater_equal(functional.gamma) if isinstance(self.domain, ProductSpace): for xi, gi in zip(x, grad): gi[index] = xi[index] / norm[index] else: grad[index] = x[index] / norm[index] return grad return HuberGradient() def __repr__(self): '''Return ``repr(self)``.''' return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.domain, self.gamma)
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()