Source code for odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators

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"""Factory functions for creating proximal operators.

Functions with ``convex_conj`` mean the proximal of the convex conjugate and
are provided for convenience.

For more details see :ref:`proximal_operators` and references therein. For
more details on proximal operators including how to evaluate the proximal
operator of a variety of functions see [PB2014].

[PB2014] Parikh, N, and Boyd, S. *Proximal Algorithms*.
Foundations and Trends in Optimization, 1 (2014), pp 127-239.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.operator import (
    Operator, IdentityOperator, ConstantOperator, DiagonalOperator,
    PointwiseNorm, MultiplyOperator)
from import ProductSpace
from import LinearSpaceElement

__all__ = ('combine_proximals', 'proximal_convex_conj', 'proximal_translation',
           'proximal_arg_scaling', 'proximal_quadratic_perturbation',
           'proximal_composition', 'proximal_const_func',
           'proximal_box_constraint', 'proximal_nonnegativity',
           'proximal_l1', 'proximal_convex_conj_l1',
           'proximal_l2', 'proximal_convex_conj_l2',
           'proximal_linfty', 'proximal_convex_conj_linfty',
           'proj_simplex', 'proj_l1',
           'proximal_l2_squared', 'proximal_convex_conj_l2_squared',
           'proximal_l1_l2', 'proximal_convex_conj_l1_l2',
           'proximal_convex_conj_kl', 'proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy',

[docs]def combine_proximals(*factory_list): r"""Combine proximal operators into a diagonal product space operator. This assumes the functional to be separable across variables in order to make use of the separable sum property of proximal operators. Parameters ---------- factory_list : sequence of callables Proximal operator factories to be combined. Returns ------- diag_op : function Returns a diagonal product space operator factory to be initialized with the same step size parameter Notes ----- That two functionals :math:`F` and :math:`G` are separable across variables means that :math:`F((x, y)) = F(x)` and :math:`G((x, y)) = G(y)`, and in this case the proximal operator of the sum is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma (F(x) + G(y))}(x, y) = (\mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x), \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma G}(y)). """ def diag_op_factory(sigma): """Diagonal matrix of operators. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or sequence of positive floats Step size parameter(s), if a sequence, the length must match the length of the ``factory_list``. Returns ------- diag_op : `DiagonalOperator` """ if np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = [sigma] * len(factory_list) return DiagonalOperator( *[factory(sigmai) for sigmai, factory in zip(sigma, factory_list)]) return diag_op_factory
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj(prox_factory): r"""Calculate the proximal of the dual using Moreau decomposition. Parameters ---------- prox_factory : callable A factory function that, when called with a step size, returns the proximal operator of ``F`` Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- The Moreau identity states that for any convex function :math:`F` with convex conjugate :math:`F^*`, the proximals satisfy .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(x) +\sigma \, \mathrm{prox}_{F / \sigma}(x / \sigma) = x where :math:`\sigma` is a scalar step size. Using this, the proximal of the convex conjugate is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(x) = x - \sigma \, \mathrm{prox}_{F / \sigma}(x / \sigma) Note that since :math:`(F^*)^* = F`, this can be used to get the proximal of the original function from the proximal of the convex conjugate. For reference on the Moreau identity, see [CP2011c]. References ---------- [CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. *Proximal splitting methods in signal processing.* In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011. """ def convex_conj_prox_factory(sigma): """Create proximal for the dual with a given sigma. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or array-like Step size parameter. Can be a pointwise positive space element or a sequence of positive floats if `prox_factory` supports that. Returns ------- proximal : `Operator` The proximal operator of ``s * F^*`` where ``s`` is the step size """ # Get the underlying space. At the same time, check if the given # prox_factory accepts stepsize objects of the type given by sigma. space = prox_factory(sigma).domain mult_inner = MultiplyOperator(1.0 / sigma, domain=space, range=space) mult_outer = MultiplyOperator(sigma, domain=space, range=space) result = (IdentityOperator(space) - mult_outer * prox_factory(1.0 / sigma) * mult_inner) return result return convex_conj_prox_factory
[docs]def proximal_translation(prox_factory, y): r"""Calculate the proximal of the translated function F(x - y). Parameters ---------- prox_factory : callable A factory function that, when called with a step size, returns the proximal operator of ``F``. y : Element in domain of ``F``. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`F`, this is calculated according to the rule .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F( \cdot - y)}(x) = y + \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x - y) where :math:`y` is the translation, and :math:`\sigma` is the step size. For reference on the identity used, see [CP2011c]. References ---------- [CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. *Proximal splitting methods in signal processing.* In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011. """ def translation_prox_factory(sigma): """Create proximal for the translation with a given sigma. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter Returns ------- proximal : `Operator` The proximal operator of ``s * F( . - y)`` where ``s`` is the step size """ return (ConstantOperator(y) + prox_factory(sigma) * (IdentityOperator( - ConstantOperator(y))) return translation_prox_factory
[docs]def proximal_arg_scaling(prox_factory, scaling): r"""Calculate the proximal of function F(x * scaling). Parameters ---------- prox_factory : callable A factory function that, when called with a step size, returns the proximal operator of ``F`` scaling : float or sequence of floats or space element Scaling parameter. The permissible types depent on the stepsizes accepted by prox_factory. It may not contain any nonzero imaginary parts. If it is a scalar, it may be zero, in which case the resulting proxmial operator is the identity. If not a scalar, it may not contain any zero components. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`F`, and scaling factor :math:`\alpha` this is calculated according to the rule .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F(\alpha \, \cdot)}(x) = \frac{1}{\alpha} \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma \alpha^2 F(\cdot) }(\alpha x) where :math:`\sigma` is the step size. For reference on the identity used, see [CP2011c]. References ---------- [CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. *Proximal splitting methods in signal processing.* In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011. """ # To begin, we could check for two things: # * Currently, we do not support complex scaling. We could therefore catch # nonempty imaginary parts. # * If some components of scaling are zero, then the following routine will # crash with a division-by-zero error. The correct solution would be to # just keep these components and do the following computations only for # the others. # Since these checks are computationally expensive, we do not execute them # unconditionally, but only if the scaling factor is a scalar: if np.isscalar(scaling): if scaling == 0: return proximal_const_func(prox_factory(1.0).domain) elif scaling.imag != 0: raise ValueError("Complex scaling not supported.") else: scaling = float(scaling.real) else: scaling = np.asarray(scaling) def arg_scaling_prox_factory(sigma): """Create proximal for the translation with a given sigma. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter Returns ------- proximal : `Operator` The proximal operator of ``sigma * F( . * a)`` where ``sigma`` is the step size """ scaling_square = scaling * scaling prox = prox_factory(sigma * scaling_square) space = prox.domain mult_inner = MultiplyOperator(scaling, domain=space, range=space) mult_outer = MultiplyOperator(1 / scaling, domain=space, range=space) return mult_outer * prox * mult_inner return arg_scaling_prox_factory
[docs]def proximal_quadratic_perturbation(prox_factory, a, u=None): r"""Calculate the proximal of function F(x) + a * \|x\|^2 + <u,x>. Parameters ---------- prox_factory : callable A factory function that, when called with a step size, returns the proximal operator of ``F`` a : non-negative float Scaling of the quadratic term u : Element in domain of F, optional Defines the linear functional. For ``None``, the zero element is taken. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`F`, this is calculated according to the rule .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma \left(F( \cdot ) + a \| \cdot \|^2 + <u, \cdot >\right)}(x) = c \; \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F( \cdot \, c)}((x - \sigma u) c) where :math:`c` is the constant .. math:: c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \sigma a + 1}}, :math:`a` is the scaling parameter belonging to the quadratic term, :math:`u` is the space element defining the linear functional, and :math:`\sigma` is the step size. For reference on the identity used, see [CP2011c]. Note that this identity is not the exact one given in the reference, but was recalculated for arbitrary step lengths. References ---------- [CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. *Proximal splitting methods in signal processing.* In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011. """ a = float(a) if a < 0: raise ValueError('scaling parameter muts be non-negative, got {}' ''.format(a)) if u is not None and not isinstance(u, LinearSpaceElement): raise TypeError('`u` must be `None` or a `LinearSpaceElement` ' 'instance, got {!r}.'.format(u)) def quadratic_perturbation_prox_factory(sigma): r"""Create proximal for the quadratic perturbation with a given sigma. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter Returns ------- proximal : `Operator` The proximal operator of ``sigma * (F(x) + a * \|x\|^2 + <u,x>)``, where ``sigma`` is the step size """ if np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = float(sigma) else: sigma = np.asarray(sigma) const = 1.0 / np.sqrt(sigma * 2.0 * a + 1) prox = proximal_arg_scaling(prox_factory, const)(sigma) if u is not None: return (MultiplyOperator(const,, * prox * (MultiplyOperator(const,, - sigma * const * u)) else: space = prox.domain return (MultiplyOperator(const, domain=space, range=space) * prox * MultiplyOperator(const, domain=space, range=space)) return quadratic_perturbation_prox_factory
[docs]def proximal_composition(proximal, operator, mu): r"""Proximal operator factory of functional composed with unitary operator. For a functional ``F`` and a linear unitary `Operator` ``L`` this is the factory for the proximal operator of ``F * L``. Parameters ---------- proximal : callable A factory function that, when called with a step size returns the proximal operator of ``F`` operator : `Operator` The operator to compose the functional with mu : ``operator.field`` element Scalar such that ``(operator.adjoint * operator)(x) = mu * x`` Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- Given a linear operator :math:`L` with the property that for a scalar :math:`\mu` .. math:: L^*(L(x)) = \mu * x and a convex function :math:`F`, the following identity holds .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F \circ L}(x) = x + \frac{1}{\mu} L^* \left( \mathrm{prox}_{\mu \sigma F}(Lx) - Lx \right) This factory function implements this functionality. There is no simple formula for more general operators. The function cannot verify that the operator is unitary, the user needs to verify this. For reference on the identity used, see [CP2011c]. References ---------- [CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. *Proximal splitting methods in signal processing.* In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011. """ def proximal_composition_factory(sigma): """Create proximal for the dual with a given sigma Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter Returns ------- proximal : `Operator` The proximal operator of ``prox[sigma * F * L](x)`` """ Id = IdentityOperator(operator.domain) Ir = IdentityOperator(operator.range) prox_muf = proximal(mu * sigma) return (Id + (1.0 / mu) * operator.adjoint * ((prox_muf - Ir) * operator)) return proximal_composition_factory
[docs]def proximal_const_func(space): r"""Proximal operator factory of the constant functional. Function to initialize the proximal operator of the constant functional defined on ``space``. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional G=constant Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- The constant functional :math:`G` is defind as :math:`G(x) = constant` for all values of :math:`x`. The proximal operator of this functional is the identity operator .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma G}(x) = x Note that it is independent of :math:`\sigma`. """ def identity_factory(sigma): """Return an instance of the proximal operator. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Unused step size parameter. Introduced to provide a unified interface. Returns ------- id : `IdentityOperator` The proximal operator instance of G = 0 which is the identity operator """ return IdentityOperator(space) return identity_factory
[docs]def proximal_box_constraint(space, lower=None, upper=None): r"""Proximal operator factory for ``G(x) = ind(a <= x <= b)``. If P is the set of elements with a <= x <= b, the indicator function of which is defined as:: ind(a <= x <= b) = {0 if x in P, infinity if x is not in P} with x being an element in ``space``. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional G(x) lower : ``space.field`` element or ``space`` `element-like`, optional The lower bound. Default: ``None``, interpreted as -infinity upper : ``space.field`` element or ``space`` `element-like`, optional The upper bound. Default: ``None``, interpreted as +infinity Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- If :math:`P` is an interval :math:`[a,b]`, the indicator function is defined as .. math:: I_{P}(x) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } x \in P, \\ \infty & \text{if } x \not \in P \end{cases} For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma I_{P}` is given by the projection onto the interval .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma I_{P}}(x) = \begin{cases} a & \text{if } x < a, \\ x & \text{if } x \in [a,b], \\ b & \text{if } x > b. \end{cases} The proximal operator is independent of :math:`\sigma` and invariant under a positive rescaling of :math:`I_{P}(x)`, since that leaves the indicator function unchanged. For spaces of the form :math:`R^n`, the definition extends naturally in each component. See Also -------- proximal_nonnegativity : Special case with ``lower=0, upper=infty`` """ # Convert element-likes if needed, also does some space checking if lower is not None and lower not in space and lower not in space.field: lower = space.element(lower) if upper is not None and upper not in space and upper not in space.field: upper = space.element(upper) if lower in space.field and upper in space.field: if lower > upper: raise ValueError('invalid values, `lower` ({}) > `upper` ({})' ''.format(lower, upper)) class ProxOpBoxConstraint(Operator): """Proximal operator for G(x) = ind(a <= x <= b).""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter, not used. """ super(ProxOpBoxConstraint, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): """Apply the operator to ``x`` and store the result in ``out``.""" if lower is not None and upper is None: x.ufuncs.maximum(lower, out=out) elif lower is None and upper is not None: x.ufuncs.minimum(upper, out=out) elif lower is not None and upper is not None: x.ufuncs.maximum(lower, out=out) out.ufuncs.minimum(upper, out=out) else: out.assign(x) return ProxOpBoxConstraint
[docs]def proximal_nonnegativity(space): """Function to create the proximal operator of ``G(x) = ind(x >= 0)``. Function for the proximal operator of the functional ``G(x)=ind(x >= 0)`` to be initialized. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of the functional G(x) Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized See Also -------- proximal_box_constraint """ return proximal_box_constraint(space, lower=0)
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_l2(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the convex conj of the l2-norm/distance. Function for the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional F where F is the l2-norm (or distance to g, if given):: F(x) = lam ||x - g||_2 with x and g elements in ``space``, scaling factor lam, and given data g. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of F(x). Needs to be a Hilbert space. That is, have an inner product (`LinearSpace.inner`). lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional An element in ``space``. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- Most problems are forumlated for the squared norm/distance, in that case use the `proximal_convex_conj_l2_squared` instead. The :math:`L_2`-norm/distance :math:`F` is given by is given by .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_2 The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F^*(y) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } \|y-g\|_2 \leq \lambda, \\ \infty & \text{else.} \end{cases} For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F^*` is given by the projection onto the set of :math:`y` satisfying :math:`\|y-g\|_2 \leq \lambda`, i.e., by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(y) = \begin{cases} \lambda \frac{y - g}{\|y - g\|} & \text{if } \|y-g\|_2 > \lambda, \\ y & \text{if } \|y-g\|_2 \leq \lambda \end{cases} Note that the expression is independent of :math:`\sigma`. See Also -------- proximal_l2 : proximal without convex conjugate proximal_convex_conj_l2_squared : proximal for squared norm/distance """ prox_l2 = proximal_l2(space, lam=lam, g=g) return proximal_convex_conj(prox_l2)
[docs]def proximal_l2(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the l2-norm/distance. Function for the proximal operator of the functional ``F`` where ``F`` is the l2-norm (or distance to g, if given):: ``F(x) = lam ||x - g||_2`` Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of F(x). Needs to be a Hilbert space. That is, have an inner product (`LinearSpace.inner`). lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional An element in ``space``. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : callable Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- Most problems are forumlated for the squared norm/distance, in that case use `proximal_l2_squared` instead. The :math:`L_2`-norm/distance :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_2 For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F` is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(y) = \begin{cases} \frac{1 - c}{\|y-g\|} \cdot y + c \cdot g & \text{if } c < g, \\ g & \text{else}, \end{cases} where :math:`c = \sigma \frac{\lambda}{\|y - g\|_2}`. See Also -------- proximal_l2_squared : proximal for squared norm/distance proximal_convex_conj_l2 : proximal for convex conjugate """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalL2(Operator): """Proximal operator of the l2-norm/distance.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter """ super(ProximalL2, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) self.sigma = float(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Apply the operator to ``x`` and stores the result in ``out``.""" dtype = getattr(self.domain, 'dtype', float) eps = np.finfo(dtype).resolution * 10 if g is None: x_norm = x.norm() * (1 + eps) if x_norm > 0: step = self.sigma * lam / x_norm else: step = np.infty if step < 1.0: out.lincomb(1.0 - step, x) else: out.set_zero() else: x_norm = (x - g).norm() * (1 + eps) if x_norm > 0: step = self.sigma * lam / x_norm else: step = np.infty if step < 1.0: out.lincomb(1.0 - step, x, step, g) else: out.assign(g) return ProximalL2
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_l2_squared(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the convex conj of the squared l2-dist Function for the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional F where F is the l2-norm (or distance to g, if given):: F(x) = lam ||x - g||_2^2 with x and g elements in ``space``, scaling factor lam, and given data g. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of F(x). Needs to be a Hilbert space. That is, have an inner product (`LinearSpace.inner`). lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional An element in ``space``. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- The squared :math:`L_2`-norm/distance :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_2^2. The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F^*(y) = \frac{1}{4\lambda} \left( \| y\|_2^2 + \langle y, g \rangle \right) For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F^*` is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(y) = \frac{y - \sigma g}{1 + \sigma/(2 \lambda)} See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_l2 : proximal without square proximal_l2_squared : proximal without convex conjugate """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalConvexConjL2Squared(Operator): """Proximal operator of the convex conj of the squared l2-norm/dist.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or pointwise positive space.element Step size parameter. If scalar, it contains a global stepsize, otherwise the space.element defines a stepsize for each point. """ super(ProximalConvexConjL2Squared, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=g is None) if np.isscalar(sigma): self.sigma = float(sigma) else: self.sigma = space.element(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Apply the operator to ``x`` and store the result in ``out``""" # (x - sig*g) / (1 + sig/(2 lam)) sig = self.sigma if np.isscalar(sig): if g is None: out.lincomb(1 / (1 + 0.5 * sig / lam), x) else: out.lincomb(1 / (1 + 0.5 * sig / lam), x, -sig / (1 + 0.5 * sig / lam), g) elif sig in space: if g is None: x.divide(1 + 0.5 / lam * sig, out=out) else: if x is out: # Can't write to `out` since old `x` is still needed tmp = sig.multiply(g) out.lincomb(1, x, -1, tmp) else: sig.multiply(g, out=out) out.lincomb(1, x, -1, out) out.divide(1 + 0.5 / lam * sig, out=out) else: raise RuntimeError( '`sigma` is neither a scalar nor a space element.' ) return ProximalConvexConjL2Squared
[docs]def proximal_l2_squared(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the squared l2-norm/distance. Function for the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional F where F is the l2-norm (or distance to g, if given):: F(x) = lam ||x - g||_2^2 with x and g elements in ``space``, scaling factor lam, and given data g. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of F(x). Needs to be a Hilbert space. That is, have an inner product (`LinearSpace.inner`). lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional An element in ``space``. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- The squared :math:`L_2`-norm/distance :math:`F` is given by .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_2^2. For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F` is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x) = \frac{x + 2 \sigma \lambda g} {1 + 2 \sigma \lambda}. See Also -------- proximal_l2 : proximal without square proximal_convex_conj_l2_squared : proximal for convex conjugate """ class ProximalL2Squared(Operator): """Proximal operator of the squared l2-norm/dist.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or pointwise positive space.element Step size parameter. If scalar, it contains a global stepsize, otherwise the space.element defines a stepsize for each point. """ super(ProximalL2Squared, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=g is None) if np.isscalar(sigma): self.sigma = float(sigma) else: self.sigma = space.element(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Apply the operator to ``x`` and store the result in ``out``""" # (x + 2*sig*lam*g) / (1 + 2*sig*lam)) sig = self.sigma if np.isscalar(sig): if g is None: out.lincomb(1 / (1 + 2 * sig * lam), x) else: out.lincomb(1 / (1 + 2 * sig * lam), x, 2 * sig * lam / (1 + 2 * sig * lam), g) else: # sig in space if g is None: x.divide(1 + 2 * sig * lam, out=out) else: if x is out: # Can't write to `out` since old `x` is still needed tmp = sig.multiply(2 * lam * g) out.lincomb(1, x, 1, tmp) else: sig.multiply(2 * lam * g, out=out) out.lincomb(1, x, 1, out) out.divide(1 + 2 * sig * lam, out=out) return ProximalL2Squared
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_l1(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the L1 norm/distance convex conjugate. Implements the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional :: F(x) = lam ||x - g||_1 with ``x`` and ``g`` elements in ``space``, and scaling factor ``lam``. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` or `ProductSpace` of `LinearSpace` spaces Domain of the functional F lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional Element to which the L1 distance is taken. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of the functional .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_1. is in the case of scalar-valued functions given by .. math:: F^*(y) = \iota_{B_\infty} \big( \lambda^{-1}\, y \big) + \left\langle \lambda^{-1}\, y,\: g \right\rangle, where :math:`\iota_{B_\infty}` is the indicator function of the unit ball with respect to :math:`\|\cdot\|_\infty`. For vector-valued functions, the convex conjugate is .. math:: F^*(y) = \sum_{k=1}^d F^*(y_k) due to separability of the (non-isotropic) 1-norm. For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F^*` is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(y) = \frac{\lambda (y - \sigma g)}{ \max(\lambda, |y - \sigma g|)} Here, all operations are to be read pointwise. For vector-valued :math:`x` and :math:`g`, the (non-isotropic) proximal operator is the component-wise scalar proximal: .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(x) = \left( \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(x_1), \dots, \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(x_d) \right), where :math:`d` is the number of components of :math:`x`. See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_l1_l2 : isotropic variant for vector-valued functions proximal_l1 : proximal without convex conjugate """ # Fix for rounding errors dtype = getattr(space, 'dtype', float) eps = np.finfo(dtype).resolution * 10 lam = float(lam * (1 - eps)) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalConvexConjL1(Operator): """Proximal operator of the L1 norm/distance convex conjugate.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or pointwise positive space.element Step size parameter. If scalar, it contains a global stepsize, otherwise the space.element defines a stepsize for each point. """ super(ProximalConvexConjL1, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) if np.isscalar(sigma): self.sigma = float(sigma) else: self.sigma = space.element(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # lam * (x - sig * g) / max(lam, |x - sig * g|) # diff = x - sig * g if g is not None: diff = self.domain.element() diff.lincomb(1, x, -self.sigma, g) else: if x is out: # Handle aliased `x` and `out` # This is necessary since we write to both `diff` and # `out`. diff = x.copy() else: diff = x # out = max( |x-sig*g|, lam ) / lam diff.ufuncs.absolute(out=out) out.ufuncs.maximum(lam, out=out) out /= lam # out = diff / ... diff.divide(out, out=out) return ProximalConvexConjL1
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_l1_l2(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the L1-L2 norm/distance convex conjugate. Implements the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional :: F(x) = lam || |x - g|_2 ||_1 with ``x`` and ``g`` elements in ``space``, and scaling factor ``lam``. Here, ``|.|_2`` is the pointwise Euclidean norm of a vector-valued function. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` or `ProductSpace` of `LinearSpace` spaces Domain of the functional F lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional Element to which the L1 distance is taken. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of the functional .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \| |x - g|_2 \|_1. is given by .. math:: F^*(y) = \iota_{B_\infty} \big( \lambda^{-1}\, |y|_2 \big) + \left\langle \lambda^{-1}\, y,\: g \right\rangle, where :math:`\iota_{B_\infty}` is the indicator function of the unit ball with respect to :math:`\|\cdot\|_\infty`. For a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F^*` is given by .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(y) = \frac{\lambda (y - \sigma g)}{ \max(\lambda, |y - \sigma g|_2)} Here, all operations are to be read pointwise. See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_l1 : Scalar or non-isotropic vectorial variant """ # Fix for rounding errors dtype = getattr(space, 'dtype', float) eps = np.finfo(dtype).resolution * 10 lam = float(lam * (1 - eps)) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalConvexConjL1L2(Operator): """Proximal operator of the convex conj of the l1-norm/distance.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter """ super(ProximalConvexConjL1L2, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) self.sigma = float(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # lam * (x - sig * g) / max(lam, |x - sig * g|) # diff = x - sig * g if g is not None: diff = self.domain.element() diff.lincomb(1, x, -self.sigma, g) else: diff = x # denom = max( |x-sig*g|_2, lam ) / lam (|.|_2 pointwise) pwnorm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain, exponent=2) denom = pwnorm(diff) denom.ufuncs.maximum(lam, out=denom) denom /= lam # Pointwise division for out_i, diff_i in zip(out, diff): diff_i.divide(denom, out=out_i) return ProximalConvexConjL1L2
[docs]def proximal_l1(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the L1 norm/distance. Implements the proximal operator of the functional :: F(x) = lam ||x - g||_1 with ``x`` and ``g`` elements in ``space``, and scaling factor ``lam``. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` or `ProductSpace` Domain of the functional. lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional Element to which the L1 distance is taken. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- For the functional .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \|x - g\|_1, and a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F` is given as the "soft-shrinkage" operator .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x) = \begin{cases} g, & \text{where } |x - g| \leq \sigma\lambda, \\ x - \sigma\lambda \mathrm{sign}(x - g), & \text{elsewhere.} \end{cases} Here, all operations are to be read pointwise. For vector-valued :math:`x` and :math:`g`, the (non-isotropic) proximal operator is the component-wise scalar proximal: .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x) = \left( \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x_1), \dots, \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x_d) \right), where :math:`d` is the number of components of :math:`x`. See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_l1 : proximal for convex conjugate proximal_l1_l2 : isotropic variant of the group L1 norm proximal """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalL1(Operator): """Proximal operator of the L1 norm/distance.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or pointwise positive space.element Step size parameter. If scalar, it contains a global stepsize, otherwise the space.element defines a stepsize for each point. """ super(ProximalL1, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) if np.isscalar(sigma): self.sigma = float(sigma) else: self.sigma = space.element(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # diff = x - g if g is not None: diff = x - g else: if x is out: # Handle aliased `x` and `out` (original `x` needed later) diff = x.copy() else: diff = x # We write the operator as # x - (x - g) / max(|x - g| / sig*lam, 1) denom = diff.ufuncs.absolute() denom /= self.sigma * lam denom.ufuncs.maximum(1, out=denom) # out = (x - g) / denom diff.ufuncs.divide(denom, out=out) # out = x - ... out.lincomb(1, x, -1, out) return ProximalL1
[docs]def proximal_l1_l2(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the group-L1-L2 norm/distance. Implements the proximal operator of the functional :: F(x) = lam || |x - g|_2 ||_1 with ``x`` and ``g`` elements in ``space``, and scaling factor ``lam``. Here, ``|.|_2`` is the pointwise Euclidean norm of a vector-valued function. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` or `ProductSpace` Domain of the functional. lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor or regularization parameter. g : ``space`` element, optional Element to which the L1-L2 distance is taken. Default: ````. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized Notes ----- For the functional .. math:: F(x) = \lambda \| |x - g|_2 \|_1, and a step size :math:`\sigma`, the proximal operator of :math:`\sigma F` is given as the "soft-shrinkage" operator .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F}(x) = \begin{cases} g, & \text{where } |x - g|_2 \leq \sigma\lambda, \\ x - \sigma\lambda \frac{x - g}{|x - g|_2}, & \text{elsewhere.} \end{cases} Here, all operations are to be read pointwise. See Also -------- proximal_l1 : Scalar or non-isotropic vectorial variant """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{!r} is not an element of {!r}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalL1L2(Operator): """Proximal operator of the group-L1-L2 norm/distance.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter. """ super(ProximalL1L2, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) self.sigma = float(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # diff = x - g if g is not None: diff = x - g else: if x is out: # Handle aliased `x` and `out` (original `x` needed later) diff = x.copy() else: diff = x # We write the operator as # x - (x - g) / max(|x - g|_2 / sig*lam, 1) pwnorm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain, exponent=2) denom = pwnorm(diff) denom /= self.sigma * lam denom.ufuncs.maximum(1, out=denom) # out = (x - g) / denom for out_i, diff_i in zip(out, diff): diff_i.divide(denom, out=out_i) # out = x - ... out.lincomb(1, x, -1, out) return ProximalL1L2
[docs]def proximal_linfty(space): r"""Proximal operator factory of the ``l_\infty``-norm. Function for the proximal operator of the functional ``F`` where ``F`` is the ``l_\infty``-norm:: ``F(x) = \sup_i |x_i|`` Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Domain of ``F``. Returns ------- prox_factory : callable Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The proximal is computed by the Moreau identity and a projection onto an l1-ball [PB2014]. See Also -------- proj_l1 : projection onto l1-ball """ class ProximalLInfty(Operator): """Proximal operator of the linf-norm.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float Step size parameter """ super(ProximalLInfty, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) self.sigma = float(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x)``.""" radius = 1 if x is out: x = x.copy() proj_l1(x, radius, out) out.lincomb(-1, out, 1, x) return ProximalLInfty
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_linfty(space): r"""Proximal operator factory of the Linfty norm/distance convex conjugate. Implements the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional :: F(x) = \|x\|_\infty with ``x`` in ``space``. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` or `ProductSpace` of `LinearSpace` spaces Domain of the functional F Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of the functional .. math:: F(x) = \|x\|_\infty. is in the case of scalar-valued functions given by the indicator function of the unit 1-norm ball .. math:: F^*(y) = \iota_{B_1} \big( y \big). See Also -------- proj_l1 : orthogonal projection onto balls in the 1-norm """ class ProximalConvexConjLinfty(Operator): """Proximal operator of the Linfty norm/distance convex conjugate.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float or pointwise positive space.element Step size parameter. If scalar, it contains a global stepsize, otherwise the space.element defines a stepsize for each point. """ super(ProximalConvexConjLinfty, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" proj_l1(x, radius=1, out=out) return ProximalConvexConjLinfty
[docs]def proj_l1(x, radius=1, out=None): r"""Projection onto l1-ball. Projection onto:: ``{ x \in X | ||x||_1 \leq r}`` with ``r`` being the radius. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Space / domain ``X``. radius : positive float, optional Radius ``r`` of the ball. Returns ------- prox_factory : callable Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The projection onto an l1-ball can be computed by projection onto a simplex, see [D+2008] for details. References ---------- [D+2008] Duchi, J., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Singer, Y., and Chandra, T. *Efficient Projections onto the L1-ball for Learning in High dimensions*. ICML 2008, pp. 272-279. See Also -------- proximal_linfty : proximal for l-infinity norm proj_simplex : projection onto simplex """ if out is None: out = u = x.ufuncs.absolute() v = x.ufuncs.sign() proj_simplex(u, radius, out) out *= v return out
[docs]def proj_simplex(x, diameter=1, out=None): r"""Projection onto simplex. Projection onto:: ``{ x \in X | x_i \geq 0, \sum_i x_i = r}`` with :math:`r` being the diameter. It is computed by the formula proposed in [D+2008]. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Space / domain ``X``. diameter : positive float, optional Diameter of the simplex. Returns ------- prox_factory : callable Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. Notes ----- The projection onto a simplex is not of closed-form but can be solved by a non-iterative algorithm, see [D+2008] for details. References ---------- [D+2008] Duchi, J., Shalev-Shwartz, S., Singer, Y., and Chandra, T. *Efficient Projections onto the L1-ball for Learning in High dimensions*. ICML 2008, pp. 272-279. See Also -------- proj_l1 : projection onto l1-norm ball """ if out is None: out = # sort values in descending order x_sor = x.asarray().flatten() x_sor.sort() x_sor = x_sor[::-1] # find critical index j = np.arange(1, x.size + 1) x_avrg = (1 / j) * (np.cumsum(x_sor) - diameter) crit = x_sor - x_avrg i = np.argwhere(crit >= 0).flatten().max() # output is a shifted and thresholded version of the input out[:] = np.maximum(x - x_avrg[i], 0) return out
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_kl(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal operator factory of the convex conjugate of the KL divergence. Function returning the proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the functional F where F is the entropy-type Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence:: F(x) = sum_i (x_i - g_i + g_i ln(g_i) - g_i ln(pos(x_i))) + ind_P(x) with ``x`` and ``g`` elements in the linear space ``X``, and ``g`` non-negative. Here, ``pos`` denotes the nonnegative part, and ``ind_P`` is the indicator function for nonnegativity. Parameters ---------- space : `TensorSpace` Space X which is the domain of the functional F lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor. g : ``space`` element, optional Data term, positive. If None it is take as the one-element. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy : proximal for releated functional Notes ----- The functional is given by the expression .. math:: F(x) = \sum_i (x_i - g_i + g_i \ln(g_i) - g_i \ln(pos(x_i))) + I_{x \geq 0}(x) The indicator function :math:`I_{x \geq 0}(x)` is used to restrict the domain of :math:`F` such that :math:`F` is defined over whole space :math:`X`. The non-negativity thresholding :math:`pos` is used to define :math:`F` in the real numbers. Note that the functional is not well-defined without a prior g. Hence, if g is omitted this will be interpreted as if g is equal to the one-element. The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of :math:`F` is .. math:: F^*(p) = \sum_i (-g_i \ln(\text{pos}({1_X}_i - p_i))) + I_{1_X - p \geq 0}(p) where :math:`p` is the variable dual to :math:`x`, and :math:`1_X` is an element of the space :math:`X` with all components set to 1. The proximal operator of the convex conjugate of F is .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma (\lambda F)^*}(x) = \frac{\lambda 1_X + x - \sqrt{(x - \lambda 1_X)^2 + 4 \lambda \sigma g}}{2} where :math:`\sigma` is the step size-like parameter, and :math:`\lambda` is the weighting in front of the function :math:`F`. KL based objectives are common in MLEM optimization problems and are often used when data noise governed by a multivariate Poisson probability distribution is significant. The intermediate image estimates can have negative values even though the converged solution will be non-negative. Non-negative intermediate image estimates can be enforced by adding an indicator function ind_P the primal objective. This functional :math:`F`, described above, is related to the Kullback-Leibler cross entropy functional. The KL cross entropy is the one described in `this Wikipedia article <>`_, and the functional :math:`F` is obtained by switching place of the prior and the varialbe in the KL cross entropy functional. See the See Also section. """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{} is not an element of {}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalConvexConjKL(Operator): """Proximal operator of the convex conjugate of the KL divergence.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float """ super(ProximalConvexConjKL, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) self.sigma = float(sigma) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # (x + lam - sqrt((x - lam)^2 + 4*lam*sig*g)) / 2 # out = (x - lam)^2 if x is out: # Handle aliased `x` and `out` (need original `x` later on) x = x.copy() else: out.assign(x) out -= lam out.ufuncs.square(out=out) # out = ... + 4*lam*sigma*g # If g is None, it is taken as the one element if g is None: out += 4.0 * lam * self.sigma else: out.lincomb(1, out, 4.0 * lam * self.sigma, g) # out = x - sqrt(...) + lam out.ufuncs.sqrt(out=out) out.lincomb(1, x, -1, out) out += lam # out = 1/2 * ... out /= 2 return ProximalConvexConjKL
[docs]def proximal_convex_conj_kl_cross_entropy(space, lam=1, g=None): r"""Proximal factory of the convex conj of cross entropy KL divergence. Function returning the proximal factory of the convex conjugate of the functional F, where F is the cross entropy Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence given by:: F(x) = sum_i (x_i ln(pos(x_i)) - x_i ln(g_i) + g_i - x_i) + ind_P(x) with ``x`` and ``g`` in the linear space ``X``, and ``g`` non-negative. Here, ``pos`` denotes the nonnegative part, and ``ind_P`` is the indicator function for nonnegativity. Parameters ---------- space : `TensorSpace` Space X which is the domain of the functional F lam : positive float, optional Scaling factor. g : ``space`` element, optional Data term, positive. If None it is take as the one-element. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. See Also -------- proximal_convex_conj_kl : proximal for related functional Notes ----- The functional is given by the expression .. math:: F(x) = \sum_i (x_i \ln(pos(x_i)) - x_i \ln(g_i) + g_i - x_i) + I_{x \geq 0}(x) The indicator function :math:`I_{x \geq 0}(x)` is used to restrict the domain of :math:`F` such that :math:`F` is defined over whole space :math:`X`. The non-negativity thresholding :math:`pos` is used to define :math:`F` in the real numbers. Note that the functional is not well-defined without a prior g. Hence, if g is omitted this will be interpreted as if g is equal to the one-element. The convex conjugate :math:`F^*` of :math:`F` is .. math:: F^*(p) = \sum_i g_i (exp(p_i) - 1) where :math:`p` is the variable dual to :math:`x`. The proximal operator of the convex conjugate of :math:`F` is .. math:: \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma (\lambda F)^*}(x) = x - \lambda W(\frac{\sigma}{\lambda} g e^{x/\lambda}) where :math:`\sigma` is the step size-like parameter, :math:`\lambda` is the weighting in front of the function :math:`F`, and :math:`W` is the Lambert W function (see, for example, the `Wikipedia article <>`_). For real-valued input x, the Lambert :math:`W` function is defined only for :math:`x \geq -1/e`, and it has two branches for values :math:`-1/e \leq x < 0`. However, for inteneded use-cases, where :math:`\lambda` and :math:`g` are positive, the argument of :math:`W` will always be positive. `Wikipedia article on Kullback Leibler divergence <>`_. For further information about the functional, see for example `this article <>`_. The KL cross entropy functional :math:`F`, described above, is related to another functional functional also know as KL divergence. This functional is often used as data discrepancy term in inverse problems, when data is corrupted with Poisson noise. This functional is obtained by changing place of the prior and the variable. See the See Also section. """ lam = float(lam) if g is not None and g not in space: raise TypeError('{} is not an element of {}'.format(g, space)) class ProximalConvexConjKLCrossEntropy(Operator): """Proximal operator of conjugate of cross entropy KL divergence.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float """ self.sigma = float(sigma) super(ProximalConvexConjKLCrossEntropy, self).__init__( domain=space, range=space, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.special if g is None: # If g is None, it is taken as the one element # Different branches of lambertw is not an issue, see Notes lambw = scipy.special.lambertw( (self.sigma / lam) * np.exp(x / lam)) else: # Different branches of lambertw is not an issue, see Notes lambw = scipy.special.lambertw( (self.sigma / lam) * g * np.exp(x / lam)) if not np.issubsctype(self.domain.dtype, np.complexfloating): lambw = lambw.real lambw = out.lincomb(1, x, -lam, lambw) return ProximalConvexConjKLCrossEntropy
[docs]def proximal_huber(space, gamma): """Proximal factory of the Huber norm. Parameters ---------- space : `TensorSpace` The domain of the functional gamma : float The smoothing parameter of the Huber norm functional. Returns ------- prox_factory : function Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized. See Also -------- odl.solvers.default_functionals.Huber : the Huber norm functional Notes ----- The proximal operator is given by given by the proximal operator of ``1/(2*gamma) * L2 norm`` in points that are ``<= gamma``, and by the proximal operator of the l1 norm in points that are ``> gamma``. """ gamma = float(gamma) class ProximalHuber(Operator): """Proximal operator of Huber norm.""" def __init__(self, sigma): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float """ self.sigma = float(sigma) super(ProximalHuber, self).__init__(domain=space, range=space, linear=False) def _call(self, x, out): """Return ``self(x, out=out)``.""" if isinstance(self.domain, ProductSpace): norm = PointwiseNorm(self.domain, 2)(x) else: norm = x.ufuncs.absolute() mask = norm.ufuncs.less_equal(gamma + self.sigma) out[mask] = gamma / (gamma + self.sigma) * x[mask] mask.ufuncs.logical_not(out=mask) sign_x = x.ufuncs.sign() out[mask] = x[mask] - self.sigma * sign_x[mask] return out return ProximalHuber
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()