
class odl.deform.linearized.LinDeformFixedTempl(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Operator

Deformation operator with fixed template acting on displacement fields.

The operator has a fixed template I and maps a displacement field v to the new function x --> I(x + v(x)).

See also


Deformation with a fixed displacement.


For \Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d, we take X = L^p(\Omega) to be the template space, i.e. I \in X. Then the vector field space is identified with V := X^d. Hence the deformation operator with fixed template maps V into X:

W_I : V \to X, \quad W_I(v) := I(\cdot + v(\cdot)),

i.e., W_I(v)(x) = I(x + v(x)).

Note that this operator is non-linear. Its derivative at v is an operator that maps V into X:

W_I'(v) : V \to X, \quad W_I'(v)(u) =
\big< \nabla I(\cdot + v(\cdot)), u \big>_{\mathbb{R}^d},

i.e., W_I'(v)(u)(x) = \nabla I(x + v(x))^T u(x),

which is to be understood as a point-wise inner product, resulting in a function in X. And the adjoint of the preceding derivative is also an operator that maps X into V:

W_I'(v)^* : X \to V, \quad W_I'(v)^*(J) =
J \, \nabla I(\cdot + v(\cdot)),

i.e., W_I'(v)^*(J)(x) = J(x) \, \nabla I(x + v(x)).


Adjoint of this operator (abstract).


Set of objects on which this operator can be evaluated.


Interpolation scheme or tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.


Tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.


Return the operator inverse.


True if this operator's range is a Field.


True if this operator is linear.


Set in which the result of an evaluation of this operator lies.


Fixed template of this deformation operator.


__call__(x[, out])

Return self(x[, out, **kwargs]).


Derivative of the operator at displacement.


Return the operator norm of this operator.

__init__(template, domain=None, interp='linear')[source]

Initialize a new instance.


Fixed template that is to be deformed.

domainpower space of DiscretizedSpace, optional

The space of all allowed coordinates in the deformation. A ProductSpace of template.ndim copies of a function-space. It must fulfill domain[0].partition ==, so this option is useful mainly when using different interpolations in displacement and template.


interpstr or sequence of str

Interpolation type that should be used to sample the template on the deformed grid. A single value applies to all axes, and a sequence gives the interpolation scheme per axis.

Supported values: 'nearest', 'linear'


Choosing 'nearest' interpolation results in a formally non-differentiable operator since the gradient of the template is not well-defined. If the operator derivative is to be used, a differentiable interpolation scheme (e.g., 'linear') should be chosen.


Create a simple 1D template to initialize the operator and apply it to a displacement field. Where the displacement is zero, the output value is the same as the input value. In the 4-th point, the value is taken from 0.2 (one cell) to the left, i.e. 1.0.

>>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 5)
>>> template = space.element([0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
>>> op = LinDeformFixedTempl(template, interp='nearest')
>>> disp_field = [[0, 0, 0, -0.2, 0]]
>>> print(op(disp_field))
[ 0.,  0.,  1.,  1.,  0.]

The result depends on the chosen interpolation. With 'linear' interpolation and an offset of half the distance between two points, 0.1, one gets the mean of the values.

>>> op = LinDeformFixedTempl(template, interp='linear')
>>> disp_field = [[0, 0, 0, -0.1, 0]]
>>> print(op(disp_field))
[ 0. ,  0. ,  1. ,  0.5,  0. ]