Source code for odl.deform.linearized

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Operators and functions for linearized deformation."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr import DiscretizedSpace, Divergence, Gradient
from odl.discr.discr_space import DiscretizedSpaceElement
from odl.discr.discr_utils import _normalize_interp, per_axis_interpolator
from odl.operator import Operator, PointwiseInner
from import ProductSpace
from import ProductSpaceElement
from odl.util import indent, signature_string

__all__ = ('LinDeformFixedTempl', 'LinDeformFixedDisp', 'linear_deform')

[docs]def linear_deform(template, displacement, interp='linear', out=None): """Linearized deformation of a template with a displacement field. The function maps a given template ``I`` and a given displacement field ``v`` to the new function ``x --> I(x + v(x))``. Parameters ---------- template : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` Template to be deformed by a displacement field. displacement : element of power space of ```` Vector field (displacement field) used to deform the template. interp : str or sequence of str Interpolation type that should be used to sample the template on the deformed grid. A single value applies to all axes, and a sequence gives the interpolation scheme per axis. Supported values: ``'nearest'``, ``'linear'`` out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array to which the function values of the deformed template are written. It must have the same shape as ``template`` and a data type compatible with ``template.dtype``. Returns ------- deformed_template : `numpy.ndarray` Function values of the deformed template. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. Examples -------- Create a simple 1D template to initialize the operator and apply it to a displacement field. Where the displacement is zero, the output value is the same as the input value. In the 4-th point, the value is taken from 0.2 (one cell) to the left, i.e. 1.0. >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 5) >>> disp_field_space = space.tangent_bundle >>> template = space.element([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> displacement_field = disp_field_space.element([[0, 0, 0, -0.2, 0]]) >>> linear_deform(template, displacement_field, interp='nearest') array([ 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.]) The result depends on the chosen interpolation. With 'linear' interpolation and an offset of half the distance between two points, 0.1, one gets the mean of the values. >>> displacement_field = disp_field_space.element([[0, 0, 0, -0.1, 0]]) >>> linear_deform(template, displacement_field, interp='linear') array([ 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.5, 0. ]) """ points = for i, vi in enumerate(displacement): points[:, i] += vi.asarray().ravel() templ_interpolator = per_axis_interpolator( template,, interp=interp ) values = templ_interpolator(points.T, out=out) return values.reshape(
[docs]class LinDeformFixedTempl(Operator): r"""Deformation operator with fixed template acting on displacement fields. The operator has a fixed template ``I`` and maps a displacement field ``v`` to the new function ``x --> I(x + v(x))``. See Also -------- LinDeformFixedDisp : Deformation with a fixed displacement. Notes ----- For :math:`\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d`, we take :math:`X = L^p(\Omega)` to be the template space, i.e. :math:`I \in X`. Then the vector field space is identified with :math:`V := X^d`. Hence the deformation operator with fixed template maps :math:`V` into :math:`X`: .. math:: W_I : V \to X, \quad W_I(v) := I(\cdot + v(\cdot)), i.e., :math:`W_I(v)(x) = I(x + v(x))`. Note that this operator is non-linear. Its derivative at :math:`v` is an operator that maps :math:`V` into :math:`X`: .. math:: W_I'(v) : V \to X, \quad W_I'(v)(u) = \big< \nabla I(\cdot + v(\cdot)), u \big>_{\mathbb{R}^d}, i.e., :math:`W_I'(v)(u)(x) = \nabla I(x + v(x))^T u(x)`, which is to be understood as a point-wise inner product, resulting in a function in :math:`X`. And the adjoint of the preceding derivative is also an operator that maps :math:`X` into :math:`V`: .. math:: W_I'(v)^* : X \to V, \quad W_I'(v)^*(J) = J \, \nabla I(\cdot + v(\cdot)), i.e., :math:`W_I'(v)^*(J)(x) = J(x) \, \nabla I(x + v(x))`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, template, domain=None, interp='linear'): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- template : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` Fixed template that is to be deformed. domain : power space of `DiscretizedSpace`, optional The space of all allowed coordinates in the deformation. A `ProductSpace` of ``template.ndim`` copies of a function-space. It must fulfill ``domain[0].partition ==``, so this option is useful mainly when using different interpolations in displacement and template. Default: ```` interp : str or sequence of str Interpolation type that should be used to sample the template on the deformed grid. A single value applies to all axes, and a sequence gives the interpolation scheme per axis. Supported values: ``'nearest'``, ``'linear'`` .. warning:: Choosing ``'nearest'`` interpolation results in a formally non-differentiable operator since the gradient of the template is not well-defined. If the operator derivative is to be used, a differentiable interpolation scheme (e.g., ``'linear'``) should be chosen. Examples -------- Create a simple 1D template to initialize the operator and apply it to a displacement field. Where the displacement is zero, the output value is the same as the input value. In the 4-th point, the value is taken from 0.2 (one cell) to the left, i.e. 1.0. >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 5) >>> template = space.element([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> op = LinDeformFixedTempl(template, interp='nearest') >>> disp_field = [[0, 0, 0, -0.2, 0]] >>> print(op(disp_field)) [ 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.] The result depends on the chosen interpolation. With 'linear' interpolation and an offset of half the distance between two points, 0.1, one gets the mean of the values. >>> op = LinDeformFixedTempl(template, interp='linear') >>> disp_field = [[0, 0, 0, -0.1, 0]] >>> print(op(disp_field)) [ 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.5, 0. ] """ if not isinstance(template, DiscretizedSpaceElement): raise TypeError( '`template` must be a `DiscretizedSpaceElement, got {!r}`' ''.format(template) ) self.__template = template if domain is None: domain = else: if not isinstance(domain, ProductSpace): # TODO: allow non-product spaces in the 1D case raise TypeError('`domain` must be a `ProductSpace` ' 'instance, got {!r}'.format(domain)) if not domain.is_power_space: raise TypeError('`domain` must be a power space, ' 'got {!r}'.format(domain)) if not isinstance(domain[0], DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`domain[0]` must be a `DiscretizedSpace` ' 'instance, got {!r}'.format(domain[0])) if != domain[0].partition: raise ValueError( '`` not equal to `coord_space`s ' 'partiton ({!r} != {!r})' ''.format(, domain[0].partition)) super(LinDeformFixedTempl, self).__init__( domain=domain,, linear=False) self.__interp_byaxis = _normalize_interp(interp,
@property def template(self): """Fixed template of this deformation operator.""" return self.__template @property def interp_byaxis(self): """Tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.""" return self.__interp_byaxis @property def interp(self): """Interpolation scheme or tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.""" if ( len(self.interp_byaxis) != 0 and all(s == self.interp_byaxis[0] for s in self.interp_byaxis[1:]) ): return self.interp_byaxis[0] else: return self.interp_byaxis
[docs] def _call(self, displacement, out=None): """Implementation of ``self(displacement[, out])``.""" return linear_deform(self.template, displacement, self.interp, out)
[docs] def derivative(self, displacement): """Derivative of the operator at ``displacement``. Parameters ---------- displacement : `domain` `element-like` Point at which the derivative is computed. Returns ------- derivative : `PointwiseInner` The derivative evaluated at ``displacement``. """ # To implement the complex case we need to be able to embed the real # vector field space into the range of the gradient. Issue #59. if not self.range.is_real: raise NotImplementedError('derivative not implemented for complex ' 'spaces.') displacement = self.domain.element(displacement) # TODO: allow users to select what method to use here. grad = Gradient(domain=self.range, method='central', pad_mode='symmetric') grad_templ = grad(self.template) def_grad = self.domain.element( [linear_deform(gf, displacement, self.interp) for gf in grad_templ] ) return PointwiseInner(self.domain, def_grad)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.template] optargs = [ ('domain', self.domain,, ('interp', self.interp, 'linear'), ] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod='!r', sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str))
[docs]class LinDeformFixedDisp(Operator): r"""Deformation operator with fixed displacement acting on templates. The operator has a fixed displacement field ``v`` and maps a template ``I`` to the new function ``x --> I(x + v(x))``. See Also -------- LinDeformFixedTempl : Deformation with a fixed template. Notes ----- For :math:`\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d`, we take :math:`V := X^d` to be the space of displacement fields, where :math:`X = L^p(\Omega)` is the template space. Hence the deformation operator with the fixed displacement field :math:`v \in V` maps :math:`X` into :math:`X`: .. math:: W_v : X \to X, \quad W_v(I) := I(\cdot + v(\cdot)), i.e., :math:`W_v(I)(x) = I(x + v(x))`. This operator is linear, so its derivative is itself, but it may not be bounded and may thus not have a formal adjoint. For "small" :math:`v`, though, one can approximate the adjoint by .. math:: W_v^*(I) \approx \exp(-\mathrm{div}\, v) \, I(\cdot - v(\cdot)), i.e., :math:`W_v^*(I)(x) \approx \exp(-\mathrm{div}\,v(x))\, I(x - v(x))`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, displacement, templ_space=None, interp='linear'): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- displacement : element of a power space of `DiscretizedSpace` Fixed displacement field used in the deformation. templ_space : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Template space on which this operator is applied, i.e. the operator domain and range. It must fulfill ``templ_space[0].partition ==``, so this option is useful mainly for support of complex spaces and if different interpolations should be used for displacement and template. Default: ``[0]`` interp : str or sequence of str Interpolation type that should be used to sample the template on the deformed grid. A single value applies to all axes, and a sequence gives the interpolation scheme per axis. Supported values: ``'nearest'``, ``'linear'`` Examples -------- Create a simple 1D template to initialize the operator and apply it to a displacement field. Where the displacement is zero, the output value is the same as the input value. In the 4-th point, the value is taken from 0.2 (one cell) to the left, i.e. 1.0. >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 5) >>> disp_field = space.tangent_bundle.element([[0, 0, 0, -0.2, 0]]) >>> op = odl.deform.LinDeformFixedDisp(disp_field, interp='nearest') >>> template = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] >>> print(op([0, 0, 1, 0, 0])) [ 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.] The result depends on the chosen interpolation. With 'linear' interpolation and an offset of half the distance between two points, 0.1, one gets the mean of the values. >>> disp_field = space.tangent_bundle.element([[0, 0, 0, -0.1, 0]]) >>> op = odl.deform.LinDeformFixedDisp(disp_field, interp='linear') >>> template = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] >>> print(op(template)) [ 0. , 0. , 1. , 0.5, 0. ] """ if not isinstance(displacement, ProductSpaceElement): raise TypeError( '`displacement` must be a `ProductSpaceElement`, got {!r}' ''.format(displacement) ) if not raise ValueError( '`` must be a power space, got {!r}' ''.format( ) if not isinstance([0], DiscretizedSpace): raise ValueError( '`[0]` must be a `DiscretizedSpace`, ' 'got {!r}'.format([0])) self.__displacement = displacement if templ_space is None: templ_space =[0] else: if not isinstance(templ_space, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`templ_space` must be a `DiscretizedSpace` ' 'instance, got {!r}'.format(templ_space)) if templ_space.partition !=[0].partition: raise ValueError( '`templ_space.partition` not equal to `displacement`s ' 'partiton ({!r} != {!r})' ''.format(templ_space.partition,[0].partition) ) super(LinDeformFixedDisp, self).__init__( domain=templ_space, range=templ_space, linear=True) self.__interp_byaxis = _normalize_interp(interp, templ_space.ndim)
@property def interp_byaxis(self): """Tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.""" return self.__interp_byaxis @property def interp(self): """Interpolation scheme or tuple of per-axis interpolation schemes.""" if ( len(self.interp_byaxis) != 0 and all(s == self.interp_byaxis[0] for s in self.interp_byaxis[1:]) ): return self.interp_byaxis[0] else: return self.interp_byaxis @property def displacement(self): """Fixed displacement field of this deformation operator.""" return self.__displacement
[docs] def _call(self, template, out=None): """Implementation of ``self(template[, out])``.""" return linear_deform(template, self.displacement, self.interp, out)
@property def inverse(self): """Inverse deformation using ``-v`` as displacement. Note that this implementation uses an approximation that is only valid for small displacements. """ return LinDeformFixedDisp( -self.displacement, templ_space=self.domain, interp=self.interp ) @property def adjoint(self): """Adjoint of the linear operator. Note that this implementation uses an approximation that is only valid for small displacements. """ # TODO allow users to select what method to use here. div_op = Divergence(, method='forward', pad_mode='symmetric') jacobian_det = self.domain.element(np.exp(-div_op(self.displacement))) return jacobian_det * self.inverse def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.displacement] optargs = [ ('templ_space', self.domain,[0]), ('interp', self.interp, 'linear'), ] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod='!r', sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str))
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()