Source code for odl.solvers.functional.functional

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from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.operator.operator import (
    Operator, OperatorComp, OperatorLeftScalarMult, OperatorRightScalarMult,
    OperatorRightVectorMult, OperatorSum, OperatorPointwiseProduct)
from odl.operator.default_ops import (IdentityOperator, ConstantOperator)
from odl.solvers.nonsmooth import (proximal_arg_scaling, proximal_translation,
                                   proximal_const_func, proximal_convex_conj)
from odl.util import signature_string, indent

__all__ = ('Functional', 'FunctionalLeftScalarMult',
           'FunctionalRightScalarMult', 'FunctionalComp',
           'FunctionalRightVectorMult', 'FunctionalSum', 'FunctionalScalarSum',
           'FunctionalTranslation', 'InfimalConvolution',
           'FunctionalQuadraticPerturb', 'FunctionalProduct',
           'FunctionalQuotient', 'BregmanDistance', 'simple_functional')

[docs]class Functional(Operator): """Implementation of a functional class. A functional is an operator ``f`` that maps from some domain ``X`` to the field of scalars ``F`` associated with the domain: ``f : X -> F``. Notes ----- The implementation of the functional class assumes that the domain :math:`X` is a Hilbert space and that the field of scalars :math:`F` is a is the real numbers. It is possible to create functions that do not fulfil these assumptions, however some mathematical results might not be valid in this case. For more information, see `the ODL functional guide <>`_. """
[docs] def __init__(self, space, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` The domain of this functional, i.e., the set of elements to which this functional can be applied. linear : bool, optional If `True`, the functional is considered as linear. grad_lipschitz : float, optional The Lipschitz constant of the gradient. Default: ``nan`` """ # Cannot use `super(Functional, self)` here since that breaks # subclasses with multiple inheritance (at least those where both # parents implement `__init__`, e.g., in `ScalingFunctional`) Operator.__init__(self, domain=space, range=space.field, linear=linear) self.__grad_lipschitz = float(grad_lipschitz)
@property def grad_lipschitz(self): """Lipschitz constant for the gradient of the functional.""" return self.__grad_lipschitz @grad_lipschitz.setter def grad_lipschitz(self, value): """Setter for the Lipschitz constant for the gradient.""" self.__grad_lipschitz = float(value) @property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient operator of the functional. Notes ----- The operator that corresponds to the mapping .. math:: x \to \nabla f(x) where :math:`\nabla f(x)` is the element used to evaluate derivatives in a direction :math:`d` by :math:`\langle \nabla f(x), d \rangle`. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'no gradient implemented for functional {!r}' ''.format(self)) @property def proximal(self): r"""Proximal factory of the functional. Notes ----- The proximal operator of a function :math:`f` is an operator defined as .. math:: prox_{\sigma f}(x) = \sup_{y} \left\{ f(y) - \frac{1}{2\sigma} \| y-x \|_2^2 \right\}. Proximal operators are often used in different optimization algorithms, especially when designed to handle nonsmooth functionals. A `proximal factory` is a function that, when called with a step length :math:`\sigma`, returns the corresponding proximal operator. The nonsmooth solvers that make use of proximal operators to solve a given optimization problem take a `proximal factory` as input, i.e., a function returning a proximal operator. See for example `forward_backward_pd`. In general, the step length :math:`\sigma` is expected to be a positive float, but certain functionals might accept more types of objects as a stepsize: - If a functional is a `SeparableSum`, then, instead of a positive float, one may call the `proximal factory` with a list of positive floats, and the stepsize are applied to each component individually. - For certain special functionals like `L1Norm` and `L2NormSquared`, which are not implemented as a `SeparableSum`, the proximal factory will accept an argument which is `element-like` regarding the domain of the functional. Its components must be strictly positive floats. A stepsize like :math:`(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_n)` coincides with a matrix-valued distance according to Section XV.4 of [HL1993] and the rule .. math:: M = \mathrm{diag}(\sigma_1^{-1}, \ldots, \sigma_n^{-1}) or the Bregman-proximal according to [E1993] and the rule .. math:: h(x) = \langle x, M x \rangle. References ---------- [HL1993] Hiriart-Urruty J-B, and Lemaréchal C. *Convex analysis and minimization algorithms II. Advanced theory and bundle methods.* Springer, 1993. [E1993] Eckstein J. *Nonlinear proximal point algorithms using Bregman functions, with applications to convex programming.* Mathematics of Operations Research, 18.1 (1993), pp 202--226. """ raise NotImplementedError( 'no proximal operator implemented for functional {!r}' ''.format(self)) @property def convex_conj(self): r"""Convex conjugate functional of the functional. Notes ----- The convex conjugate functional of a convex functional :math:`f(x)`, defined on a Hilber space, is defined as the functional .. math:: f^*(x^*) = \sup_{x} \{ \langle x^*,x \rangle - f(x) \}. The concept is also known as the Legendre transformation. For literature references see, e.g., [Lue1969], [Roc1970], the wikipedia article on `Convex conjugate <>`_ or the wikipedia article on the `Legendre transformation <>`_. References ---------- [Lue1969] Luenberger, D G. *Optimization by vector space methods*. Wiley, 1969. [Roc1970] Rockafellar, R. T. *Convex analysis*. Princeton University Press, 1970. """ return FunctionalDefaultConvexConjugate(self)
[docs] def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator in the given point. This function returns the linear operator given by:: self.derivative(point)(x) == self.gradient(point).inner(x) Parameters ---------- point : `domain` element The point in which the gradient is evaluated. Returns ------- derivative : `Operator` """ return self.gradient(point).T
[docs] def translated(self, shift): """Return a translation of the functional. For a given functional ``f`` and an element ``translation`` in the domain of ``f``, this operation creates the functional ``f(. - translation)``. Parameters ---------- translation : `domain` element Element in the domain of the functional Returns ------- out : `FunctionalTranslation` The functional ``f(. - translation)`` """ return FunctionalTranslation(self, shift)
[docs] def bregman(self, point, subgrad): r"""Return the Bregman distance functional. Parameters ---------- point : element of ``functional.domain`` Point from which to define the Bregman distance. subgrad : element of ``functional.domain`` A subgradient of ``functional`` in ``point``. If it exists, a valid option is ``functional.gradient(point)``. Returns ------- out : `BregmanDistance` The Bregman distance functional. Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`f`, a point :math:`y`, and a (sub)gradient :math:`p \in \partial f(y)`, the Bregman distance functional :math:`D_f^p(\cdot, y)` in a point :math:`x` is given by .. math:: D_f^p(x, y) = f(x) - f(y) - \langle p, x - y \rangle. For mathematical details, see `[Bur2016] <>`_. See also the Wikipedia article: References ---------- [Bur2016] Burger, M. *Bregman Distances in Inverse Problems and Partial Differential Equation*. In: Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control, 2016. p. 3-33. """ return BregmanDistance(self, point, subgrad)
def __mul__(self, other): """Return ``self * other``. If ``other`` is an `Operator`, this corresponds to composition with the operator: ``(func * op)(x) == func(op(x))`` If ``other`` is a scalar, this corresponds to right multiplication of scalars with functionals: ``(func * scalar)(x) == func(scalar * x)`` If ``other`` is a vector, this corresponds to right multiplication of vectors with functionals: ``(func * vector) == func(vector * x)`` Note that left and right multiplications are generally different. Parameters ---------- other : `Operator`, `domain` element or scalar `Operator`: The `Operator.range` of ``other`` must match this functional's `domain`. `domain` element: ``other`` must be an element of this functionals's `Functional.domain`. scalar: The `domain` of this functional must be a `LinearSpace` and ``other`` must be an element of the `field` of this functional's `domain`. Note that this `field` is also this functional's `range`. Returns ------- mul : `Functional` Multiplication result. If ``other`` is an `Operator`, ``mul`` is a `FunctionalComp`. If ``other`` is a scalar, ``mul`` is a `FunctionalRightScalarMult`. If ``other`` is a vector, ``mul`` is a `FunctionalRightVectorMult`. """ if isinstance(other, Operator): return FunctionalComp(self, other) elif other in self.range: # Left multiplication is more efficient, so we can use this in the # case of linear functional. if other == 0: from odl.solvers.functional.default_functionals import ( ConstantFunctional) return ConstantFunctional(self.domain, self( elif self.is_linear: return FunctionalLeftScalarMult(self, other) else: return FunctionalRightScalarMult(self, other) elif other in self.domain: return FunctionalRightVectorMult(self, other) else: return super(Functional, self).__mul__(other) def __rmul__(self, other): """Return ``other * self``. If ``other`` is an `Operator`, since a functional is also an operator this corresponds to operator composition: ``(op * func)(x) == op(func(x))`` If ``other`` is a scalar, this corresponds to left multiplication of scalars with functionals: ``(scalar * func)(x) == scalar * func(x)`` If ``other`` is a vector, since a functional is also an operator this corresponds to left multiplication of vectors with operators: ``(vector * func)(x) == vector * func(x)`` Note that left and right multiplications are generally different. Parameters ---------- other : `Operator`, `domain` element or scalar `Operator`: The `Operator.domain` of ``other`` must match this functional's `Functional.range`. `LinearSpaceElement`: ``other`` must be an element of this functionals's `Functional.range`. scalar: The `Operator.domain` of this operator must be a `LinearSpace` and ``other`` must be an element of the ``field`` of this operator's `Operator.domain`. Returns ------- rmul : `Functional` or `Operator` Multiplication result. If ``other`` is an `Operator`, ``rmul`` is an `OperatorComp`. If ``other`` is a scalar, ``rmul`` is a `FunctionalLeftScalarMult`. If ``other`` is a vector, ``rmul`` is a `OperatorLeftVectorMult`. """ if other in self.range: if other == 0: from odl.solvers.functional.default_functionals import ( ZeroFunctional) return ZeroFunctional(self.domain) else: return FunctionalLeftScalarMult(self, other) else: return super(Functional, self).__rmul__(other) def __add__(self, other): """Return ``self + other``. If ``other`` is a `Functional`, this corresponds to ``(func1 + func2)(x) == func1(x) + func2(x)`` If ``other`` is a scalar, this corresponds to adding a scalar to the value of the functional: ``(func + scalar)(x) == func(x) + scalar`` Parameters ---------- other : `Functional` or scalar `Functional`: The `Functional.domain` and `Functional.range` of ``other`` must match this functional's `Functional.domain` and `Functional.range`. scalar: The scalar needs to be in this functional's `Functional.range`. Returns ------- sum : `Functional` Addition result. If ``other`` is in ``Functional.range``, ``sum`` is a `FunctionalScalarSum`. If ``other`` is a `Functional`, ``sum`` is a `FunctionalSum`. """ if other in self.domain.field: return FunctionalScalarSum(self, other) elif isinstance(other, Functional): return FunctionalSum(self, other) else: return super(Functional, self).__add__(other) # Since addition is commutative, right and left addition is the same __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): """Return ``self - other``.""" return self + (-1) * other
[docs]class FunctionalLeftScalarMult(Functional, OperatorLeftScalarMult): """Scalar multiplication of functional from the left. Given a functional ``f`` and a scalar ``scalar``, this represents the functional ``(scalar * f)(x) == scalar * f(x)``. ``Functional.__rmul__`` takes care of the case scalar = 0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, scalar): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` Functional to be scaled. scalar : float, nonzero Number with which to scale the functional. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) Functional.__init__( self, space=func.domain, linear=func.is_linear, grad_lipschitz=np.abs(scalar) * func.grad_lipschitz) OperatorLeftScalarMult.__init__(self, operator=func, scalar=scalar)
@property def functional(self): """The original functional.""" return self.operator @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return self.scalar * self.functional.gradient @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of the scaled functional. ``Functional.__rmul__`` takes care of the case scalar = 0. """ if self.scalar <= 0: raise ValueError('scaling with nonpositive values have no convex ' 'conjugate. Current value: {}.' ''.format(self.scalar)) return self.scalar * self.functional.convex_conj * (1.0 / self.scalar) @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory of the scaled functional. ``Functional.__rmul__`` takes care of the case scalar = 0 See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_const_func """ if self.scalar < 0: raise ValueError('proximal operator of functional scaled with a ' 'negative value {} is not well-defined' ''.format(self.scalar)) elif self.scalar == 0: # Should not get here. `Functional.__rmul__` takes care of the case # scalar = 0 return proximal_const_func(self.domain) else: def proximal_left_scalar_mult(sigma=1.0): """Proximal operator for left scalar multiplication. Parameters ---------- sigma : positive float, optional Step size parameter. Default: 1.0 """ return self.functional.proximal(sigma * self.scalar) return proximal_left_scalar_mult
[docs]class FunctionalRightScalarMult(Functional, OperatorRightScalarMult): """Scalar multiplication of the argument of functional. Given a functional ``f`` and a scalar ``scalar``, this represents the functional ``(f * scalar)(x) == f(scalar * x)``. `Functional.__mul__` takes care of the case scalar = 0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, scalar): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` The functional which will have its argument scaled. scalar : float, nonzero The scaling parameter with which the argument is scaled. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) scalar = func.domain.field.element(scalar) Functional.__init__( self, space=func.domain, linear=func.is_linear, grad_lipschitz=np.abs(scalar) * func.grad_lipschitz) OperatorRightScalarMult.__init__(self, operator=func, scalar=scalar)
@property def functional(self): """The original functional.""" return self.operator @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return self.scalar * self.functional.gradient * self.scalar @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of functional with scaled argument. `Functional.__mul__` takes care of the case scalar = 0. """ return self.functional.convex_conj * (1 / self.scalar) @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory of the functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_arg_scaling """ return proximal_arg_scaling(self.functional.proximal, self.scalar)
[docs]class FunctionalComp(Functional, OperatorComp): """Composition of a functional with an operator. Given a functional ``func`` and an operator ``op``, such that the range of the operator is equal to the domain of the functional, this corresponds to the functional ``(func * op)(x) == func(op(x))``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, op): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` The left ("outer") operator op : `Operator` The right ("inner") operator. Its range must coincide with the domain of ``func``. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`fun` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) OperatorComp.__init__(self, left=func, right=op) Functional.__init__(self, space=op.domain, linear=(func.is_linear and op.is_linear), grad_lipschitz=np.nan)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient of the compositon according to the chain rule.""" func = self.left op = self.right class FunctionalCompositionGradient(Operator): """Gradient of the compositon according to the chain rule.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(FunctionalCompositionGradient, self).__init__( op.domain, op.domain, linear=False) def _call(self, x): """Apply the gradient operator to the given point.""" return op.derivative(x).adjoint(func.gradient(op(x))) def derivative(self, x): """The derivative in point ``x``. This is only defined """ if not op.is_linear: raise NotImplementedError('derivative only implemented ' 'for linear opertors.') else: return (op.adjoint * func.gradient * op).derivative(x) return FunctionalCompositionGradient()
[docs]class FunctionalRightVectorMult(Functional, OperatorRightVectorMult): """Expression type for the functional right vector multiplication. Given a functional ``func`` and a vector ``y`` in the domain of ``func``, this corresponds to the functional ``(func * y)(x) == func(y * x)``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, vector): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` The domain of ``func`` must be a ````. vector : `domain` element The vector to multiply by. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`fun` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) OperatorRightVectorMult.__init__(self, operator=func, vector=vector) Functional.__init__(self, space=func.domain)
@property def functional(self): return self.operator @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return self.vector * self.operator.gradient * self.vector @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of the functional. This is only defined for vectors with no zero-elements. """ return self.functional.convex_conj * (1.0 / self.vector)
[docs]class FunctionalSum(Functional, OperatorSum): """Expression type for the sum of functionals. ``FunctionalSum(func1, func2) == (x --> func1(x) + func2(x))``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, left, right): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- left, right : `Functional` The summands of the functional sum. Their `Functional.domain` and `Functional.range` must coincide. """ if not isinstance(left, Functional): raise TypeError('`left` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(left)) if not isinstance(right, Functional): raise TypeError('`right` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(right)) Functional.__init__( self, space=left.domain, linear=(left.is_linear and right.is_linear), grad_lipschitz=left.grad_lipschitz + right.grad_lipschitz) OperatorSum.__init__(self, left, right)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of functional sum.""" return self.left.gradient + self.right.gradient
[docs]class FunctionalScalarSum(FunctionalSum): """Expression type for the sum of a functional and a scalar. ``FunctionalScalarSum(func, scalar) == (x --> func(x) + scalar)`` """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, scalar): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` Functional to which the scalar is added. scalar : `element` in the `field` of the ``domain`` The scalar to be added to the functional. The `field` of the ``domain`` is the range of the functional. """ from odl.solvers.functional.default_functionals import ( ConstantFunctional) if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`fun` {!r} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) if scalar not in func.range: raise TypeError('`scalar` {} is not in the range of ' '`func` {!r}'.format(scalar, func)) super(FunctionalScalarSum, self).__init__( left=func, right=ConstantFunctional(space=func.domain, constant=scalar))
@property def scalar(self): """The scalar that is added to the functional""" return self.right.constant @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory of the FunctionalScalarSum.""" return self.left.proximal @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of FunctionalScalarSum.""" return self.left.convex_conj - self.scalar
[docs]class FunctionalTranslation(Functional): """Implementation of the translated functional. Given a functional ``f`` and an element ``translation`` in the domain of ``f``, this corresponds to the functional ``f(. - translation)``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func, translation): """Initialize a new instance. Given a functional ``f(.)`` and a vector ``translation`` in the domain of ``f``, this corresponds to the functional ``f(. - translation)``. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` Functional which is to be translated. translation : `domain` element The translation. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {!r} not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) translation = func.domain.element(translation) super(FunctionalTranslation, self).__init__( space=func.domain, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=func.grad_lipschitz) # TODO: Add case if we have translation -> scaling -> translation? if isinstance(func, FunctionalTranslation): self.__functional = func.functional self.__translation = func.translation + translation else: self.__functional = func self.__translation = translation
@property def functional(self): """The original functional that has been translated.""" return self.__functional @property def translation(self): """The translation.""" return self.__translation
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Evaluate the functional in a point ``x``.""" return self.functional(x - self.translation)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return (self.functional.gradient * (IdentityOperator(self.domain) - self.translation)) @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory of the translated functional. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_translation """ return proximal_translation(self.functional.proximal, self.translation) @property def convex_conj(self): r"""Convex conjugate functional of the translated functional. Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`f`, the convex conjugate of a translated version :math:`f(\cdot - y)` is given by a linear pertubation of the convex conjugate of :math:`f`: .. math:: (f( . - y))^* (x) = f^*(x) + <y, x>. For reference on the identity used, see [KP2015]. References ---------- [KP2015] Komodakis, N, and Pesquet, J-C. *Playing with Duality: An overview of recent primal-dual approaches for solving large-scale optimization problems*. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32.6 (2015), pp 31--54. """ return FunctionalQuadraticPerturb( self.functional.convex_conj, linear_term=self.translation) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{!r}.translated({!r})'.format(self.functional, self.translation) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return '{}.translated({})'.format(self.functional, self.translation)
[docs]class InfimalConvolution(Functional): """Functional representing ``h(x) = inf_y f(x-y) + g(y)``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, left, right): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- left : `Functional` Function corresponding to ``f``. right : `Functional` Function corresponding to ``g``. Examples -------- >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> l1 = odl.solvers.L1Norm(space) >>> l2 = odl.solvers.L2Norm(space) >>> f = odl.solvers.InfimalConvolution(l1.convex_conj, l2.convex_conj) >>> x = >>> f.convex_conj(x) - (l1(x) + l2(x)) 0.0 """ if not isinstance(left, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(left)) if not isinstance(right, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(right)) super(InfimalConvolution, self).__init__( space=left.domain, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan) self.__left = left self.__right = right
@property def left(self): """Left functional.""" return self.__left @property def right(self): """Right functional.""" return self.__right @property def convex_conj(self): """Convex conjugate functional of the functional. Notes ----- The convex conjugate of the infimal convolution .. math:: h(x) = inf_y f(x-y) + g(y) is the sum of it: .. math:: h^*(x) = f^*(x) + g^*(x) """ return self.left.convex_conj + self.right.convex_conj def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.left, self.right] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, [], sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return repr(self)
[docs]class FunctionalQuadraticPerturb(Functional): """The functional representing ``F(.) + a * <., .> + <., u> + c``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, func, quadratic_coeff=0, linear_term=None, constant=0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` Function corresponding to ``f``. quadratic_coeff : ``domain.field`` element, optional Coefficient of the quadratic term. Default: 0. linear_term : `domain` element, optional Element in domain of ``func``, corresponding to the translation. Default: Zero element. constant : ``domain.field`` element, optional The constant coefficient. Default: 0. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) self.__functional = func quadratic_coeff = func.domain.field.element(quadratic_coeff) if quadratic_coeff.imag != 0: raise ValueError( "Complex-valued quadratic coefficient is not supported.") self.__quadratic_coeff = quadratic_coeff.real if linear_term is not None: self.__linear_term = func.domain.element(linear_term) else: self.__linear_term = if linear_term is None: grad_lipschitz = func.grad_lipschitz else: grad_lipschitz = (func.grad_lipschitz + self.linear_term.norm()) constant = func.domain.field.element(constant) if constant.imag != 0: raise ValueError( "Complex-valued `constant` coefficient is not supported.") self.__constant = constant.real super(FunctionalQuadraticPerturb, self).__init__( space=func.domain, linear=func.is_linear and (quadratic_coeff == 0), grad_lipschitz=grad_lipschitz)
@property def functional(self): """Original functional.""" return self.__functional @property def quadratic_coeff(self): """Cofficient of the quadratic term.""" return self.__quadratic_coeff @property def linear_term(self): """Linear term.""" return self.__linear_term @property def constant(self): """The constant coefficient.""" return self.__constant
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" return (self.functional(x) + self.quadratic_coeff * x.inner(x) + x.inner(self.linear_term) + self.constant)
@property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" return (self.functional.gradient + (2 * self.quadratic_coeff) * IdentityOperator(self.domain) + ConstantOperator(self.linear_term)) @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory of the quadratically perturbed functional.""" if self.quadratic_coeff < 0: raise TypeError('`quadratic_coeff` {} must be non-negative' ''.format(self.quadratic_coeff)) return proximal_quadratic_perturbation( self.functional.proximal, a=self.quadratic_coeff, u=self.linear_term) @property def convex_conj(self): r"""Convex conjugate functional of the functional. Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`f`, the convex conjugate of a linearly perturbed version :math:`f(x) + <y, x>` is given by a translation of the convex conjugate of :math:`f`: .. math:: (f + \langle y, \cdot \rangle)^* (x^*) = f^*(x^* - y). For reference on the identity used, see `[KP2015]`_. Moreover, the convex conjugate of :math:`f + c` is by definition .. math:: (f + c)^* (x^*) = f^*(x^*) - c. References ---------- [KP2015] Komodakis, N, and Pesquet, J-C. *Playing with Duality: An overview of recent primal-dual approaches for solving large-scale optimization problems*. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32.6 (2015), pp 31--54. .. _[KP2015]: """ if self.quadratic_coeff == 0: cconj = self.functional.convex_conj.translated(self.linear_term) if self.constant != 0: cconj = cconj - self.constant return cconj else: return super(FunctionalQuadraticPerturb, self).convex_conj def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.functional, self.quadratic_coeff, self.linear_term, self.constant) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return '{}({}, {}, {}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.functional, self.quadratic_coeff, self.linear_term, self.constant)
[docs]class FunctionalProduct(Functional, OperatorPointwiseProduct): """Product ``p(x) = f(x) * g(x)`` of two functionals ``f`` and ``g``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, left, right): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- left, right : `Functional` Functionals in the product. Need to have matching domains. Examples -------- Construct the functional || . ||_2^2 * 3 >>> space = odl.rn(2) >>> func1 = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(space) >>> func2 = odl.solvers.ConstantFunctional(space, 3) >>> prod = odl.solvers.FunctionalProduct(func1, func2) >>> prod([2, 3]) # expect (2**2 + 3**2) * 3 = 39 39.0 """ if not isinstance(left, Functional): raise TypeError('`left` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(left)) if not isinstance(right, Functional): raise TypeError('`right` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(right)) OperatorPointwiseProduct.__init__(self, left, right) Functional.__init__(self, left.domain, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan)
@property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient operator of the functional. Notes ----- The derivative is computed using Leibniz's rule: .. math:: [\nabla (f g)](p) = g(p) [\nabla f](p) + f(p) [\nabla g](p) """ func = self class FunctionalProductGradient(Operator): """Functional representing the gradient of ``f(.) * g(.)``.""" def _call(self, x): return (func.right(x) * func.left.gradient(x) + func.left(x) * func.right.gradient(x)) return FunctionalProductGradient(self.domain, self.domain, linear=False)
[docs]class FunctionalQuotient(Functional): """Quotient ``p(x) = f(x) / g(x)`` of two functionals ``f`` and ``g``."""
[docs] def __init__(self, dividend, divisor): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- dividend, divisor : `Functional` Functionals in the quotient. Need to have matching domains. Examples -------- Construct the functional || . ||_2 / 5 >>> space = odl.rn(2) >>> func1 = odl.solvers.L2Norm(space) >>> func2 = odl.solvers.ConstantFunctional(space, 5) >>> prod = odl.solvers.FunctionalQuotient(func1, func2) >>> prod([3, 4]) # expect sqrt(3**2 + 4**2) / 5 = 1 1.0 """ if not isinstance(dividend, Functional): raise TypeError('`dividend` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(dividend)) if not isinstance(divisor, Functional): raise TypeError('`divisor` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(divisor)) if dividend.domain != divisor.domain: raise ValueError('domains of the operators do not match') self.__dividend = dividend self.__divisor = divisor super(FunctionalQuotient, self).__init__( dividend.domain, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=np.nan)
@property def dividend(self): """The dividend of the quotient.""" return self.__dividend @property def divisor(self): """The divisor of the quotient.""" return self.__divisor
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" return self.dividend(x) / self.divisor(x)
@property def gradient(self): r"""Gradient operator of the functional. Notes ----- The derivative is computed using the quotient rule: .. math:: [\nabla (f / g)](p) = (g(p) [\nabla f](p) - f(p) [\nabla g](p)) / g(p)^2 """ func = self class FunctionalQuotientGradient(Operator): """Functional representing the gradient of ``f(.) / g(.)``.""" def _call(self, x): """Apply the functional to the given point.""" dividendx = func.dividend(x) divisorx = func.divisor(x) return ((1 / divisorx) * func.dividend.gradient(x) + (- dividendx / divisorx**2) * func.divisor.gradient(x)) return FunctionalQuotientGradient(self.domain, self.domain, linear=False) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r}, {!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.dividend, self.divisor) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return '{}({}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.dividend, self.divisor)
[docs]class FunctionalDefaultConvexConjugate(Functional): r"""The `Functional` representing ``F^*``, the convex conjugate of ``F``. This class does not provide a way to evaluate the functional, it is rather intended to be used for its `proximal`. Notes ----- The proximal is found by using the Moreau identity .. math:: \text{prox}_{\sigma F^*}(y) = y - \sigma \text{prox}_{F / \sigma}(y / \sigma) which allows the proximal of the convex conjugate to be calculated without explicit knowledge about the convex conjugate itself. """
[docs] def __init__(self, func): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : `Functional` Functional corresponding to F. """ if not isinstance(func, Functional): raise TypeError('`func` {} is not a `Functional` instance' ''.format(func)) super(FunctionalDefaultConvexConjugate, self).__init__( space=func.domain, linear=func.is_linear) self.__convex_conj = func
@property def convex_conj(self): """The original functional.""" return self.__convex_conj @property def proximal(self): """Proximal factory using the Moreu identity. Returns ------- proximal : proximal_convex_conj Proximal computed using the Moreu identity """ return proximal_convex_conj(self.convex_conj.proximal) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{!r}.convex_conj'.format(self.convex_conj) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return '{}.convex_conj'.format(self.convex_conj)
[docs]class BregmanDistance(Functional): r"""The Bregman distance functional. The Bregman distance, also refered to as the Bregman divergence, is similar to a metric but satisfies neither the triangle inequality nor symmetry. Nevertheless, the Bregman distance is used in variational regularization of inverse problems, see, e.g., `[Bur2016]`_. Notes ----- Given a functional :math:`f`, a point :math:`y`, and a (sub)gradient :math:`p \in \partial f(y)`, the Bregman distance functional :math:`D_f^p(\cdot, y)` in a point :math:`x` is given by .. math:: D_f^p(x, y) = f(x) - f(y) - \langle p, x - y \rangle. For mathematical details, see `[Bur2016] <>`_. See also the Wikipedia article: References ---------- [Bur2016] Burger, M. *Bregman Distances in Inverse Problems and Partial Differential Equation*. In: Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control, 2016. p. 3-33. """
[docs] def __init__(self, functional, point, subgrad): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- functional : `Functional` Functional on which to base the Bregman distance. point : element of ``functional.domain`` Point from which to define the Bregman distance. subgrad : element of ``functional.domain`` A subgradient of ``functional`` in ``point``. If it exists, a valid option is ``functional.gradient(point)``. Examples -------- Example of initializing the Bregman distance functional: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 10) >>> l2_squared = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(space) >>> point = >>> subgrad = l2_squared.gradient(point) >>> bregman_dist = odl.solvers.BregmanDistance( ... l2_squared, point, subgrad) This is gives squared L2 distance to the given point, ||x - 1||^2: >>> expected_functional = l2_squared.translated(point) >>> bregman_dist( == expected_functional( True """ if not isinstance(functional, Functional): raise TypeError('`functional` {} not an instance of ``Functional``' ''.format(functional)) self.__functional = functional if point not in functional.domain: raise ValueError('`point` {} is not in `functional.domain` {}' ''.format(point, functional.domain)) self.__point = point if subgrad not in functional.domain: raise TypeError( '`subgrad` must be an element in `functional.domain`, got ' '{}'.format(subgrad)) self.__subgrad = subgrad self.__constant = -functional(point) + subgrad.inner(point) self.__bregman_dist = FunctionalQuadraticPerturb( functional, linear_term=-subgrad, constant=self.__constant) grad_lipschitz = functional.grad_lipschitz + subgrad.norm() super(BregmanDistance, self).__init__( space=functional.domain, linear=False, grad_lipschitz=grad_lipschitz)
@property def functional(self): """The functional used to define the Bregman distance.""" return self.__functional @property def point(self): """The point used to define the Bregman distance.""" return self.__point @property def subgrad(self): """The subgradient used to define the Bregman distance.""" return self.__subgrad
[docs] def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" return self.__bregman_dist(x)
@property def convex_conj(self): """The convex conjugate""" return self.__bregman_dist.convex_conj @property def proximal(self): """Return the ``proximal factory`` of the functional.""" return self.__bregman_dist.proximal @property def gradient(self): """Gradient operator of the functional.""" try: op_to_return = self.functional.gradient except NotImplementedError: raise NotImplementedError( '`self.functional.gradient` is not implemented for ' '`self.functional` {}'.format(self.functional)) op_to_return = op_to_return - ConstantOperator(self.subgrad) return op_to_return def __repr__(self): '''Return ``repr(self)``.''' posargs = [self.functional, self.point, self.subgrad] optargs = [] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str))
[docs]def simple_functional(space, fcall=None, grad=None, prox=None, grad_lip=np.nan, convex_conj_fcall=None, convex_conj_grad=None, convex_conj_prox=None, convex_conj_grad_lip=np.nan, linear=False): """Simplified interface to create a functional with specific properties. Users may specify as many properties as-is needed by the application. Parameters ---------- space : `LinearSpace` Space that the functional should act on. fcall : callable, optional Function to evaluate when calling the functional. grad : callable or `Operator`, optional Gradient operator of the functional. prox : `proximal factory`, optional Proximal factory for the functional. grad_lip : float, optional lipschitz constant of the functional. convex_conj_fcall : callable, optional Function to evaluate when calling the convex conjugate functional. convex_conj_grad : callable or `Operator`, optional Gradient operator of the convex conjugate functional convex_conj_prox : `proximal factory`, optional Proximal factory for the convex conjugate functional. convex_conj_grad_lip : float, optional lipschitz constant of the convex conjugate functional. linear : bool, optional True if the operator is linear. Examples -------- Create squared sum functional on rn: >>> def f(x): ... return sum(xi**2 for xi in x) >>> def dfdx(x): ... return 2 * x >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> func = simple_functional(space, f, grad=dfdx) >>> func.domain rn(3) >>> func.range RealNumbers() >>> func([1, 2, 3]) 14.0 >>> func.gradient([1, 2, 3]) rn(3).element([ 2., 4., 6.]) """ if grad is not None and not isinstance(grad, Operator): grad_in = grad class SimpleFunctionalGradient(Operator): """Gradient of a `SimpleFunctional`.""" def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" return grad_in(x) grad = SimpleFunctionalGradient(space, space, linear=False) if (convex_conj_grad is not None and not isinstance(convex_conj_grad, Operator)): convex_conj_grad_in = convex_conj_grad class SimpleFunctionalConvexConjGradient(Operator): """Gradient of the convex conj of a `SimpleFunctional`.""" def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" return convex_conj_grad_in(x) convex_conj_grad = SimpleFunctionalConvexConjGradient( space, space, linear=False) class SimpleFunctional(Functional): """A simplified functional for examples.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize an instance.""" super(SimpleFunctional, self).__init__( space, linear=linear, grad_lipschitz=grad_lip) def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" if fcall is None: raise NotImplementedError('call not implemented') else: return fcall(x) @property def proximal(self): """Return the proximal of the operator.""" if prox is None: raise NotImplementedError('proximal not implemented') else: return prox @property def gradient(self): """Return the gradient of the operator.""" if grad is None: raise NotImplementedError('gradient not implemented') else: return grad @property def convex_conj(self): return simple_functional(space, fcall=convex_conj_fcall, grad=convex_conj_grad, prox=convex_conj_prox, grad_lip=convex_conj_grad_lip, convex_conj_fcall=fcall, convex_conj_grad=grad, convex_conj_prox=prox, convex_conj_grad_lip=grad_lip, linear=linear) return SimpleFunctional()
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()