Source code for odl.tomo.geometry.conebeam

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Cone beam geometries in 2 and 3 dimensions."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr import uniform_partition
from odl.tomo.geometry.detector import (
    CircularDetector, CylindricalDetector, Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector,
from odl.tomo.geometry.geometry import (
    AxisOrientedGeometry, DivergentBeamGeometry)
from odl.tomo.util.utility import (
    euler_matrix, is_inside_bounds, transform_system)
from odl.util import array_str, indent, signature_string

__all__ = ('FanBeamGeometry', 'ConeBeamGeometry',
           'cone_beam_geometry', 'helical_geometry')

[docs]class FanBeamGeometry(DivergentBeamGeometry): """Fan beam (2d cone beam) geometry. The source moves on a circle with radius ``src_radius``, and the detector reference point is opposite to the source, i.e. at maximum distance, on a circle with radius ``det_radius``. One of the two radii can be chosen as 0, which corresponds to a stationary source or detector, respectively. The motion parameter is the 1d rotation angle parameterizing source and detector positions simultaneously. In the standard configuration, the detector is perpendicular to the ray direction, its reference point is initially at ``(0, 1)``, and the initial detector axis is ``(1, 0)``. For details, check `the online docs <>`_. """ _default_config = dict(src_to_det_init=(0, 1), det_axis_init=(1, 0))
[docs] def __init__(self, apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, det_curvature_radius=None, src_to_det_init=(0, 1), src_shift_func=None, det_shift_func=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- apart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the angle interval. dpart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the detector parameter interval. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. Must be nonzero if ``src_radius`` is zero. det_curvature_radius : nonnegative float, optional Radius of the detector curvature. If ``None``, a flat detector is used, otherwise must be positive. src_to_det_init : `array-like` (shape ``(2,)``), optional Initial state of the vector pointing from source to detector reference point. The zero vector is not allowed. src_shift_func : callable, optional Function with signature ``src_shift_func(angle) -> shift`` returning a source shift for a given angle. Each shift is interpreted as a vector ``[shift_d, shift_t]``, where "d" and "t" denote shifts in the detector-to-source and tangent directions, respectively. det_shift_func : callable, optional Function with signature ``det_shift_func(angle) -> shift`` returning a detector shift for a given angle. Each shift is interpreted as a vector ``[shift_d, shift_t]``, where "d" and "t" denote shifts in the source-to-detector and tangent directions, respectively. Other Parameters ---------------- det_axis_init : `array-like` (shape ``(2,)``), optional Initial axis defining the detector orientation. The default depends on ``src_to_det_init``, see Notes. translation : `array-like`, shape ``(2,)``, optional Global translation of the geometry. This is added last in any method that computes an absolute vector, e.g., `det_refpoint`, and also shifts the center of rotation. check_bounds : bool, optional If ``True``, methods computing vectors check input arguments. Checks are vectorized and add only a small overhead. Default: ``True`` Notes ----- In the default configuration, the initial source-to-detector vector is ``(0, 1)``, and the initial detector axis is ``(1, 0)``. If a different ``src_to_det_init`` is chosen, the new default axis is given as a rotation of the original one by a matrix that transforms ``(0, 1)`` to the new (normalized) ``src_to_det_init``. This matrix is calculated with the `rotation_matrix_from_to` function. Expressed in code, we have :: init_rot = rotation_matrix_from_to((0, 1), src_to_det_init) det_axis_init =, 0)) Examples -------- Initialization with default parameters and some radii: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5) >>> geom.src_position(0) array([ 0., -1.]) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., 5.]) >>> geom.det_point_position(0, 1) # (0, 5) + 1 * (1, 0) array([ 1., 5.]) Checking the default orientation: >>> geom.src_to_det_init array([ 0., 1.]) >>> geom.det_axis_init array([ 1., 0.]) Specifying curvature of the detector: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, 10) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... det_curvature_radius=10) >>> geom.src_position(0) array([ 0., -1.]) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., 5.]) >>> # (0, 5) + 10 * (sin(pi/6), cos(pi/6) - 1) >>> np.round(geom.det_point_position(0, np.pi / 6), 2) array([ 5. , 3.66]) Specifying an initial detector position by default rotates the standard configuration to this position: >>> e_x, e_y = np.eye(2) # standard unit vectors >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_to_det_init=(1, 0)) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, e_x) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axis_init, -e_y) True >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_to_det_init=(0, -1)) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, -e_y) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axis_init, -e_x) True The initial detector axis can also be set explicitly: >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_to_det_init=(1, 0), det_axis_init=(0, 1)) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, e_x) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axis_init, e_y) True Specifying a flying focal spot and detector offset: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_shift_func=lambda angle: odl.tomo.flying_focal_spot( ... angle, apart=apart, shifts=[(0.1, 0), (0, 0.1)]), ... det_shift_func=lambda angle: [0.0, 0.05]) >>> geom.src_shift_func(geom.angles) array([[ 0.1, 0. ], [ 0. , 0.1], [ 0.1, 0. ], [ 0. , 0.1]]) >>> geom.det_shift_func(geom.angles) [0.0, 0.05] """ default_src_to_det_init = self._default_config['src_to_det_init'] default_det_axis_init = self._default_config['det_axis_init'] # Handle the initial coordinate system. We need to assign `None` to # the vectors first in order to signalize to the `transform_system` # utility that they should be transformed from default since they # were not explicitly given. det_axis_init = kwargs.pop('det_axis_init', None) if src_to_det_init is not None: self._src_to_det_init_arg = np.asarray(src_to_det_init, dtype=float) else: self._src_to_det_init_arg = None if det_axis_init is not None: self._det_axis_init_arg = np.asarray(det_axis_init, dtype=float) else: self._det_axis_init_arg = None # Compute the transformed system and the transition matrix. We # transform only those vectors that were not explicitly given. vecs_to_transform = [] if det_axis_init is None: vecs_to_transform.append(default_det_axis_init) transformed_vecs = transform_system( src_to_det_init, default_src_to_det_init, vecs_to_transform) transformed_vecs = list(transformed_vecs) src_to_det_init = transformed_vecs.pop(0) if det_axis_init is None: det_axis_init = transformed_vecs.pop(0) assert transformed_vecs == [] # Check and normalize `src_to_det_init`. Detector axes are # normalized in the detector class. if np.array_equiv(src_to_det_init, 0): raise ValueError('`src_to_det_init` cannot be the zero vector') else: src_to_det_init /= np.linalg.norm(src_to_det_init) # Initialize stuff self.__src_to_det_init = src_to_det_init # `check_bounds` is needed for both detector and geometry check_bounds = kwargs.get('check_bounds', True) if det_curvature_radius is None: detector = Flat1dDetector(dpart, axis=det_axis_init, check_bounds=check_bounds) else: detector = CircularDetector(dpart, radius=det_curvature_radius, axis=det_axis_init, check_bounds=check_bounds) translation = kwargs.pop('translation', None) super(FanBeamGeometry, self).__init__( ndim=2, motion_part=apart, detector=detector, translation=translation, **kwargs) self.__src_radius = float(src_radius) if self.src_radius < 0: raise ValueError('source circle radius {} is negative' ''.format(src_radius)) self.__det_radius = float(det_radius) if self.det_radius < 0: raise ValueError('detector circle radius {} is negative' ''.format(det_radius)) if self.src_radius == 0 and self.det_radius == 0: raise ValueError('source and detector circle radii cannot both be ' '0') if self.motion_partition.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('`apart` has dimension {}, expected 1' ''.format(self.motion_partition.ndim)) if src_shift_func is None: self.__src_shift_func = lambda x: np.array( [0.0, 0.0], dtype=float, ndmin=2) else: self.__src_shift_func = src_shift_func if det_shift_func is None: self.__det_shift_func = lambda x: np.array( [0.0, 0.0], dtype=float, ndmin=2) else: self.__det_shift_func = det_shift_func
[docs] @classmethod def frommatrix(cls, apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, init_matrix, det_curvature_radius=None, **kwargs): """Create an instance of `FanBeamGeometry` using a matrix. This alternative constructor uses a matrix to rotate and translate the default configuration. It is most useful when the transformation to be applied is already given as a matrix. Parameters ---------- apart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the angle interval. dpart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the detector parameter interval. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. Must be nonzero if ``src_radius`` is zero. init_matrix : `array_like`, shape ``(2, 2)`` or ``(2, 3)``, optional Transformation matrix whose left ``(2, 2)`` block is multiplied with the default ``det_pos_init`` and ``det_axis_init`` to determine the new vectors. If present, the third column acts as a translation after the initial transformation. The resulting ``det_axis_init`` will be normalized. det_curvature_radius : nonnegative float, optional Radius of the detector curvature. If ``None``, flat detector is used, otherwise must be positive. kwargs : Further keyword arguments passed to the class constructor. Returns ------- geometry : `FanBeamGeometry` Examples -------- Mirror the second unit vector, creating a left-handed system: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> matrix = np.array([[1, 0], ... [0, -1]]) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry.frommatrix( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, init_matrix=matrix) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., -5.]) >>> geom.det_axis_init array([ 1., 0.]) >>> geom.translation array([ 0., 0.]) Adding a translation with a third matrix column: >>> matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 1], ... [0, -1, 1]]) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry.frommatrix( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=1, det_radius=5, init_matrix=matrix) >>> geom.translation array([ 1., 1.]) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) # (0, -5) + (1, 1) array([ 1., -4.]) """ # Get transformation and translation parts from `init_matrix` init_matrix = np.asarray(init_matrix, dtype=float) if init_matrix.shape not in ((2, 2), (2, 3)): raise ValueError('`matrix` must have shape (2, 2) or (2, 3), ' 'got array with shape {}' ''.format(init_matrix.shape)) trafo_matrix = init_matrix[:, :2] translation = init_matrix[:, 2:].squeeze() # Transform the default vectors default_src_to_det_init = cls._default_config['src_to_det_init'] default_det_axis_init = cls._default_config['det_axis_init'] vecs_to_transform = [default_det_axis_init] transformed_vecs = transform_system( default_src_to_det_init, None, vecs_to_transform, matrix=trafo_matrix) # Use the standard constructor with these vectors src_to_det, det_axis = transformed_vecs if translation.size != 0: kwargs['translation'] = translation return cls(apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, det_curvature_radius, src_to_det, det_axis_init=det_axis, **kwargs)
@property def src_radius(self): """Source circle radius of this geometry.""" return self.__src_radius @property def det_radius(self): """Detector circle radius of this geometry.""" return self.__det_radius @property def det_curvature_radius(self): """Detector curve radius of this geometry.""" return getattr(self.detector, 'radius', None) @property def src_to_det_init(self): """Initial source-to-detector unit vector.""" return self.__src_to_det_init @property def det_axis_init(self): """Detector axis at angle 0.""" return self.detector.axis
[docs] def det_axis(self, angle): """Return the detector axis at ``angle``.""" return self.rotation_matrix(angle).dot(self.det_axis_init)
@property def angles(self): """Discrete angles given in this geometry.""" return self.motion_grid.coord_vectors[0] @property def src_shift_func(self): """Source shifts in the geometry.""" return self.__src_shift_func @property def det_shift_func(self): """Detector shifts in the geometry.""" return self.__det_shift_func
[docs] def src_position(self, angle): """Return the source position at ``angle``. For an angle ``phi``, the source position is given by :: src(phi) = translation + rot_matrix(phi) * (-src_rad * src_to_det_init) + source_shift(phi) where ``src_to_det_init`` is the initial unit vector pointing from source to detector and source_shift(phi) = rot_matrix(phi) * (shift[0] * (-src_to_det_init) + shift[1] * tangent) where ``tangent`` is a vector tangent to the trajectory where ``src_to_det_init`` is the initial unit vector pointing from source to detector. Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of source and detector. Returns ------- pos : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the source. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(2,)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (2,)``. See Also -------- det_refpoint Examples -------- With default arguments, the source starts at ``src_rad * (-e_y)`` and rotates to ``src_rad * e_x`` at 90 degrees: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=2, det_radius=5) >>> geom.src_position(0) array([ 0., -2.]) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_position(np.pi / 2), [2, 0]) True The method is vectorized, i.e., it can be called with multiple angles at once: >>> points = geom.src_position([0, np.pi / 2]) >>> np.allclose(points[0], [0, -2]) True >>> np.allclose(points[1], [2, 0]) True Specifying flying focal spot: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_shift_func=lambda angle: odl.tomo.flying_focal_spot( ... angle, ... apart=apart, ... shifts=[(0.1, 0), (0, 0.1)]), ... src_to_det_init=(-0.71, 0.71)) >>> geom.angles array([ 0.78539816, 2.35619449, 3.92699082, 5.49778714]) >>> np.round(geom.src_position(geom.angles), 2) array([[ 1.1, -0. ], [-0.1, 1. ], [-1.1, 0. ], [ 0.1, -1. ]]) """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) src_shifts = self.src_shift_func(angle) # Initial vector from the rotation center to the source. It can be # computed this way since source and detector are at maximum distance, # i.e. the connecting line passes the origin. center_to_src_init = -self.src_radius * self.src_to_det_init # shifting the source according to ffs tangent = np.array([self.src_to_det_init[1], -self.src_to_det_init[0]]) ffs_shift = (np.multiply.outer(src_shifts[:, 0], -self.src_to_det_init) + np.multiply.outer(src_shifts[:, 1], tangent)) center_to_src_init = center_to_src_init + ffs_shift pos_vec = (self.translation[None, :] + np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', self.rotation_matrix(angle), center_to_src_init)) if squeeze_out: pos_vec = pos_vec.squeeze() return pos_vec
[docs] def det_refpoint(self, angle): """Return the detector reference point position at ``angle``. For an angle ``phi``, the detector position is given by :: det_ref(phi) = translation + rot_matrix(phi) * (det_rad * src_to_det_init) + detector_shift(phi) where ``src_to_det_init`` is the initial unit vector pointing from source to detector and detector_shift(phi) = rot_matrix(phi) * (shift[0] * src_to_det_init + shift[1] * tangent) where ``tangent`` is a vector tangent to the trajectory Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of source and detector. Returns ------- point : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the detector reference point. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(2,)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (2,)``. See Also -------- src_position Examples -------- With default arguments, the detector starts at ``det_rad * e_y`` and rotates to ``det_rad * (-e_x)`` at 90 degrees: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=2, det_radius=5) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., 5.]) >>> np.allclose(geom.det_refpoint(np.pi / 2), [-5, 0]) True The method is vectorized, i.e., it can be called with multiple angles at once: >>> points = geom.det_refpoint([0, np.pi / 2]) >>> np.allclose(points[0], [0, 5]) True >>> np.allclose(points[1], [-5, 0]) True Specifying detector offset: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = FanBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=1, ... det_shift_func=lambda angle: [0.0, 0.1], ... src_to_det_init=(0.71, -0.71)) >>> geom.angles array([ 0.78539816, 2.35619449, 3.92699082, 5.49778714]) >>> np.round(geom.det_refpoint(geom.angles), 2) array([[ 1. , 0.1], [-0.1, 1. ], [-1. , -0.1], [ 0.1, -1. ]]) """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) det_shifts = np.array(self.det_shift_func(angle), dtype=float, ndmin=2) # Initial vector from the rotation center to the detector. It can be # computed this way since source and detector are at maximum distance, # i.e. the connecting line passes the origin. center_to_det_init = self.det_radius * self.src_to_det_init # shifting the detector tangent = np.array([-self.src_to_det_init[1], self.src_to_det_init[0]]) shift = (np.multiply.outer(det_shifts[:, 0], self.src_to_det_init) + np.multiply.outer(det_shifts[:, 1], tangent)) center_to_det_init = center_to_det_init + shift refpt = (self.translation[None, :] + np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', self.rotation_matrix(angle), center_to_det_init)) if squeeze_out: refpt = refpt.squeeze() return refpt
[docs] def rotation_matrix(self, angle): """Return the rotation matrix for ``angle``. For an angle ``phi``, the matrix is given by :: rot(phi) = [[cos(phi), -sin(phi)], [sin(phi), cos(phi)]] Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of source and detector. Returns ------- rot : `numpy.ndarray` The rotation matrix (or matrices) mapping vectors at the initial state to the ones in the state defined by ``angle``. The rotation is extrinsic, i.e., defined in the "world" coordinate system. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(2, 2)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (2, 2)``. """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) if (self.check_bounds and not is_inside_bounds(angle, self.motion_params)): raise ValueError('`angle` {} not in the valid range {}' ''.format(angle, self.motion_params)) matrix = euler_matrix(angle) if squeeze_out: matrix = matrix.squeeze() return matrix
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.motion_partition, self.det_partition] optargs = [('src_radius', self.src_radius, -1), ('det_radius', self.det_radius, -1)] if not np.allclose(self.src_to_det_init, self._default_config['src_to_det_init']): optargs.append( ['src_to_det_init', array_str(self.src_to_det_init), '']) if self._det_axis_init_arg is not None: optargs.append( ['det_axis_init', array_str(self._det_axis_init_arg), '']) if not np.array_equal(self.translation, (0, 0)): optargs.append(['translation', array_str(self.translation), '']) sig_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(sig_str))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return self[indices]. This is defined by :: self[indices].partition == self.partition[indices] where all other parameters are the same. Examples -------- >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4, 4) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = odl.tomo.FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, 50, 100) Extract sub-geometry with every second angle: >>> geom[::2, :] FanBeamGeometry( nonuniform_partition( [ 0.5, 2.5], min_pt=0.0, max_pt=4.0 ), uniform_partition(-1.0, 1.0, 20), src_radius=50.0, det_radius=100.0 ) """ part = self.partition[indices] apart = part.byaxis[0] dpart = part.byaxis[1] return FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=self.src_radius, det_radius=self.det_radius, det_curvature_radius=self.det_curvature_radius, src_to_det_init=self.src_to_det_init, det_axis_init=self._det_axis_init_arg, src_shift_func=self.src_shift_func, det_shift_func=self.det_shift_func, translation=self.translation)
[docs]class ConeBeamGeometry(DivergentBeamGeometry, AxisOrientedGeometry): """Cone beam geometry with circular/helical source curve. The source moves along a spiral oriented along a fixed ``axis``, with radius ``src_radius`` in the azimuthal plane and a given ``pitch``. The detector reference point is opposite to the source, i.e. in the point at distance ``src_rad + det_rad`` on the line in the azimuthal plane through the source point and ``axis``. The motion parameter is the 1d rotation angle parameterizing source and detector positions simultaneously. In the standard configuration, the rotation axis is ``(0, 0, 1)``, the initial source-to-detector vector is ``(0, 1, 0)``, and the initial detector axes are ``[(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)]``. For details, check `the online docs <>`_. """ _default_config = dict(axis=(0, 0, 1), src_to_det_init=(0, 1, 0), det_axes_init=((1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)))
[docs] def __init__(self, apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, det_curvature_radius=None, pitch=0, axis=(0, 0, 1), src_shift_func=None, det_shift_func=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- apart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the angle interval. dpart : 2-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the detector parameter rectangle. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. Must be nonzero if ``src_radius`` is zero. det_curvature_radius : 2-tuple of nonnegative floats, optional Radius or radii of the detector curvature. If ``None``, a flat detector is used. If ``(r, None)`` or ``(r, float('inf'))``, a cylindrical detector is used. If ``(r1, r2)``, a spherical detector is used. pitch : float, optional Constant distance along ``axis`` that a point on the helix traverses when increasing the angle parameter by ``2 * pi``. The default case ``pitch=0`` results in a circular cone beam geometry. axis : `array-like`, shape ``(3,)``, optional Vector defining the fixed rotation axis of this geometry. src_shift_func : callable, optional Function with signature ``src_shift_func(angle) -> shift`` returning a source shift for a given angle. Each shift is interpreted as a vector ``[shift_d, shift_t, shift_r]``, where "d", "t" and "r" denote shifts along the following directions: detector-to-source, tangent to the rotation (projected on plane perpendicular to rotation axis), rotation axis. det_shift_func : callable, optional Function with signature ``det_shift_func(angle) -> shift`` returning a detector shift for a given angle. Each shift is interpreted as a vector ``[shift_d, shift_t, shift_r]``, where "d", "t" and "r" denote shifts along the following directions: source-to-detector, tangent to the rotation (projected on plane perpendicular to rotation axis), rotation axis. Other Parameters ---------------- offset_along_axis : float, optional Scalar offset along the ``axis`` at ``angle=0``, i.e., the translation along the axis at angle 0 is ``offset_along_axis * axis``. Default: 0. src_to_det_init : `array-like`, shape ``(3,)``, optional Initial state of the vector pointing from source to detector reference point. The zero vector is not allowed. The default depends on ``axis``, see Notes. det_axes_init : length-2-sequence of `array-like`'s, optional Initial axes defining the detector orientation, provided as arrays with shape ``(3,)``. Default: depends on ``axis``, see Notes. translation : `array-like`, shape ``(3,)``, optional Global translation of the geometry. This is added last in any method that computes an absolute vector, e.g., `det_refpoint`, and also shifts the axis of rotation. Default: ``(0, 0, 0)`` check_bounds : bool, optional If ``True``, methods computing vectors check input arguments. Checks are vectorized and add only a small overhead. Default: ``True`` Notes ----- In the default configuration, the rotation axis is ``(0, 0, 1)``, the initial source-to-detector direction is ``(0, 1, 0)``, and the default detector axes are ``[(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1)]``. If a different ``axis`` is provided, the new default initial position and the new default axes are the computed by rotating the original ones by a matrix that transforms ``(0, 0, 1)`` to the new (normalized) ``axis``. This matrix is calculated with the `rotation_matrix_from_to` function. Expressed in code, we have :: init_rot = rotation_matrix_from_to((0, 0, 1), axis) src_to_det_init =, 1, 0)) det_axes_init[0] =, 0, 0)) det_axes_init[1] =, 0, 1)) Examples -------- Initialization with default parameters and some (arbitrary) choices for pitch and radii: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2) >>> geom.src_position(0) array([ 0., -5., 0.]) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., 10., 0.]) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_position(2 * np.pi), ... geom.src_position(0) + (0, 0, 2)) # z shift by pitch True Checking the default orientation: >>> geom.axis array([ 0., 0., 1.]) >>> geom.src_to_det_init array([ 0., 1., 0.]) >>> geom.det_axes_init array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) Specifying curvature of the cylindrical detector: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition( ... [-np.pi / 2, -1], [np.pi / 2, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, ... src_radius=5, det_radius=10, det_curvature_radius=(10, None)) >>> # (10*sin(pi/2), 10*cos(pi/2), 1) >>> np.round(geom.det_point_position(0, [ np.pi / 2, 1] ), 2) array([ 10., 0., 1.]) Specifying curvature of the spherical detector: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 4], ... [ np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4], (20, 20)) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, ... src_radius=5, det_radius=10, det_curvature_radius=(10, 10)) >>> # 10*( cos(pi/4), 0, sin(pi/4)) >>> np.round(geom.det_point_position(0, [ np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4] ), 2) array([ 7.07, 0. , 7.07]) Specifying an axis by default rotates the standard configuration to this position: >>> e_x, e_y, e_z = np.eye(3) # standard unit vectors >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2, ... axis=(0, 1, 0)) >>> np.allclose(geom.axis, e_y) True >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, -e_z) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axes_init, (e_x, e_y)) True >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2, ... axis=(1, 0, 0)) >>> np.allclose(geom.axis, e_x) True >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, e_y) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axes_init, (-e_z, e_x)) True The initial source-to-detector vector and the detector axes can also be set explicitly: >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2, ... src_to_det_init=(-1, 0, 0), ... det_axes_init=((0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1))) >>> np.allclose(geom.axis, e_z) True >>> np.allclose(geom.src_to_det_init, -e_x) True >>> np.allclose(geom.det_axes_init, (e_y, e_z)) True Specifying a flying focal spot and detector offset: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_shift_func=lambda angle: odl.tomo.flying_focal_spot( ... angle, apart=apart, shifts=[(0, 0.1, 0), (0, 0, 0.1)]), ... det_shift_func=lambda angle: [0.0, 0.05, 0.03]) >>> geom.src_shift_func(geom.angles) array([[ 0. , 0.1, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.1], [ 0. , 0.1, 0. ], [ 0. , 0. , 0.1]]) >>> geom.det_shift_func(geom.angles) [0.0, 0.05, 0.03] """ default_axis = self._default_config['axis'] default_src_to_det_init = self._default_config['src_to_det_init'] default_det_axes_init = self._default_config['det_axes_init'] # Handle initial coordinate system. We need to assign `None` to # the vectors first since we want to check that `init_matrix` # is not used together with those other parameters. src_to_det_init = kwargs.pop('src_to_det_init', None) det_axes_init = kwargs.pop('det_axes_init', None) # Store some stuff for repr if src_to_det_init is not None: self._src_to_det_init_arg = np.asarray(src_to_det_init, dtype=float) else: self._src_to_det_init_arg = None if det_axes_init is not None: self._det_axes_init_arg = tuple( np.asarray(a, dtype=float) for a in det_axes_init) else: self._det_axes_init_arg = None # Compute the transformed system and the transition matrix. We # transform only those vectors that were not explicitly given. vecs_to_transform = [] if src_to_det_init is None: vecs_to_transform.append(default_src_to_det_init) if det_axes_init is None: vecs_to_transform.extend(default_det_axes_init) transformed_vecs = transform_system( axis, default_axis, vecs_to_transform) transformed_vecs = list(transformed_vecs) axis = transformed_vecs.pop(0) if src_to_det_init is None: src_to_det_init = transformed_vecs.pop(0) if det_axes_init is None: det_axes_init = (transformed_vecs.pop(0), transformed_vecs.pop(0)) assert transformed_vecs == [] # Check and normalize `src_to_det_init`. Detector axes are # normalized in the detector class. if np.linalg.norm(src_to_det_init) == 0: raise ValueError('`src_to_det_init` cannot be zero') else: src_to_det_init /= np.linalg.norm(src_to_det_init) # Get stuff out of kwargs, otherwise upstream code complains # about unknown parameters (rightly so) self.__pitch = float(pitch) self.__offset_along_axis = float(kwargs.pop('offset_along_axis', 0)) self.__src_radius = float(src_radius) # Initialize stuff self.__src_to_det_init = src_to_det_init AxisOrientedGeometry.__init__(self, axis) # `check_bounds` is needed for both detector and geometry check_bounds = kwargs.get('check_bounds', True) if det_curvature_radius is None: detector = Flat2dDetector(dpart, axes=det_axes_init, check_bounds=check_bounds) elif len(det_curvature_radius) == 2: if det_curvature_radius[0] == det_curvature_radius[1]: detector = SphericalDetector(dpart, radius=det_curvature_radius[0], axes=det_axes_init, check_bounds=check_bounds) elif (det_curvature_radius[1] is None or det_curvature_radius[1] == float('inf')): detector = CylindricalDetector(dpart, radius=det_curvature_radius[0], axes=det_axes_init, check_bounds=check_bounds) else: raise NotImplementedError('Curved detector with different ' 'curvature radii') else: raise ValueError('det_curvature_radius {} must be a 2-tuple' ''.format(det_curvature_radius)) super(ConeBeamGeometry, self).__init__( ndim=3, motion_part=apart, detector=detector, **kwargs) # Check parameters if self.src_radius < 0: raise ValueError('source circle radius {} is negative' ''.format(src_radius)) self.__det_radius = float(det_radius) if self.det_radius < 0: raise ValueError('detector circle radius {} is negative' ''.format(det_radius)) if self.src_radius == 0 and self.det_radius == 0: raise ValueError('source and detector circle radii cannot both be ' '0') if self.motion_partition.ndim != 1: raise ValueError('`apart` has dimension {}, expected 1' ''.format(self.motion_partition.ndim)) if src_shift_func is None: self.__src_shift_func = lambda x: np.array( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float, ndmin=2) else: self.__src_shift_func = src_shift_func if det_shift_func is None: self.__det_shift_func = lambda x: np.array( [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float, ndmin=2) else: self.__det_shift_func = det_shift_func
[docs] @classmethod def frommatrix(cls, apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, init_matrix, det_curvature_radius=None, pitch=0, **kwargs): """Create an instance of `ConeBeamGeometry` using a matrix. This alternative constructor uses a matrix to rotate and translate the default configuration. It is most useful when the transformation to be applied is already given as a matrix. Parameters ---------- apart : 1-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the parameter interval. dpart : 2-dim. `RectPartition` Partition of the detector parameter set. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. Must be nonzero if ``src_radius`` is zero. init_matrix : `array_like`, shape ``(3, 3)`` or ``(3, 4)``, optional Transformation matrix whose left ``(3, 3)`` block is multiplied with the default ``det_pos_init`` and ``det_axes_init`` to determine the new vectors. If present, the fourth column acts as a translation after the initial transformation. The resulting ``det_axes_init`` will be normalized. det_curvature_radius : 2-tuple of nonnegative floats, optional Radius or radii of the detector curvature. If ``None``, a flat detector is used. If ``(r, None)`` or ``(r, float('inf'))``, a cylindrical detector is used. If ``(r1, r2)``, a spherical detector is used. pitch : float, optional Constant distance along the rotation axis that a point on the helix traverses when increasing the angle parameter by ``2 * pi``. The default case ``pitch=0`` results in a circular cone beam geometry. kwargs : Further keyword arguments passed to the class constructor. Returns ------- geometry : `ConeBeamGeometry` Examples -------- Map unit vectors ``e_y -> e_z`` and ``e_z -> -e_y``, keeping the right-handedness: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0], ... [0, 0, -1], ... [0, 1, 0]]) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry.frommatrix( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2, ... init_matrix=matrix) >>> geom.axis array([ 0., -1., 0.]) >>> geom.src_to_det_init array([ 0., 0., 1.]) >>> geom.det_axes_init array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., -1., 0.]]) Adding a translation with a fourth matrix column: >>> matrix = np.array([[0, 0, -1, 0], ... [0, 1, 0, 1], ... [1, 0, 0, 1]]) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry.frommatrix( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2, ... init_matrix=matrix) >>> geom.translation array([ 0., 1., 1.]) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) # (0, 10, 0) + (0, 1, 1) array([ 0., 11., 1.]) """ for key in ('axis', 'src_to_det_init', 'det_axes_init', 'translation'): if key in kwargs: raise TypeError('got unknown keyword argument {!r}' ''.format(key)) # Get transformation and translation parts from `init_matrix` init_matrix = np.asarray(init_matrix, dtype=float) if init_matrix.shape not in ((3, 3), (3, 4)): raise ValueError('`matrix` must have shape (3, 3) or (3, 4), ' 'got array with shape {}' ''.format(init_matrix.shape)) trafo_matrix = init_matrix[:, :3] translation = init_matrix[:, 3:].squeeze() # Transform the default vectors default_axis = cls._default_config['axis'] default_src_to_det_init = cls._default_config['src_to_det_init'] default_det_axes_init = cls._default_config['det_axes_init'] vecs_to_transform = (default_src_to_det_init,) + default_det_axes_init transformed_vecs = transform_system( default_axis, None, vecs_to_transform, matrix=trafo_matrix) # Use the standard constructor with these vectors axis, src_to_det, det_axis_0, det_axis_1 = transformed_vecs if translation.size == 0: pass else: kwargs['translation'] = translation return cls(apart, dpart, src_radius, det_radius, det_curvature_radius=det_curvature_radius, pitch=pitch, axis=axis, src_to_det_init=src_to_det, det_axes_init=[det_axis_0, det_axis_1], **kwargs)
@property def src_radius(self): """Source circle radius of this geometry.""" return self.__src_radius @property def det_radius(self): """Detector circle radius of this geometry.""" return self.__det_radius @property def det_curvature_radius(self): """Detector curve radius of this geometry.""" return getattr(self.detector, 'radius', None) @property def pitch(self): """Constant vertical distance traversed in a full rotation.""" return self.__pitch @property def src_to_det_init(self): """Initial state of the vector pointing from source to detector reference point.""" return self.__src_to_det_init @property def det_axes_init(self): """Initial axes defining the detector orientation.""" return self.detector.axes @property def offset_along_axis(self): """Scalar offset along ``axis`` at ``angle=0``.""" return self.__offset_along_axis @property def angles(self): """Discrete angles given in this geometry.""" return self.motion_grid.coord_vectors[0] @property def src_shift_func(self): """Source shifts in the geometry.""" return self.__src_shift_func @property def det_shift_func(self): """Detector shifts in the geometry.""" return self.__det_shift_func
[docs] def det_axes(self, angle): """Return the detector axes tuple at ``angle``. Parameters ---------- angles : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of the detector around `axis`. Returns ------- axes : `numpy.ndarray` Unit vectors along which the detector is aligned. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(2, 3)``, otherwise ``broadcast(*angles).shape + (2, 3)``. Notes ----- To get an array that enumerates the detector axes in the first dimension, move the second-to-last axis to the first position: axes = det_axes(angle) axes_enumeration = np.moveaxis(deriv, -2, 0) """ # Transpose to take dot along axis 1 axes = self.rotation_matrix(angle).dot(self.det_axes_init.T) # `axes` has shape (a, 3, 2), need to roll the last dimensions # to the second-to-last place return np.rollaxis(axes, -1, -2)
[docs] def det_refpoint(self, angle): """Return the detector reference point position at ``angle``. For an angle ``phi``, the detector position is given by :: det_ref(phi) = translation + rot_matrix(phi) * (det_rad * src_to_det_init) + (offset_along_axis + pitch * phi) * axis + detector_shift(phi) where ``src_to_det_init`` is the initial unit vector pointing from source to detector and detector_shift(phi) = rot_matrix(phi) * (shift1 * src_to_det_init + shift2 * cross(-src_to_det_init, axis)) shift3 * axis Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of the detector. Returns ------- refpt : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the detector reference point. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(3,)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (3,)``. See Also -------- src_position Examples -------- With default arguments, the detector starts at ``det_rad * e_y`` and rotates to ``det_rad * (-e_x) + pitch/4 * e_z`` at 90 degrees: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2) >>> geom.det_refpoint(0) array([ 0., 10., 0.]) >>> np.allclose(geom.det_refpoint(np.pi / 2), [-10, 0, 0.5]) True The method is vectorized, i.e., it can be called with multiple angles at once (or an n-dimensional array of angles): >>> points = geom.det_refpoint([0, np.pi / 2]) >>> np.allclose(points[0], [0, 10, 0]) True >>> np.allclose(points[1], [-10, 0, 0.5]) True >>> geom.det_refpoint(np.zeros((4, 5))).shape (4, 5, 3) Specifying detector offset: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=1, ... det_shift_func=lambda angle:[0, 0.1, -0.1], ... src_to_det_init=(0.71, -0.71, 0)) >>> geom.angles array([ 0.78539816, 2.35619449, 3.92699082, 5.49778714]) >>> np.round(geom.det_refpoint(geom.angles), 2) array([[ 1. , 0.1, -0.1], [-0.1, 1. , -0.1], [-1. , -0.1, -0.1], [ 0.1, -1. , -0.1]]) """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) rot_matrix = self.rotation_matrix(angle) extra_dims = angle.ndim det_shifts = np.array(self.det_shift_func(angle), dtype=float, ndmin=2) # Initial vector from center of rotation to detector. # It can be computed this way since source and detector are at # maximum distance, i.e. the connecting line passes the center. center_to_det_init = self.det_radius * self.src_to_det_init # shifting the detector according to det_shift_func tangent = -np.cross(self.src_to_det_init, self.axis) tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) det_shift = (np.multiply.outer(det_shifts[:, 0], self.src_to_det_init) + np.multiply.outer(det_shifts[:, 1], tangent)) center_to_det_init = center_to_det_init + det_shift # `circle_component` has shape (a, ndim) circle_component = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', rot_matrix, center_to_det_init) # Increment along the rotation axis according to pitch and # offset_along_axis # `shift_along_axis` has shape angles.shape shift_along_axis = (self.offset_along_axis + self.pitch * angle / (2 * np.pi) + det_shifts[:, 2]) # Create outer product of `shift_along_axis` and `axis`, resulting # in shape (a, ndim) pitch_component = np.multiply.outer(shift_along_axis, self.axis) # Broadcast translation along extra dimensions transl_slc = (None,) * extra_dims + (slice(None),) refpt = (self.translation[transl_slc] + circle_component + pitch_component) if squeeze_out: refpt = refpt.squeeze() return refpt
[docs] def src_position(self, angle): """Return the source position at ``angle``. For an angle ``phi``, the source position is given by :: src(phi) = translation + rot_matrix(phi) * (-src_rad * src_to_det_init) + (offset_along_axis + pitch * phi) * axis + source_shift(phi) where ``src_to_det_init`` is the initial unit vector pointing from source to detector and source_shift(phi) = rot_matrix(phi) * (shift1 * (-src_to_det_init) + shift2 * cross(src_to_det_init, axis)) shift3 * axis Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of the detector. Returns ------- pos : `numpy.ndarray`, shape (3,) or (num_angles, 3) Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the source position. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(3,)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (3,)``. See Also -------- det_refpoint Examples -------- With default arguments, the source starts at ``src_rad * (-e_y)`` and rotates to ``src_rad * e_x + pitch/4 * e_z`` at 90 degrees: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, src_radius=5, det_radius=10, pitch=2) >>> geom.src_position(0) array([ 0., -5., 0.]) >>> np.allclose(geom.src_position(np.pi / 2), [5, 0, 0.5]) True The method is vectorized, i.e., it can be called with multiple angles at once: >>> points = geom.src_position([0, np.pi / 2]) >>> np.allclose(points[0], [0, -5, 0]) True >>> np.allclose(points[1], [5, 0, 0.5]) True >>> geom.src_position(np.zeros((4, 5))).shape (4, 5, 3) Specifying flying focal spot: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 4) >>> geom = ConeBeamGeometry( ... apart, dpart, ... src_radius=1, det_radius=5, ... src_shift_func=lambda angle: odl.tomo.flying_focal_spot( ... angle, apart=apart, shifts=[(0, 0.1, 0), (0, 0, 0.1)]), ... src_to_det_init=(-0.71, 0.71, 0)) >>> geom.angles array([ 0.78539816, 2.35619449, 3.92699082, 5.49778714]) >>> np.round(geom.src_position(geom.angles), 2) array([[ 1. , 0.1, 0. ], [ 0. , 1. , 0.1], [-1. , -0.1, 0. ], [-0. , -1. , 0.1]]) """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) rot_matrix = self.rotation_matrix(angle) extra_dims = angle.ndim src_shifts = self.src_shift_func(angle) # Initial vector from center of rotation to source. # It can be computed this way since source and detector are at # maximum distance, i.e. the connecting line passes the center. center_to_src_init = -self.src_radius * self.src_to_det_init # shifting the source according to ffs tangent = -np.cross(-self.src_to_det_init, self.axis) tangent /= np.linalg.norm(tangent) ffs_shift = (np.multiply.outer(src_shifts[:, 0], -self.src_to_det_init) + np.multiply.outer(src_shifts[:, 1], tangent)) center_to_src_init = center_to_src_init + ffs_shift circle_component = np.einsum('...ij,...j->...i', rot_matrix, center_to_src_init) # Increment along the rotation axis according to pitch and # offset_along_axis # `shift_along_axis` has shape angles.shape shift_along_axis = (self.offset_along_axis + self.pitch * angle / (2 * np.pi) + src_shifts[:, 2]) # Create outer product of `shift_along_axis` and `axis`, resulting # in shape (a, ndim) pitch_component = np.multiply.outer(shift_along_axis, self.axis) # Broadcast translation along extra dimensions transl_slc = (None,) * extra_dims + (slice(None),) refpt = (self.translation[transl_slc] + circle_component + pitch_component) if squeeze_out: refpt = refpt.squeeze() return refpt
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.motion_partition, self.det_partition] optargs = [('src_radius', self.src_radius, -1), ('det_radius', self.det_radius, -1), ('pitch', self.pitch, 0) ] if not np.allclose(self.axis, self._default_config['axis']): optargs.append(['axis', array_str(self.axis), '']) optargs.append(['offset_along_axis', self.offset_along_axis, 0]) if self._src_to_det_init_arg is not None: optargs.append(['src_to_det_init', array_str(self._src_to_det_init_arg), None]) if self._det_axes_init_arg is not None: optargs.append( ['det_axes_init', tuple(array_str(a) for a in self._det_axes_init_arg), None]) if not np.array_equal(self.translation, (0, 0, 0)): optargs.append(['translation', array_str(self.translation), '']) sig_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n') return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(sig_str))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return self[indices]. This is defined by :: self[indices].partition == self.partition[indices] where all other parameters are the same. Examples -------- >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 4, 4) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], [20, 20]) >>> geom = odl.tomo.ConeBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, 50, 100, pitch=2) Extract sub-geometry with every second angle: >>> geom[::2] ConeBeamGeometry( nonuniform_partition( [ 0.5, 2.5], min_pt=0.0, max_pt=4.0 ), uniform_partition([-1., -1.], [ 1., 1.], (20, 20)), src_radius=50.0, det_radius=100.0, pitch=2.0 ) """ part = self.partition[indices] apart = part.byaxis[0] dpart = part.byaxis[1:] return ConeBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=self.src_radius, det_radius=self.det_radius, det_curvature_radius=self.det_curvature_radius, pitch=self.pitch, axis=self.axis, offset_along_axis=self.offset_along_axis, src_to_det_init=self._src_to_det_init_arg, det_axes_init=self._det_axes_init_arg, src_shift_func=self.src_shift_func, det_shift_func=self.det_shift_func, translation=self.translation)
# Manually override the abstract method in `Geometry` since it's found # first rotation_matrix = AxisOrientedGeometry.rotation_matrix
[docs]def cone_beam_geometry(space, src_radius, det_radius, num_angles=None, short_scan=False, det_shape=None): r"""Create a default fan or cone beam geometry from ``space``. This function is intended for simple test cases where users do not need the full flexibility of the geometries, but simply wants a geometry that works. The geometry returned by this function has equidistant angles that lie (strictly) between 0 and either ``2 * pi`` (full scan) or ``pi + fan_angle`` (short scan). The detector is centered around 0, and its size is chosen such that the whole ``space`` is covered with lines. The number of angles and detector elements is chosen such that the resulting sinogram is fully sampled according to the Nyquist criterion, which in general results in a very large number of samples. In particular, a ``space`` that is not centered at the origin can result in very large detectors since the latter is always origin-centered. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Reconstruction space, the space of the volumetric data to be projected. Must be 2- or 3-dimensional. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. Must be larger than the radius of the smallest vertical cylinder containing ``space.domain``, i.e., the source must be outside the volume for all rotations. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. short_scan : bool, optional Use the minimum required angular range ``[0, pi + fan_angle]``. For ``True``, the `parker_weighting` should be used in FBP. By default, the range ``[0, 2 * pi]`` is used. num_angles : int, optional Number of angles. Default: Enough to fully sample the data, see Notes. det_shape : int or sequence of ints, optional Number of detector pixels. Default: Enough to fully sample the data, see Notes. Returns ------- geometry : `DivergentBeamGeometry` Projection geometry with equidistant angles and zero-centered detector as determined by sampling criteria. - If ``space`` is 2D, the result is a `FanBeamGeometry`. - If ``space`` is 3D, the result is a `ConeBeamGeometry`. Examples -------- Create a fan beam geometry from a 2d space: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geometry = cone_beam_geometry(space, src_radius=5, det_radius=5) >>> geometry.angles.size 78 >>> geometry.detector.size 57 For a short scan geometry (from 0 to ``pi + fan_angle``), the ``short_scan`` flag can be set, resulting in a smaller number of angles: >>> geometry = cone_beam_geometry(space, src_radius=5, det_radius=5, ... short_scan=True) >>> geometry.angles.size 46 If the source is close to the object, the detector becomes larger due to more magnification: >>> geometry = cone_beam_geometry(space, src_radius=3, det_radius=9) >>> geometry.angles.size 80 >>> geometry.detector.size 105 Notes ----- According to [NW2001]_, pages 75--76, a function :math:`f : \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}` that has compact support .. math:: \| x \| > \rho \implies f(x) = 0, and is essentially bandlimited .. math:: \| \xi \| > \Omega \implies \hat{f}(\xi) \approx 0, can be fully reconstructed from a fan beam ray transform with source-detector distance :math:`r` (assuming all detector points have the same distance to the source) if (1) the projection angles are sampled with a spacing of :math:`\Delta \psi` such that .. math:: \Delta \psi \leq \frac{r + \rho}{r}\, \frac{\pi}{\rho \Omega}, and (2) the detector is sampled with an angular interval :math:`\Delta \alpha` that satisfies .. math:: \Delta \alpha \leq \frac{\pi}{r \Omega}. For a flat detector, the angular interval is smallest in the center of the fan and largest at the boundaries. The worst-case relation between the linear and angular sampling intervals are .. math:: \Delta s = R \Delta \alpha, \quad R^2 = r^2 + (w / 2)^2, where :math:`w` is the width of the detector. Thus, to satisfy the angular detector condition one can choose .. math:: \Delta s \leq \frac{\pi \sqrt{r^2 + (w / 2)^2}}{r \Omega}. The geometry returned by this function satisfies these conditions exactly. If the domain is 3-dimensional, a circular cone beam geometry is created with the third coordinate axis as rotation axis. This does, of course, not yield complete data, but is equivalent to the 2D fan beam case in the :math:`z = 0` slice. The vertical size of the detector is chosen such that it covers the object vertically with rays, using a containing cuboid :math:`[-\rho, \rho]^2 \times [z_{\mathrm{min}}, z_{\mathrm{min}}]` to compute the cone angle. References ---------- .. [NW2001] Natterer, F and Wuebbeling, F. *Mathematical Methods in Image Reconstruction*. SIAM, 2001. """ # Find maximum distance from rotation axis corners = space.domain.corners()[:, :2] rho = np.max(np.linalg.norm(corners, axis=1)) # Find default values according to Nyquist criterion. # We assume that the function is bandlimited by a wave along the x or y # axis. The highest frequency we can measure is then a standing wave with # period of twice the inter-node distance. min_side = min(space.partition.cell_sides[:2]) omega = np.pi / min_side # Compute minimum width of the detector to cover the object. The relation # used here is (w/2)/(rs+rd) = rho/rs since both are equal to tan(alpha), # where alpha is the half fan angle. rs = float(src_radius) if (rs <= rho): raise ValueError('source too close to the object, resulting in ' 'infinite detector for full coverage') rd = float(det_radius) r = src_radius + det_radius w = 2 * rho * (rs + rd) / rs # Compute minimum number of pixels given the constraint on the # sampling interval and the computed width rb = np.hypot(r, w / 2) # length of the boundary ray to the flat detector num_px_horiz = 2 * int(np.ceil(w * omega * r / (2 * np.pi * rb))) + 1 if space.ndim == 2: det_min_pt = -w / 2 det_max_pt = w / 2 if det_shape is None: det_shape = num_px_horiz elif space.ndim == 3: # Compute number of vertical pixels required to cover the object, # using the same sampling interval vertically as horizontally. # The reasoning is the same as for the computation of w. # Minimum distance of the containing cuboid edges to the source dist = rs - rho # Take angle of the rays going through the top and bottom corners # in that edge half_cone_angle = max(np.arctan(abs(space.partition.min_pt[2]) / dist), np.arctan(abs(space.partition.max_pt[2]) / dist)) h = 2 * np.sin(half_cone_angle) * (rs + rd) # Use the vertical spacing from the reco space, corrected for # magnification at the "back" of the object, i.e., where it is # minimal min_mag = (rs + rd) / (rs + rho) delta_h = min_mag * space.cell_sides[2] num_px_vert = int(np.ceil(h / delta_h)) h = num_px_vert * delta_h # make multiple of spacing det_min_pt = [-w / 2, -h / 2] det_max_pt = [w / 2, h / 2] if det_shape is None: det_shape = [num_px_horiz, num_px_vert] fan_angle = 2 * np.arctan(rho / rs) if short_scan: max_angle = min(np.pi + fan_angle, 2 * np.pi) else: max_angle = 2 * np.pi if num_angles is None: num_angles = int(np.ceil(max_angle * omega * rho / np.pi * r / (r + rho))) angle_partition = uniform_partition(0, max_angle, num_angles) det_partition = uniform_partition(det_min_pt, det_max_pt, det_shape) if space.ndim == 2: return FanBeamGeometry(angle_partition, det_partition, src_radius, det_radius) elif space.ndim == 3: return ConeBeamGeometry(angle_partition, det_partition, src_radius, det_radius) else: raise ValueError('``space.ndim`` must be 2 or 3.')
[docs]def helical_geometry(space, src_radius, det_radius, num_turns, n_pi=1, num_angles=None, det_shape=None): """Create a default helical geometry from ``space``. This function is intended for simple test cases where users do not need the full flexibility of the geometries, but simply wants a geometry that works. The geometry returned by this function has equidistant angles that lie (strictly) between 0 and ``2 * pi * num_turns``. The detector is centered around 0, and its size is chosen such that the whole ``space`` is covered with lines. The number of angles and detector elements is chosen such that the resulting sinogram is fully sampled according to the Nyquist criterion, which in general results in a very large number of samples. In particular, a ``space`` that is not centered at the origin can result in very large detectors since the latter is always origin-centered. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Reconstruction space, the space of the volumetric data to be projected. Must be 3-dimensional. src_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the source circle. Must be larger than the radius of the smallest vertical cylinder containing ``space.domain``, i.e., the source must be outside the volume for all rotations. det_radius : nonnegative float Radius of the detector circle. num_turns : positive float Total number of helical turns. num_angles : int, optional Number of angles. Default: Enough to fully sample the data, see Notes. n_pi : odd int, optional Total number of half rotations to include in the window. Values larger than 1 should be used if the pitch is much smaller than the detector height. det_shape : int or sequence of ints, optional Number of detector pixels. Default: Enough to fully sample the data, see Notes. Returns ------- geometry : `ConeBeamGeometry` Projection geometry with equidistant angles and zero-centered detector as determined by sampling criteria. Examples -------- Create a helical beam geometry from space: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1], (20, 20, 20)) >>> geometry = helical_geometry(space, src_radius=5, det_radius=5, ... num_turns=3) >>> geometry.angles.size 234 >>> geometry.detector.shape (57, 9) Notes ----- In the "fan beam direction", the sampling exactly follows the two-dimensional case see `cone_beam_geometry` for a description. In the "axial direction", e.g. along the [0, 0, 1] axis, the geometry is sampled according to two criteria. First, the bounds of the detector are chosen to satisfy the tuy condition. See `[TSS1998]`_ for a full description. Second, the sampling rate is selected according to the nyquist criterion to give a full sampling. This is done by sampling such that the pixel size is half of the size of the projection of the smallest voxel onto the detector. References ---------- [TSS1998] Tam, K C, Samarasekera, S and Sauer, F. *Exact cone beam CT with a spiral scan*. Physics in Medicine & Biology 4 (1998), p 1015. .. _[TSS1998]: """ # Find maximum distance from rotation axis corners = space.domain.corners()[:, :2] rho = np.max(np.linalg.norm(corners, axis=1)) offset_along_axis = space.partition.min_pt[2] pitch = space.partition.extent[2] / num_turns # Find default values according to Nyquist criterion. # We assume that the function is bandlimited by a wave along the x or y # axis. The highest frequency we can measure is then a standing wave with # period of twice the inter-node distance. min_side = min(space.partition.cell_sides[:2]) omega = np.pi / min_side # Compute minimum width of the detector to cover the object. The relation # used here is (w/2)/(rs+rd) = rho/rs since both are equal to tan(alpha), # where alpha is the half fan angle. rs = float(src_radius) if (rs <= rho): raise ValueError('source too close to the object, resulting in ' 'infinite detector for full coverage') rd = float(det_radius) r = rs + rd w = 2 * rho * (rs + rd) / rs # Compute minimum number of pixels given the constraint on the # sampling interval and the computed width rb = np.hypot(r, w / 2) # length of the boundary ray to the flat detector num_px_horiz = 2 * int(np.ceil(w * omega * r / (2 * np.pi * rb))) + 1 # Compute lower and upper bound needed to fully sample the object. # In particular, since in a helical geometry several turns are used, # this is selected so that the field of view of two opposing projections, # separated by theta = 180 deg, overlap, but as little as possible. # See `tam_danielson_window` for more information. h_axis = (pitch / (2 * np.pi) * (1 + (-rho / src_radius) ** 2) * (n_pi * np.pi / 2.0 - np.arctan(-rho / src_radius))) h = 2 * h_axis * (rs + rd) / rs # Compute number of pixels min_mag = r / rs dh = 0.5 * space.partition.cell_sides[2] * min_mag num_px_vert = int(np.ceil(h / dh)) det_min_pt = [-w / 2, -h / 2] det_max_pt = [w / 2, h / 2] if det_shape is None: det_shape = [num_px_horiz, num_px_vert] max_angle = 2 * np.pi * num_turns if num_angles is None: num_angles = int(np.ceil(max_angle * omega * rho / np.pi * r / (r + rho))) angle_partition = uniform_partition(0, max_angle, num_angles) det_partition = uniform_partition(det_min_pt, det_max_pt, det_shape) return ConeBeamGeometry(angle_partition, det_partition, src_radius, det_radius, offset_along_axis=offset_along_axis, pitch=pitch)
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()