Source code for odl.discr.discr_space

# Copyright 2014-2020 The ODL contributors
# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Lebesgue L^p type discretizations of function spaces."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from numbers import Integral

import numpy as np

from odl.discr.discr_utils import point_collocation, sampling_function
from odl.discr.partition import (
    RectPartition, uniform_partition, uniform_partition_fromintv)
from odl.set import IntervalProd, RealNumbers
from import ProductSpace
from import Tensor, TensorSpace
from import tensor_space_impl
from import ConstWeighting
from odl.util import (
    apply_on_boundary, array_str, dtype_str, is_floating_dtype,
    is_numeric_dtype, normalized_nodes_on_bdry, normalized_scalar_param_list,
    repr_string, safe_int_conv, signature_string_parts)

__all__ = (

[docs]class DiscretizedSpace(TensorSpace): """Discretization of a Lebesgue :math:`L^p` space."""
[docs] def __init__(self, partition, tspace, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- partition : `RectPartition` Partition of a rectangular spatial domain. tspace : `TensorSpace` Space of elements used for data storage. It must have the same `TensorSpace.shape` as ``partition``. axis_labels : sequence of str, optional Names of the axes to use for plotting etc. Default: - 1D: ``['$x$']`` - 2D: ``['$x$', '$y$']`` - 3D: ``['$x$', '$y$', '$z$']`` - nD: ``['$x_1$', '$x_2$', ..., '$x_n$']`` Note: The ``$`` signs ensure rendering as LaTeX. """ if not isinstance(partition, RectPartition): raise TypeError('`partition` must be a `RectPartition`, got {!r}' ''.format(partition)) if not isinstance(tspace, TensorSpace): raise TypeError('`tspace` must be a `TensorSpace`, got {!r}' ''.format(tspace)) if partition.shape != tspace.shape: raise ValueError( '`partition.shape` must be equal to `tspace.shape`, but ' '{} != {}'.format(partition.shape, tspace.shape) ) self.__tspace = tspace self.__partition = partition super(DiscretizedSpace, self).__init__(tspace.shape, tspace.dtype) # Set axis labels axis_labels = kwargs.pop('axis_labels', None) if axis_labels is None: if self.ndim <= 3: self.__axis_labels = ('$x$', '$y$', '$z$')[:self.ndim] else: self.__axis_labels = tuple('$x_{}$'.format(axis) for axis in range(self.ndim)) else: self.__axis_labels = tuple(str(label) for label in axis_labels) if kwargs: raise ValueError('got unexpected keyword arguments {}' ''.format(kwargs))
# --- Meta-info @property def element_type(self): """`DiscretizedSpaceElement`""" return DiscretizedSpaceElement # --- Constructor args @property def partition(self): """`RectPartition` of the function domain.""" return self.__partition @property def tspace(self): """Space for the coefficients of the elements of this space.""" return self.__tspace @property def axis_labels(self): """Labels for axes when displaying space elements.""" return self.__axis_labels # --- Pass-through `partition` attributes @property def domain(self): """Set on which functions are defined before discretization.""" return self.partition.set # --- Pass-through `tspace` attributes @property def weighting(self): """This space's weighting scheme.""" # TODO(kohr-h): `weighting` is optional in `tspace`, how should we # handle that? return self.tspace.weighting @property def is_weighted(self): """``True`` if the ``tspace`` is weighted.""" return getattr(self.tspace, 'is_weighted', False) @property def impl(self): """Name of the implementation back-end.""" return self.tspace.impl @property def exponent(self): """Exponent of this space, the ``p`` in ``L^p``.""" # TODO(kohr-h): `exponent` is optional in `tspace`, how should we # handle that? return self.tspace.exponent @property def min_pt(self): """Vector of minimal coordinates of the function domain.""" return self.partition.min_pt @property def max_pt(self): """Vector of maximal coordinates of the function domain.""" return self.partition.max_pt @property def is_uniform_byaxis(self): """Boolean tuple showing uniformity of ``self.partition`` per axis.""" return self.partition.is_uniform_byaxis @property def is_uniform(self): """``True`` if `partition` is uniform.""" return self.partition.is_uniform @property def grid(self): """Sampling grid of the discretization mappings.""" return self.partition.grid @property def shape(self): """Shape of the underlying partition.""" return self.partition.shape @property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions (= number of axes).""" return self.partition.ndim @property def size(self): """Total number of underlying partition cells.""" return self.partition.size @property def cell_sides(self): """Side lengths of a cell in an underlying *uniform* partition.""" return self.partition.cell_sides @property def cell_volume(self): """Cell volume of an underlying *uniform* partition.""" return self.partition.cell_volume @property def meshgrid(self): """All sampling points in the partition as a sparse meshgrid.""" return self.partition.meshgrid
[docs] def points(self, order='C'): """All sampling points in the partition. Parameters ---------- order : {'C', 'F'} Axis ordering in the resulting point array. Returns ------- points : `numpy.ndarray` The shape of the array is ``size x ndim``, i.e. the points are stored as rows. """ return self.partition.points(order)
@property def default_order(self): """Default storage order for new elements in this space. This is equal to the default order of `tspace`. """ return self.tspace.default_order
[docs] def default_dtype(self, field=None): """Default data type for new elements in this space. This is equal to the default data type of `tspace`. """ return self.tspace.default_dtype(field)
[docs] def available_dtypes(self): """Available data types for new elements in this space. This is equal to the available data types of `tspace`. """ return self.tspace.available_dtypes()
# --- Derived properties @property def tspace_type(self): """Tensor space type of this space.""" return type(self.tspace) @property def tangent_bundle(self): """The tangent bundle associated with `domain` using `partition`. The tangent bundle of a space ``X`` of functions ``R^d --> F`` can be interpreted as the space of vector-valued functions ``R^d --> F^d``. This space can be identified with the power space ``X^d`` as used in this implementation. """ if self.ndim == 0: return ProductSpace(field=self.field) else: return ProductSpace(self, self.ndim) @property def is_uniformly_weighted(self): """``True`` if the weighting is the same for all space points.""" try: is_uniformly_weighted = self.__is_uniformly_weighted except AttributeError: bdry_fracs = self.partition.boundary_cell_fractions is_uniformly_weighted = ( np.allclose(bdry_fracs, 1.0) or self.exponent == float('inf') or not getattr(self.tspace, 'is_weighted', False)) self.__is_uniformly_weighted = is_uniformly_weighted return is_uniformly_weighted # --- Element creation
[docs] def element(self, inp=None, order=None, **kwargs): """Create an element from ``inp`` or from scratch. Parameters ---------- inp : optional Input used to initialize the new element. The following options are available: - ``None``: an empty element is created with no guarantee of its state (memory allocation only). The new element will use ``order`` as storage order if provided, otherwise `default_order`. - array-like: an element wrapping a `tensor` is created, where a copy is avoided whenever possible. This usually requires correct `shape`, `dtype` and `impl` if applicable, and if ``order`` is provided, also contiguousness in that ordering. See the ``element`` method of `tspace` for more information. If any of these conditions is not met, a copy is made. - callable: a new element is created by sampling the function using `point_collocation`. order : {None, 'C', 'F'}, optional Storage order of the returned element. For ``'C'`` and ``'F'``, contiguous memory in the respective ordering is enforced. The default ``None`` enforces no contiguousness. kwargs : Additional arguments passed on to `point_collocation` when called on ``inp``, in the form ``point_collocation(inp, points, **kwargs)``. This can be used e.g. for functions with parameters. Returns ------- element : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` The discretized element, calculated as ``point_collocation(inp)`` or ``tspace.element(inp)``, tried in this order. Examples -------- Elements can be created from array-like objects that represent an already discretized function: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(-1, 1, 4) >>> space.element([1, 2, 3, 4]) uniform_discr(-1.0, 1.0, 4).element([ 1., 2., 3., 4.]) >>> vector = odl.rn(4).element([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> space.element(vector) uniform_discr(-1.0, 1.0, 4).element([ 0., 1., 2., 3.]) On the other hand, non-discretized objects like Python functions can be discretized "on the fly": >>> space.element(lambda x: x * 2) uniform_discr(-1.0, 1.0, 4).element([-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5]) This works also with parameterized functions, however only through keyword arguments (not positional arguments with defaults): >>> def f(x, c=0.0): ... return np.maximum(x, c) ... >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(-1, 1, 4) >>> space.element(f, c=0.5) uniform_discr(-1.0, 1.0, 4).element([ 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.75]) """ if inp is None: return self.element_type(self, self.tspace.element(order=order)) elif inp in self and order is None: return inp elif inp in self.tspace and order is None: return self.element_type(self, inp) elif callable(inp): func = sampling_function( inp, self.domain, out_dtype=self.dtype, ) sampled = point_collocation(func, self.meshgrid, **kwargs) return self.element_type( self, self.tspace.element(sampled, order=order) ) else: # Sequence-type input return self.element_type( self, self.tspace.element(inp, order=order) )
[docs] def zero(self): """Return the element of all zeros.""" return self.element_type(self,
[docs] def one(self): """Return the element of all ones.""" return self.element_type(self,
# --- Casting def _astype(self, dtype): """Internal helper for ``astype``.""" tspace = self.tspace.astype(dtype) return type(self)( self.partition, tspace, axis_labels=self.axis_labels) # --- Slicing # TODO: add `byaxis`_out when discretized tensor-valued functions are # available @property def byaxis_in(self): """Object to index along input (domain) dimensions. Examples -------- Indexing with integers or slices: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3], (5, 10, 15)) >>> space.byaxis_in[0] uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 5) >>> space.byaxis_in[1] uniform_discr(0.0, 2.0, 10) >>> space.byaxis_in[1:] uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 3.], (10, 15)) Lists can be used to stack spaces arbitrarily: >>> space.byaxis_in[[2, 1, 2]] uniform_discr([ 0., 0., 0.], [ 3., 2., 3.], (15, 10, 15)) """ space = self class DiscretizedSpaceByaxisIn(object): """Helper class for indexing by domain axes.""" def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return ``self[indices]``. Parameters ---------- indices : index expression Object used to index the space domain. Returns ------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` The resulting space with indexed domain and otherwise same properties (except possibly weighting). """ part = space.partition.byaxis[indices] if isinstance(space.weighting, ConstWeighting): # Need to manually construct `tspace` since it doesn't # know where its weighting factor comes from try: iter(indices) except TypeError: newshape = space.shape[indices] else: newshape = tuple(space.shape[int(i)] for i in indices) weighting = part.cell_volume tspace = type(space.tspace)( newshape, space.dtype, exponent=space.exponent, weighting=weighting) else: # Other weighting schemes are handled correctly by # the tensor space # TODO(kohr-h): `byaxis` is not guaranteed to exist in # `tspace`, how to handle that? tspace = space.tspace.byaxis[indices] try: iter(indices) except TypeError: labels = space.axis_labels[indices] else: labels = tuple(space.axis_labels[int(i)] for i in indices) return DiscretizedSpace(part, tspace, axis_labels=labels) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return repr(space) + '.byaxis_in' return DiscretizedSpaceByaxisIn() # --- Identity
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equals : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a `DiscretizedSpace` with equal `tspace`, ``False`` otherwise. """ # Optimizations for simple cases if other is self: return True elif other is None: return False else: return ( super(DiscretizedSpace, self).__eq__(other) and other.tspace == self.tspace and other.partition == self.partition )
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash( (super(DiscretizedSpace, self).__hash__(), self.tspace, self.partition) ) # --- Space functions
[docs] def _lincomb(self, a, x1, b, x2, out): """Raw linear combination.""" self.tspace._lincomb(a, x1.tensor, b, x2.tensor, out.tensor)
[docs] def _multiply(self, x1, x2, out): """Raw pointwise multiplication of two elements.""" self.tspace._multiply(x1.tensor, x2.tensor, out.tensor)
[docs] def _divide(self, x1, x2, out): """Raw pointwise multiplication of two elements.""" self.tspace._divide(x1.tensor, x2.tensor, out.tensor)
# The inherited methods by default use a weighting by a constant # (the grid cell size). In dimensions where the partitioned set contains # only a fraction of the outermost cells (e.g. if the outermost grid # points lie at the boundary), the corresponding contributions to # discretized integrals need to be scaled by that fraction.
[docs] def _inner(self, x, y): """Return ``self.inner(x, y)``.""" if self.is_uniform and not self.is_uniformly_weighted: # TODO: implement without copying x bdry_fracs = self.partition.boundary_cell_fractions func_list = _scaling_func_list(bdry_fracs, exponent=1.0) x_arr = apply_on_boundary(x, func=func_list, only_once=False) return self.tspace.inner(self.tspace.element(x_arr), y.tensor) else: return self.tspace.inner(x.tensor, y.tensor)
[docs] def _norm(self, x): """Return ``self.norm(x)``.""" if self.is_uniform and not self.is_uniformly_weighted: # TODO: implement without copying x bdry_fracs = self.partition.boundary_cell_fractions func_list = _scaling_func_list(bdry_fracs, exponent=self.exponent) x_arr = apply_on_boundary(x, func=func_list, only_once=False) return self.tspace.norm(self.tspace.element(x_arr)) else: return self.tspace.norm(x.tensor)
[docs] def _dist(self, x, y): """Return ``self.dist(x, y)``.""" if self.is_uniform and not self.is_uniformly_weighted: bdry_fracs = self.partition.boundary_cell_fractions func_list = _scaling_func_list(bdry_fracs, exponent=self.exponent) arrs = [apply_on_boundary(vec, func=func_list, only_once=False) for vec in (x, y)] return self.tspace.dist( self.tspace.element(arrs[0]), self.tspace.element(arrs[1]), ) else: return self.tspace.dist(x.tensor, y.tensor)
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" # Clunky check if the factory repr can be used if uniform_partition_fromintv( self.partition.set, self.shape, nodes_on_bdry=False ) == self.partition: use_uniform = True nodes_on_bdry = False elif uniform_partition_fromintv( self.partition.set, self.shape, nodes_on_bdry=True ) == self.partition: use_uniform = True nodes_on_bdry = True else: use_uniform = False nodes_on_bdry = None if use_uniform: ctor = 'uniform_discr' if self.ndim == 1: posargs = [self.min_pt[0], self.max_pt[0], self.shape[0]] posmod = ['', '', ''] else: posargs = [self.min_pt, self.max_pt, self.shape] posmod = [array_str, array_str, ''] default_dtype_s = dtype_str( self.tspace.default_dtype(RealNumbers()) ) dtype_s = dtype_str(self.dtype) optargs = [ ('impl', self.impl, 'numpy'), ('nodes_on_bdry', nodes_on_bdry, False), ('dtype', dtype_s, default_dtype_s) ] # Add weighting stuff if not equal to default if ( self.exponent == float('inf') or self.ndim == 0 or not is_floating_dtype(self.dtype) ): # In these cases, weighting constant 1 is the default if ( not isinstance(self.weighting, ConstWeighting) or not np.isclose(self.weighting.const, 1.0) ): optargs.append(('weighting', self.weighting.const, None)) else: if ( not isinstance(self.weighting, ConstWeighting) or not np.isclose(self.weighting.const, self.cell_volume) ): optargs.append(('weighting', self.weighting.const, None)) optmod = [''] * len(optargs) if self.dtype in (float, complex, int, bool): optmod[2] = '!s' inner_parts = signature_string_parts( posargs, optargs, [posmod, optmod] ) return repr_string(ctor, inner_parts) else: ctor = self.__class__.__name__ posargs = [self.partition, self.tspace] inner_parts = signature_string_parts(posargs, []) return repr_string(ctor, inner_parts, allow_mixed_seps=False) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return repr(self)
[docs]class DiscretizedSpaceElement(Tensor): """Representation of a `DiscretizedSpace` element."""
[docs] def __init__(self, space, tensor): """Initialize a new instance.""" super(DiscretizedSpaceElement, self).__init__(space) self.__tensor = tensor
# --- Constructor args @property def tensor(self): """Structure for data storage.""" return self.__tensor # --- Pass-through `space` properties @property def cell_sides(self): """Side lengths of a cell in an underlying *uniform* partition.""" return @property def cell_volume(self): """Cell volume of an underlying regular grid.""" return # --- Pass-through `tensor` properties @property def data(self): """Data container of ``self``, depends on ``space.impl``.""" return @property def dtype(self): """Type of data storage.""" return self.tensor.dtype @property def size(self): """Size of data storage.""" return self.tensor.size def __len__(self): """Return ``len(self)``. Equivalent to ``self.shape[0]`` if possible. Zero-dimensional tensors have no length and produce a `TypeError`. """ return len(self.tensor)
[docs] def copy(self): """Create an identical (deep) copy of this element.""" return
[docs] def asarray(self, out=None): """Extract the data of this array as a numpy array. Parameters ---------- out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array in which the result should be written in-place. Has to be contiguous and of the correct dtype. """ return self.tensor.asarray(out=out)
[docs] def astype(self, dtype): """Return a copy of this element with new ``dtype``. Parameters ---------- dtype : Scalar data type of the returned space. Can be provided in any way the `numpy.dtype` constructor understands, e.g. as built-in type or as a string. Data types with non-trivial shapes are not allowed. Returns ------- newelem : `DisceteLpElement` Version of this element with given data type. """ return
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equals : bool ``True`` if all entries of ``other`` are equal to this element's entries, ``False`` otherwise. """ return other in and other.tensor == self.tensor
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return ``self[indices]``. Parameters ---------- indices : int or `slice` The position(s) that should be accessed. Returns ------- values : `Tensor` The value(s) at the index (indices). """ if isinstance(indices, type(self)): indices = indices.tensor return self.tensor[indices]
def __ipow__(self, p): """Implement ``self **= p``.""" # The concrete `tensor` can specialize `__ipow__` for non-integer # `p` so we want to use it here. Otherwise we get the default # `LinearSpaceElement.__ipow__` which only works for integer `p`. self.tensor.__ipow__(p) return self @property def real(self): """Real part of this element. Returns ------- real : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` Examples -------- Get the real part: >>> discr = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 3, dtype=complex) >>> x = discr.element([5+1j, 3, 2-2j]) >>> x.real uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 5., 3., 2.]) Set the real part: >>> x = discr.element([1 + 1j, 2, 3 - 3j]) >>> zero = >>> x.real = zero >>> x.real uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) Other array-like types and broadcasting: >>> x.real = 1.0 >>> x.real uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 1., 1., 1.]) >>> x.real = [2, 3, 4] >>> x.real uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 2., 3., 4.]) """ return @real.setter def real(self, newreal): """Set the real part of this element to ``newreal``. This method is invoked by ``x.real = other``. Parameters ---------- newreal : array-like or scalar Values to be assigned to the real part of this element. """ self.tensor.real = newreal @property def imag(self): """Imaginary part of this element. Returns ------- imag : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` Examples -------- Get the imaginary part: >>> discr = uniform_discr(0, 1, 3, dtype=complex) >>> x = discr.element([5+1j, 3, 2-2j]) >>> x.imag uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 1., 0., -2.]) Set the imaginary part: >>> x = discr.element([1 + 1j, 2, 3 - 3j]) >>> zero = >>> x.imag = zero >>> x.imag uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) Other array-like types and broadcasting: >>> x.imag = 1.0 >>> x.imag uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 1., 1., 1.]) >>> x.imag = [2, 3, 4] >>> x.imag uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 2., 3., 4.]) """ return @imag.setter def imag(self, newimag): """Set the imaginary part of this element to ``newimag``. This method is invoked by ``x.imag = other``. Parameters ---------- newimag : array-like or scalar Values to be assigned to the imaginary part of this element. Raises ------ ValueError If the space is real, i.e., no imagninary part can be set. """ if raise ValueError('cannot set imaginary part in real spaces') self.tensor.imag = newimag
[docs] def conj(self, out=None): """Complex conjugate of this element. Parameters ---------- out : `DiscretizedSpaceElement`, optional Element to which the complex conjugate is written. Must be an element of this element's space. Returns ------- out : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` The complex conjugate element. If ``out`` is provided, the returned object is a reference to it. Examples -------- >>> discr = uniform_discr(0, 1, 4, dtype=complex) >>> x = discr.element([5+1j, 3, 2-2j, 1j]) >>> y = x.conj() >>> print(y) [ 5.-1.j, 3.-0.j, 2.+2.j, 0.-1.j] The out parameter allows you to avoid a copy: >>> z = discr.element() >>> z_out = x.conj(out=z) >>> print(z) [ 5.-1.j, 3.-0.j, 2.+2.j, 0.-1.j] >>> z_out is z True It can also be used for in-place conjugation: >>> x_out = x.conj(out=x) >>> print(x) [ 5.-1.j, 3.-0.j, 2.+2.j, 0.-1.j] >>> x_out is x True """ if out is None: return else: self.tensor.conj(out=out.tensor) return out
[docs] def __setitem__(self, indices, values): """Set values of this element. Parameters ---------- indices : int or `slice` The position(s) that should be set values : scalar or `array-like` Value(s) to be assigned. If ``indices`` is an integer, ``values`` must be a scalar value. If ``indices`` is a slice, ``values`` must be broadcastable to the size of the slice (same size, shape ``(1,)`` or scalar). For ``indices == slice(None)``, i.e. in the call ``vec[:] = values``, a multi-dimensional array of correct shape is allowed as ``values``. """ if values in self.tensor[indices] = values.tensor else: if isinstance(indices, type(self)): indices = indices.tensor if isinstance(values, type(self)): values = values.tensor self.tensor.__setitem__(indices, values)
def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): """Interface to Numpy's ufunc machinery. This method is called by Numpy version 1.13 and higher as a single point for the ufunc dispatch logic. An object implementing ``__array_ufunc__`` takes over control when a `numpy.ufunc` is called on it, allowing it to use custom implementations and output types. This includes handling of in-place arithmetic like ``npy_array += custom_obj``. In this case, the custom object's ``__array_ufunc__`` takes precedence over the baseline `numpy.ndarray` implementation. It will be called with ``npy_array`` as ``out`` argument, which ensures that the returned object is a Numpy array. For this to work properly, ``__array_ufunc__`` has to accept Numpy arrays as ``out`` arguments. See the `corresponding NEP`_ and the `interface documentation`_ for further details. See also the `general documentation on Numpy ufuncs`_. .. note:: When using operations that alter the shape (like ``reduce``), or the data type (can be any of the methods), the resulting array is wrapped in a space of the same type as ````, propagating all essential properties like weighting, exponent etc. as closely as possible. Parameters ---------- ufunc : `numpy.ufunc` Ufunc that should be called on ``self``. method : str Method on ``ufunc`` that should be called on ``self``. Possible values: ``'__call__'``, ``'accumulate'``, ``'at'``, ``'outer'``, ``'reduce'`` input1, ..., inputN : Positional arguments to ``ufunc.method``. kwargs : Keyword arguments to ``ufunc.method``. Returns ------- ufunc_result : `DiscretizedSpaceElement`, `numpy.ndarray` or tuple Result of the ufunc evaluation. If no ``out`` keyword argument was given, the result is a `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or a tuple of such, depending on the number of outputs of ``ufunc``. If ``out`` was provided, the returned object or sequence members refer(s) to ``out``. Examples -------- We apply `numpy.add` to elements of a one-dimensional space: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 3) >>> x = space.element([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = space.element([-1, -2, -3]) >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, '__call__', x, y) uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> np.add(x, y) # same mechanism for Numpy >= 1.13 uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) As ``out``, a `DiscretizedSpaceElement` can be provided as well as a `Tensor` of appropriate type, or its underlying data container type (wrapped in a sequence): >>> out = space.element() >>> res = x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, '__call__', x, y, out=(out,)) >>> out uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> res is out True >>> out_tens = odl.rn(3).element() >>> res = x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, '__call__', x, y, out=(out_tens,)) >>> out_tens rn(3).element([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> res is out_tens True >>> out_arr = np.empty(3) >>> res = x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, '__call__', x, y, out=(out_arr,)) >>> out_arr array([ 0., 0., 0.]) >>> res is out_arr True With multiple dimensions: >>> space_2d = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 2], (2, 3)) >>> x = y = >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, '__call__', x, y) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (2, 3)).element( [[ 2., 2., 2.], [ 2., 2., 2.]] ) The ``ufunc.accumulate`` method retains the original space: >>> x = space.element([1, 2, 3]) >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'accumulate', x) uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 1., 3., 6.]) >>> np.add.accumulate(x) # same mechanism for Numpy >= 1.13 uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 1., 3., 6.]) For multi-dimensional space elements, an optional ``axis`` parameter can be provided (default is 0): >>> z = >>> z.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'accumulate', z, axis=1) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (2, 3)).element( [[ 1., 2., 3.], [ 1., 2., 3.]] ) The method also takes a ``dtype`` parameter: >>> z.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'accumulate', z, dtype=complex) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (2, 3), dtype=complex).element( [[ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [ 2.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 2.+0.j]] ) The ```` method operates in-place. Here we add the second operand ``[5, 10]`` to ``x`` at indices ``[0, 2]``: >>> x = space.element([1, 2, 3]) >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'at', x, [0, 2], [5, 10]) >>> x uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 3).element([ 6., 2., 13.]) For outer-product-type operations, i.e., operations where the result shape is the sum of the individual shapes, the ``ufunc.outer`` method can be used: >>> space1 = odl.uniform_discr(0, 1, 2) >>> space2 = odl.uniform_discr(0, 2, 3) >>> x = space1.element([0, 3]) >>> y = space2.element([1, 2, 3]) >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'outer', x, y) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (2, 3)).element( [[ 1., 2., 3.], [ 4., 5., 6.]] ) >>> y.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'outer', y, x) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 1.], (3, 2)).element( [[ 1., 4.], [ 2., 5.], [ 3., 6.]] ) Using ``ufunc.reduce`` in 1D produces a scalar: >>> x = space.element([1, 2, 3]) >>> x.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'reduce', x) 6.0 In multiple dimensions, ``axis`` can be provided for reduction over selected axes: >>> z = space_2d.element([[1, 2, 3], ... [4, 5, 6]]) >>> z.__array_ufunc__(np.add, 'reduce', z, axis=1) uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 2).element([ 6., 15.]) References ---------- .. _corresponding NEP: .. _interface documentation:\ #numpy.class.__array_ufunc__ .. _general documentation on Numpy ufuncs: .. _reduceat documentation:\ """ # --- Process `out` --- # # Unwrap out if provided. The output parameters are all wrapped # in one tuple, even if there is only one. out_tuple = kwargs.pop('out', ()) # Check number of `out` args, depending on `method` if method == '__call__' and len(out_tuple) not in (0, ufunc.nout): raise ValueError( "need 0 or {} `out` arguments for `method='__call__'`, " 'got {}'.format(ufunc.nout, len(out_tuple))) elif method != '__call__' and len(out_tuple) not in (0, 1): raise ValueError( "need 0 or 1 `out` arguments for `method={!r}`, " 'got {}'.format(method, len(out_tuple))) # We allow our own element type, tensors and their data containers # as `out` valid_out_types = (type(self), type(self.tensor), type( if not all(isinstance(o, valid_out_types) or o is None for o in out_tuple): return NotImplemented # Assign to `out` or `out1` and `out2`, respectively (using the # `tensor` attribute if available) out = out1 = out2 = None if len(out_tuple) == 1: out = getattr(out_tuple[0], 'tensor', out_tuple[0]) elif len(out_tuple) == 2: out1 = getattr(out_tuple[0], 'tensor', out_tuple[0]) out2 = getattr(out_tuple[1], 'tensor', out_tuple[1]) # --- Process `inputs` --- # # Pull out the `tensor` attributes from `DiscretizedSpaceElement` # instances # since we want to pass them to `self.tensor.__array_ufunc__` input_tensors = tuple( elem.tensor if isinstance(elem, type(self)) else elem for elem in inputs) # --- Get some parameters for later --- # # Need to filter for `keepdims` in case `method='reduce'` since it's # invalid (happening below) keepdims = kwargs.pop('keepdims', False) # Determine list of remaining axes from `axis` for `'reduce'` axis = kwargs.get('axis', None) if axis is None: reduced_axes = list(range(1, self.ndim)) else: try: iter(axis) except TypeError: axis = (int(axis),) reduced_axes = [i for i in range(self.ndim) if i not in axis] # --- Evaluate ufunc --- # if method == '__call__': if ufunc.nout == 1: kwargs['out'] = (out,) res_tens = self.tensor.__array_ufunc__( ufunc, '__call__', *input_tensors, **kwargs) if out is None: # Wrap result tensor in appropriate DiscretizedSpace space. res_space = DiscretizedSpace(,, ) result = res_space.element(res_tens) else: result = out_tuple[0] return result elif ufunc.nout == 2: kwargs['out'] = (out1, out2) res1_tens, res2_tens = self.tensor.__array_ufunc__( ufunc, '__call__', *input_tensors, **kwargs) if out1 is None: # Wrap as for nout = 1 res_space = DiscretizedSpace(,, ) result1 = res_space.element(res1_tens) else: result1 = out_tuple[0] if out2 is None: # Wrap as for nout = 1 res_space = DiscretizedSpace(,, ) result2 = res_space.element(res2_tens) else: result2 = out_tuple[1] return result1, result2 else: raise NotImplementedError('nout = {} not supported' ''.format(ufunc.nout)) elif method == 'reduce' and keepdims: raise ValueError( '`keepdims=True` cannot be used in `reduce` since there is ' 'no unique way to determine a function domain in collapsed ' 'axes') elif method == 'reduceat': # Makes no sense since there is no way to determine in which # space the result should live, except in special cases when # axes are being completely collapsed or don't change size. raise ValueError('`reduceat` not supported') elif ( method == 'outer' and not all(isinstance(inp, type(self)) for inp in inputs) ): raise TypeError( "inputs must be of type {} for `method='outer'`, " 'got types {}' ''.format(type(self), tuple(type(inp) for inp in inputs)) ) else: # method != '__call__', and otherwise valid if method != 'at': # No kwargs allowed for 'at' kwargs['out'] = (out,) res_tens = self.tensor.__array_ufunc__( ufunc, method, *input_tensors, **kwargs) # Shortcut for scalar or no return value if np.isscalar(res_tens) or res_tens is None: # The first occurs for `reduce` with all axes, # the second for in-place stuff (`at` currently) return res_tens if out is None: # Wrap in appropriate DiscretizedSpace space depending # on `method` if method == 'accumulate': res_space = DiscretizedSpace(,, ) result = res_space.element(res_tens) elif method == 'outer': # Concatenate partitions and axis_labels, # and determine `tspace` from the result tensor inp1, inp2 = inputs part = labels1 = [lbl + ' (1)' for lbl in] labels2 = [lbl + ' (2)' for lbl in] labels = labels1 + labels2 if all(isinstance(, ConstWeighting) for inp in inputs): # For constant weighting, use the product of the # two weighting constants. The result tensor space # cannot know about the "correct" way to combine the # two constants, so we need to do it manually here. weighting = ( * tspace = type( res_tens.shape, res_tens.dtype,, weighting=weighting) else: # Otherwise `TensorSpace` knows how to handle this tspace = res_space = DiscretizedSpace( part, tspace, axis_labels=labels ) result = res_space.element(res_tens) elif method == 'reduce': # Index space by axis using `reduced_axes` res_space =[reduced_axes].astype( res_tens.dtype) result = res_space.element(res_tens) else: raise RuntimeError('bad `method`') else: # `out` may be `out_tuple[0].tensor`, but we want to return # the original one result = out_tuple[0] return result
[docs] def show(self, title=None, method='', coords=None, indices=None, force_show=False, fig=None, **kwargs): """Display the function graphically. Parameters ---------- title : string, optional Set the title of the figure method : string, optional 1d methods: - ``'plot'`` : graph plot (default for 1d data) - ``'scatter'`` : scattered 2d points (2nd axis <-> value) 2d methods: - ``'imshow'`` : image plot with coloring according to value, including a colorbar (default for 2d data). - ``'scatter'`` : cloud of scattered 3d points (3rd axis <-> value) coords : `array-like`, optional Display a slice of the array instead of the full array. The values are shown accordinging to the given values, where ``None`` means all values along that dimension. For example, ``[None, None, 0.5]`` shows all values in the first two dimensions, with the third coordinate equal to 0.5. If a sequence is provided, it specifies the minimum and maximum point to be shown, i.e. ``[None, [0, 1]]`` shows all of the first axis and values between 0 and 1 in the second. This option is mutually exclusive with ``indices``. indices : int, slice, Ellipsis or sequence, optional Display a slice of the array instead of the full array. If a sequence is given, the i-th entry indexes the i-th axis, with the following behavior for the different types of entries: - ``int``: take entries with this index along axis ``i``, removing this axis from the result - ``slice``: take a subset along axis ``i``, keeping it intact - ``None``: equivalent to ``slice(None)`` - ``Ellipsis`` (``...``): equivalent to the number of ``None`` entries required to fill up the sequence to correct length. The typical use case is to show a slice for a fixed index in a specific axis, which can be done most easily by setting, e.g., ``indices=[None, 50, None]`` to take the 2d slice parallel to the x-z coordinate plane at index ``y = 50``. A single ``int`` or ``slice`` object indexes the first axis, i.e., is treated as ``(int_or_slice, Ellipsis)``. For the default ``None``, the array is kepty as-is for data that has at most 2 dimensions. For higher-dimensional data, the 2d slice in the first two axes at the middle position along the remaining axes is shown (semantically ``[:, :, shape[2:] // 2]``). This option is mutually exclusive with ``coords``. force_show : bool, optional Whether the plot should be forced to be shown now or deferred until later. Note that some backends always displays the plot, regardless of this value. fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional The figure to show in. Expected to be of same "style", as the figure given by this function. The most common use case is that ``fig`` is the return value of an earlier call to this function. Other Parameters ---------------- interp : {'linear', 'nearest'}, optional Interpolation type that should be used for the plot. kwargs : {'figsize', 'saveto', 'clim', ...}, optional Extra keyword arguments passed on to the display method. See the Matplotlib functions for documentation of extra options. Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` The resulting figure. It is also shown to the user. See Also -------- : Underlying implementation """ from import show_discrete_data if 'interp' not in kwargs: kwargs['interp'] = 'linear' if self.ndim == 0: raise ValueError('nothing to show for 0-dimensional vector') if coords is not None: if indices is not None: raise ValueError('cannot provide both coords and indices') partition = shape = self.shape indices = [] for axis, (n, coord) in enumerate(zip(shape, coords)): try: coord_minp, coord_maxp = coord except TypeError: coord_minp = coord_maxp = coord subpart = partition.byaxis[axis] # Validate input if coord_minp is not None: coord_minp = subpart.set.element(coord_minp) if coord_maxp is not None: coord_maxp = subpart.set.element(coord_maxp) if len(subpart) == 0: # trivial cases indices.append(0) elif coord_minp is not None and coord_minp == coord_maxp: indices.append(subpart.index(coord_minp)) else: if coord_minp is None: min_ind = 0 else: min_ind = np.floor(subpart.index(coord_minp, floating=True)) if coord_maxp is None: max_ind = len(subpart) else: max_ind = np.ceil(subpart.index(coord_maxp, floating=True)) indices.append(slice(int(min_ind), int(max_ind))) # Default to showing x-y slice "in the middle" if indices is None and self.ndim >= 3: indices = ((slice(None),) * 2 + tuple(n // 2 for n in[2:])) # Normalize indices if isinstance(indices, (Integral, slice)): indices = (indices,) elif indices is None or indices == Ellipsis: indices = (slice(None),) * self.ndim # Single index or slice indexes the first axis, rest untouched if len(indices) == 1: indices = tuple(indices) + (Ellipsis,) # Convert `Ellipsis` objects if indices.count(Ellipsis) > 1: raise ValueError('cannot use more than 1 `Ellipsis` (`...`)') elif Ellipsis in indices: # Replace Ellipsis with the correct number of `slice(None)` pos = indices.index(Ellipsis) indices = (tuple(indices[:pos]) + (slice(None),) * (self.ndim - len(indices) + 1) + tuple(indices[pos + 1:])) # Now indices should be exactly of length `ndim` if len(indices) < self.ndim: raise ValueError('too few axes ({} < {})'.format(len(indices), self.ndim)) if len(indices) > self.ndim: raise ValueError('too many axes ({} > {})'.format(len(indices), self.ndim)) # Map `None` to `slice(None)` in indices for syntax like `coords` indices = tuple(slice(None) if idx is None else idx for idx in indices) squeezed_axes = [axis for axis in range(self.ndim) if not isinstance(indices[axis], Integral)] axis_labels = [[axis] for axis in squeezed_axes] # Squeeze grid and values according to the index expression part =[indices].squeeze() values = self.asarray()[indices].squeeze() return show_discrete_data(values, part, title=title, method=method, force_show=force_show, fig=fig, axis_labels=axis_labels, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform_discr_frompartition(partition, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs): """Return a uniformly discretized L^p function space. Parameters ---------- partition : `RectPartition` Uniform partition to be used for discretization. It defines the domain and the functions and the grid for discretization. dtype : optional Data type for the discretized space, must be understood by the `numpy.dtype` constructor. The default for ``None`` depends on the ``impl`` backend, usually it is ``'float64'`` or ``'float32'``. impl : string, optional Implementation of the data storage arrays kwargs : Additional keyword parameters, see `uniform_discr` for details. Returns ------- discr : `DiscretizedSpace` The uniformly discretized function space. Examples -------- >>> part = odl.uniform_partition(0, 1, 10) >>> uniform_discr_frompartition(part) uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 10) See Also -------- uniform_discr : implicit uniform Lp discretization uniform_discr_fromspace : uniform Lp discretization from an existing function space odl.discr.partition.uniform_partition : partition of the function domain """ if not isinstance(partition, RectPartition): raise TypeError('`partition` {!r} is not a `RectPartition` instance' ''.format(partition)) if not partition.is_uniform: raise ValueError('`partition` is not uniform') if dtype is not None: dtype = np.dtype(dtype) tspace_type = tensor_space_impl(impl) if dtype is None: dtype = tspace_type.default_dtype() weighting = kwargs.pop('weighting', None) exponent = kwargs.pop('exponent', 2.0) if weighting is None and is_numeric_dtype(dtype): if exponent == float('inf') or partition.ndim == 0: weighting = 1.0 else: weighting = partition.cell_volume tspace = tspace_type(partition.shape, dtype, exponent=exponent, weighting=weighting) return DiscretizedSpace(partition, tspace, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform_discr_fromintv(intv_prod, shape, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs): """Return a uniformly discretized L^p function space. Parameters ---------- intv_prod : `IntervalProd` Function domain of the uniformly discretized space. shape : int or sequence of ints Number of samples per axis. dtype : optional Data type for the discretized space, must be understood by the `numpy.dtype` constructor. The default for ``None`` depends on the ``impl`` backend, usually it is ``'float64'`` or ``'float32'``. impl : str, optional Implementation of the data storage arrays. kwargs : Additional keyword parameters, see `uniform_discr` for details. Returns ------- discr : `DiscretizedSpace` The uniformly discretized function space Examples -------- >>> intv = IntervalProd(0, 1) >>> uniform_discr_fromintv(intv, 10) uniform_discr(0.0, 1.0, 10) See Also -------- uniform_discr : implicit uniform Lp discretization uniform_discr_frompartition : uniform Lp discretization using a given uniform partition of a function domain """ if dtype is None: dtype = tensor_space_impl(str(impl).lower()).default_dtype() nodes_on_bdry = kwargs.pop('nodes_on_bdry', False) partition = uniform_partition_fromintv(intv_prod, shape, nodes_on_bdry) return uniform_discr_frompartition(partition, dtype, impl, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform_discr(min_pt, max_pt, shape, dtype=None, impl='numpy', **kwargs): """Return a uniformly discretized L^p function space. Parameters ---------- min_pt, max_pt : float or sequence of floats Minimum/maximum corners of the desired function domain. shape : int or sequence of ints Number of samples per axis. dtype : optional Data type for the discretized space, must be understood by the `numpy.dtype` constructor. The default for ``None`` depends on the ``impl`` backend, usually it is ``'float64'`` or ``'float32'``. impl : string, optional Implementation of the data storage arrays. Other Parameters ---------------- exponent : positive float, optional The parameter :math:`p` in :math:`L^p`. If the exponent is not equal to the default 2.0, the space has no inner product. nodes_on_bdry : bool or sequence, optional If a sequence is provided, it determines per axis whether to place the last grid point on the boundary (``True``) or shift it by half a cell size into the interior (``False``). In each axis, an entry may consist in a single bool or a 2-tuple of bool. In the latter case, the first tuple entry decides for the left, the second for the right boundary. The length of the sequence must be ``len(shape)``. A single boolean is interpreted as a global choice for all boundaries. Default: ``False``. weighting : optional Use weighted inner product, norm, and dist. The following types are supported as ``weighting``: - ``None``: Use the cell volume as weighting constant (default). - ``float``: Weighting by a constant. - array-like: Point-wise weighting by an array. - `Weighting`: Use weighting class as-is. Compatibility with this space's elements is not checked during init. Returns ------- discr : `DiscretizedSpace` The uniformly discretized function space Examples -------- Create real space: >>> space = uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (10, 10)) >>> space uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], (10, 10)) >>> space.cell_sides array([ 0.1, 0.1]) >>> space.dtype dtype('float64') >>> space.is_real True Create complex space by giving a dtype: >>> space = uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (10, 10), dtype=complex) >>> space uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], (10, 10), dtype=complex) >>> space.is_complex True >>> space.real_space # Get real counterpart uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], (10, 10)) See Also -------- uniform_discr_frompartition : uniform Lp discretization using a given uniform partition of a function domain uniform_discr_fromspace : uniform discretization from an existing function space uniform_discr_fromintv : uniform discretization from an existing interval product """ intv_prod = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) return uniform_discr_fromintv(intv_prod, shape, dtype, impl, **kwargs)
[docs]def uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, min_pt=None, max_pt=None, shape=None, cell_sides=None, **kwargs): """Return a discretization based on an existing one. The parameters that are explicitly given are used to create the new discretization, and the missing information is taken from the template space. See Notes for the exact functionality. Parameters ---------- discr : `DiscretizedSpace` Uniformly discretized space used as a template. min_pt, max_pt: float or sequence of floats, optional Desired minimum/maximum corners of the new space domain. shape : int or sequence of ints, optional Desired number of samples per axis of the new space. cell_sides : float or sequence of floats, optional Desired cell side lenghts of the new space's partition. Other Parameters ---------------- nodes_on_bdry : bool or sequence, optional If a sequence is provided, it determines per axis whether to place the last grid point on the boundary (``True``) or shift it by half a cell size into the interior (``False``). In each axis, an entry may consist in a single bool or a 2-tuple of bool. In the latter case, the first tuple entry decides for the left, the second for the right boundary. The length of the sequence must be ``discr.ndim``. A single boolean is interpreted as a global choice for all boundaries. Default: ``False``. kwargs : Additional keyword parameters passed to the `DiscretizedSpace` initializer. Notes ----- The parameters ``min_pt``, ``max_pt``, ``shape`` and ``cell_sides`` can be combined in the following ways (applies in each axis individually): **0 arguments:** Return a copy of ``discr`` **1 argument:** [min,max]_pt -> keep sampling but translate domain so it starts/ends at ``[min,max]_pt`` shape/cell_sides -> keep domain but change sampling. See `uniform_partition` for restrictions. **2 arguments:** min_pt + max_pt -> translate and resample with the same number of samples [min,max]_pt + shape/cell_sides -> translate and resample shape + cell_sides -> error due to ambiguity (keep ``min_pt`` or ``max_pt``?) **3+ arguments:** The underlying partition is uniquely determined by the new parameters. See `uniform_partition`. See Also -------- uniform_discr : implicit uniform Lp discretization odl.discr.partition.uniform_partition : underlying domain partitioning scheme Examples -------- >>> discr = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 2], (10, 5)) >>> discr.cell_sides array([ 0.1, 0.4]) If no additional argument is given, a copy of ``discr`` is returned: >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr) == discr True >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr) is discr False Giving ``min_pt`` or ``max_pt`` results in a translation, while for the other two options, the domain is kept but re-partitioned: >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, min_pt=[1, 1]) uniform_discr([ 1., 1.], [ 2., 3.], (10, 5)) >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, max_pt=[0, 0]) uniform_discr([-1., -2.], [ 0., 0.], (10, 5)) >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, cell_sides=[1, 1]) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (1, 2)) >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, shape=[5, 5]) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 2.], (5, 5)) >>> odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, shape=[5, 5]).cell_sides array([ 0.2, 0.4]) The cases with 2 or more additional arguments and the syntax for specifying quantities per axis is illustrated in the following: # axis 0: translate to match max_pt = 3 # axis 1: recompute max_pt using the original shape with the # new min_pt and cell_sides >>> new_discr = odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, min_pt=[None, 1], ... max_pt=[3, None], ... cell_sides=[None, 0.25]) >>> new_discr uniform_discr([ 2., 1.], [ 3. , 2.25], (10, 5)) >>> new_discr.cell_sides array([ 0.1 , 0.25]) # axis 0: recompute min_pt from old cell_sides and new # max_pt and shape # axis 1: use new min_pt, shape and cell_sides only >>> new_discr = odl.uniform_discr_fromdiscr(discr, min_pt=[None, 1], ... max_pt=[3, None], ... shape=[5, 5], ... cell_sides=[None, 0.25]) >>> new_discr uniform_discr([ 2.5, 1. ], [ 3. , 2.25], (5, 5)) >>> new_discr.cell_sides array([ 0.1 , 0.25]) """ if not isinstance(discr, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`discr` {!r} is not a DiscretizedSpace instance' ''.format(discr)) if not discr.is_uniform: raise ValueError('`discr` {} is not uniformly discretized' ''.format(discr)) # Normalize partition parameters min_pt = normalized_scalar_param_list(min_pt, discr.ndim, param_conv=float, keep_none=True) max_pt = normalized_scalar_param_list(max_pt, discr.ndim, param_conv=float, keep_none=True) shape = normalized_scalar_param_list(shape, discr.ndim, param_conv=safe_int_conv, keep_none=True) cell_sides = normalized_scalar_param_list(cell_sides, discr.ndim, param_conv=float, keep_none=True) nodes_on_bdry = kwargs.pop('nodes_on_bdry', False) nodes_on_bdry = normalized_nodes_on_bdry(nodes_on_bdry, discr.ndim) new_min_pt = [] new_max_pt = [] new_shape = [] new_csides = [] for i, (xmin, xmax, n, s, old_xmin, old_xmax, old_n, old_s) in enumerate( zip(min_pt, max_pt, shape, cell_sides, discr.min_pt, discr.max_pt, discr.shape, discr.cell_sides)): num_params = sum(p is not None for p in (xmin, xmax, n, s)) if num_params == 0: new_params = [old_xmin, old_xmax, old_n, None] elif num_params == 1: if xmin is not None: new_params = [xmin, old_xmax + (xmin - old_xmin), old_n, None] elif xmax is not None: new_params = [old_xmin + (xmax - old_xmax), xmax, old_n, None] elif n is not None: new_params = [old_xmin, old_xmax, n, None] else: new_params = [old_xmin, old_xmax, None, s] elif num_params == 2: if xmin is not None and xmax is not None: new_params = [xmin, xmax, old_n, None] elif xmin is not None and n is not None: new_params = [xmin, None, n, old_s] elif xmin is not None and s is not None: new_params = [xmin, None, old_n, s] elif xmax is not None and n is not None: new_params = [None, xmax, n, old_s] elif xmax is not None and s is not None: new_params = [None, xmax, old_n, s] else: raise ValueError('in axis {}: cannot use `shape` and ' '`cell_size` only due to ambiguous values ' 'for `min_pt` and `max_pt`.'.format(i)) else: new_params = [xmin, xmax, n, s] new_min_pt.append(new_params[0]) new_max_pt.append(new_params[1]) new_shape.append(new_params[2]) new_csides.append(new_params[3]) new_part = uniform_partition(min_pt=new_min_pt, max_pt=new_max_pt, shape=new_shape, cell_sides=new_csides, nodes_on_bdry=nodes_on_bdry) return uniform_discr_frompartition( new_part, exponent=discr.exponent, impl=discr.impl, **kwargs )
def _scaling_func_list(bdry_fracs, exponent): """Return a list of lists of scaling functions for the boundary.""" def scaling(factor): def scaling_func(x): return x * factor return scaling_func func_list = [] for frac_l, frac_r in bdry_fracs: func_list_entry = [] if np.isclose(frac_l, 1.0): func_list_entry.append(None) else: func_list_entry.append(scaling(frac_l ** (1 / exponent))) if np.isclose(frac_r, 1.0): func_list_entry.append(None) else: func_list_entry.append(scaling(frac_r ** (1 / exponent))) func_list.append(func_list_entry) return func_list if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()