- odl.solvers.smooth.newton.newtons_method(f, x, line_search=1.0, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-16, cg_iter=None, callback=None)[source]¶
Newton's method for minimizing a functional.
- Parameters:
- f
Goal functional. Needs to have
.- x
element Starting point of the iteration
- line_searchfloat or
, optional Strategy to choose the step length. If a float is given, uses it as a fixed step length.
- maxiterint, optional
Maximum number of iterations.
- tolfloat, optional
Tolerance that should be used for terminating the iteration.
- cg_iterint, optional
Number of iterations in the the conjugate gradient solver, for computing the search direction.
- callbackcallable, optional
Object executing code per iteration, e.g. plotting each iterate
- f
This is a general and optimized implementation of Newton's method for solving the problem:
for a differentiable function
on a Hilbert space
. It does so by finding a zero of the gradient
of finding a root of a function.
The algorithm is well-known and there is a vast literature about it. Among others, the method is described in [BV2004], Sections 9.5 and 10.2 (book available online), [GNS2009], Section 2.7 for solving nonlinear equations and Section 11.3 for its use in minimization, and wikipedia on Newton's_method.
The algorithm works by iteratively solving
and then updating as
is a suitable step length (see the references). In this implementation the system of equations are solved using the conjugate gradient method.
[BV2004] Boyd, S, and Vandenberghe, L. Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004.
[GNS2009] Griva, I, Nash, S G, and Sofer, A. Linear and nonlinear optimization. Siam, 2009.