- odl.solvers.smooth.gradient.steepest_descent(f, x, line_search=1.0, maxiter=1000, tol=1e-16, projection=None, callback=None)[source]¶
Steepest descent method to minimize an objective function.
General implementation of steepest decent (also known as gradient decent) for solving
The algorithm is intended for unconstrained problems. It needs line search in order guarantee convergence. With appropriate line search, it can also be used for constrained problems where one wants to minimize over some given set
. This can be done by defining
, or by providing a
function that projects the iterates on.
The algorithm is described in [BV2004], section 9.3--9.4 (book available online), [GNS2009], Section 12.2, and wikipedia Gradient_descent.
- Parameters:
- f
Goal functional. Needs to have
.- x
element Starting point of the iteration
- line_searchfloat or
, optional Strategy to choose the step length. If a float is given, uses it as a fixed step length.
- maxiterint, optional
Maximum number of iterations.
- tolfloat, optional
Tolerance that should be used for terminating the iteration.
- projectioncallable, optional
Function that can be used to modify the iterates in each iteration, for example enforcing positivity. The function should take one argument and modify it in-place.
- callbackcallable, optional
Object executing code per iteration, e.g. plotting each iterate
- f
See also
Optimized solver for the case
f(x) = ||Ax - b||_2^2
Optimized solver for the case
f(x) = x^T Ax - 2 x^T b
[BV2004] Boyd, S, and Vandenberghe, L. Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004.
[GNS2009] Griva, I, Nash, S G, and Sofer, A. Linear and nonlinear optimization. Siam, 2009.