
class odl.solvers.util.steplen.BacktrackingLineSearch(function, tau=0.5, discount=0.01, alpha=1.0, max_num_iter=None, estimate_step=False)[source]

Bases: LineSearch

Backtracking line search for step length calculation.

This methods approximately finds the longest step length fulfilling the Armijo-Goldstein condition.

The line search algorithm is described in [BV2004], page 464 (book available online) and [GNS2009], pages 378--379. See also Backtracking_line_search.


[BV2004] Boyd, S, and Vandenberghe, L. Convex optimization. Cambridge university press, 2004.

[GNS2009] Griva, I, Nash, S G, and Sofer, A. Linear and nonlinear optimization. Siam, 2009.


__call__(x, direction[, dir_derivative])

Calculate the optimal step length along a line.

__init__(function, tau=0.5, discount=0.01, alpha=1.0, max_num_iter=None, estimate_step=False)[source]

Initialize a new instance.


The cost function of the optimization problem to be solved. If function is not a Functional, calling this class later requires a value for the dir_derivative argument.

taufloat, optional

The amount the step length is decreased in each iteration, as long as it does not fulfill the decrease condition. The step length is updated as step_length *= tau.

discountfloat, optional

The "discount factor" on step length * direction derivative, yielding the threshold under which the function value must lie to be accepted (see the references).

alphafloat, optional

The initial guess for the step length.

max_num_iterint, optional

Maximum number of iterations allowed each time the line search method is called. If None, this number is calculated to allow a shortest step length of 10 times machine epsilon.

estimate_stepbool, optional

If the last step should be used as a estimate for the next step.


Create line search

>>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
>>> func = odl.solvers.L2NormSquared(r3)
>>> line_search = BacktrackingLineSearch(func)

Find step in point x and direction d that decreases the function value.

>>> x = r3.element([1, 2, 3])
>>> d = r3.element([-1, -1, -1])
>>> step_len = line_search(x, d)
>>> step_len
>>> func(x + step_len * d) < func(x)

Also works with non-functionals as arguments, but then the dir_derivative argument is mandatory

>>> r3 = odl.rn(3)
>>> func = lambda x: x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2 + x[2] ** 2
>>> line_search = BacktrackingLineSearch(func)
>>> x = r3.element([1, 2, 3])
>>> d = r3.element([-1, -1, -1])
>>> dir_derivative = -12
>>> step_len = line_search(x, d, dir_derivative=dir_derivative)
>>> step_len
>>> func(x + step_len * d) < func(x)