
odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_gradient_solvers.proximal_gradient(x, f, g, gamma, niter, callback=None, \*\*kwargs)[source]

(Accelerated) proximal gradient algorithm for convex optimization.

Also known as “Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm” (ISTA). See [Beck2009] for more information.

This solver solves the convex optimization problem:

min_{x in X} f(x) + g(x)

where the proximal operator of f is known and g is differentiable.

xf.domain element

Starting point of the iteration, updated in-place.


The function f in the problem definition. Needs to have f.proximal.


The function g in the problem definition. Needs to have g.gradient.

gammapositive float

Step size parameter.

niternon-negative int, optional

Number of iterations.

callbackcallable, optional

Function called with the current iterate after each iteration.

Other Parameters
lamfloat or callable, optional

Overrelaxation step size. If callable, it should take an index (starting at zero) and return the corresponding step size. Default: 1.0


The problem of interest is

\min_{x \in X} f(x) + g(x),

where the formal conditions are that f : X \to \mathbb{R} is proper, convex and lower-semicontinuous, and g : X \to \mathbb{R} is differentiable and \nabla g is 1 / \beta-Lipschitz continuous.

Convergence is only guaranteed if the step length \gamma satisfies

0 < \gamma < 2 \beta

and the parameter \lambda (lam) satisfies

\sum_{k=0}^\infty \lambda_k (\delta - \lambda_k) = + \infty

where \delta = \min \{1, \beta / \gamma\}.
