
odl.solvers.nonsmooth.admm.admm_linearized(x, f, g, L, tau, sigma, niter, **kwargs)[source]

Generic linearized ADMM method for convex problems.

ADMM stands for "Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers" and is a popular convex optimization method. This variant solves problems of the form

min_x [ f(x) + g(Lx) ]

with convex f and g, and a linear operator L. See Section 4.4 of [PB2014] and the Notes for more mathematical details.

xL.domain element

Starting point of the iteration, updated in-place.

f, gFunctional

The functions f and g in the problem definition. They need to implement the proximal method.

Llinear Operator

The linear operator that is composed with g in the problem definition. It must fulfill L.domain == f.domain and L.range == g.domain.

tau, sigmapositive float

Step size parameters for the update of the variables.

niternon-negative int

Number of iterations.

Other Parameters:
callbackcallable, optional

Function called with the current iterate after each iteration.


Given x^{(0)} (the provided x) and u^{(0)} = z^{(0)} = 0, linearized ADMM applies the following iteration:

x^{(k+1)} &= \mathrm{prox}_{\tau f} \left[
    x^{(k)} - \sigma^{-1}\tau L^*\big(
        L x^{(k)} - z^{(k)} + u^{(k)}

z^{(k+1)} &= \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma g}\left(
    L x^{(k+1)} + u^{(k)}

u^{(k+1)} &= u^{(k)} + L x^{(k+1)} - z^{(k+1)}

The step size parameters \tau and \sigma must satisfy

0 < \tau < \frac{\sigma}{\|L\|^2}

to guarantee convergence.

The name "linearized ADMM" comes from the fact that in the minimization subproblem for the x variable, this variant uses a linearization of a quadratic term in the augmented Lagrangian of the generic ADMM, in order to make the step expressible with the proximal operator of f.

Another name for this algorithm is split inexact Uzawa method.


[PB2014] Parikh, N and Boyd, S. Proximal Algorithms. Foundations and Trends in Optimization, 1(3) (2014), pp 123-231.