Configure Git


Your personal Git configurations are saved in the .gitconfig file in your home directory.

Here is an example .gitconfig file:

        name = Your Name
        email =

        ci = commit -a
        co = checkout
        st = status
        stat = status
        br = branch
        wdiff = diff --color-words
        show-conflicts = !git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U

        editor = nano

        summary = true

You can edit this file directly or you can use the git config --global command:

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global
$ git config --global "commit -a"
$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global "status"
$ git config --global alias.stat "status"
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global alias.wdiff "diff --color-words"
$ git config --global "!git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U"
$ git config --global core.editor nano
$ git config --global merge.summary true

To set up on another computer, you can copy your ~/.gitconfig file, or run the commands above.

In detail and

It is good practice to tell Git who you are, for labeling any changes you make to the code. The simplest way to do this is from the command line:

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global

This will write the settings into your Git configuration file, which should now contain a user section with your name and email:

      name = Your Name
      email =

Of course you’ll need to replace Your Name and with your actual name and email address.


You might well benefit from some aliases to common commands.

For example, you might well want to be able to shorten git checkout to git co. Or you may want to alias git diff --color-words (which gives a nicely formatted output of the diff) to git wdiff. Another useful alias is git show-conflicts which displays files that are currently in conflict.

The git config --global commands

$ git config --global "commit -a"
$ git config --global checkout
$ git config --global "status -a"
$ git config --global alias.stat "status -a"
$ git config --global branch
$ git config --global alias.wdiff "diff --color-words"
$ git config --global "!git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U"

will create an alias section in your .gitconfig file with contents like this:

        ci = commit -a
        co = checkout
        st = status -a
        stat = status -a
        br = branch
        wdiff = diff --color-words
        show-conflicts = !git --no-pager diff --name-only --diff-filter=U


You may also want to make sure that your favorite editor is used:

$ git config --global core.editor nano


To enforce summaries when doing merges (~/.gitconfig file again):

   log = true

Or from the command line:

$ git config --global merge.log true

Fancy log output

This is a very nice alias to get a fancy log output; it should go in the alias section of your .gitconfig file:

fancylog = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)[%an]%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative

You use the alias with:

$ git fancylog

and it gives graph / text output something like this (but with color!):

* a105abc - (HEAD -> master, upstream/master) Revert "MAINT: replace deprecated pngmath extension by imgmath" (50 minutes ago) [Holger Kohr]
* 05168c9 - MAINT: replace deprecated pngmath extension by imgmath (53 minutes ago) [Holger Kohr]
* f654c3d - DOC: update README and description in a bit (19 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
*   d097c7b - Merge pull request #436 from odlgroup/issue-435__parallel2d_rotation (19 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 180ba96 - (upstream/issue-435__parallel2d_rotation, issue-435__parallel2d_rotation) TST: Add test for angle conventions of projectors (24 hours ago) [Jonas Adler]
| * de2ab55 - BUG: fix behaviour of show with nonuniform data (26 hours ago) [Jonas Adler]
| * a979666 - BUG: fix rotation by 90 degrees for 2d parallel (27 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
*   ecfd306 - Merge pull request #444 from odlgroup/issue-443__uniform_partition (29 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 024552f - MAINT: replace 10 ** -10 with 1e-10 in (29 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 032b89d - ENH: allow single tuple for nodes_on_bdry in uniform_sampling for 1d (29 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 85dda52 - ENH: add atol to IntervalProd.contains_all (29 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * bdaef8c - ENH: make uniform_partition more flexible (29 hours ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 72b4bd5 - MAINT: use instead of from odl import foo in (2 days ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * 11ec155 - MAINT: fix typo in (2 days ago) [Holger Kohr]
| * dabc917 - MAINT: change tol parameter in IntervalProd to atol (2 days ago) [Holger Kohr]
* |   e59662c - Merge pull request #439 from odlgroup/issue-409__element_noop (29 hours ago) [Jonas Adler]
|\ \
| |/
| * 1d41554 - API: enforce element(vec) noop (8 days ago) [Jonas Adler]
* |   34d4e74 - Merge pull request #438 from odlgroup/issue-437__discr_element_broadcast (8 days ago) [Jonas Adler]
|\ \
| |/
| * e09bfa9 - ENH: allow broadcasting in discr element (8 days ago) [Jonas Adler]

Thanks to Yury V. Zaytsev for posting it.