The ODL release process

This document is intended to give precise instructions on the process of making a release. Its purpose is to avoid broken packages, broken documentation and many other things that can go wrong as a result of mistakes during the release process. Since this is not everyday work and may be done under the stress of a (self-imposed) deadline, it is clearly beneficial to have a checklist to hold on to.


The instructions in this document are written from the perspective of Linux and may need adaption for other platforms.

1. Agree on a release schedule

This involves the "what" and "when" of the release process and fixes a feature set that is supposed to be included in the new version. The steps are:

  • Open an issue on the issue tracker using the title Release X.Y.Z (insert numbers, of course).

  • Discuss and agree on a set of open PRs that should be merged and issues that should be resolved before making a release.

  • Consider posting a shortened version of these instructions as a checklist on the issue page. It tends to be useful for keeping track of progress, and it is always satisfactory to tick off action points.

This issue page is a good template since it largely adheres to all points mentioned here.

2. Make sure tests succeed and docs are built properly

When all required PRs are merged, ensure that the latest master branch is sane. Travis CI checks every PR, but certain things like CUDA cannot be tested there and must therefore undergo tests on a local machine, for at least Python 2.7 and one version of Python 3.

  • Make a new test conda environment and install all dependencies:

    conda create -n release36 python=3.6 nomkl numpy scipy future packaging pytest
    conda activate release36
    cd /path/to/odl_repo
    git fetch origin && git checkout origin/master
    pip install -e .
  • Run the tests with pytest, including doctests, examples documentation and large-scale tests:

    pytest --examples --doctest-doc --largescale
  • Run the tests again after installing pyfftw, pywavelets and astra-toolbox:

    conda install pywavelets
    conda install -c conda-forge pyfftw
    pytest --largescale
  • Run the alternative way of invoking the tests:

    python -c "import odl; odl.test()"
  • Repeat the steps for Python 2.7.

  • Make sure the tests also run on the platforms you're currently not testing on. Ask a buddy maintainer if necessary.

  • Build the documentation. This requires sphinx and the sphinxext submodule:

    conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    cd doc && make clean
    cd source && python
    cd ..
    make html 2>&1 |\
      grep -E "SEVERE|ERROR|WARNING" |\
      grep -E -v "more than one target found for|__eq__|document isn't included in any toctree"

    The last command builds the documentation and filters from the output all irrelevant warnings, letting through only the "proper" warnings and errors. If possible, fix these remaining issues.

  • Glance the built documentation (usually in doc/_build) for obvious errors.

  • If there are test failures or documentation glitches, fix them and make a PR into the master branch. Do not continue with the next step until this step is finished!

3. Make a release branch off of master

When all tests succeed and the docs are fine, start a release branch. Do not touch any actual code on this branch other than indicated below!

  • Create a branch off of current master with the name release-X.Y.Z, inserting the correct version number, of course.

    git fetch -p origin && git checkout origin/master
    git checkout -b release-X.Y.Z
    git push -u my_fork release-X.Y.Z
  • Important: This branch will not be merged into master later, thus it does not make sense to create a PR from it.

4. Bump the master branch to the next development version

To ensure a higher version number for installations from the git master branch, the version number must be increased to a higher value than the upcoming release.

  • On the master branch, change the version string in odl/ to the next revision larger than the upcoming release version (or whatever version you know will come next), plus 'dev0'. For example, if the release version string is '0.5.3', use '0.5.4.dev0'.

    To make sure you don't miss any other location (or the information here is outdated), perform a search:

    cd doc && make clean && cd ..  # remove the local HTML doc first
    grep -Ir "0\.5\.4" . | grep -E -v "\.git|release_notes\.rst|odl\.egg-info"
  • In the file conda/meta.yaml, change the version string after version: to the same as above, but without the 0 at the end. In the example above, this would mean to change it from "0.5.3" to "". We omit the number since conda has its own system to enumerate build numbers.

    If necessary, change git_rev value to master, although that should already be the case.

  • Make sure that building packages with conda still works (see Section 6 for details). If changes to the build system are necessary, test and deploy them in this phase so that building packages on the release branch goes smoothly later on.

  • Commit the changes, using a message like REL: bump version to X.Y.Z.dev0.

  • Make a PR and merge it after review.

5. Compile and publish the release

It is now time to prepare the release documents, increment the version number and make a release on GitHub. The most important points to keep in mind here are:

Do not merge the release branch!

The only changes on the release branch should be the version number changes detailed below, nothing else!

Be very paranoid and double-check that the version tag under git_rev in the meta.yaml file matches exactly the tag used on the GitHub release page. If there is a mismatch, conda packages won't build, and fixing the situation will be tedious.


The release notes should actually be a running document where everybody who files a PR also makes an entry into the release notes file. If not, tough on you -- it is your duty now to make up for all that missed work. Maybe you'll remind your co-workers to do this in their next PR.

  • Compile the release notes. They should contain all user-visible changes, including performance improvements and other niceties -- internal stuff like test modifications don't belong here. The changes should be summarized in one or two sentences on top, perhaps mentioning the most notable ones in a separate Highlights section. Check the Release Notes file for details on sections, formatting etc.

  • Increment the version number in odl/ and conda/meta.yaml. As in Section 4, perform a search to make sure you didn't miss a version info location.

  • Change the git_rev field in conda/meta.yaml to 'vX.Y.Z', using the upcoming version number. This is the git tag you will create when making the release on GitHub.

  • Commit the changes, using a message like REL: bump version to X.Y.Z.

  • These changes should absolutely be the only ones on the release branch.

  • Push the release branch to the main repository so that it is possible to make a GitHub release from it:

    git push origin release-X.Y.Z
  • Go to the Releases page on GitHub. Click on Draft a new release and select the release-X.Y.Z branch from the dropdown menu, not master. Use vX.Y.Z as release tag (numbers inserted, of course).

  • Paste the short summary (and highlights if written down) from the release notes file (converting from RST to Markdown) but don't insert the details.

  • Add a link to the release notes documentation page, as in earlier releases. Later on, when the documentation with the new release notes is online, you can edit this link to point to the exact section.


If you encounter an issue (like a failing test) that needs immediate fix, stop at that point, fix the issue on a branch off of master, make a PR and merge it into master after review. After that, rebase the release branch(es) on the new master and continue.

6. Create packages for PyPI and Conda

The packages should be built on the release branch to make sure that the version information is correct.

  • Making the packages for PyPI is straightforward. However, make sure you delete old build directories since they can pollute new builds:

    rm build/ -rf
    python sdist
    python bdist_wheel

    The packages are by default stored in a dist folder.

  • To build the conda packages, you should not work in a specific environment but rather exit to the root environment. There, install the conda-build tool for building packages:

    conda deactivate
    conda install conda-build
  • Invoke the following command to build a package for your platform and all supported Python versions:

    conda build conda/ --python 2.7
    conda build conda/ --python 3.5
    conda build conda/ --python 3.6
    conda build conda/ --python 3.7
  • Assuming this succeeds, enter the directory one above where the conda package was stored (as printed in the output). For example, if the package was stored as $HOME/miniconda3/conda-bld/linux-64/odl-X.Y.Z-py36_0.bz2, issue the command

    cd $HOME/miniconda3/conda-bld/

    In this directory, for each Python version "translate" the package to all platforms since ODL is actually platform-independent:

    conda convert --platform all <package>

    Replace <package> by the package file as built by the previous conda build command.

7. Test installing the PyPI packages and check them

Before actually uploading packages to "official" servers, first install the local packages and run the unit tests. Since conda-build already does this while creating the packages, we can focus on the PyPI packages here.

  • Install directly from the source package (*.tar.gz) or the wheel (*.whl) into a new conda environment:

    conda deactivate
    conda create -n pypi_install pytest python=X.Y  # choose Python version
    conda activate pypi_install
    cd /path/to/odl_repo
    cd dist
    pip install <pkg_filename>
    python -c "import odl; odl.test()"


    Make sure that you're not in the repository root directory while testing, since this can confuse the import odl command. The installed package should be tested, not the code repository.

8. Upload the packages to the official locations

Installing the packages works, now it's time to put them out into the wild.

  • Install the twine package for uploading packages to PyPI in your working environment:

    conda deactivate
    conda activate release36
    conda install twine
  • Upload the source package and the wheel to the PyPI server using twine:

    cd /path/to/odl_repo
    twine upload -u odlgroup dist/<pkg_filename>

    This requires the access credentials for the odlgroup user on PyPI -- the maintainers have them.

  • Upload the conda packages to the odlgroup channel in the Anaconda cloud. The upload requires the anaconda-client package:

    conda install anaconda-client
    cd $HOME/miniconda3/conda-bld
    anaconda upload -u odlgroup `find . -name "odl-X.Y.Z*"`

    For this step, you need the access credentials for the odlgroup user on the Anaconda server. Talk to the maintainers to get them.


Time to clean up, i.e., remove temporary conda environments, run conda build purge, remove files in dist and build generated for the PyPI packages, etc.