Source code for odl.tomo.geometry.geometry

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Geometry base and mixin classes."""

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from builtins import object
import numpy as np

from odl.discr import RectPartition
from odl.tomo.geometry.detector import Detector
from odl.tomo.util import axis_rotation_matrix, is_inside_bounds

__all__ = ('Geometry', 'DivergentBeamGeometry', 'AxisOrientedGeometry')

[docs]class Geometry(object): """Abstract geometry class. A geometry is described by * a detector, * a set of detector motion parameters, * a function mapping motion parameters to the location of a reference point (e.g. the center of the detector surface), * a rotation applied to the detector surface, depending on the motion parameters, * a mapping from the motion and surface parameters to the detector pixel direction to the source, * optionally a mapping from the motion parameters to the source position, * optionally a global translation of the geometry (shift of the origin) For details, check `the online docs <>`_. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ndim, motion_part, detector, translation=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- ndim : positive int Number of dimensions of this geometry, i.e. dimensionality of the physical space in which this geometry is embedded. motion_part : `RectPartition` Partition for the set of "motion" parameters. detector : `Detector` The detector of this geometry. translation : `array-like`, optional Global translation of the geometry. This is added last in any method that computes an absolute vector, e.g., `det_refpoint`. Default: zero vector of length ``ndim`` Other Parameters ---------------- check_bounds : bool, optional If ``True``, methods computing vectors check input arguments. Checks are vectorized and add only a small overhead. Default: ``True`` """ ndim, ndim_in = int(ndim), ndim if ndim != ndim_in or ndim <= 0: raise ValueError('`ndim` must be a positive integer, got {}' ''.format(ndim_in)) if not isinstance(motion_part, RectPartition): raise TypeError('`motion_part` must be a `RectPartition`, ' 'instance, got {!r}'.format(motion_part)) if not isinstance(detector, Detector): raise TypeError('`detector` must be a `Detector` instance, ' 'got {!r}'.format(detector)) self.__ndim = ndim self.__motion_partition = motion_part self.__detector = detector self.__check_bounds = bool(kwargs.pop('check_bounds', True)) if translation is None: self.__translation = np.zeros(self.ndim) else: translation = np.asarray(translation, dtype=float) if translation.shape != (self.ndim,): raise ValueError('`translation` must have shape ({},), got {}' ''.format(self.ndim, translation.shape)) self.__translation = translation # Cache geometry-related objects for backends that require computation self.__implementation_cache = {} # Make sure there are no leftover kwargs if kwargs: raise TypeError('got unexpected keyword arguments {}' ''.format(kwargs))
@property def ndim(self): """Number of dimensions of the geometry.""" return self.__ndim @property def motion_partition(self): """Partition of the motion parameter set into subsets.""" return self.__motion_partition @property def motion_params(self): """Continuous motion parameter range, an `IntervalProd`.""" return self.motion_partition.set @property def motion_grid(self): """Sampling grid of `motion_params`.""" return self.motion_partition.grid @property def detector(self): """Detector representation of this geometry.""" return self.__detector @property def det_partition(self): """Partition of the detector parameter set into subsets.""" return self.detector.partition @property def det_params(self): """Continuous detector parameter range, an `IntervalProd`.""" return self.detector.params @property def det_grid(self): """Sampling grid of `det_params`.""" return self.detector.grid @property def partition(self): """Joined parameter set partition for motion and detector. A `RectPartition` with `det_partition` appended to `motion_partition`. """ return self.motion_partition.append(self.det_partition) @property def params(self): """Joined parameter set for motion and detector. By convention, the motion parameters come before the detector parameters. """ return self.partition.set @property def grid(self): """Joined sampling grid for motion and detector. By convention, the motion grid comes before the detector grid. """ return self.partition.grid @property def translation(self): """Shift of the origin of this geometry.""" return self.__translation @property def check_bounds(self): """If ``True``, methods computing vectors check input arguments. For very large input arrays, these checks can introduce significant overhead, but the overhead is kept low by vectorization. """ return self.__check_bounds
[docs] def det_refpoint(self, mparam): """Detector reference point function. Parameters ---------- mparam : `array-like` or sequence Motion parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. Returns ------- point : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the detector reference point at ``mparam``. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method')
[docs] def rotation_matrix(self, mparam): """Return the rotation matrix to the system state at ``mparam``. Parameters ---------- mparam : `array-like` or sequence Motion parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. Returns ------- rot : `numpy.ndarray` The rotation matrix (or matrices) mapping vectors at the initial state to the ones in the state defined by ``mparam``. The rotation is extrinsic, i.e., defined in the "world" coordinate system. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method')
[docs] def det_to_src(self, mparam, dparam, normalized=True): """Vector pointing from a detector location to the source. Parameters ---------- mparam : `array-like` or sequence Motion parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. dparam : `array-like` or sequence Detector parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``det_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. normalized : bool, optional If ``True``, normalize the resulting vector(s) to unit length. Returns ------- vec : `numpy.ndarray` (Unit) vector(s) pointing from the detector to the source. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method')
[docs] def det_point_position(self, mparam, dparam): """Return the detector point at ``(mparam, dparam)``. The position is computed as follows:: pos = refpoint(mparam) + rotation_matrix(mparam).dot(detector.surface(dparam)) In other words, the motion parameter ``mparam`` is used to move the detector reference point, and the detector parameter ``dparam`` defines an intrinsic shift that is added to the reference point. Parameters ---------- mparam : `array-like` or sequence Motion parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. dparam : `array-like` or sequence Detector parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``det_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. Returns ------- pos : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the detector point. The shape of the returned array is obtained from the (broadcast) shapes of ``mparam`` and ``dparam``, and broadcasting is supported within both parameters and between them. The precise definition of the shape is ``broadcast(bcast_mparam, bcast_dparam).shape + (ndim,)``, where ``bcast_mparam`` is - ``mparam`` if `motion_params` is 1D, - ``broadcast(*mparam)`` otherwise, and ``bcast_dparam`` defined analogously. Examples -------- The method works with single parameter values, in which case a single vector is returned: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = odl.tomo.Parallel2dGeometry(apart, dpart) >>> geom.det_point_position(0, 0) # (0, 1) + 0 * (1, 0) array([ 0., 1.]) >>> geom.det_point_position(0, 1) # (0, 1) + 1 * (1, 0) array([ 1., 1.]) >>> pt = geom.det_point_position(np.pi / 2, 0) # (-1, 0) + 0 * (0, 1) >>> np.allclose(pt, [-1, 0]) True >>> pt = geom.det_point_position(np.pi / 2, 1) # (-1, 0) + 1 * (0, 1) >>> np.allclose(pt, [-1, 1]) True Both variables support vectorized calls, i.e., stacks of parameters can be provided. The order of axes in the output (left of the ``ndim`` axis for the vector dimension) corresponds to the order of arguments: >>> geom.det_point_position(0, [-1, 0, 0.5, 1]) array([[-1. , 1. ], [ 0. , 1. ], [ 0.5, 1. ], [ 1. , 1. ]]) >>> pts = geom.det_point_position([0, np.pi / 2, np.pi], 0) >>> np.allclose(pts, [[0, 1], ... [-1, 0], ... [0, -1]]) True >>> # Providing 3 pairs of parameters, resulting in 3 vectors >>> pts = geom.det_point_position([0, np.pi / 2, np.pi], ... [-1, 0, 1]) >>> pts[0] # Corresponds to angle = 0, dparam = -1 array([-1., 1.]) >>> pts.shape (3, 2) >>> # Pairs of parameters arranged in arrays of same size >>> geom.det_point_position(np.zeros((4, 5)), np.zeros((4, 5))).shape (4, 5, 2) >>> # "Outer product" type evaluation using broadcasting >>> geom.det_point_position(np.zeros((4, 1)), np.zeros((1, 5))).shape (4, 5, 2) More complicated 3D geometry with 2 angle variables and 2 detector variables: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition([0, 0], [np.pi, 2 * np.pi], ... (10, 20)) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition([-1, -1], [1, 1], (20, 20)) >>> geom = odl.tomo.Parallel3dEulerGeometry(apart, dpart) >>> # 2 values for each variable, resulting in 2 vectors >>> angles = ([0, np.pi / 2], [0, np.pi]) >>> dparams = ([-1, 0], [-1, 0]) >>> pts = geom.det_point_position(angles, dparams) >>> pts[0] # Corresponds to angle = (0, 0), dparam = (-1, -1) array([-1., 1., -1.]) >>> pts.shape (2, 3) >>> # 4 x 5 parameters for both >>> angles = dparams = (np.zeros((4, 5)), np.zeros((4, 5))) >>> geom.det_point_position(angles, dparams).shape (4, 5, 3) >>> # Broadcasting angles to shape (4, 5, 1, 1) >>> angles = (np.zeros((4, 1, 1, 1)), np.zeros((1, 5, 1, 1))) >>> # Broadcasting dparams to shape (1, 1, 6, 7) >>> dparams = (np.zeros((1, 1, 6, 1)), np.zeros((1, 1, 1, 7))) >>> # Total broadcast parameter shape is (4, 5, 6, 7) >>> geom.det_point_position(angles, dparams).shape (4, 5, 6, 7, 3) """ # Always call the downstream methods with vectorized arguments # to be able to reliably manipulate the final axes of the result if self.motion_params.ndim == 1: squeeze_mparam = (np.shape(mparam) == ()) mparam = np.array(mparam, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) matrix = self.rotation_matrix(mparam) # shape (m, ndim, ndim) else: squeeze_mparam = (np.broadcast(*mparam).shape == ()) mparam = tuple(np.array(a, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) for a in mparam) matrix = self.rotation_matrix(mparam) # shape (m, ndim, ndim) if self.det_params.ndim == 1: squeeze_dparam = (np.shape(dparam) == ()) dparam = np.array(dparam, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) else: squeeze_dparam = (np.broadcast(*dparam).shape == ()) dparam = tuple(np.array(p, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) for p in dparam) surf = self.detector.surface(dparam) # shape (d, ndim) # Perform matrix-vector multiplication along the last axis of both # `matrix` and `surf` while "zipping" all axes that do not # participate in the matrix-vector product. In other words, the axes # are labelled # [0, 1, ..., r-1, r, r+1] for `matrix` and # [0, 1, ..., r-1, r+1] for `surf`, and the output axes are set to # [0, 1, ..., r-1, r]. This automatically supports broadcasting # along the axes 0, ..., r-1. matrix_axes = list(range(matrix.ndim)) surf_axes = list(range(matrix.ndim - 2)) + [matrix_axes[-1]] out_axes = list(range(matrix.ndim - 1)) det_part = np.einsum(matrix, matrix_axes, surf, surf_axes, out_axes) refpt = self.det_refpoint(mparam) det_pt_pos = refpt + det_part if squeeze_mparam and squeeze_dparam: det_pt_pos = det_pt_pos.squeeze() return det_pt_pos
@property def implementation_cache(self): """Dictionary acting as a cache for this geometry. Intended for reuse of computations. Implementations that use this storage should take care of unique naming. Returns ------- implementations : dict """ return self.__implementation_cache
[docs]class DivergentBeamGeometry(Geometry): """Abstract divergent beam geometry class. A geometry characterized by the presence of a point-like ray source. In 2D such a geometry is usually called "fan beam geometry", while in 3D one speaks of "cone beam geometries". """
[docs] def src_position(self, angle): """Source position function. Parameters ---------- angle : `array-like` or sequence Motion parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. Returns ------- pos : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from the origin to the source. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method')
[docs] def det_to_src(self, angle, dparam, normalized=True): """Vector or direction from a detector location to the source. The unnormalized version of this vector is computed as follows:: vec = src_position(angle) - det_point_position(angle, dparam) Parameters ---------- angle : `array-like` or sequence One or several (Euler) angles in radians at which to evaluate. If ``motion_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. dparam : `array-like` or sequence Detector parameter(s) at which to evaluate. If ``det_params.ndim >= 2``, a sequence of that length must be provided. Returns ------- det_to_src : `numpy.ndarray` Vector(s) pointing from a detector point to the source (at infinity). The shape of the returned array is obtained from the (broadcast) shapes of ``angle`` and ``dparam``, and broadcasting is supported within both parameters and between them. The precise definition of the shape is ``broadcast(bcast_angle, bcast_dparam).shape + (ndim,)``, where ``bcast_angle`` is - ``angle`` if `motion_params` is 1D, - ``broadcast(*angle)`` otherwise, and ``bcast_dparam`` defined analogously. Examples -------- The method works with single parameter values, in which case a single vector is returned: >>> apart = odl.uniform_partition(0, 2 * np.pi, 10) >>> dpart = odl.uniform_partition(-1, 1, 20) >>> geom = odl.tomo.FanBeamGeometry(apart, dpart, src_radius=2, ... det_radius=3) >>> geom.det_to_src(0, 0) array([ 0., -1.]) >>> geom.det_to_src(0, 0, normalized=False) array([ 0., -5.]) >>> vec = geom.det_to_src(0, 1, normalized=False) >>> np.allclose(geom.det_point_position(0, 1) + vec, ... geom.src_position(0)) True >>> dir = geom.det_to_src(np.pi / 2, 0) >>> np.allclose(dir, [1, 0]) True >>> vec = geom.det_to_src(np.pi / 2, 0, normalized=False) >>> np.allclose(vec, [5, 0]) True Both variables support vectorized calls, i.e., stacks of parameters can be provided. The order of axes in the output (left of the ``ndim`` axis for the vector dimension) corresponds to the order of arguments: >>> dirs = geom.det_to_src(0, [-1, 0, 0.5, 1]) >>> dirs[1] array([ 0., -1.]) >>> dirs.shape # (num_dparams, ndim) (4, 2) >>> dirs = geom.det_to_src([0, np.pi / 2, np.pi], 0) >>> np.allclose(dirs, [[0, -1], ... [1, 0], ... [0, 1]]) True >>> dirs.shape # (num_angles, ndim) (3, 2) >>> # Providing 3 pairs of parameters, resulting in 3 vectors >>> dirs = geom.det_to_src([0, np.pi / 2, np.pi], [0, -1, 1]) >>> dirs[0] # Corresponds to angle = 0, dparam = 0 array([ 0., -1.]) >>> dirs.shape (3, 2) >>> # Pairs of parameters arranged in arrays of same size >>> geom.det_to_src(np.zeros((4, 5)), np.zeros((4, 5))).shape (4, 5, 2) >>> # "Outer product" type evaluation using broadcasting >>> geom.det_to_src(np.zeros((4, 1)), np.zeros((1, 5))).shape (4, 5, 2) """ # Always call the downstream methods with vectorized arguments # to be able to reliably manipulate the final axes of the result if self.motion_params.ndim == 1: squeeze_angle = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) else: squeeze_angle = (np.broadcast(*angle).shape == ()) angle = tuple(np.array(a, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) for a in angle) if self.det_params.ndim == 1: squeeze_dparam = (np.shape(dparam) == ()) dparam = np.array(dparam, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) else: squeeze_dparam = (np.broadcast(*dparam).shape == ()) dparam = tuple(np.array(p, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) for p in dparam) det_to_src = (self.src_position(angle) - self.det_point_position(angle, dparam)) if normalized: det_to_src /= np.linalg.norm(det_to_src, axis=-1, keepdims=True) if squeeze_angle and squeeze_dparam: det_to_src = det_to_src.squeeze() return det_to_src
[docs]class AxisOrientedGeometry(object): """Mixin class for 3d geometries oriented along an axis."""
[docs] def __init__(self, axis): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- axis : `array-like`, shape ``(3,)`` Vector defining the fixed rotation axis of this geometry. """ axis = np.asarray(axis, dtype=float) if axis.shape != (3,): raise ValueError('`axis.shape` must be (3,), got {}' ''.format(axis.shape)) if np.linalg.norm(axis) == 0: raise ValueError('`axis` cannot be zero') self.__axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
@property def axis(self): """Normalized axis of rotation, a 3d vector.""" return self.__axis
[docs] def rotation_matrix(self, angle): """Return the rotation matrix to the system state at ``angle``. The matrix is computed according to `Rodrigues' rotation formula <'_rotation_formula>`_. Parameters ---------- angle : float or `array-like` Angle(s) in radians describing the counter-clockwise rotation of the system around `axis`. Returns ------- rot : `numpy.ndarray` The rotation matrix (or matrices) mapping vectors at the initial state to the ones in the state defined by ``angle``. The rotation is extrinsic, i.e., defined in the "world" coordinate system. If ``angle`` is a single parameter, the returned array has shape ``(3, 3)``, otherwise ``angle.shape + (3, 3)``. """ squeeze_out = (np.shape(angle) == ()) angle = np.array(angle, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) if (self.check_bounds and not is_inside_bounds(angle, self.motion_params)): raise ValueError('`angle` {} not in the valid range {}' ''.format(angle, self.motion_params)) matrix = axis_rotation_matrix(self.axis, angle) if squeeze_out: matrix = matrix.squeeze() return matrix
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()