Source code for odl.solvers.iterative.statistical

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"""Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization algorithm."""

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

__all__ = ('mlem', 'osmlem', 'poisson_log_likelihood')

[docs]def mlem(op, x, data, niter, callback=None, **kwargs): """Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximation algorithm. Attempts to solve:: max_x L(x | data) where ``L(x | data)`` is the Poisson likelihood of ``x`` given ``data``. The likelihood depends on the forward operator ``op`` such that (approximately):: op(x) = data Parameters ---------- op : `Operator` Forward operator in the inverse problem. x : ``op.domain`` element Vector to which the result is written. Its initial value is used as starting point of the iteration, and its values are updated in each iteration step. The initial value of ``x`` should be non-negative. data : ``op.range`` `element-like` Right-hand side of the equation defining the inverse problem. niter : int Number of iterations. callback : callable, optional Function called with the current iterate after each iteration. Other Parameters ---------------- sensitivities : float or ``op.domain`` `element-like`, optional The algorithm contains a ``A^T 1`` term, if this parameter is given, it is replaced by it. Default: ``op.adjoint(`` Notes ----- Given a forward model :math:`A` and data :math:`g`, the algorithm attempts to find an :math:`x` that maximizes: .. math:: P(g | g \text{ is } Poisson(A(x)) \text{ distributed}). The algorithm is explicitly given by: .. math:: x_{n+1} = \frac{x_n}{A^* 1} A^* (g / A(x_n)) See Also -------- osmlem : Ordered subsets MLEM loglikelihood : Function for calculating the logarithm of the likelihood """ osmlem([op], x, [data], niter=niter, callback=callback, **kwargs)
[docs]def osmlem(op, x, data, niter, callback=None, **kwargs): r"""Ordered Subsets Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximation algorithm. This solver attempts to solve:: max_x L(x | data) where ``L(x, | data)`` is the likelihood of ``x`` given ``data``. The likelihood depends on the forward operators ``op[0], ..., op[n-1]`` such that (approximately):: op[i](x) = data[i] Parameters ---------- op : sequence of `Operator` Forward operators in the inverse problem. x : ``op.domain`` element Vector to which the result is written. Its initial value is used as starting point of the iteration, and its values are updated in each iteration step. The initial value of ``x`` should be non-negative. data : sequence of ``op.range`` `element-like` Right-hand sides of the equation defining the inverse problem. niter : int Number of iterations. callback : callable, optional Function called with the current iterate after each iteration. Other Parameters ---------------- sensitivities : float or ``op.domain`` `element-like`, optional The algorithm contains an ``A^T 1`` term, if this parameter is given, it is replaced by it. Default: ``op[i].adjoint(op[i]`` Notes ----- Given forward models :math:`A_i`, and data :math:`g_i`, :math:`i = 1, ..., M`, the algorithm attempts to find an :math:`x` that maximizes: .. math:: \prod_{i=1}^M P(g_i | g_i \text{ is } Poisson(A_i(x)) \text{ distributed}). The algorithm is explicitly given by partial updates: .. math:: x_{n + m/M} = \frac{x_{n + (m - 1)/M}}{A_i^* 1} A_i^* (g_i / A_i(x_{n + (m - 1)/M})) for :math:`m = 1, ..., M` and :math:`x_{n+1} = x_{n + M/M}`. The algorithm is not guaranteed to converge, but works for many practical problems. References ---------- Natterer, F. Mathematical Methods in Image Reconstruction, section 5.3.2. See Also -------- mlem : Ordinary MLEM algorithm without subsets. loglikelihood : Function for calculating the logarithm of the likelihood """ n_ops = len(op) if len(data) != n_ops: raise ValueError('number of data ({}) does not match number of ' 'operators ({})'.format(len(data), n_ops)) if not all(x in opi.domain for opi in op): raise ValueError('`x` not an element in the domains of all operators') # Convert data to range elements data = [op[i].range.element(data[i]) for i in range(len(op))] # Parameter used to enforce positivity. # TODO: let users give this. eps = 1e-8 if np.any(np.less(x, 0)): raise ValueError('`x` must be non-negative') # Extract the sensitivites parameter sensitivities = kwargs.pop('sensitivities', None) if sensitivities is None: sensitivities = [np.maximum(opi.adjoint(, eps) for opi in op] else: # Make sure the sensitivities is a list of the correct size. try: list(sensitivities) except TypeError: sensitivities = [sensitivities] * n_ops tmp_dom = op[0].domain.element() tmp_ran = [opi.range.element() for opi in op] for _ in range(niter): for i in range(n_ops): op[i](x, out=tmp_ran[i]) tmp_ran[i].ufuncs.maximum(eps, out=tmp_ran[i]) data[i].divide(tmp_ran[i], out=tmp_ran[i]) op[i].adjoint(tmp_ran[i], out=tmp_dom) tmp_dom /= sensitivities[i] x *= tmp_dom if callback is not None: callback(x)
[docs]def poisson_log_likelihood(x, data): """Poisson log-likelihood of ``data`` given noise parametrized by ``x``. Parameters ---------- x : ``op.domain`` element Value to condition the log-likelihood on. data : ``op.range`` element Data whose log-likelihood given ``x`` shall be calculated. """ if np.any(np.less(x, 0)): raise ValueError('`x` must be non-negative') return np.sum(data * np.log(x + 1e-8) - x)