Source code for odl.discr.diff_ops

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Operators defined for tensor fields."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr.discr_space import DiscretizedSpace
from odl.operator.tensor_ops import PointwiseTensorFieldOperator
from import ProductSpace
from odl.util import indent, signature_string, writable_array

__all__ = ('PartialDerivative', 'Gradient', 'Divergence', 'Laplacian')

_SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS = ('central', 'forward', 'backward')
_SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES = ('constant',
                        'symmetric', 'symmetric_adjoint',
                        'order0', 'order0_adjoint',
                        'order1', 'order1_adjoint',
                        'order2', 'order2_adjoint')

_ADJ_METHOD = {'central': 'central',
               'forward': 'backward',
               'backward': 'forward'}

_ADJ_PADDING = {'constant': 'constant',
                'symmetric': 'symmetric_adjoint',
                'symmetric_adjoint': 'symmetric',
                'periodic': 'periodic',
                'order0': 'order0_adjoint',
                'order0_adjoint': 'order0',
                'order1': 'order1_adjoint',
                'order1_adjoint': 'order1',
                'order2': 'order2_adjoint',
                'order2_adjoint': 'order2'}

[docs]class PartialDerivative(PointwiseTensorFieldOperator): """Calculate the discrete partial derivative along a given axis. Calls helper function `finite_diff` to calculate finite difference. Preserves the shape of the underlying grid. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, axis, range=None, method='forward', pad_mode='constant', pad_const=0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Space of elements on which the operator can act. axis : int Axis along which the partial derivative is evaluated. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Space of elements to which the operator maps, must have the same shape as ``domain``. For the default ``None``, the range is the same as ``domain``. method : {'forward', 'backward', 'central'}, optional Finite difference method which is used in the interior of the domain of ``f``. pad_mode : string, optional The padding mode to use outside the domain. ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``. ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the outmost values. ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping the order. ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values (ensures continuity). ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along each axis where padding is applied. ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along the ``axis`` where padding is applied. pad_const : float, optional For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f`` Examples -------- >>> f = np.array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], ... [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8.]]) >>> discr = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [2, 1], f.shape) >>> par_deriv = PartialDerivative(discr, axis=0, pad_mode='order1') >>> par_deriv(f) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 1.], (2, 5)).element( [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], [ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]] ) """ if not isinstance(domain, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a DiscretizedSpace instance' ''.format(domain)) if range is None: range = domain # Method is affine if nonzero padding is given. linear = not (pad_mode == 'constant' and pad_const != 0) super(PartialDerivative, self).__init__( domain, range, base_space=domain, linear=linear) self.axis = int(axis) self.dx = self.domain.cell_sides[axis] self.method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS: raise ValueError('`method` {} not understood' ''.format(method_in)) self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES: raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood' ''.format(pad_mode_in)) self.pad_const = self.domain.field.element(pad_const)
[docs] def _call(self, x, out=None): """Calculate partial derivative of ``x``.""" if out is None: out = self.range.element() # TODO: this pipes CUDA arrays through NumPy. Write native operator. with writable_array(out) as out_arr: finite_diff(x.asarray(), axis=self.axis, dx=self.dx, method=self.method, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=self.pad_const, out=out_arr) return out
[docs] def derivative(self, point=None): """Return the derivative operator. The partial derivative is usually linear, but in case the 'constant' ``pad_mode`` is used with nonzero ``pad_const``, the derivative is given by the derivative with 0 ``pad_const``. Parameters ---------- point : `domain` `element-like`, optional The point to take the derivative in. Does not change the result since the operator is affine. """ if self.pad_mode == 'constant' and self.pad_const != 0: return PartialDerivative(self.domain, self.axis, self.range, self.method, self.pad_mode, 0) else: return self
@property def adjoint(self): """Return the adjoint operator.""" if not self.is_linear: raise ValueError('operator with nonzero pad_const ({}) is not' ' linear and has no adjoint' ''.format(self.pad_const)) return -PartialDerivative(self.range, self.axis, self.domain, _ADJ_METHOD[self.method], _ADJ_PADDING[self.pad_mode], self.pad_const) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.domain] optargs = [('axis', self.axis, None), ('range', self.range, self.domain), ('method', self.method, 'forward'), ('pad_mode', self.pad_mode, 'constant'), ('pad_const', self.pad_const, 0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n', mod=['!r', '']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" dom_ran_str = '\n-->\n'.join([repr(self.domain), repr(self.range)]) return '{}:\n{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(dom_ran_str))
[docs]class Gradient(PointwiseTensorFieldOperator): """Spatial gradient operator for `DiscretizedSpace` spaces. Calls helper function `finite_diff` to calculate each component of the resulting product space element. For the adjoint of the `Gradient` operator, zero padding is assumed to match the negative `Divergence` operator """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain=None, range=None, method='forward', pad_mode='constant', pad_const=0): """Initialize a new instance. Zero padding is assumed for the adjoint of the `Gradient` operator to match negative `Divergence` operator. Parameters ---------- domain : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Space of elements which the operator acts on. This is required if ``range`` is not given. range : power space of `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Space of elements to which the operator maps. This is required if ``domain`` is not given. method : {'forward', 'backward', 'central'}, optional Finite difference method to be used. pad_mode : string, optional The padding mode to use outside the domain. ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``. ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the outmost values. ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping the order. ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values (ensures continuity). ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along each axis where padding is applied. ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along each axis. pad_const : float, optional For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f`` Examples -------- Creating a Gradient operator: >>> dom = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], (10, 20)) >>> ran = odl.ProductSpace(dom, dom.ndim) # 2-dimensional >>> grad_op = Gradient(dom) >>> grad_op.range == ran True >>> grad_op2 = Gradient(range=ran) >>> grad_op2.domain == dom True >>> grad_op3 = Gradient(domain=dom, range=ran) >>> grad_op3.domain == dom True >>> grad_op3.range == ran True Calling the operator: >>> data = np.array([[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], ... [ 0., 2., 4., 6., 8.]]) >>> discr = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [2, 5], data.shape) >>> f = discr.element(data) >>> grad = Gradient(discr) >>> grad_f = grad(f) >>> grad_f[0] uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 5.], (2, 5)).element( [[ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], [ 0., -2., -4., -6., -8.]] ) >>> grad_f[1] uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 5.], (2, 5)).element( [[ 1., 1., 1., 1., -4.], [ 2., 2., 2., 2., -8.]] ) Verify adjoint: >>> g = grad.range.element((data, data ** 2)) >>> adj_g = grad.adjoint(g) >>> adj_g uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 2., 5.], (2, 5)).element( [[ 0., -2., -5., -8., -11.], [ 0., -5., -14., -23., -32.]] ) >>> g.inner(grad_f) / f.inner(adj_g) 1.0 """ if domain is None and range is None: raise ValueError('either `domain` or `range` must be specified') if domain is None: try: domain = range[0] except TypeError: pass if range is None: range = ProductSpace(domain, domain.ndim) # Check range first since `domain` may end up to be `None` in # the case filtered out here (see above) if not isinstance(range, ProductSpace): raise TypeError('`range` {!r} is not a `ProductSpace` instance' ''.format(range)) elif not range.is_power_space: raise ValueError('`range` {!r} is not a power space' ''.format(range)) if not isinstance(domain, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a `DiscretizedSpace` ' 'instance'.format(domain)) if len(range) != domain.ndim: raise ValueError('`range` must be a power space of length n = {},' 'with `n == domain.ndim`, got n = {} instead' ''.format(domain.ndim, len(range))) linear = not (pad_mode == 'constant' and pad_const != 0) super(Gradient, self).__init__( domain, range, base_space=domain, linear=linear) self.method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS: raise ValueError('`method` {} not understood' ''.format(method_in)) self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES: raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood' ''.format(pad_mode_in)) self.pad_const = domain.field.element(pad_const)
[docs] def _call(self, x, out=None): """Calculate the spatial gradient of ``x``.""" if out is None: out = self.range.element() x_arr = x.asarray() ndim = self.domain.ndim dx = self.domain.cell_sides for axis in range(ndim): with writable_array(out[axis]) as out_arr: finite_diff(x_arr, axis=axis, dx=dx[axis], method=self.method, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=self.pad_const, out=out_arr) return out
[docs] def derivative(self, point=None): """Return the derivative operator. The gradient is usually linear, but in case the 'constant' ``pad_mode`` is used with nonzero ``pad_const``, the derivative is given by the Gradient with ``pad_const=0``. Parameters ---------- point : `domain` element, optional The point to take the derivative in. Does not change the result since the operator is affine. """ if self.pad_mode == 'constant' and self.pad_const != 0: return Gradient(self.domain, self.range, self.method, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=0) else: return self
@property def adjoint(self): """Adjoint of this operator. The adjoint is given by the negative `Divergence` with corrections for the method and padding. The Divergence is constructed from a ``space`` as a product space operator ``space^n --> space``, hence we need to provide the domain of this operator. """ if not self.is_linear: raise ValueError('operator with nonzero pad_const ({}) is not' ' linear and has no adjoint' ''.format(self.pad_const)) return - Divergence(domain=self.range, range=self.domain, method=_ADJ_METHOD[self.method], pad_mode=_ADJ_PADDING[self.pad_mode], pad_const=self.pad_const) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.domain] optargs = [('range', self.range, self.domain ** self.domain.ndim), ('method', self.method, 'forward'), ('pad_mode', self.pad_mode, 'constant'), ('pad_const', self.pad_const, 0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=[',\n', ', ', ',\n'], mod=['!r', '']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" dom_ran_str = '\n-->\n'.join([repr(self.domain), repr(self.range)]) return '{}:\n{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(dom_ran_str))
[docs]class Divergence(PointwiseTensorFieldOperator): """Divergence operator for `DiscretizedSpace` spaces. Calls helper function `finite_diff` for each component of the input product space vector. For the adjoint of the `Divergence` operator to match the negative `Gradient` operator implicit zero is assumed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain=None, range=None, method='forward', pad_mode='constant', pad_const=0): """Initialize a new instance. Zero padding is assumed for the adjoint of the `Divergence` operator to match the negative `Gradient` operator. Parameters ---------- domain : power space of `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Space of elements which the operator acts on. This is required if ``range`` is not given. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Space of elements to which the operator maps. This is required if ``domain`` is not given. method : {'forward', 'backward', 'central'}, optional Finite difference method to be used pad_mode : string, optional The padding mode to use outside the domain. ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``. ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping the order. ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values (ensures continuity). ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along each axis. ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along each axis. pad_const : float, optional For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f`` Examples -------- Initialize a Divergence opeator: >>> ran = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [3, 5], (3, 5)) >>> dom = odl.ProductSpace(ran, ran.ndim) # 2-dimensional >>> div = Divergence(dom) >>> div.range == ran True >>> div2 = Divergence(range=ran) >>> div2.domain == dom True >>> div3 = Divergence(domain=dom, range=ran) >>> div3.domain == dom True >>> div3.range == ran True Call the operator: >>> data = np.array([[0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], ... [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.], ... [2., 3., 4., 5., 6.]]) >>> f = div.domain.element([data, data]) >>> div_f = div(f) >>> print(div_f) [[ 2., 2., 2., 2., -3.], [ 2., 2., 2., 2., -4.], [ -1., -2., -3., -4., -12.]] Verify adjoint: >>> g = div.range.element(data ** 2) >>> adj_div_g = div.adjoint(g) >>> g.inner(div_f) / f.inner(adj_div_g) 1.0 """ if domain is None and range is None: raise ValueError('either `domain` or `range` must be specified') if domain is None: domain = ProductSpace(range, range.ndim) if range is None: try: range = domain[0] except TypeError: pass # Check `domain` first since `range` may end up to be `None` in # the case filtered out here (see above) if not isinstance(domain, ProductSpace): raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a `ProductSpace` instance' ''.format(domain)) elif not domain.is_power_space: raise ValueError('`domain` {!r} is not a power space' ''.format(domain)) if not isinstance(range, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`range` {!r} is not a `DiscretizedSpace` ' 'instance'.format(range)) if len(domain) != range.ndim: raise ValueError('`domain` must be a power space of length n = {},' 'with `n == range.ndim`, got n = {} instead' ''.format(range.ndim, len(domain))) linear = not (pad_mode == 'constant' and pad_const != 0) super(Divergence, self).__init__( domain, range, base_space=range, linear=linear) self.method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS: raise ValueError('`method` {} not understood' ''.format(method_in)) self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES: raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood' ''.format(pad_mode_in)) self.pad_const = range.field.element(pad_const)
[docs] def _call(self, x, out=None): """Calculate the divergence of ``x``.""" if out is None: out = self.range.element() ndim = self.range.ndim dx = self.range.cell_sides tmp = np.empty(out.shape, out.dtype, with writable_array(out) as out_arr: for axis in range(ndim): finite_diff(x[axis], axis=axis, dx=dx[axis], method=self.method, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=self.pad_const, out=tmp) if axis == 0: out_arr[:] = tmp else: out_arr += tmp return out
[docs] def derivative(self, point=None): """Return the derivative operator. The Divergence is usually linear, but in case the 'constant' ``pad_mode`` is used with nonzero ``pad_const``, the derivative is given by the Divergence with ``pad_const=0``. Parameters ---------- point : `domain` element, optional The point to take the derivative in. Does not change the result since the operator is affine. """ if self.pad_mode == 'constant' and self.pad_const != 0: return Divergence(self.domain, self.range, self.method, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=0) else: return self
@property def adjoint(self): """Adjoint of this operator. The adjoint is given by the negative `Gradient` with corrections for the method and padding. """ if not self.is_linear: raise ValueError('operator with nonzero pad_const ({}) is not' ' linear and has no adjoint' ''.format(self.pad_const)) return - Gradient(self.range, self.domain, method=_ADJ_METHOD[self.method], pad_mode=_ADJ_PADDING[self.pad_mode]) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.domain] optargs = [('range', self.range, self.domain[0]), ('method', self.method, 'forward'), ('pad_mode', self.pad_mode, 'constant'), ('pad_const', self.pad_const, 0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=[',\n', ', ', ',\n'], mod=['!r', '']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" dom_ran_str = '\n-->\n'.join([repr(self.domain), repr(self.range)]) return '{}:\n{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(dom_ran_str))
[docs]class Laplacian(PointwiseTensorFieldOperator): """Spatial Laplacian operator for `DiscretizedSpace` spaces. Calls helper function `finite_diff` to calculate each component of the resulting product space vector. Outside the domain zero padding is assumed. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, range=None, pad_mode='constant', pad_const=0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Space of elements which the operator is acting on. pad_mode : string, optional The padding mode to use outside the domain. ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``. ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the outmost values. ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping the order. ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values (ensures continuity). ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along each axis. ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along each axis where padding is applied. pad_const : float, optional For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f`` Examples -------- >>> data = np.array([[ 0., 0., 0.], ... [ 0., 1., 0.], ... [ 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [3, 3], [3, 3]) >>> f = space.element(data) >>> lap = Laplacian(space) >>> lap(f) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 3., 3.], (3, 3)).element( [[ 0., 1., 0.], [ 1., -4., 1.], [ 0., 1., 0.]] ) """ if not isinstance(domain, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`domain` {!r} is not a DiscretizedSpace instance' ''.format(domain)) if range is None: range = domain super(Laplacian, self).__init__( domain, range, base_space=domain, linear=True) self.pad_mode, pad_mode_in = str(pad_mode).lower(), pad_mode if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES: raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood' ''.format(pad_mode_in)) if pad_mode in ('order1', 'order1_adjoint', 'order2', 'order2_adjoint'): # TODO: Add these pad modes raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not implemented for Laplacian.' ''.format(pad_mode_in)) self.pad_const = self.domain.field.element(pad_const)
[docs] def _call(self, x, out=None): """Calculate the spatial Laplacian of ``x``.""" if out is None: out = else: out.set_zero() x_arr = x.asarray() out_arr = out.asarray() tmp = np.empty(out.shape, out.dtype, ndim = self.domain.ndim dx = self.domain.cell_sides with writable_array(out) as out_arr: for axis in range(ndim): # TODO: this can be optimized finite_diff(x_arr, axis=axis, dx=dx[axis] ** 2, method='forward', pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=self.pad_const, out=tmp) out_arr += tmp finite_diff(x_arr, axis=axis, dx=dx[axis] ** 2, method='backward', pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=self.pad_const, out=tmp) out_arr -= tmp return out
[docs] def derivative(self, point=None): """Return the derivative operator. The Laplacian is usually linear, but in case the 'constant' ``pad_mode`` is used with nonzero ``pad_const``, the derivative is given by the derivative with 0 ``pad_const``. Parameters ---------- point : ``domain`` element, optional The point to take the derivative in. Does not change the result since the operator is affine. """ if self.pad_mode == 'constant' and self.pad_const != 0: return Laplacian(self.domain, self.range, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=0) else: return self
@property def adjoint(self): """Return the adjoint operator. The laplacian is self-adjoint, so this returns ``self``. """ return Laplacian(self.range, self.domain, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, pad_const=0) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.domain] optargs = [('range', self.range, self.domain ** self.domain.ndim), ('pad_mode', self.pad_mode, 'constant'), ('pad_const', self.pad_const, 0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=[',\n', ', ', ',\n'], mod=['!r', '']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" dom_ran_str = '\n-->\n'.join([repr(self.domain), repr(self.range)]) return '{}:\n{}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(dom_ran_str))
[docs]def finite_diff(f, axis, dx=1.0, method='forward', out=None, pad_mode='constant', pad_const=0): """Calculate the partial derivative of ``f`` along a given ``axis``. In the interior of the domain of f, the partial derivative is computed using first-order accurate forward or backward difference or second-order accurate central differences. With padding the same method and thus accuracy is used on endpoints as in the interior i.e. forward and backward differences use first-order accuracy on edges while central differences use second-order accuracy at edges. Without padding one-sided forward or backward differences are used at the boundaries. The accuracy at the endpoints can then also be triggered by the edge order. The returned array has the same shape as the input array ``f``. Per default forward difference with dx=1 and no padding is used. Parameters ---------- f : `array-like` An N-dimensional array. axis : int The axis along which the partial derivative is evaluated. dx : float, optional Scalar specifying the distance between sampling points along ``axis``. method : {'central', 'forward', 'backward'}, optional Finite difference method which is used in the interior of the domain of ``f``. out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional An N-dimensional array to which the output is written. Has to have the same shape as the input array ``f``. pad_mode : string, optional The padding mode to use outside the domain. ``'constant'``: Fill with ``pad_const``. ``'symmetric'``: Reflect at the boundaries, not doubling the outmost values. ``'periodic'``: Fill in values from the other side, keeping the order. ``'order0'``: Extend constantly with the outmost values (ensures continuity). ``'order1'``: Extend with constant slope (ensures continuity of the first derivative). This requires at least 2 values along each axis where padding is applied. ``'order2'``: Extend with second order accuracy (ensures continuity of the second derivative). This requires at least 3 values along each axis where padding is applied. pad_const : float, optional For ``pad_mode == 'constant'``, ``f`` assumes ``pad_const`` for indices outside the domain of ``f`` Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` N-dimensional array of the same shape as ``f``. If ``out`` was provided, the returned object is a reference to it. Examples -------- >>> f = np.array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) >>> finite_diff(f, axis=0) array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., -9.]) Without arguments the above defaults to: >>> finite_diff(f, axis=0, dx=1.0, method='forward', pad_mode='constant') array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., -9.]) Parameters can be changed one by one: >>> finite_diff(f, axis=0, dx=0.5) array([ 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., -18.]) >>> finite_diff(f, axis=0, pad_mode='order1') array([ 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) Central differences and different edge orders: >>> finite_diff(0.5 * f ** 2, axis=0, method='central', pad_mode='order1') array([ 0.5, 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. , 8.5]) >>> finite_diff(0.5 * f ** 2, axis=0, method='central', pad_mode='order2') array([-0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.]) In-place evaluation: >>> out = f.copy() >>> out is finite_diff(f, axis=0, out=out) True """ f_arr = np.asarray(f) ndim = f_arr.ndim if f_arr.shape[axis] < 2: raise ValueError('in axis {}: at least two elements required, got {}' ''.format(axis, f_arr.shape[axis])) if axis < 0: axis += ndim if not (0 <= axis < ndim): raise IndexError('`axis` {} outside the valid range 0 ... {}' ''.format(axis, ndim - 1)) dx, dx_in = float(dx), dx if dx <= 0 or not np.isfinite(dx): raise ValueError("`dx` must be positive, got {}".format(dx_in)) method, method_in = str(method).lower(), method if method not in _SUPPORTED_DIFF_METHODS: raise ValueError('`method` {} was not understood'.format(method_in)) if pad_mode not in _SUPPORTED_PAD_MODES: raise ValueError('`pad_mode` {} not understood' ''.format(pad_mode)) pad_const = f.dtype.type(pad_const) if out is None: out = np.empty_like(f_arr) else: if out.shape != f.shape: raise ValueError('expected output shape {}, got {}' ''.format(f.shape, out.shape)) if f_arr.shape[axis] < 2 and pad_mode == 'order1': raise ValueError("size of array to small to use 'order1', needs at " "least 2 elements along axis {}.".format(axis)) if f_arr.shape[axis] < 3 and pad_mode == 'order2': raise ValueError("size of array to small to use 'order2', needs at " "least 3 elements along axis {}.".format(axis)) # create slice objects: initially all are [:, :, ..., :] # Swap axes so that the axis of interest is first. This is a O(1) # operation and is done to simplify the code below. out, out_in = np.swapaxes(out, 0, axis), out f_arr = np.swapaxes(f_arr, 0, axis) # Interior of the domain of f if method == 'central': # 1D equivalent: out[1:-1] = (f[2:] - f[:-2])/2.0 np.subtract(f_arr[2:], f_arr[:-2], out=out[1:-1]) out[1:-1] /= 2.0 elif method == 'forward': # 1D equivalent: out[1:-1] = (f[2:] - f[1:-1]) np.subtract(f_arr[2:], f_arr[1:-1], out=out[1:-1]) elif method == 'backward': # 1D equivalent: out[1:-1] = (f[1:-1] - f[:-2]) np.subtract(f_arr[1:-1], f_arr[:-2], out=out[1:-1]) # Boundaries if pad_mode == 'constant': # Assume constant value c for indices outside the domain of ``f`` # With padding the method used on endpoints is the same as in the # interior of the domain of f if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[1] - pad_const) / 2.0 out[-1] = (pad_const - f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] - f_arr[0] out[-1] = pad_const - f_arr[-1] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = f_arr[0] - pad_const out[-1] = f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'symmetric': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are replicates of # the edge values # With padding the method used on endpoints is the same as in the # interior of the domain of f if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[1] - f_arr[0]) / 2.0 out[-1] = (f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] - f_arr[0] out[-1] = 0 elif method == 'backward': out[0] = 0 out[-1] = f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'symmetric_adjoint': # The adjoint case of symmetric if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[1] + f_arr[0]) / 2.0 out[-1] = (-f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] out[-1] = -f_arr[-1] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = f_arr[0] out[-1] = -f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'periodic': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are replicates of # the edge values on the other side if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[1] - f_arr[-1]) / 2.0 out[-1] = (f_arr[0] - f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] - f_arr[0] out[-1] = f_arr[0] - f_arr[-1] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = f_arr[0] - f_arr[-1] out[-1] = f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'order0': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are replicates of # the edge value. if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[1] - f_arr[0]) / 2.0 out[-1] = (f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] - f_arr[0] out[-1] = 0 elif method == 'backward': out[0] = 0 out[-1] = f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'order0_adjoint': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are replicates of # the edge value. if method == 'central': out[0] = (f_arr[0] + f_arr[1]) / 2.0 out[-1] = -(f_arr[-1] + f_arr[-2]) / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[1] out[-1] = -f_arr[-1] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = f_arr[0] out[-1] = -f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'order1': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are linearly # extrapolated from the inside. # independent of ``method`` out[0] = f_arr[1] - f_arr[0] out[-1] = f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] elif pad_mode == 'order1_adjoint': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are linearly # extrapolated from the inside. if method == 'central': out[0] = f_arr[0] + f_arr[1] / 2.0 out[-1] = -f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] / 2.0 # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[1] -= f_arr[0] / 2.0 out[-2] += f_arr[-1] / 2.0 elif method == 'forward': out[0] = f_arr[0] + f_arr[1] out[-1] = -f_arr[-1] # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[1] -= f_arr[0] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = f_arr[0] out[-1] = -f_arr[-1] - f_arr[-2] # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[-2] += f_arr[-1] elif pad_mode == 'order2': # 2nd order edges out[0] = -(3.0 * f_arr[0] - 4.0 * f_arr[1] + f_arr[2]) / 2.0 out[-1] = (3.0 * f_arr[-1] - 4.0 * f_arr[-2] + f_arr[-3]) / 2.0 elif pad_mode == 'order2_adjoint': # Values of f for indices outside the domain of f are quadratically # extrapolated from the inside. if method == 'central': out[0] = 1.5 * f_arr[0] + 0.5 * f_arr[1] out[-1] = -1.5 * f_arr[-1] - 0.5 * f_arr[-2] # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[1] -= 1.5 * f_arr[0] out[2] += 0.5 * f_arr[0] out[-3] -= 0.5 * f_arr[-1] out[-2] += 1.5 * f_arr[-1] elif method == 'forward': out[0] = 1.5 * f_arr[0] + 1.0 * f_arr[1] out[-1] = -1.5 * f_arr[-1] # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[1] -= 2.0 * f_arr[0] out[2] += 0.5 * f_arr[0] out[-3] -= 0.5 * f_arr[-1] out[-2] += 1.0 * f_arr[-1] elif method == 'backward': out[0] = 1.5 * f_arr[0] out[-1] = -1.0 * f_arr[-2] - 1.5 * f_arr[-1] # Increment in case array is very short and we get aliasing out[1] -= 1.0 * f_arr[0] out[2] += 0.5 * f_arr[0] out[-3] -= 0.5 * f_arr[-1] out[-2] += 2.0 * f_arr[-1] else: raise NotImplementedError('unknown pad_mode') # divide by step size out /= dx return out_in
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()