
classmethod ParallelHoleCollimatorGeometry.frommatrix(apart, dpart, det_radius, init_matrix, **kwargs)[source]

Create a ParallelHoleCollimatorGeometry using a matrix.

This alternative constructor uses a matrix to rotate and translate the default configuration. It is most useful when the transformation to be applied is already given as a matrix.

apart1-dim. RectPartition

Partition of the parameter interval.

dpart2-dim. RectPartition

Partition of the detector parameter set.

det_radiuspositive float

Radius of the circular detector orbit.

init_matrixarray_like, shape (3, 3) or (3, 4), optional

Transformation matrix whose left (3, 3) block is multiplied with the default det_pos_init and det_axes_init to determine the new vectors. If present, the fourth column acts as a translation after the initial transformation. The resulting det_axes_init will be normalized.


Further keyword arguments passed to the class constructor.


The resulting geometry.