
class odl.solvers.util.callback.CallbackPrintHardwareUsage(step=1, fmt_cpu='CPU usage (% each core): {}', fmt_mem='RAM usage: {}', fmt_swap='SWAP usage: {}', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Callback

Callback for printing memory and CPU usage.

This callback requires the psutil package.



Print the memory and CPU usage


Set iter to 0.

__init__(step=1, fmt_cpu='CPU usage (% each core): {}', fmt_mem='RAM usage: {}', fmt_swap='SWAP usage: {}', **kwargs)[source]

Initialize a new instance.

steppositive int, optional

Number of iterations between output.

fmt_cpustring, optional

Formating that should be applied. The CPU usage is printed as


where cpu is a vector with the percentage of current CPU usaged for each core. An empty format string disables printing of CPU usage.

fmt_memstring, optional

Formating that should be applied. The RAM usage is printed as


where mem is the current RAM memory usaged. An empty format string disables printing of RAM memory usage.

fmt_swapstring, optional

Formating that should be applied. The SWAP usage is printed as


where swap is the current SWAP memory usaged. An empty format string disables printing of SWAP memory usage.

Other Parameters:

Key word arguments passed to the print function.


Print memory and CPU usage

>>> callback = CallbackPrintHardwareUsage()

Only print every tenth step

>>> callback = CallbackPrintHardwareUsage(step=10)

Only print the RAM memory usage in every step, and with a non-default formatting

>>> callback = CallbackPrintHardwareUsage(step=1, fmt_cpu='',
...                                       fmt_mem='RAM {}',
...                                       fmt_swap='')