.. _following-latest: ============================= Following the latest source ============================= These are the instructions if you just want to follow the latest ODL source, but you don't need to do any development for now. The steps are: * :ref:`install-git` * Get a local copy of the `ODL GitHub`_ repository. * Update your local copy from time to time. Get a local copy of the code ============================ From the command line: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone https://github.com/odlgroup/odl.git You now have a copy of the code tree in the new ``odl`` directory. Updating the code ================= From time to time you may want to pull down the latest code. Do this with .. code-block:: bash $ cd odl $ git pull The tree in ``odl`` will now have the latest changes from the initial repository. .. include:: links.inc