Source code for odl.util.vectorization

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"""Utilities for internal functionality connected to vectorization."""

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from builtins import object
from functools import wraps
import numpy as np

__all__ = ('is_valid_input_array', 'is_valid_input_meshgrid',
           'out_shape_from_meshgrid', 'out_shape_from_array',
           'OptionalArgDecorator', 'vectorize')

[docs]def is_valid_input_array(x, ndim=None): """Test if ``x`` is a correctly shaped point array in R^d.""" x = np.asarray(x) if ndim is None or ndim == 1: return x.ndim == 1 and x.size > 1 or x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] == 1 else: return x.ndim == 2 and x.shape[0] == ndim
[docs]def is_valid_input_meshgrid(x, ndim): """Test if ``x`` is a `meshgrid` sequence for points in R^d.""" # This case is triggered in FunctionSpaceElement.__call__ if the # domain does not have an 'ndim' attribute. We return False and # continue. if ndim is None: return False if not isinstance(x, tuple): return False if ndim > 1: try: np.broadcast(*x) except (ValueError, TypeError): # cannot be broadcast return False return (len(x) == ndim and all(isinstance(xi, np.ndarray) for xi in x) and all(xi.ndim == ndim for xi in x))
[docs]def out_shape_from_meshgrid(mesh): """Get the broadcast output shape from a `meshgrid`.""" if len(mesh) == 1: return (len(mesh[0]),) else: return np.broadcast(*mesh).shape
[docs]def out_shape_from_array(arr): """Get the output shape from an array.""" arr = np.asarray(arr) if arr.ndim == 1: return arr.shape else: return (arr.shape[1],)
[docs]class OptionalArgDecorator(object): """Abstract class to create decorators with optional arguments. This class implements the functionality of a decorator that can be used with and without arguments, i.e. the following patterns both work:: @decorator def myfunc(x, *args, **kwargs): pass @decorator(param, **dec_kwargs) def myfunc(x, *args, **kwargs): pass The arguments to the decorator are passed on to the underlying wrapper. To use this class, subclass it and implement the static ``_wrapper`` method. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new decorator instance. There are two cases to distinguish: 1. Without arguments:: @decorator def myfunc(x): pass which is equivalent to :: def myfunc(x): pass myfunc = decorator(myfunc) Hence, in this case, the ``__new__`` method of the decorator immediately returns the wrapped function. 2. With arguments:: @decorator(*dec_args, **dec_kwargs) def myfunc(x): pass which is equivalent to :: def myfunc(x): pass dec_instance = decorator(*dec_args, **dec_kwargs) myfunc = dec_instance(myfunc) Hence, in this case, the first call creates an actual class instance of ``decorator``, and in the second statement, the ``dec_instance.__call__`` method returns the wrapper using the stored ``dec_args`` and ``dec_kwargs``. """ # Decorating without arguments: return wrapper w/o args directly instance = super(OptionalArgDecorator, cls).__new__(cls) if (not kwargs and len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0])): func = args[0] return instance._wrapper(func) # With arguments, return class instance else: instance.wrapper_args = args instance.wrapper_kwargs = kwargs return instance
[docs] def __call__(self, func): """Return ``self(func)``. This method is invoked when the decorator was created with arguments. Parameters ---------- func : callable Original function to be wrapped Returns ------- wrapped : callable The wrapped function """ return self._wrapper(func, *self.wrapper_args, **self.wrapper_kwargs)
@staticmethod def _wrapper(func, *wrapper_args, **wrapper_kwargs): """Make a wrapper for ``func`` and return it. This is a default implementation that simply returns the wrapped function, i.e., the resulting decorator is the identity. """ return func
[docs]class vectorize(OptionalArgDecorator): """Decorator class for function vectorization. This vectorizer expects a function with exactly one positional argument (input) and optional keyword arguments. The decorated function has an optional ``out`` parameter for in-place evaluation. Examples -------- Use the decorator witout arguments: >>> @vectorize ... def f(x): ... return x[0] + x[1] if x[0] < x[1] else x[0] - x[1] >>> >>> f([0, 1]) # np.vectorize'd functions always return an array array(1) >>> f([[0, -2], [1, 4]]) # corresponds to points [0, 1], [-2, 4] array([1, 2]) The function may have ``kwargs``: >>> @vectorize ... def f(x, param=1.0): ... return x[0] + x[1] if x[0] < param else x[0] - x[1] >>> >>> f([[0, -2], [1, 4]]) array([1, 2]) >>> f([[0, -2], [1, 4]], param=-1.0) array([-1, 2]) You can pass arguments to the vectorizer, too: >>> @vectorize(otypes=['float32']) ... def f(x): ... return x[0] + x[1] if x[0] < x[1] else x[0] - x[1] >>> f([[0, -2], [1, 4]]) array([ 1., 2.], dtype=float32) """ @staticmethod def _wrapper(func, *vect_args, **vect_kwargs): """Return the vectorized wrapper function.""" if not hasattr(func, '__name__'): # Set name if not available. Happens if func is actually a function func.__name__ = '{}.__call__'.format(func.__class__.__name__) return wraps(func)(_NumpyVectorizeWrapper(func, *vect_args, **vect_kwargs))
class _NumpyVectorizeWrapper(object): """Class for vectorization wrapping using `numpy.vectorize`. The purpose of this class is to store the vectorized version of a function when it is called for the first time. """ def __init__(self, func, *vect_args, **vect_kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- func : callable Python function or method to be wrapped vect_args : positional arguments for `numpy.vectorize` vect_kwargs : keyword arguments for `numpy.vectorize` """ super(_NumpyVectorizeWrapper, self).__init__() self.func = func self.vfunc = None self.vect_args = vect_args self.vect_kwargs = vect_kwargs def __call__(self, x, out=None, **kwargs): """Vectorized function call. Parameters ---------- x : `array-like` or sequence of `array-like`'s Input argument(s) to the wrapped function out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Appropriately sized array to write to Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the vectorized function evaluation. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. """ if np.isscalar(x): x = np.array([x]) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and x.ndim == 1: x = x[None, :] if self.vfunc is None: # Not yet vectorized def _func(*x, **kw): return self.func(np.array(x), **kw) self.vfunc = np.vectorize(_func, *self.vect_args, **self.vect_kwargs) if out is None: return self.vfunc(*x, **kwargs) else: out[:] = self.vfunc(*x, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()