Source code for odl.ufunc_ops.ufunc_ops

# Copyright 2014-2017 The ODL contributors
# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Ufunc operators for ODL vectors."""

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.set import LinearSpace, RealNumbers, Field
from import ProductSpace, tensor_space
from odl.operator import Operator, MultiplyOperator
from odl.solvers import (Functional, ScalingFunctional, FunctionalQuotient,
from odl.util.ufuncs import UFUNCS

__all__ = ()

SUPP_TYPECODES_TO_DTYPES = {tc: np.dtype(tc) for tc in SUPP_TYPECODES}

[docs]def find_min_signature(ufunc, dtypes_in): """Determine the minimum matching ufunc signature for given dtypes. Parameters ---------- ufunc : str or numpy.ufunc Ufunc whose signatures are to be considered. dtypes_in : Sequence of objects specifying input dtypes. Its length must match the number of inputs of ``ufunc``, and its entries must be understood by `numpy.dtype`. Returns ------- signature : str Minimum matching ufunc signature, see, e.g., ``np.add.types`` for examples. Raises ------ TypeError If no valid signature is found. """ if not isinstance(ufunc, np.ufunc): ufunc = getattr(np, str(ufunc)) dtypes_in = [np.dtype(dt_in) for dt_in in dtypes_in] tcs_in = [dt.base.char for dt in dtypes_in] if len(tcs_in) != ufunc.nin: raise ValueError('expected {} input dtype(s) for {}, got {}' ''.format(ufunc.nin, ufunc, len(tcs_in))) valid_sigs = [] for sig in ufunc.types: sig_tcs_in, sig_tcs_out = sig.split('->') if all(np.dtype(tc_in) <= np.dtype(sig_tc_in) and sig_tc_in in SUPP_TYPECODES for tc_in, sig_tc_in in zip(tcs_in, sig_tcs_in)): valid_sigs.append(sig) if not valid_sigs: raise TypeError('no valid signature found for {} and input dtypes {}' ''.format(ufunc, tuple( for dt in dtypes_in))) def in_dtypes(sig): """Comparison key function for input dtypes of a signature.""" sig_tcs_in = sig.split('->')[0] return tuple(np.dtype(tc) for tc in sig_tcs_in) return min(valid_sigs, key=in_dtypes)
[docs]def dtypes_out(ufunc, dtypes_in): """Return the result dtype(s) of ``ufunc`` with inputs of given dtypes.""" sig = find_min_signature(ufunc, dtypes_in) tcs_out = sig.split('->')[1] return tuple(np.dtype(tc) for tc in tcs_out)
def _is_integer_only_ufunc(name): return 'shift' in name or 'bitwise' in name or name == 'invert' LINEAR_UFUNCS = ['negative', 'rad2deg', 'deg2rad', 'add', 'subtract'] RAW_EXAMPLES_DOCSTRING = """ Examples -------- >>> import odl >>> space = odl.{space!r} >>> op = odl.ufunc_ops.{name}(space) >>> print(op({arg})) {result!s} """
[docs]def gradient_factory(name): """Create gradient `Functional` for some ufuncs.""" if name == 'sin': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return cos(self.domain) elif name == 'cos': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return -sin(self.domain) elif name == 'tan': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return 1 + square(self.domain) * self elif name == 'sqrt': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return FunctionalQuotient(ConstantFunctional(self.domain, 0.5), self) elif name == 'square': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return ScalingFunctional(self.domain, 2.0) elif name == 'log': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return reciprocal(self.domain) elif name == 'exp': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return self elif name == 'reciprocal': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return FunctionalQuotient(ConstantFunctional(self.domain, -1.0), square(self.domain)) elif name == 'sinh': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return cosh(self.domain) elif name == 'cosh': def gradient(self): """Return the gradient operator.""" return sinh(self.domain) else: # Fallback to default gradient = Functional.gradient return gradient
[docs]def derivative_factory(name): """Create derivative function for some ufuncs.""" if name == 'sin': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" return MultiplyOperator(cos(self.domain)(point)) elif name == 'cos': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" point = self.domain.element(point) return MultiplyOperator(-sin(self.domain)(point)) elif name == 'tan': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" return MultiplyOperator(1 + self(point) ** 2) elif name == 'sqrt': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" return MultiplyOperator(0.5 / self(point)) elif name == 'square': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" point = self.domain.element(point) return MultiplyOperator(2.0 * point) elif name == 'log': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" point = self.domain.element(point) return MultiplyOperator(1.0 / point) elif name == 'exp': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" return MultiplyOperator(self(point)) elif name == 'reciprocal': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" point = self.domain.element(point) return MultiplyOperator(-self(point) ** 2) elif name == 'sinh': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" point = self.domain.element(point) return MultiplyOperator(cosh(self.domain)(point)) elif name == 'cosh': def derivative(self, point): """Return the derivative operator.""" return MultiplyOperator(sinh(self.domain)(point)) else: # Fallback to default derivative = Operator.derivative return derivative
[docs]def ufunc_class_factory(name, nargin, nargout, docstring): """Create a Ufunc `Operator` from a given specification.""" assert 0 <= nargin <= 2 def __init__(self, space): """Initialize an instance. Parameters ---------- space : `TensorSpace` The domain of the operator. """ if not isinstance(space, LinearSpace): raise TypeError('`space` {!r} not a `LinearSpace`'.format(space)) if nargin == 1: domain = space0 = space dtypes = [space.dtype] elif nargin == len(space) == 2 and isinstance(space, ProductSpace): domain = space space0 = space[0] dtypes = [space[0].dtype, space[1].dtype] else: domain = ProductSpace(space, nargin) space0 = space dtypes = [space.dtype, space.dtype] dts_out = dtypes_out(name, dtypes) if nargout == 1: range = space0.astype(dts_out[0]) else: range = ProductSpace(space0.astype(dts_out[0]), space0.astype(dts_out[1])) linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS Operator.__init__(self, domain=domain, range=range, linear=linear) def _call(self, x, out=None): """Return ``self(x)``.""" # TODO: use `__array_ufunc__` when implemented on `ProductSpace`, # or try both if out is None: if nargin == 1: return getattr(x.ufuncs, name)() else: return getattr(x[0].ufuncs, name)(*x[1:]) else: if nargin == 1: return getattr(x.ufuncs, name)(out=out) else: return getattr(x[0].ufuncs, name)(*x[1:], out=out) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(name, self.domain) # Create example (also functions as doctest) if 'shift' in name or 'bitwise' in name or name == 'invert': dtype = int else: dtype = float space = tensor_space(3, dtype=dtype) if nargin == 1: vec = space.element([-1, 1, 2]) arg = '{}'.format(vec) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = getattr(vec.ufuncs, name)() else: vec = space.element([-1, 1, 2]) vec2 = space.element([3, 4, 5]) arg = '[{}, {}]'.format(vec, vec2) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = getattr(vec.ufuncs, name)(vec2) if nargout == 2: result_space = ProductSpace(, 2) result = repr(result_space.element(result)) examples_docstring = RAW_EXAMPLES_DOCSTRING.format(space=space, name=name, arg=arg, result=result) full_docstring = docstring + examples_docstring attributes = {"__init__": __init__, "_call": _call, "derivative": derivative_factory(name), "__repr__": __repr__, "__doc__": full_docstring} full_name = name + '_op' return type(full_name, (Operator,), attributes)
[docs]def ufunc_functional_factory(name, nargin, nargout, docstring): """Create a ufunc `Functional` from a given specification.""" assert 0 <= nargin <= 2 def __init__(self, field): """Initialize an instance. Parameters ---------- field : `Field` The domain of the functional. """ if not isinstance(field, Field): raise TypeError('`field` {!r} not a `Field`'.format(space)) if _is_integer_only_ufunc(name): raise ValueError("ufunc '{}' only defined with integral dtype" "".format(name)) linear = name in LINEAR_UFUNCS Functional.__init__(self, space=field, linear=linear) def _call(self, x): """Return ``self(x)``.""" if nargin == 1: return getattr(np, name)(x) else: return getattr(np, name)(*x) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({!r})'.format(name, self.domain) # Create example (also functions as doctest) if nargin != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Currently not suppored') if nargout != 1: raise NotImplementedError('Currently not suppored') space = RealNumbers() val = 1.0 arg = '{}'.format(val) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): result = np.float64(getattr(np, name)(val)) examples_docstring = RAW_EXAMPLES_DOCSTRING.format(space=space, name=name, arg=arg, result=result) full_docstring = docstring + examples_docstring attributes = {"__init__": __init__, "_call": _call, "gradient": property(gradient_factory(name)), "__repr__": __repr__, "__doc__": full_docstring} full_name = name + '_op' return type(full_name, (Functional,), attributes)
RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_DOCSTRING = """{docstring} Notes ----- This creates a `Operator`/`Functional` that applies a ufunc pointwise. Examples -------- {operator_example} {functional_example} """ RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_FUNCTIONAL_DOCSTRING = """ Create functional with domain/range as real numbers: >>> func = odl.ufunc_ops.{name}() """ RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_OPERATOR_DOCSTRING = """ Create operator that acts pointwise on a `TensorSpace` >>> space = odl.rn(3) >>> op = odl.ufunc_ops.{name}(space) """ # Create an operator for each ufunc for name, nargin, nargout, docstring in UFUNCS:
[docs] def indirection(name, docstring): # Indirection is needed since name should be saved but is changed # in the loop. def ufunc_factory(domain=RealNumbers()): # Create a `Operator` or `Functional` depending on arguments try: if isinstance(domain, Field): return globals()[name + '_func'](domain) else: return globals()[name + '_op'](domain) except KeyError: raise ValueError('ufunc not available for {}'.format(domain)) return ufunc_factory
globals()[name + '_op'] = ufunc_class_factory(name, nargin, nargout, docstring) if not _is_integer_only_ufunc(name): operator_example = RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_OPERATOR_DOCSTRING.format( name=name) else: operator_example = "" if not _is_integer_only_ufunc(name) and nargin == 1 and nargout == 1: globals()[name + '_func'] = ufunc_functional_factory( name, nargin, nargout, docstring) functional_example = RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_FUNCTIONAL_DOCSTRING.format( name=name) else: functional_example = "" ufunc_factory = indirection(name, docstring) ufunc_factory.__doc__ = RAW_UFUNC_FACTORY_DOCSTRING.format( docstring=docstring, name=name, functional_example=functional_example, operator_example=operator_example) globals()[name] = ufunc_factory __all__ += (name,) if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()