Source code for odl.trafos.fourier

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Discretized Fourier transform on L^p spaces."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr import DiscretizedSpace, uniform_discr
from odl.operator import Operator
from odl.set import ComplexNumbers, RealNumbers
from odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings import (
    PYFFTW_AVAILABLE, _flag_pyfftw_to_odl, pyfftw_call)
from odl.trafos.util import (
    dft_postprocess_data, dft_preprocess_data, reciprocal_grid,
from odl.util import (
    complex_dtype, conj_exponent, dtype_repr, is_complex_floating_dtype,
    is_real_dtype, normalized_axes_tuple, normalized_scalar_param_list)

__all__ = ('DiscreteFourierTransform', 'DiscreteFourierTransformInverse',
           'FourierTransform', 'FourierTransformInverse')

    _SUPPORTED_FOURIER_IMPLS += ('pyfftw',)
    _DEFAULT_FOURIER_IMPL = 'pyfftw'

[docs]class DiscreteFourierTransformBase(Operator): """Base class for discrete fourier transform classes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, inverse, domain, range=None, axes=None, sign='-', halfcomplex=False, impl=None): """Initialize a new instance. All parameters are given according to the specifics of the forward transform. The ``inverse`` parameter is used to control conversions for the inverse transform. Parameters ---------- inverse : bool If ``True``, the inverse transform is created, otherwise the forward transform. domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Domain of the Fourier transform. If its `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` is equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to the inverse. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Range of the Fourier transform. If not given, the range is determined from ``domain`` and the other parameters as a `uniform_discr` with exponent unit cell size and exponent ``p / (p - 1)`` (read as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'). axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions in which a transform is to be calculated. ``None`` means all axes. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, calculate only the negative frequency part along the last axis in ``axes`` for real input. This reduces the size of the range to ``floor(N[i]/2) + 1`` in this axis ``i``, where ``N`` is the shape of the input arrays. Otherwise, calculate the full complex FFT. If ``dom_dtype`` is a complex type, this option has no effect. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw', ``None``}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The 'pyfftw' backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. """ if not isinstance(domain, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError( '`domain` {!r} is not a `DiscretizedSpace` instance' ''.format(domain) ) if range is not None and not isinstance(range, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`range` {!r} is not a `DiscretizedSpace` instance' ''.format(range)) # Implementation if impl is None: impl = _DEFAULT_FOURIER_IMPL impl, impl_in = str(impl).lower(), impl if impl not in _SUPPORTED_FOURIER_IMPLS: raise ValueError("`impl` '{}' not supported".format(impl_in)) self.__impl = impl # Axes if axes is None: axes = tuple(np.arange(domain.ndim)) self.__axes = normalized_axes_tuple(axes, domain.ndim) # Half-complex if domain.field == ComplexNumbers(): self.__halfcomplex = False else: self.__halfcomplex = bool(halfcomplex) ran_dtype = complex_dtype(domain.dtype) # Sign of the transform if sign not in ('+', '-'): raise ValueError("`sign` '{}' not understood".format(sign)) fwd_sign = ('-' if sign == '+' else '+') if inverse else sign if fwd_sign == '+' and self.halfcomplex: raise ValueError("cannot combine sign '+' with a half-complex " "transform") self.__sign = sign # Calculate the range ran_shape = reciprocal_grid( domain.grid, shift=False, halfcomplex=halfcomplex, axes=axes).shape if range is None: impl = domain.tspace.impl shape = np.atleast_1d(ran_shape) range = uniform_discr( [0] * len(shape), shape - 1, shape, ran_dtype, impl, nodes_on_bdry=True, exponent=conj_exponent(domain.exponent)) else: if range.shape != ran_shape: raise ValueError('expected range shape {}, got {}.' ''.format(ran_shape, range.shape)) if range.dtype != ran_dtype: raise ValueError('expected range data type {}, got {}.' ''.format(dtype_repr(ran_dtype), dtype_repr(range.dtype))) if inverse: super(DiscreteFourierTransformBase, self).__init__( range, domain, linear=True) else: super(DiscreteFourierTransformBase, self).__init__( domain, range, linear=True) self._fftw_plan = None
[docs] def _call(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x, out[, **kwargs])``. Parameters ---------- x : `domain` element Discretized function to be transformed out : `range` element Element to which the output is written Notes ----- See the ``pyfftw_call`` function for ``**kwargs`` options. The parameters ``axes`` and ``halfcomplex`` cannot be overridden. See Also -------- odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call : Call pyfftw backend directly """ # TODO: Implement zero padding if self.impl == 'numpy': out[:] = self._call_numpy(x.asarray()) else: out[:] = self._call_pyfftw(x.asarray(), out.asarray(), **kwargs)
@property def impl(self): """Backend for the FFT implementation.""" return self.__impl @property def axes(self): """Axes along the FT is calculated by this operator.""" return self.__axes @property def sign(self): """Sign of the complex exponent in the transform.""" return self.__sign @property def halfcomplex(self): """Return ``True`` if the last transform axis is halved.""" return self.__halfcomplex @property def adjoint(self): """Adjoint transform, equal to the inverse. See Also -------- inverse """ if self.domain.exponent == 2.0 and self.range.exponent == 2.0: return self.inverse else: raise NotImplementedError( 'no adjoint defined for exponents ({}, {}) != (2, 2)' ''.format(self.domain.exponent, self.range.exponent)) @property def inverse(self): """Inverse Fourier transform. Abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method') def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` using numpy. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Input array to be transformed Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method') def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` using pyfftw. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Input array to be transformed out : `numpy.ndarray` Output array storing the result flags : sequence of strings, optional Flags for the transform. ``'FFTW_UNALIGNED'`` is not supported, and ``'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT'`` is enabled by default. See the `pyfftw API documentation`_ for futher information. Default: ``('FFTW_MEASURE',)`` threads : positive int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 planning_timelimit : float or ``None``, optional Rough upper limit in seconds for the planning step of the transform. ``None`` means no limit. See the `pyfftw API documentation`_ for futher information. Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. References ---------- .. _pyfftw API documentation: """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(out, np.ndarray) kwargs.pop('normalise_idft', None) # Using `False` here kwargs.pop('axes', None) kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', None) flags = list(_flag_pyfftw_to_odl(flag) for flag in kwargs.pop('flags', ('FFTW_MEASURE',))) try: flags.remove('unaligned') except ValueError: pass try: flags.remove('destroy_input') except ValueError: pass effort = flags[0] if flags else 'measure' direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( x, out, direction=direction, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, planning_effort=effort, fftw_plan=self._fftw_plan, normalise_idft=False) return out
[docs] def init_fftw_plan(self, planning_effort='measure', **kwargs): """Initialize the FFTW plan for this transform for later use. If the implementation of this operator is not ``'pyfftw'``, this method should not be called. Parameters ---------- planning_effort : str, optional Flag for the amount of effort put into finding an optimal FFTW plan. See the `FFTW doc on planner flags <>`_. Options: {'estimate', 'measure', 'patient', 'exhaustive'} planning_timelimit : float, optional Limit planning time to roughly this amount of seconds. Default: None (no limit) threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 Raises ------ ValueError If `impl` is not ``'pyfftw'`` Notes ----- To save memory, clear the plan when the transform is no longer used (the plan stores 2 arrays). See Also -------- clear_fftw_plan """ if self.impl != 'pyfftw': raise ValueError('cannot create fftw plan without fftw backend') x = self.domain.element() y = self.range.element() kwargs.pop('planning_timelimit', None) direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( x.asarray(), y.asarray(), direction=direction, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, axes=self.axes, planning_effort=planning_effort, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear_fftw_plan(self): """Delete the FFTW plan of this transform. Raises ------ ValueError If `impl` is not ``'pyfftw'`` Notes ----- If no plan exists, this is a no-op. """ if self.impl != 'pyfftw': raise ValueError('cannot create fftw plan without fftw backend') self._fftw_plan = None
[docs]class DiscreteFourierTransform(DiscreteFourierTransformBase): """Plain forward DFT, only evaluating the trigonometric sum. This operator calculates the forward DFT:: f_hat[k] = sum_j( f[j] * exp(-+ 1j*2*pi * j*k/N) ) without any further shifting or scaling compensation. See the `Numpy FFT documentation`_, the `pyfftw API documentation`_ or `What FFTW really computes`_ for further information. See Also -------- numpy.fft.fftn : n-dimensional FFT routine numpy.fft.rfftn : n-dimensional half-complex FFT odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call : apply an FFTW transform References ---------- .. _Numpy FFT documentation: .. _pyfftw API documentation: .. _What FFTW really computes: """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, range=None, axes=None, sign='-', halfcomplex=False, impl=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Domain of the Fourier transform. If its `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` is equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to the inverse. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Range of the Fourier transform. If not given, the range is determined from ``domain`` and the other parameters as a `uniform_discr` with unit cell size and exponent ``p / (p - 1)`` (read as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'). axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions in which a transform is to be calculated. ``None`` means all axes. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, calculate only the negative frequency part along the last axis in ``axes`` for real input. This reduces the size of the range to ``floor(N[i]/2) + 1`` in this axis ``i``, where ``N`` is the shape of the input arrays. Otherwise, calculate the full complex FFT. If ``dom_dtype`` is a complex type, this option has no effect. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The ``'pyfftw'`` backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. Examples -------- Complex-to-complex (default) transforms have the same grids in domain and range: >>> domain = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [2, 4], (2, 4), ... nodes_on_bdry=True) >>> fft = DiscreteFourierTransform(domain) >>> fft.domain.shape (2, 4) >>> fft.range.shape (2, 4) Real-to-complex transforms have a range grid with shape ``n // 2 + 1`` in the last tranform axis: >>> domain = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4], (2, 3, 4), ... nodes_on_bdry=True) >>> axes = (0, 1) >>> fft = DiscreteFourierTransform( ... domain, halfcomplex=True, axes=axes) >>> fft.range.shape # shortened in the second axis (2, 2, 4) >>> fft.domain.shape (2, 3, 4) """ super(DiscreteFourierTransform, self).__init__( inverse=False, domain=domain, range=range, axes=axes, sign=sign, halfcomplex=halfcomplex, impl=impl)
def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` using numpy. See Also -------- DiscreteFourierTransformBase._call_numpy """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) if self.halfcomplex: return np.fft.rfftn(x, axes=self.axes) else: if self.sign == '-': return np.fft.fftn(x, axes=self.axes) else: # Need to undo Numpy IFFT scaling return (, self.axes)) * np.fft.ifftn(x, axes=self.axes)) def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` using pyfftw. See Also -------- DiscreteFourierTransformBase._call_numpy """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(out, np.ndarray) kwargs.pop('normalise_idft', None) # Using `False` here kwargs.pop('axes', None) kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', None) flags = list(_flag_pyfftw_to_odl(flag) for flag in kwargs.pop('flags', ('FFTW_MEASURE',))) try: flags.remove('unaligned') except ValueError: pass try: flags.remove('destroy_input') except ValueError: pass effort = flags[0] if flags else 'measure' direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( x, out, direction=direction, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, planning_effort=effort, fftw_plan=self._fftw_plan, normalise_idft=False) return out @property def inverse(self): """Inverse Fourier transform.""" sign = '+' if self.sign == '-' else '-' return DiscreteFourierTransformInverse( domain=self.range, range=self.domain, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, sign=sign)
[docs]class DiscreteFourierTransformInverse(DiscreteFourierTransformBase): """Plain backward DFT, only evaluating the trigonometric sum. This operator calculates the inverse DFT:: f[k] = 1/prod(N) * sum_j( f_hat[j] * exp(+- 1j*2*pi * j*k/N) ) without any further shifting or scaling compensation. See the `Numpy FFT documentation`_, the `pyfftw API documentation`_ or `What FFTW really computes`_ for further information. See Also -------- DiscreteFourierTransform FourierTransformInverse numpy.fft.ifftn : n-dimensional inverse FFT routine numpy.fft.irfftn : n-dimensional half-complex inverse FFT odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call : apply an FFTW transform References ---------- .. _Numpy FFT documentation: .. _pyfftw API documentation: .. _What FFTW really computes: """
[docs] def __init__(self, range, domain=None, axes=None, sign='+', halfcomplex=False, impl=None): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- range : `DiscretizedSpace` Range of the inverse Fourier transform. If its `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` is equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to the inverse. domain : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Domain of the inverse Fourier transform. If not given, the domain is determined from ``range`` and the other parameters as a `uniform_discr` with unit cell size and exponent ``p / (p - 1)`` (read as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'). axes : sequence of ints, optional Dimensions in which a transform is to be calculated. `None` means all axes. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, interpret the last axis in ``axes`` as the negative frequency part of the transform of a real signal and calculate a "half-complex-to-real" inverse FFT. In this case, the domain has by default the shape ``floor(N[i]/2) + 1`` in this axis ``i``. Otherwise, domain and range have the same shape. If ``range`` is a complex space, this option has no effect. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The 'pyfftw' backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. Examples -------- Complex-to-complex (default) transforms have the same grids in domain and range: >>> range = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [2, 4], (2, 4), ... nodes_on_bdry=True) >>> ifft = DiscreteFourierTransformInverse(range) >>> ifft.domain.shape (2, 4) >>> ifft.range.shape (2, 4) Complex-to-real transforms have a domain grid with shape ``n // 2 + 1`` in the last tranform axis: >>> range = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4], (2, 3, 4), ... nodes_on_bdry=True) >>> axes = (0, 1) >>> ifft = DiscreteFourierTransformInverse( ... range, halfcomplex=True, axes=axes) >>> ifft.domain.shape # shortened in the second axis (2, 2, 4) >>> ifft.range.shape (2, 3, 4) """ super(DiscreteFourierTransformInverse, self).__init__( inverse=True, domain=range, range=domain, axes=axes, sign=sign, halfcomplex=halfcomplex, impl=impl)
def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` using numpy. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Input array to be transformed Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform """ if self.halfcomplex: return np.fft.irfftn(x, axes=self.axes) else: if self.sign == '+': return np.fft.ifftn(x, axes=self.axes) else: return (np.fft.fftn(x, axes=self.axes) /, self.axes))) def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` using pyfftw. Parameters ---------- x : `domain` element Input element to be transformed. out : `range` element Output element storing the result. flags : sequence of strings, optional Flags for the transform. ``'FFTW_UNALIGNED'`` is not supported, and ``'FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT'`` is enabled by default. See the `pyfftw API documentation`_ for futher information. Default: ``('FFTW_MEASURE',)`` threads : positive int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 planning_timelimit : float, optional Rough upper limit in seconds for the planning step of the transform. The default is no limit. See the `pyfftw API documentation`_ for futher information. Returns ------- out : `range` element Result of the transform. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. References ---------- .. _pyfftw API documentation: """ kwargs.pop('normalise_idft', None) # Using `True` here kwargs.pop('axes', None) kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', None) flags = list(_flag_pyfftw_to_odl(flag) for flag in kwargs.pop('flags', ('FFTW_MEASURE',))) try: flags.remove('unaligned') except ValueError: pass try: flags.remove('destroy_input') except ValueError: pass effort = flags[0] if flags else 'measure' direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( x, out, direction=direction, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, planning_effort=effort, fftw_plan=self._fftw_plan, normalise_idft=True) # Need to normalize for 'forward', no way to force pyfftw if self.sign == '-': out /=, self.axes)) return out @property def inverse(self): """Inverse Fourier transform.""" sign = '-' if self.sign == '+' else '+' return DiscreteFourierTransform( domain=self.range, range=self.domain, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, sign=sign)
[docs]class FourierTransformBase(Operator): """Discretized Fourier transform between discrete L^p spaces. This operator is the discretized variant of the continuous `Fourier Transform <>`_ between Lebesgue L^p spaces. It applies a three-step procedure consisting of a pre-processing step of the data, an FFT evaluation and a post-processing step. Pre- and post-processing account for the shift and scaling of the real-space and Fourier-space grids. The sign convention ('-' vs. '+') can be changed with the ``sign`` parameter. See Also -------- DiscreteFourierTransform FourierTransformInverse odl.trafos.util.ft_utils.dft_preprocess_data odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call odl.trafos.util.ft_utils.dft_postprocess_data """
[docs] def __init__(self, inverse, domain, range=None, impl=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. All parameters are given according to the specifics of the forward transform. The ``inverse`` parameter is used to control conversions for the inverse transform. Parameters ---------- inverse : bool If ``True``, create the inverse transform, otherwise the forward transform. domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Domain of the Fourier transform. If the `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` of ``domain`` and ``range`` are equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to its inverse. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Range of the Fourier transform. If not given, the range is determined from ``domain`` and the other parameters. The exponent is chosen to be the conjugate ``p / (p - 1)``, which reads as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The 'pyfftw' backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions along which to take the transform. Default: all axes sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. Default: '-' halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, calculate only the negative frequency part along the last axis for real input. If ``False``, calculate the full complex FFT. For complex ``domain``, it has no effect. Default: ``True`` shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option is applied separately to each axis. If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True`` in the halved axis in half-complex transforms. Default: ``True`` Other Parameters ---------------- tmp_r : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the real space (domain of this transform). It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: R2C, R2HC, C2R (inverse) tmp_f : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the frequency (reciprocal) space. It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: R2C, C2R (inverse), HC2R (inverse) Notes ----- * The transform variants are: - **C2C**: complex-to-complex. The default variant, one-to-one and unitary. - **R2C**: real-to-complex. This variants adjoint and inverse may suffer from information loss since the result is cast to real. - **R2HC**: real-to-halfcomplex. This variant stores only a half-space of frequencies and is guaranteed to be one-to-one (invertible). * The `Operator.range` of this operator always has the `ComplexNumbers` as `LinearSpace.field`, i.e. if the field of ``domain`` is the `RealNumbers`, this operator's adjoint is defined by identifying real and imaginary parts with the components of a real product space element. See the `mathematical background documentation <>`_ for details. """ if not isinstance(domain, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('domain {!r} is not a `DiscretizedSpace` instance' ''.format(domain)) if domain.impl != 'numpy': raise NotImplementedError( 'Only Numpy-based data spaces are supported, got {}' ''.format(domain.tspace)) # axes axes = kwargs.pop('axes', np.arange(domain.ndim)) self.__axes = normalized_axes_tuple(axes, domain.ndim) # Implementation if impl is None: impl = _DEFAULT_FOURIER_IMPL impl, impl_in = str(impl).lower(), impl if impl not in _SUPPORTED_FOURIER_IMPLS: raise ValueError("`impl` '{}' not supported".format(impl_in)) self.__impl = impl # Handle half-complex yes/no and shifts halfcomplex = kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', True) shift = kwargs.pop('shift', True) if all(domain.grid.is_uniform_byaxis[i] for i in self.axes): if domain.field == ComplexNumbers(): self.__halfcomplex = False else: self.__halfcomplex = bool(halfcomplex) self.__shifts = normalized_scalar_param_list( shift, length=len(self.axes), param_conv=bool) else: raise NotImplementedError('non-uniform grids not yet supported') sign = kwargs.pop('sign', '-') if sign not in ('+', '-'): raise ValueError("`sign` '{}' not understood".format(sign)) fwd_sign = ('-' if sign == '+' else '+') if inverse else sign if fwd_sign == '+' and self.halfcomplex: raise ValueError("cannot combine sign '+' with a half-complex " "transform") self.__sign = sign # Need to filter out this situation since the pre-processing step # casts to complex otherwise, and then no half-complex transform # is possible. if self.halfcomplex and not self.shifts[-1]: raise ValueError('`shift` must be `True` in the halved (last) ' 'axis in half-complex transforms') # Storing temporaries directly as arrays tmp_r = kwargs.pop('tmp_r', None) tmp_f = kwargs.pop('tmp_f', None) # Before starting to calculate stuff, we check for bad arguments if kwargs: raise TypeError('got unexpected keyword arguments: {}' ''.format(kwargs)) # Infer the range if necessary if range is None: # self._halfcomplex and self._axes need to be set for this range = reciprocal_space(domain, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, shift=self.shifts) if inverse: super(FourierTransformBase, self).__init__( range, domain, linear=True) else: super(FourierTransformBase, self).__init__( domain, range, linear=True) self._fftw_plan = None if tmp_r is not None: tmp_r = domain.element(tmp_r).asarray() if tmp_f is not None: tmp_f = range.element(tmp_f).asarray() self._tmp_r = tmp_r self._tmp_f = tmp_f
[docs] def _call(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x, out[, **kwargs])``. Parameters ---------- x : `domain` element Discretized function to be transformed out : `range` element Element to which the output is written Notes ----- See the ``pyfftw_call`` function for ``**kwargs`` options. The parameters ``axes`` and ``halfcomplex`` cannot be overridden. See Also -------- odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call : Call pyfftw backend directly """ # TODO: Implement zero padding if self.impl == 'numpy': out[:] = self._call_numpy(x.asarray()) else: # 0-overhead assignment if asarray() does not copy out[:] = self._call_pyfftw(x.asarray(), out.asarray(), **kwargs)
def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` for numpy back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method') def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` for pyfftw back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed out : `numpy.ndarray` Array to which the output is written planning_effort : {'estimate', 'measure', 'patient', 'exhaustive'} Flag for the amount of effort put into finding an optimal FFTW plan. See the `FFTW doc on planner flags <>`_. planning_timelimit : float or ``None``, optional Limit planning time to roughly this many seconds. Default: ``None`` (no limit) threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform. The returned object is a reference to the input parameter ``out``. """ raise NotImplementedError('abstract method') @property def impl(self): """Backend for the FFT implementation.""" return self.__impl @property def axes(self): """Axes along the FT is calculated by this operator.""" return self.__axes @property def sign(self): """Sign of the complex exponent in the transform.""" return self.__sign @property def halfcomplex(self): """Return ``True`` if the last transform axis is halved.""" return self.__halfcomplex @property def shifts(self): """Return the boolean list indicating shifting per axis.""" return self.__shifts @property def adjoint(self): """Adjoint transform, equal to the inverse. See Also -------- inverse """ if self.domain.exponent == 2.0 and self.range.exponent == 2.0: return self.inverse else: raise NotImplementedError( 'no adjoint defined for exponents ({}, {}) != (2, 2)' ''.format(self.domain.exponent, self.range.exponent)) @property def inverse(self): """Inverse Fourier transform. See Also -------- adjoint : Equivalent since the fourier transform is unitary. """ sign = '+' if self.sign == '-' else '-' return FourierTransformInverse( domain=self.range, range=self.domain, impl=self.impl, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, shift=self.shifts, sign=sign, tmp_r=self._tmp_r, tmp_f=self._tmp_f)
[docs] def create_temporaries(self, r=True, f=True): """Allocate and store reusable temporaries. Existing temporaries are overridden. Parameters ---------- r : bool, optional Create temporary for the real space f : bool, optional Create temporary for the frequency space Notes ----- To save memory, clear the temporaries when the transform is no longer used. See Also -------- clear_temporaries clear_fftw_plan : can also hold references to the temporaries """ inverse = isinstance(self, FourierTransformInverse) if inverse: rspace = self.range fspace = self.domain else: rspace = self.domain fspace = self.range if r: self._tmp_r = rspace.element().asarray() if f: self._tmp_f = fspace.element().asarray()
[docs] def clear_temporaries(self): """Set the temporaries to ``None``.""" self._tmp_r = None self._tmp_f = None
[docs] def init_fftw_plan(self, planning_effort='measure', **kwargs): """Initialize the FFTW plan for this transform for later use. If the implementation of this operator is not 'pyfftw', this method should not be called. Parameters ---------- planning_effort : str, optional Flag for the amount of effort put into finding an optimal FFTW plan. See the `FFTW doc on planner flags <>`_. Options: {'estimate', 'measure', 'patient', 'exhaustive'} planning_timelimit : float or ``None``, optional Limit planning time to roughly this many seconds. Default: ``None`` (no limit) threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 Raises ------ ValueError If `impl` is not 'pyfftw' Notes ----- To save memory, clear the plan when the transform is no longer used (the plan stores 2 arrays). See Also -------- clear_fftw_plan """ if self.impl != 'pyfftw': raise ValueError('cannot create fftw plan without fftw backend') # Using available temporaries if possible inverse = isinstance(self, FourierTransformInverse) if inverse: rspace = self.range fspace = self.domain else: rspace = self.domain fspace = self.range if rspace.field == ComplexNumbers(): # C2C: Use either one of 'r' or 'f' temporary if initialized if self._tmp_r is not None: arr_in = arr_out = self._tmp_r elif self._tmp_f is not None: arr_in = arr_out = self._tmp_f else: arr_in = arr_out = rspace.element().asarray() elif self.halfcomplex: # R2HC / HC2R: Use 'r' and 'f' temporary distinctly if initialized if self._tmp_r is not None: arr_r = self._tmp_r else: arr_r = rspace.element().asarray() if self._tmp_f is not None: arr_f = self._tmp_f else: arr_f = fspace.element().asarray() if inverse: arr_in, arr_out = arr_f, arr_r else: arr_in, arr_out = arr_r, arr_f else: # R2C / C2R: Use 'f' temporary for both sides if initialized if self._tmp_f is not None: arr_in = arr_out = self._tmp_f else: arr_in = arr_out = fspace.element().asarray() kwargs.pop('planning_timelimit', None) direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( arr_in, arr_out, direction=direction, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, axes=self.axes, planning_effort=planning_effort, **kwargs)
[docs] def clear_fftw_plan(self): """Delete the FFTW plan of this transform. Raises ------ ValueError If `impl` is not 'pyfftw' Notes ----- If no plan exists, this is a no-op. """ if self.impl != 'pyfftw': raise ValueError('cannot create fftw plan without fftw backend') self._fftw_plan = None
[docs]class FourierTransform(FourierTransformBase): """Discretized Fourier transform between discrete L^p spaces. This operator is the discretized variant of the continuous `Fourier Transform <>`_ between Lebesgue L^p spaces. It applies a three-step procedure consisting of a pre-processing step of the data, an FFT evaluation and a post-processing step. Pre- and post-processing account for the shift and scaling of the real-space and Fourier-space grids. The sign convention ('-' vs. '+') can be changed with the ``sign`` parameter. See Also -------- DiscreteFourierTransform FourierTransformInverse odl.trafos.util.ft_utils.dft_preprocess_data odl.trafos.backends.pyfftw_bindings.pyfftw_call odl.trafos.util.ft_utils.dft_postprocess_data """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain, range=None, impl=None, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- domain : `DiscretizedSpace` Domain of the Fourier transform. If the `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` of ``domain`` and ``range`` are equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to its inverse. range : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Range of the Fourier transform. If not given, the range is determined from ``domain`` and the other parameters. The exponent is chosen to be the conjugate ``p / (p - 1)``, which reads as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The 'pyfftw' backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions along which to take the transform. Default: all axes sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. Default: '-' halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, calculate only the negative frequency part along the last axis for real input. If ``False``, calculate the full complex FFT. For complex ``domain``, it has no effect. Default: ``True`` shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option is applied separately to each axis. If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True`` in the halved axis in half-complex transforms. Default: ``True`` Other Parameters ---------------- tmp_r : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the real space (domain of this transform). It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: R2C, R2HC, C2R (inverse) tmp_f : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the frequency (reciprocal) space. It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: R2C, C2R (inverse), HC2R (inverse) Notes ----- * The transform variants are: - **C2C**: complex-to-complex. The default variant, one-to-one and unitary. - **R2C**: real-to-complex. This variants adjoint and inverse may suffer from information loss since the result is cast to real. - **R2HC**: real-to-halfcomplex. This variant stores only a half-space of frequencies and is guaranteed to be one-to-one (invertible). * The `Operator.range` of this operator always has the `ComplexNumbers` as `LinearSpace.field`, i.e. if the field of ``domain`` is the `RealNumbers`, this operator's adjoint is defined by identifying real and imaginary parts with the components of a real product space element. See the `mathematical background documentation <>`_ for details. """ super(FourierTransform, self).__init__( inverse=False, domain=domain, range=range, impl=impl, **kwargs)
def _preprocess(self, x, out=None): """Return the pre-processed version of ``x``. C2C: use ``tmp_r`` or ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) R2C: use ``tmp_f`` (R2C operation) HALFC: use ``tmp_r`` (R2R operation) The result is stored in ``out`` if given, otherwise in a temporary or a new array. """ if out is None: if self.domain.field == ComplexNumbers(): out = self._tmp_r if self._tmp_r is not None else self._tmp_f elif self.domain.field == RealNumbers() and not self.halfcomplex: out = self._tmp_f else: out = self._tmp_r return dft_preprocess_data( x, shift=self.shifts, axes=self.axes, sign=self.sign, out=out) def _postprocess(self, x, out=None): """Return the post-processed version of ``x``. C2C: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) R2C: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) HALFC: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) The result is stored in ``out`` if given, otherwise in a temporary or a new array. """ if out is None: if self.domain.field == ComplexNumbers(): out = self._tmp_r if self._tmp_r is not None else self._tmp_f else: out = self._tmp_f # TODO(kohr-h): Add `interp` to operator or simplify it by not # performing interpolation filter return dft_postprocess_data( out, real_grid=self.domain.grid, recip_grid=self.range.grid, shift=self.shifts, axes=self.axes, sign=self.sign, interp='nearest', op='multiply', out=out) def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` for numpy back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform """ # Pre-processing before calculating the DFT # Note: since the FFT call is out-of-place, it does not matter if # preprocess produces real or complex output in the R2C variant. # There is no significant time difference between (full) R2C and # C2C DFT in Numpy. preproc = self._preprocess(x) # The actual call to the FFT library, out-of-place unfortunately if self.halfcomplex: out = np.fft.rfftn(preproc, axes=self.axes) else: if self.sign == '-': out = np.fft.fftn(preproc, axes=self.axes) else: out = np.fft.ifftn(preproc, axes=self.axes) # Numpy's FFT normalizes by 1 / prod(shape[axes]), we # need to undo that out *=, self.axes)) # Post-processing accounting for shift, scaling and interpolation self._postprocess(out, out=out) return out def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` for pyfftw back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed out : `numpy.ndarray` Array to which the output is written planning_effort : {'estimate', 'measure', 'patient', 'exhaustive'} Flag for the amount of effort put into finding an optimal FFTW plan. See the `FFTW doc on planner flags <>`_. planning_timelimit : float or ``None``, optional Limit planning time to roughly this many seconds. Default: ``None`` (no limit) threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform. The returned object is a reference to the input parameter ``out``. """ # We pop some kwargs options here so that we always use the ones # given during init or implicitly assumed. kwargs.pop('axes', None) kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', None) kwargs.pop('normalise_idft', None) # We use `False` # Pre-processing before calculating the sums, in-place for C2C and R2C if self.halfcomplex: preproc = self._preprocess(x) assert is_real_dtype(preproc.dtype) else: # out is preproc in this case preproc = self._preprocess(x, out=out) assert is_complex_floating_dtype(preproc.dtype) # The actual call to the FFT library. We store the plan for re-use. # The FFT is calculated in-place, except if the range is real and # we don't use halfcomplex. direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( preproc, out, direction=direction, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, axes=self.axes, normalise_idft=False, **kwargs) assert is_complex_floating_dtype(out.dtype) # Post-processing accounting for shift, scaling and interpolation out = self._postprocess(out, out=out) assert is_complex_floating_dtype(out.dtype) return out @property def inverse(self): """The inverse Fourier transform.""" sign = '+' if self.sign == '-' else '-' return FourierTransformInverse( domain=self.range, range=self.domain, impl=self.impl, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, shift=self.shifts, sign=sign, tmp_r=self._tmp_r, tmp_f=self._tmp_f)
[docs]class FourierTransformInverse(FourierTransformBase): """Inverse of the discretized Fourier transform between L^p spaces. This operator is the exact inverse of the `FourierTransform`, and **not** a discretization of the Fourier integral with "+" sign in the complex exponent. For the latter, use the ``sign`` parameter of the forward transform. See Also -------- FourierTransform DiscreteFourierTransformInverse """
[docs] def __init__(self, range, domain=None, impl=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- range : `DiscretizedSpace` Range of the inverse Fourier transform. If the `DiscretizedSpace.exponent` of ``domain`` and ``range`` are equal to 2.0, this operator has an adjoint which is equal to its inverse. domain : `DiscretizedSpace`, optional Domain of the inverse Fourier transform. If not given, the domain is determined from ``range`` and the other parameters. The exponent is chosen to be the conjugate ``p / (p - 1)``, which reads as 'inf' for p=1 and 1 for p='inf'. impl : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, optional Backend for the FFT implementation. The 'pyfftw' backend is faster but requires the ``pyfftw`` package. ``None`` selects the fastest available backend. axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions along which to take the transform. Default: all axes sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. Default: ``'+'`` halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, calculate only the negative frequency part along the last axis for real input. If ``False``, calculate the full complex FFT. For complex ``domain``, it has no effect. Default: ``True`` shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option is applied separately to each axis. If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True`` in the halved axis in half-complex transforms. Default: ``True`` Other Parameters ---------------- tmp_r : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the real space (range of this transform). It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: C2R, R2C (forward), R2HC (forward) tmp_f : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Temporary for calculations in the frequency (reciprocal) space. It is shared with the inverse. Variants using this: C2R, HC2R, R2C (forward) Notes ----- * The transform variants are: - **C2C**: complex-to-complex. The default variant, one-to-one and unitary. - **C2R**: complex-to-real. This variants adjoint and inverse may suffer from information loss since the result is cast to real. - **HC2R**: halfcomplex-to-real. This variant interprets input as a signal on a half-space of frequencies. It is guaranteed to be one-to-one (invertible). * The `Operator.range` of this operator always has the `ComplexNumbers` as `LinearSpace.field`, i.e. if the field of ``domain`` is the `RealNumbers`, this operator's adjoint is defined by identifying real and imaginary parts with the components of a real product space element. See the `mathematical background documentation <>`_ for details. """ super(FourierTransformInverse, self).__init__( inverse=True, domain=range, range=domain, impl=impl, **kwargs)
def _preprocess(self, x, out=None): """Return the pre-processed version of ``x``. Note that pre-processing in IFT is the same as post-processing in FT with ``op='divide'``. C2C: use ``tmp_r`` or``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) R2C: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) HALFC: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) The result is stored in ``out`` if given, otherwise in a temporary or a new array. """ if out is None: if self.range.field == ComplexNumbers(): out = self._tmp_r if self._tmp_r is not None else self._tmp_f else: out = self._tmp_f # TODO(kohr-h): Add `interp` to operator or simplify it by not # performing interpolation filter return dft_postprocess_data( x, real_grid=self.range.grid, recip_grid=self.domain.grid, shift=self.shifts, axes=self.axes, sign=self.sign, interp='nearest', op='divide', out=out) def _postprocess(self, x, out=None): """Return the post-processed version of ``x``. C2C: use ``tmp_r`` or ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) R2C: use ``tmp_f`` (C2C operation) HALFC: use ``tmp_r`` (R2R operation) The result is stored in ``out`` if given, otherwise in a temporary or a new array. """ if out is None: if self.range.field == ComplexNumbers(): out = self._tmp_r if self._tmp_r is not None else self._tmp_f elif self.range.field == RealNumbers() and not self.halfcomplex: out = self._tmp_f else: # halfcomplex out = self._tmp_r return dft_preprocess_data( x, shift=self.shifts, axes=self.axes, sign=self.sign, out=out) def _call_numpy(self, x): """Return ``self(x)`` for numpy back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform """ # Pre-processing before calculating the DFT preproc = self._preprocess(x) # The actual call to the FFT library # Normalization by 1 / prod(shape[axes]) is done by Numpy's FFT if # one of the "i" functions is used. For sign='-' we need to do it # ourselves. if self.halfcomplex: s = np.asarray(self.range.shape)[list(self.axes)] out = np.fft.irfftn(preproc, axes=self.axes, s=s) else: if self.sign == '-': out = np.fft.fftn(preproc, axes=self.axes) out /=, self.axes)) else: out = np.fft.ifftn(preproc, axes=self.axes) # Post-processing in IFT = pre-processing in FT (in-place) self._postprocess(out, out=out) if self.halfcomplex: assert is_real_dtype(out.dtype) if self.range.field == RealNumbers(): return out.real else: return out def _call_pyfftw(self, x, out, **kwargs): """Implement ``self(x[, out, **kwargs])`` for pyfftw back-end. Parameters ---------- x : `numpy.ndarray` Array representing the function to be transformed out : `numpy.ndarray` Array to which the output is written planning_effort : {'estimate', 'measure', 'patient', 'exhaustive'} Flag for the amount of effort put into finding an optimal FFTW plan. See the `FFTW doc on planner flags <>`_. planning_timelimit : float or ``None``, optional Limit planning time to roughly this many seconds. Default: ``None`` (no limit) threads : int, optional Number of threads to use. Default: 1 Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the transform. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. """ # We pop some kwargs options here so that we always use the ones # given during init or implicitly assumed. kwargs.pop('axes', None) kwargs.pop('halfcomplex', None) kwargs.pop('normalise_idft', None) # We use `True` # Pre-processing in IFT = post-processing in FT, but with division # instead of multiplication and switched grids. In-place for C2C only. if self.range.field == ComplexNumbers(): # preproc is out in this case preproc = self._preprocess(x, out=out) else: preproc = self._preprocess(x) # The actual call to the FFT library. We store the plan for re-use. direction = 'forward' if self.sign == '-' else 'backward' if self.range.field == RealNumbers() and not self.halfcomplex: # Need to use a complex array as out if we do C2R since the # FFT has to be C2C self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( preproc, preproc, direction=direction, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, axes=self.axes, normalise_idft=True, **kwargs) fft_arr = preproc else: # Only here we can use out directly self._fftw_plan = pyfftw_call( preproc, out, direction=direction, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, axes=self.axes, normalise_idft=True, **kwargs) fft_arr = out # Normalization is only done for 'backward', we need it for 'forward', # too. if self.sign == '-': fft_arr /=, self.axes)) # Post-processing in IFT = pre-processing in FT. In-place for # C2C and HC2R. For C2R, this is out-of-place and discards the # imaginary part. self._postprocess(fft_arr, out=out) return out @property def inverse(self): """Inverse of the inverse, the forward FT.""" sign = '+' if self.sign == '-' else '-' return FourierTransform( domain=self.range, range=self.domain, impl=self.impl, axes=self.axes, halfcomplex=self.halfcomplex, shift=self.shifts, sign=sign, tmp_r=self._tmp_r, tmp_f=self._tmp_f)
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()