Source code for odl.tomo.backends.astra_setup

# Copyright 2014-2020 The ODL contributors
# This file is part of ODL.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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"""Helper functions to prepare ASTRA algorithms.

This module contains utility functions to convert data structures from the
ODL geometry representation to ASTRA's data structures, including:

* volume geometries
* projection geometries
* create vectors from geometries
* data arrays
* projectors
* algorithm configuration dictionaries

`ASTRA documentation <>`_.

`ASTRA on GitHub <>`_.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings

import numpy as np

from odl.discr import DiscretizedSpace, DiscretizedSpaceElement
from odl.tomo.geometry import (
    DivergentBeamGeometry, Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector, Geometry,
from odl.tomo.util.utility import euler_matrix

    import astra
except ImportError:

# Make sure that ASTRA >= 1.7 is used
        # Available from 1.8 on
        ASTRA_VERSION = astra.__version__
    except AttributeError:
        # Below version 1.8
        _maj = astra.astra.version() // 100
        _min = astra.astra.version() % 100
        ASTRA_VERSION = '.'.join([str(_maj), str(_min)])
        if (_maj, _min) < (1, 7):
                'your version {}.{} of ASTRA is unsupported, please upgrade '
                'to 1.7 or higher'.format(_maj, _min), RuntimeWarning)

__all__ = (

# ASTRA_FEATURES contains a set of features along with version specifiers
# to track ASTRA support for those features. The version specifiers must
# be valid setuptools package requirements (without package name), e.g.,
# as exact version '==1.7', as inequality '>=1.7' or as several requirements
# that need to be satisfied simultaneously, e.g., '>=1.8,<=2.0'.
# To give multiple requirements that should be OR-ed together, use a
# sequence instead of a single string in the dictionary, e.g.,
# ['==1.7', '>=1.8,<=2.0'].

    # Cell sizes not equal in both axes in 2d, currently crashes.
    'anisotropic_voxels_2d': None,

    # Cell sizes not equal all 3 axes in 3d, see
    'anisotropic_voxels_3d': '>=1.8',

    # ASTRA geometry defined by vectors supported in the current
    # development version, will be in the next release after 1.8.3. See
    'par2d_vec_geometry': '>1.8.3',

    # Density weighting for cone 2d (fan beam), not supported yet,
    # see the discussion in
    'cone2d_density_weighting': None,

    # Approximate version of ray-density weighting in cone beam
    # backprojection for constant source-detector distance, see
    'cone3d_approx_density_weighting': '>=1.8,<',

    # General case not supported yet, see the discussion in
    'cone3d_density_weighting': None,

    # Fix for division by zero with detector midpoint normal perpendicular
    # to geometry axis in parallel 3d, see
    'par3d_det_mid_pt_perp_to_axis': '>=1.7.2',

    # Linking instead of copying of GPU memory, see
    'gpulink': '>=1.8.3',

    # Distance-driven projector for parallel 2d geometry, will be in the
    # next release after 1.8.3, see
    'par2d_distance_driven_proj': '>1.8.3',

[docs]def astra_supports(feature): """Return bool indicating whether current ASTRA supports ``feature``. Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of a potential feature of ASTRA. See ``ASTRA_FEATURES`` for possible values. Returns ------- supports : bool ``True`` if the currently imported version of ASTRA supports the feature in question, ``False`` otherwise. """ from odl.util.utility import pkg_supports return pkg_supports(feature, ASTRA_VERSION, ASTRA_FEATURES)
[docs]def astra_versions_supporting(feature): """Return version spec for support of the given feature. Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of a potential feature of ASTRA. See ``ASTRA_FEATURES`` for possible values. Returns ------- version_spec : str Specifier for versions of ASTRA that support ``feature``. See `odl.util.utility.pkg_supports` for details. """ try: return ASTRA_FEATURES[str(feature)] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown feature {!r}'.format(feature))
[docs]def astra_volume_geometry(vol_space): """Create an ASTRA volume geometry from the discretized domain. From the ASTRA documentation: In all 3D geometries, the coordinate system is defined around the reconstruction volume. The center of the reconstruction volume is the origin, and the sides of the voxels in the volume have length 1. All dimensions in the projection geometries are relative to this unit length. Parameters ---------- vol_space : `DiscretizedSpace` Discretized space where the reconstruction (volume) lives. It must be 2- or 3-dimensional and uniformly discretized. Returns ------- astra_geom : dict Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the cell sizes are not the same in each dimension. """ if not isinstance(vol_space, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`vol_space` {!r} is not a DiscretizedSpace instance' ''.format(vol_space)) if not vol_space.is_uniform: raise ValueError('`vol_space` {} is not uniformly discretized') vol_shp = vol_space.partition.shape vol_min = vol_space.partition.min_pt vol_max = vol_space.partition.max_pt if vol_space.ndim == 2: # ASTRA does in principle support custom minimum and maximum # values for the volume extent also in earlier versions, but running # the algorithm fails if voxels are non-isotropic. if ( not vol_space.partition.has_isotropic_cells and not astra_supports('anisotropic_voxels_2d') ): req_ver = astra_versions_supporting('anisotropic_voxels_2d') raise NotImplementedError( 'support for non-isotropic pixels in 2d volumes requires ' 'ASTRA {}'.format(req_ver) ) # Given a 2D array of shape (x, y), a volume geometry is created as: # astra.create_vol_geom(x, y, y_min, y_max, x_min, x_max) # yielding a dictionary: # {'GridRowCount': x, # 'GridColCount': y, # 'WindowMinX': y_min, # 'WindowMaxX': y_max, # 'WindowMinY': x_min, # 'WindowMaxY': x_max} # # NOTE: this setting is flipped with respect to x and y. We do this # as part of a global rotation of the geometry by -90 degrees, which # avoids rotating the data. # NOTE: We need to flip the sign of the (ODL) x component since # ASTRA seems to move it in the other direction. Not quite clear # why. vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(vol_shp[0], vol_shp[1], vol_min[1], vol_max[1], -vol_max[0], -vol_min[0]) elif vol_space.ndim == 3: # Not supported in all versions of ASTRA if ( not vol_space.partition.has_isotropic_cells and not astra_supports('anisotropic_voxels_3d') ): req_ver = astra_versions_supporting('anisotropic_voxels_3d') raise NotImplementedError( 'support for non-isotropic pixels in 3d volumes requires ' 'ASTRA {}'.format(req_ver) ) # Given a 3D array of shape (x, y, z), a volume geometry is created as: # astra.create_vol_geom(y, z, x, z_min, z_max, y_min, y_max, # x_min, x_max), # yielding a dictionary: # {'GridColCount': z, # 'GridRowCount': y, # 'GridSliceCount': x, # 'WindowMinX': z_max, # 'WindowMaxX': z_max, # 'WindowMinY': y_min, # 'WindowMaxY': y_min, # 'WindowMinZ': x_min, # 'WindowMaxZ': x_min} vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(vol_shp[1], vol_shp[2], vol_shp[0], vol_min[2], vol_max[2], vol_min[1], vol_max[1], vol_min[0], vol_max[0]) else: raise ValueError('{}-dimensional volume geometries not supported ' 'by ASTRA'.format(vol_space.ndim)) return vol_geom
[docs]def astra_conebeam_3d_geom_to_vec(geometry): """Create vectors for ASTRA projection geometries from ODL geometry. The 3D vectors are used to create an ASTRA projection geometry for cone beam geometries, see ``'cone_vec'`` in the `ASTRA projection geometry documentation`_. Each row of the returned vectors corresponds to a single projection and consists of :: (srcX, srcY, srcZ, dX, dY, dZ, uX, uY, uZ, vX, vY, vZ) with - ``src``: the ray source position - ``d`` : the center of the detector - ``u`` : the vector from detector pixel ``(0,0)`` to ``(0,1)`` - ``v`` : the vector from detector pixel ``(0,0)`` to ``(1,0)`` Parameters ---------- geometry : `Geometry` ODL projection geometry from which to create the ASTRA geometry. Returns ------- vectors : `numpy.ndarray` Array of shape ``(num_angles, 12)`` containing the vectors. References ---------- .. _ASTRA projection geometry documentation: """ angles = geometry.angles vectors = np.zeros((angles.size, 12)) # Source position vectors[:, 0:3] = geometry.src_position(angles) # Center of detector in 3D space mid_pt = geometry.det_params.mid_pt vectors[:, 3:6] = geometry.det_point_position(angles, mid_pt) # Vectors from detector pixel (0, 0) to (1, 0) and (0, 0) to (0, 1) # `det_axes` gives shape (N, 2, 3), swap to get (2, N, 3) det_axes = np.moveaxis(geometry.det_axes(angles), -2, 0) px_sizes = geometry.det_partition.cell_sides # Swap detector axes to have better memory layout in projection data. # ASTRA produces `(v, theta, u)` layout, and to map to ODL layout # `(theta, u, v)` a complete roll must be performed, which is the # worst case (compeltely discontiguous). # Instead we swap `u` and `v`, resulting in the effective ASTRA result # `(u, theta, v)`. Here we only need to swap axes 0 and 1, which # keeps at least contiguous blocks in `v`. vectors[:, 9:12] = det_axes[0] * px_sizes[0] vectors[:, 6:9] = det_axes[1] * px_sizes[1] # ASTRA has (z, y, x) axis convention, in contrast to (x, y, z) in ODL, # so we need to adapt to this by changing the order. newind = [] for i in range(4): newind += [2 + 3 * i, 1 + 3 * i, 0 + 3 * i] vectors = vectors[:, newind] return vectors
[docs]def astra_conebeam_2d_geom_to_vec(geometry): """Create vectors for ASTRA projection geometries from ODL geometry. The 2D vectors are used to create an ASTRA projection geometry for fan beam geometries, see ``'fanflat_vec'`` in the `ASTRA projection geometry documentation`_. Each row of the returned vectors corresponds to a single projection and consists of :: (srcX, srcY, dX, dY, uX, uY) with - ``src``: the ray source position - ``d`` : the center of the detector - ``u`` : the vector from detector pixel 0 to 1 Parameters ---------- geometry : `Geometry` ODL projection geometry from which to create the ASTRA geometry. Returns ------- vectors : `numpy.ndarray` Array of shape ``(num_angles, 6)`` containing the vectors. References ---------- .. _ASTRA projection geometry documentation: """ # Instead of rotating the data by 90 degrees counter-clockwise, # we subtract pi/2 from the geometry angles, thereby rotating the # geometry by 90 degrees clockwise rot_minus_90 = euler_matrix(-np.pi / 2) angles = geometry.angles vectors = np.zeros((angles.size, 6)) # Source position src_pos = geometry.src_position(angles) vectors[:, 0:2] = # dot along 2nd axis # Center of detector mid_pt = geometry.det_params.mid_pt # Need to cast `mid_pt` to float since otherwise the empty axis is # not removed centers = geometry.det_point_position(angles, float(mid_pt)) vectors[:, 2:4] = # Vector from detector pixel 0 to 1 det_axis = px_size = geometry.det_partition.cell_sides[0] vectors[:, 4:6] = det_axis * px_size return vectors
[docs]def astra_parallel_3d_geom_to_vec(geometry): """Create vectors for ASTRA projection geometries from ODL geometry. The 3D vectors are used to create an ASTRA projection geometry for parallel beam geometries, see ``'parallel3d_vec'`` in the `ASTRA projection geometry documentation`_. Each row of the returned vectors corresponds to a single projection and consists of :: (rayX, rayY, rayZ, dX, dY, dZ, uX, uY, uZ, vX, vY, vZ) with - ``ray``: the ray direction - ``d`` : the center of the detector - ``u`` : the vector from detector pixel ``(0,0)`` to ``(0,1)`` - ``v`` : the vector from detector pixel ``(0,0)`` to ``(1,0)`` Parameters ---------- geometry : `Geometry` ODL projection geometry from which to create the ASTRA geometry. Returns ------- vectors : `numpy.ndarray` Array of shape ``(num_angles, 12)`` containing the vectors. References ---------- .. _ASTRA projection geometry documentation: """ angles = geometry.angles mid_pt = geometry.det_params.mid_pt vectors = np.zeros((angles.shape[-1], 12)) # Ray direction = -(detector-to-source normal vector) vectors[:, 0:3] = -geometry.det_to_src(angles, mid_pt) # Center of the detector in 3D space vectors[:, 3:6] = geometry.det_point_position(angles, mid_pt) # Vectors from detector pixel (0, 0) to (1, 0) and (0, 0) to (0, 1) # `det_axes` gives shape (N, 2, 3), swap to get (2, N, 3) det_axes = np.moveaxis(geometry.det_axes(angles), -2, 0) px_sizes = geometry.det_partition.cell_sides # Swap detector axes to have better memory layout in projection data. # ASTRA produces `(v, theta, u)` layout, and to map to ODL layout # `(theta, u, v)` a complete roll must be performed, which is the # worst case (compeltely discontiguous). # Instead we swap `u` and `v`, resulting in the effective ASTRA result # `(u, theta, v)`. Here we only need to swap axes 0 and 1, which # keeps at least contiguous blocks in `v`. vectors[:, 9:12] = det_axes[0] * px_sizes[0] vectors[:, 6:9] = det_axes[1] * px_sizes[1] # ASTRA has (z, y, x) axis convention, in contrast to (x, y, z) in ODL, # so we need to adapt to this by changing the order. new_ind = [] for i in range(4): new_ind += [2 + 3 * i, 1 + 3 * i, 0 + 3 * i] vectors = vectors[:, new_ind] return vectors
[docs]def astra_projection_geometry(geometry): """Create an ASTRA projection geometry from an ODL geometry object. As of ASTRA version 1.7, the length values are not required any more to be rescaled for 3D geometries and non-unit (but isotropic) voxel sizes. Parameters ---------- geometry : `Geometry` ODL projection geometry from which to create the ASTRA geometry. Returns ------- proj_geom : dict Dictionary defining the ASTRA projection geometry. """ if not isinstance(geometry, Geometry): raise TypeError('`geometry` {!r} is not a `Geometry` instance' ''.format(geometry)) if 'astra' in geometry.implementation_cache: # Shortcut, reuse already computed value. return geometry.implementation_cache['astra'] if not geometry.det_partition.is_uniform: raise ValueError('non-uniform detector sampling is not supported') if (isinstance(geometry, ParallelBeamGeometry) and isinstance(geometry.detector, (Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector)) and geometry.ndim == 2): # TODO: change to parallel_vec when available det_width = geometry.det_partition.cell_sides[0] det_count = geometry.detector.size # Instead of rotating the data by 90 degrees counter-clockwise, # we subtract pi/2 from the geometry angles, thereby rotating the # geometry by 90 degrees clockwise angles = geometry.angles - np.pi / 2 proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', det_width, det_count, angles) elif (isinstance(geometry, DivergentBeamGeometry) and isinstance(geometry.detector, (Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector)) and geometry.ndim == 2): det_count = geometry.detector.size vec = astra_conebeam_2d_geom_to_vec(geometry) proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('fanflat_vec', det_count, vec) elif (isinstance(geometry, ParallelBeamGeometry) and isinstance(geometry.detector, (Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector)) and geometry.ndim == 3): # Swap detector axes (see astra_*_3d_to_vec) det_row_count = geometry.det_partition.shape[0] det_col_count = geometry.det_partition.shape[1] vec = astra_parallel_3d_geom_to_vec(geometry) proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d_vec', det_row_count, det_col_count, vec) elif (isinstance(geometry, DivergentBeamGeometry) and isinstance(geometry.detector, (Flat1dDetector, Flat2dDetector)) and geometry.ndim == 3): # Swap detector axes (see astra_*_3d_to_vec) det_row_count = geometry.det_partition.shape[0] det_col_count = geometry.det_partition.shape[1] vec = astra_conebeam_3d_geom_to_vec(geometry) proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('cone_vec', det_row_count, det_col_count, vec) else: raise NotImplementedError('unknown ASTRA geometry type {!r}' ''.format(geometry)) if 'astra' not in geometry.implementation_cache: # Save computed value for later geometry.implementation_cache['astra'] = proj_geom return proj_geom
[docs]def astra_data(astra_geom, datatype, data=None, ndim=2, allow_copy=False): """Create an ASTRA data object. Parameters ---------- astra_geom : dict ASTRA geometry object for the data creator, must correspond to the given ``datatype``. datatype : {'volume', 'projection'} Type of the data container. data : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` or `numpy.ndarray`, optional Data for the initialization of the data object. If ``None``, an ASTRA data object filled with zeros is created. ndim : {2, 3}, optional Dimension of the data. If ``data`` is provided, this parameter has no effect. allow_copy : `bool`, optional If ``True``, allow copying of ``data``. This means that anything written by ASTRA to the returned object will not be written to ``data``. Returns ------- id : int Handle for the new ASTRA internal data object. """ if data is not None: if isinstance(data, (DiscretizedSpaceElement, np.ndarray)): ndim = data.ndim else: raise TypeError('`data` {!r} is neither DiscretizedSpaceElement ' 'instance nor a `numpy.ndarray`'.format(data)) else: ndim = int(ndim) if datatype == 'volume': astra_dtype_str = '-vol' elif datatype == 'projection': astra_dtype_str = '-sino' else: raise ValueError('`datatype` {!r} not understood'.format(datatype)) # Get the functions from the correct module if ndim == 2: link = create = astra.data2d.create elif ndim == 3: link = create = astra.data3d.create else: raise ValueError('{}-dimensional data not supported' ''.format(ndim)) # ASTRA checks if data is c-contiguous and aligned if data is not None: if allow_copy: data_array = np.asarray(data, dtype='float32', order='C') return link(astra_dtype_str, astra_geom, data_array) else: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return link(astra_dtype_str, astra_geom, data) elif data.tensor.impl == 'numpy': return link(astra_dtype_str, astra_geom, data.asarray()) else: # Something else than NumPy data representation raise NotImplementedError('ASTRA supports data wrapping only ' 'for `numpy.ndarray` instances, got ' '{!r}'.format(data)) else: return create(astra_dtype_str, astra_geom)
[docs]def astra_projector(astra_proj_type, astra_vol_geom, astra_proj_geom, ndim): """Create an ASTRA projector configuration dictionary. Parameters ---------- astra_proj_type : str ASTRA projector type. Available selections depend on the type of geometry. See `the ASTRA documentation <>`_ for details. astra_vol_geom : dict ASTRA volume geometry. astra_proj_geom : dict ASTRA projection geometry. ndim : {2, 3} Number of dimensions of the projector. Returns ------- proj_id : int Handle for the created ASTRA internal projector object. """ if 'type' not in astra_proj_geom: raise ValueError('invalid projection geometry dict {}' ''.format(astra_proj_geom)) ndim = int(ndim) astra_geom = astra_proj_geom['type'] if ( astra_geom == 'parallel_vec' and not astra_supports('par2d_vec_geometry') ): req_ver = astra_versions_supporting('par2d_vec_geometry') raise ValueError( "'parallel_vec' geometry requires ASTRA {}".format(req_ver) ) # Check if projector types are valid. We should not have to do this, # but the errors from ASTRA are rather unspecific, so we check ourselves # to know what's wrong. astra_proj_type = str(astra_proj_type).lower() if ( astra_proj_type == 'distance_driven' and not astra_supports('par2d_distance_driven_proj') ): req_ver = astra_versions_supporting('par2d_distance_driven_proj') raise ValueError( "'distance_driven' projector requires ASTRA {}".format(req_ver) ) if astra_geom in {'parallel', 'parallel_vec'}: valid_proj_types = ['line', 'linear', 'strip', 'cuda'] if astra_supports('par2d_distance_driven_proj'): valid_proj_types.append('distance_driven') elif astra_geom in {'fanflat', 'fanflat_vec'}: valid_proj_types = ['line_fanflat', 'strip_fanflat', 'cuda'] elif astra_geom in {'parallel3d', 'parallel3d_vec'}: valid_proj_types = ['linear3d', 'cuda3d'] elif astra_geom in {'cone', 'cone_vec'}: valid_proj_types = ['linearcone', 'cuda3d'] else: raise ValueError('invalid geometry type {!r}'.format(astra_geom)) if astra_proj_type not in valid_proj_types: raise ValueError( 'projector type {!r} not in the set {} of valid types for ' 'geometry type {!r}' ''.format(astra_proj_type, valid_proj_types, astra_geom) ) # Create config dict proj_cfg = {} proj_cfg['type'] = astra_proj_type proj_cfg['VolumeGeometry'] = astra_vol_geom proj_cfg['ProjectionGeometry'] = astra_proj_geom proj_cfg['options'] = {} # Add the approximate 1/r^2 weighting exposed in intermediate versions of # ASTRA if ( astra_geom in ('cone', 'cone_vec') and astra_supports('cone3d_approx_density_weighting') ): proj_cfg['options']['DensityWeighting'] = True if ndim == 2: return astra.projector.create(proj_cfg) else: return astra.projector3d.create(proj_cfg)
[docs]def astra_algorithm(direction, ndim, vol_id, sino_id, proj_id, impl): """Create an ASTRA algorithm object to run the projector. Parameters ---------- direction : {'forward', 'backward'} For ``'forward'``, apply the forward projection, for ``'backward'`` the backprojection. ndim : {2, 3} Number of dimensions of the projector. vol_id : int Handle for the ASTRA volume data object. sino_id : int Handle for the ASTRA projection data object. proj_id : int Handle for the ASTRA projector object. impl : {'cpu', 'cuda'} Implementation of the projector. Returns ------- id : int Handle for the created ASTRA internal algorithm object. """ if direction not in ('forward', 'backward'): raise ValueError("`direction` '{}' not understood".format(direction)) if ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('{}-dimensional projectors not supported' ''.format(ndim)) if impl not in ('cpu', 'cuda'): raise ValueError("`impl` type '{}' not understood" ''.format(impl)) if ndim == 3 and impl == 'cpu': raise NotImplementedError( '3d algorithms for CPU not supported by ASTRA') if proj_id is None and impl == 'cpu': raise ValueError("'cpu' implementation requires projector ID") algo_map = {'forward': {2: {'cpu': 'FP', 'cuda': 'FP_CUDA'}, 3: {'cpu': None, 'cuda': 'FP3D_CUDA'}}, 'backward': {2: {'cpu': 'BP', 'cuda': 'BP_CUDA'}, 3: {'cpu': None, 'cuda': 'BP3D_CUDA'}}} algo_cfg = {'type': algo_map[direction][ndim][impl], 'ProjectorId': proj_id, 'ProjectionDataId': sino_id} if direction == 'forward': algo_cfg['VolumeDataId'] = vol_id else: algo_cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = vol_id # Create ASTRA algorithm object return astra.algorithm.create(algo_cfg)
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()