Source code for odl.tomo.analytic.filtered_back_projection

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# This file is part of ODL.
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from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.discr import ResizingOperator
from odl.trafos import FourierTransform, PYFFTW_AVAILABLE

__all__ = ('fbp_op', 'fbp_filter_op', 'tam_danielson_window',

def _axis_in_detector(geometry):
    """A vector in the detector plane that points along the rotation axis."""
    du, dv = geometry.det_axes_init
    axis = geometry.axis
    c = np.array([np.vdot(axis, du), np.vdot(axis, dv)])
    cnorm = np.linalg.norm(c)

    # Check for numerical errors
    assert cnorm != 0

    return c / cnorm

def _rotation_direction_in_detector(geometry):
    """A vector in the detector plane that points in the rotation direction."""
    du, dv = geometry.det_axes_init
    axis = geometry.axis
    det_normal = np.cross(dv, du)
    rot_dir = np.cross(axis, det_normal)
    c = np.array([np.vdot(rot_dir, du), np.vdot(rot_dir, dv)])
    cnorm = np.linalg.norm(c)

    # Check for numerical errors
    assert cnorm != 0

    return c / cnorm

def _fbp_filter(norm_freq, filter_type, frequency_scaling):
    """Create a smoothing filter for FBP.

    norm_freq : `array-like`
        Frequencies normalized to lie in the interval [0, 1].
    filter_type : {'Ram-Lak', 'Shepp-Logan', 'Cosine', 'Hamming', 'Hann',
        The type of filter to be used.
        If a string is given, use one of the standard filters with that name.
        A callable should take an array of values in [0, 1] and return the
        filter for these frequencies.
    frequency_scaling : float
        Scaling of the frequencies for the filter. All frequencies are scaled
        by this number, any relative frequency above ``frequency_scaling`` is
        set to 0.

    smoothing_filter : `numpy.ndarray`

    Create an FBP filter

    >>> norm_freq = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
    >>> filt = _fbp_filter(norm_freq,
    ...                    filter_type='Hann',
    ...                    frequency_scaling=0.8)
    filter_type, filter_type_in = str(filter_type).lower(), filter_type
    if callable(filter_type):
        filt = filter_type(norm_freq)
    elif filter_type == 'ram-lak':
        filt = np.copy(norm_freq)
    elif filter_type == 'shepp-logan':
        filt = norm_freq * np.sinc(norm_freq / (2 * frequency_scaling))
    elif filter_type == 'cosine':
        filt = norm_freq * np.cos(norm_freq * np.pi / (2 * frequency_scaling))
    elif filter_type == 'hamming':
        filt = norm_freq * (
            0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(norm_freq * np.pi / (frequency_scaling)))
    elif filter_type == 'hann':
        filt = norm_freq * (
            np.cos(norm_freq * np.pi / (2 * frequency_scaling)) ** 2)
        raise ValueError('unknown `filter_type` ({})'

    indicator = (norm_freq <= frequency_scaling)
    filt *= indicator
    return filt

[docs]def tam_danielson_window(ray_trafo, smoothing_width=0.05, n_pi=1): """Create Tam-Danielson window from a `RayTransform`. The Tam-Danielson window is an indicator function on the minimal set of data needed to reconstruct a volume from given data. It is useful in analytic reconstruction methods such as FBP to give a more accurate reconstruction. See [TAM1998] for more informationon the window. See [PKGT2000] for information on the ``n_pi`` parameter. Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : `RayTransform` The ray transform for which to compute the window. smoothing_width : positive float, optional Width of the smoothing applied to the window's edges given as a fraction of the width of the full window. n_pi : odd int, optional Total number of half rotations to include in the window. Values larger than 1 should be used if the pitch is much smaller than the detector height. Returns ------- tam_danielson_window : ``ray_trafo.range`` element See Also -------- fbp_op : Filtered back-projection operator from `RayTransform` tam_danielson_window : Weighting for short scan data odl.tomo.geometry.conebeam.ConeBeamGeometry : Primary use case for this window function. References ---------- [TSS1998] Tam, K C, Samarasekera, S and Sauer, F. *Exact cone beam CT with a spiral scan*. Physics in Medicine & Biology 4 (1998), p 1015. [PKGT2000] Proksa R, Köhler T, Grass M, Timmer J. *The n-PI-method for helical cone-beam CT* IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2000 Sep;19(9):848-63. """ # Extract parameters src_radius = ray_trafo.geometry.src_radius det_radius = ray_trafo.geometry.det_radius pitch = ray_trafo.geometry.pitch if pitch == 0: raise ValueError('Tam-Danielson window is only defined with ' '`pitch!=0`') smoothing_width = float(smoothing_width) if smoothing_width < 0: raise ValueError('`smoothing_width` should be a positive float') if n_pi % 2 != 1: raise ValueError('`n_pi` must be odd, got {}'.format(n_pi)) # Find projection of axis on detector axis_proj = _axis_in_detector(ray_trafo.geometry) rot_dir = _rotation_direction_in_detector(ray_trafo.geometry) # Find distance from projection of rotation axis for each pixel dx = (rot_dir[0] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[1] + rot_dir[1] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[2]) dx_axis = dx * src_radius / (src_radius + det_radius) def Vn(u): return (pitch / (2 * np.pi) * (1 + (u / src_radius) ** 2) * (n_pi * np.pi / 2.0 - np.arctan(u / src_radius))) lower_proj_axis = -Vn(dx_axis) upper_proj_axis = Vn(-dx_axis) lower_proj = lower_proj_axis * (src_radius + det_radius) / src_radius upper_proj = upper_proj_axis * (src_radius + det_radius) / src_radius # Compute a smoothed width interval = (upper_proj - lower_proj) width = interval * smoothing_width / np.sqrt(2) # Create window function def window_fcn(x): # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.special x_along_axis = axis_proj[0] * x[1] + axis_proj[1] * x[2] if smoothing_width != 0: lower_wndw = 0.5 * ( 1 + scipy.special.erf((x_along_axis - lower_proj) / width)) upper_wndw = 0.5 * ( 1 + scipy.special.erf((upper_proj - x_along_axis) / width)) else: lower_wndw = (x_along_axis >= lower_proj) upper_wndw = (x_along_axis <= upper_proj) return lower_wndw * upper_wndw return ray_trafo.range.element(window_fcn) / n_pi
[docs]def parker_weighting(ray_trafo, q=0.25): """Create parker weighting for a `RayTransform`. Parker weighting is a weighting function that ensures that oversampled fan/cone beam data are weighted such that each line has unit weight. It is useful in analytic reconstruction methods such as FBP to give a more accurate result and can improve convergence rates for iterative methods. See the article `Parker weights revisited`_ for more information. Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : `RayTransform` The ray transform for which to compute the weights. q : float, optional Parameter controlling the speed of the roll-off at the edges of the weighting. 1.0 gives the classical Parker weighting, while smaller values in general lead to lower noise but stronger discretization artifacts. Returns ------- parker_weighting : ``ray_trafo.range`` element See Also -------- fbp_op : Filtered back-projection operator from `RayTransform` tam_danielson_window : Indicator function for helical data odl.tomo.geometry.conebeam.FanBeamGeometry : Use case in 2d odl.tomo.geometry.conebeam.ConeBeamGeometry : Use case in 3d (for pitch 0) References ---------- .. _Parker weights revisited: """ # Note: Parameter names taken from WES2002 # Extract parameters src_radius = ray_trafo.geometry.src_radius det_radius = ray_trafo.geometry.det_radius ndim = ray_trafo.geometry.ndim angles = ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[0] min_rot_angle = ray_trafo.geometry.motion_partition.min_pt alen = ray_trafo.geometry.motion_params.length # Parker weightings are not defined for helical geometries if ray_trafo.geometry.ndim != 2: pitch = ray_trafo.geometry.pitch if pitch != 0: raise ValueError('Parker weighting window is only defined with ' '`pitch==0`') # Find distance from projection of rotation axis for each pixel if ndim == 2: dx = ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[1] elif ndim == 3: # Find projection of axis on detector rot_dir = _rotation_direction_in_detector(ray_trafo.geometry) # If axis is aligned to a coordinate axis, save some memory and time by # using broadcasting if rot_dir[0] == 0: dx = rot_dir[1] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[2] elif rot_dir[1] == 0: dx = rot_dir[0] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[1] else: dx = (rot_dir[0] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[1] + rot_dir[1] * ray_trafo.range.meshgrid[2]) # Compute parameters dx_abs_max = np.max(np.abs(dx)) max_fan_angle = 2 * np.arctan2(dx_abs_max, src_radius + det_radius) delta = max_fan_angle / 2 epsilon = alen - np.pi - max_fan_angle if epsilon < 0: raise Exception('data not sufficiently sampled for parker weighting') # Define utility functions def S(betap): return (0.5 * (1.0 + np.sin(np.pi * betap)) * (np.abs(betap) < 0.5) + (betap >= 0.5)) def b(alpha): return q * (2 * delta - 2 * alpha + epsilon) # Create weighting function beta = np.asarray(angles - min_rot_angle, dtype=ray_trafo.range.dtype) # rotation angle alpha = np.asarray(np.arctan2(dx, src_radius + det_radius), dtype=ray_trafo.range.dtype) # Compute sum in place to save memory S_sum = S(beta / b(alpha) - 0.5) S_sum += S((beta - 2 * delta + 2 * alpha - epsilon) / b(alpha) + 0.5) S_sum -= S((beta - np.pi + 2 * alpha) / b(-alpha) - 0.5) S_sum -= S((beta - np.pi - 2 * delta - epsilon) / b(-alpha) + 0.5) scale = 0.5 * alen / np.pi return ray_trafo.range.element( np.broadcast_to(S_sum * scale, ray_trafo.range.shape))
[docs]def fbp_filter_op(ray_trafo, padding=True, filter_type='Ram-Lak', frequency_scaling=1.0): """Create a filter operator for FBP from a `RayTransform`. Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : `RayTransform` The ray transform (forward operator) whose approximate inverse should be computed. Its geometry has to be any of the following `Parallel2dGeometry` : Exact reconstruction `Parallel3dAxisGeometry` : Exact reconstruction `FanBeamGeometry` : Approximate reconstruction, correct in limit of fan angle = 0. Only flat detectors are supported (det_curvature_radius is None). `ConeBeamGeometry`, pitch = 0 (circular) : Approximate reconstruction, correct in the limit of fan angle = 0 and cone angle = 0. `ConeBeamGeometry`, pitch > 0 (helical) : Very approximate unless a `tam_danielson_window` is used. Accurate with the window. Other geometries: Not supported padding : bool, optional If the data space should be zero padded. Without padding, the data may be corrupted due to the circular convolution used. Using padding makes the algorithm slower. filter_type : optional The type of filter to be used. The predefined options are, in approximate order from most noise senstive to least noise sensitive: ``'Ram-Lak'``, ``'Shepp-Logan'``, ``'Cosine'``, ``'Hamming'`` and ``'Hann'``. A callable can also be provided. It must take an array of values in [0, 1] and return the filter for these frequencies. frequency_scaling : float, optional Relative cutoff frequency for the filter. The normalized frequencies are rescaled so that they fit into the range [0, frequency_scaling]. Any frequency above ``frequency_scaling`` is set to zero. Returns ------- filter_op : `Operator` Filtering operator for FBP based on ``ray_trafo``. See Also -------- tam_danielson_window : Windowing for helical data """ impl = 'pyfftw' if PYFFTW_AVAILABLE else 'numpy' alen = ray_trafo.geometry.motion_params.length if ray_trafo.domain.ndim == 2: # Define ramp filter def fourier_filter(x): abs_freq = np.abs(x[1]) norm_freq = abs_freq / np.max(abs_freq) filt = _fbp_filter(norm_freq, filter_type, frequency_scaling) scaling = 1 / (2 * alen) return filt * np.max(abs_freq) * scaling # Define (padded) fourier transform if padding: # Define padding operator ran_shp = (ray_trafo.range.shape[0], ray_trafo.range.shape[1] * 2 - 1) resizing = ResizingOperator(ray_trafo.range, ran_shp=ran_shp) fourier = FourierTransform(resizing.range, axes=1, impl=impl) fourier = fourier * resizing else: fourier = FourierTransform(ray_trafo.range, axes=1, impl=impl) elif ray_trafo.domain.ndim == 3: # Find the direction that the filter should be taken in rot_dir = _rotation_direction_in_detector(ray_trafo.geometry) # Find what axes should be used in the fourier transform used_axes = (rot_dir != 0) if used_axes[0] and not used_axes[1]: axes = [1] elif not used_axes[0] and used_axes[1]: axes = [2] else: axes = [1, 2] # Add scaling for cone-beam case if hasattr(ray_trafo.geometry, 'src_radius'): scale = (ray_trafo.geometry.src_radius / (ray_trafo.geometry.src_radius + ray_trafo.geometry.det_radius)) if ray_trafo.geometry.pitch != 0: # In helical geometry the whole volume is not in each # projection and we need to use another weighting. # Ideally each point in the volume effects only # the projections in a half rotation, so we assume that that # is the case. scale *= alen / (np.pi) else: scale = 1.0 # Define ramp filter def fourier_filter(x): # If axis is aligned to a coordinate axis, save some memory and # time by using broadcasting if not used_axes[0]: abs_freq = np.abs(rot_dir[1] * x[2]) elif not used_axes[1]: abs_freq = np.abs(rot_dir[0] * x[1]) else: abs_freq = np.abs(rot_dir[0] * x[1] + rot_dir[1] * x[2]) norm_freq = abs_freq / np.max(abs_freq) filt = _fbp_filter(norm_freq, filter_type, frequency_scaling) scaling = scale * np.max(abs_freq) / (2 * alen) return filt * scaling # Define (padded) fourier transform if padding: # Define padding operator if used_axes[0]: padded_shape_u = ray_trafo.range.shape[1] * 2 - 1 else: padded_shape_u = ray_trafo.range.shape[1] if used_axes[1]: padded_shape_v = ray_trafo.range.shape[2] * 2 - 1 else: padded_shape_v = ray_trafo.range.shape[2] ran_shp = (ray_trafo.range.shape[0], padded_shape_u, padded_shape_v) resizing = ResizingOperator(ray_trafo.range, ran_shp=ran_shp) fourier = FourierTransform(resizing.range, axes=axes, impl=impl) fourier = fourier * resizing else: fourier = FourierTransform(ray_trafo.range, axes=axes, impl=impl) else: raise NotImplementedError('FBP only implemented in 2d and 3d') # Create ramp in the detector direction ramp_function = fourier.range.element(fourier_filter) weight = 1 if not ray_trafo.range.is_weighted: # Compensate for potentially unweighted range of the ray transform weight *= ray_trafo.range.cell_volume if not ray_trafo.domain.is_weighted: # Compensate for potentially unweighted domain of the ray transform weight /= ray_trafo.domain.cell_volume ramp_function *= weight # Create ramp filter via the convolution formula with fourier transforms return fourier.inverse * ramp_function * fourier
[docs]def fbp_op(ray_trafo, padding=True, filter_type='Ram-Lak', frequency_scaling=1.0): """Create filtered back-projection operator from a `RayTransform`. The filtered back-projection is an approximate inverse to the ray transform. Parameters ---------- ray_trafo : `RayTransform` The ray transform (forward operator) whose approximate inverse should be computed. Its geometry has to be any of the following `Parallel2dGeometry` : Exact reconstruction `Parallel3dAxisGeometry` : Exact reconstruction `FanBeamGeometry` : Approximate reconstruction, correct in limit of fan angle = 0. Only flat detectors are supported (det_curvature_radius is None). `ConeBeamGeometry`, pitch = 0 (circular) : Approximate reconstruction, correct in the limit of fan angle = 0 and cone angle = 0. `ConeBeamGeometry`, pitch > 0 (helical) : Very approximate unless a `tam_danielson_window` is used. Accurate with the window. Other geometries: Not supported padding : bool, optional If the data space should be zero padded. Without padding, the data may be corrupted due to the circular convolution used. Using padding makes the algorithm slower. filter_type : optional The type of filter to be used. The predefined options are, in approximate order from most noise senstive to least noise sensitive: ``'Ram-Lak'``, ``'Shepp-Logan'``, ``'Cosine'``, ``'Hamming'`` and ``'Hann'``. A callable can also be provided. It must take an array of values in [0, 1] and return the filter for these frequencies. frequency_scaling : float, optional Relative cutoff frequency for the filter. The normalized frequencies are rescaled so that they fit into the range [0, frequency_scaling]. Any frequency above ``frequency_scaling`` is set to zero. Returns ------- fbp_op : `Operator` Approximate inverse operator of ``ray_trafo``. See Also -------- tam_danielson_window : Windowing for helical data. parker_weighting : Windowing for overcomplete fan-beam data. """ return ray_trafo.adjoint * fbp_filter_op(ray_trafo, padding, filter_type, frequency_scaling)
if __name__ == '__main__': import odl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests # Display the various filters x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) cutoff = 0.7 plt.figure('fbp filter') for filter_name in ['Ram-Lak', 'Shepp-Logan', 'Cosine', 'Hamming', 'Hann', np.sqrt]: plt.plot(x, _fbp_filter(x, filter_name, cutoff), label=filter_name) plt.title('Filters with frequency scaling = {}'.format(cutoff)) plt.legend(loc=2) # Show the Tam-Danielson window # Create Ray Transform in helical geometry reco_space = odl.uniform_discr( min_pt=[-20, -20, 0], max_pt=[20, 20, 40], shape=[300, 300, 300]) angle_partition = odl.uniform_partition(0, 8 * 2 * np.pi, 2000) detector_partition = odl.uniform_partition([-40, -4], [40, 4], [500, 500]) geometry = odl.tomo.ConeBeamGeometry( angle_partition, detector_partition, src_radius=100, det_radius=100, pitch=5.0) ray_trafo = odl.tomo.RayTransform(reco_space, geometry, impl='astra_cuda') # Crete and show TD window td_window = tam_danielson_window(ray_trafo, smoothing_width=0)'Tam-Danielson window', coords=[0, None, None]) # Show the Parker weighting # Create Ray Transform in fan beam geometry geometry = odl.tomo.cone_beam_geometry(reco_space, src_radius=40, det_radius=80) ray_trafo = odl.tomo.RayTransform(reco_space, geometry, impl='astra_cuda') # Crete and show parker weighting parker_weighting = parker_weighting(ray_trafo)'Parker weighting') # Also run the doctests run_doctests()