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"""Weightings for finite-dimensional spaces."""

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from builtins import object
import numpy as np

from import TensorSpace
from odl.util import array_str, signature_string, indent

__all__ = ('MatrixWeighting', 'ArrayWeighting', 'ConstWeighting',
           'CustomInner', 'CustomNorm', 'CustomDist')

[docs]class Weighting(object): """Abstract base class for weighting of finite-dimensional spaces. This class and its subclasses serve as a simple means to evaluate and compare weighted inner products, norms and metrics semantically rather than by identity on a pure function level. The functions are implemented similarly to `Operator`, but without extra type checks of input parameters - this is done in the callers of the `LinearSpace` instance where these functions are being used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, impl, exponent=2.0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend exponent : positive float, optional Exponent of the norm. For values other than 2.0, the inner product is not defined. """ self.__impl = str(impl).lower() self.__exponent = float(exponent) if self.exponent <= 0: raise ValueError('only positive exponents or inf supported, ' 'got {}'.format(exponent))
@property def impl(self): """Implementation backend of this weighting.""" return self.__impl @property def exponent(self): """Exponent of this weighting.""" return self.__exponent
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equal : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a the same weighting, ``False`` otherwise. Notes ----- This operation must be computationally cheap, i.e. no large arrays may be compared entry-wise. That is the task of the `equiv` method. """ return (isinstance(other, Weighting) and self.impl == other.impl and self.exponent == other.exponent)
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((type(self), self.impl, self.exponent))
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Test if ``other`` is an equivalent weighting. Should be overridden, default tests for equality. Returns ------- equivalent : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a `Weighting` instance which yields the same result as this inner product for any input, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self == other
[docs] def inner(self, x1, x2): """Return the inner product of two elements. Parameters ---------- x1, x2 : `LinearSpaceElement` Elements whose inner product is calculated. Returns ------- inner : float or complex The inner product of the two provided elements. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def norm(self, x): """Calculate the norm of an element. This is the standard implementation using `inner`. Subclasses should override it for optimization purposes. Parameters ---------- x1 : `LinearSpaceElement` Element whose norm is calculated. Returns ------- norm : float The norm of the element. """ return float(np.sqrt(self.inner(x, x).real))
[docs] def dist(self, x1, x2): """Calculate the distance between two elements. This is the standard implementation using `norm`. Subclasses should override it for optimization purposes. Parameters ---------- x1, x2 : `LinearSpaceElement` Elements whose mutual distance is calculated. Returns ------- dist : float The distance between the elements. """ return self.norm(x1 - x2)
[docs]class MatrixWeighting(Weighting): """Weighting of a space by a matrix. The exact definition of the weighted inner product, norm and distance functions depend on the concrete space. The matrix must be Hermitian and posivive definite, otherwise it does not define an inner product or norm, respectively. This is not checked during initialization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, matrix, impl, exponent=2.0, **kwargs): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- matrix : `scipy.sparse.spmatrix` or 2-dim. `array-like` Square weighting matrix of the inner product impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend exponent : positive float, optional Exponent of the norm. For values other than 2.0, the inner product is not defined. If ``matrix`` is a sparse matrix, only 1.0, 2.0 and ``inf`` are allowed. precomp_mat_pow : bool, optional If ``True``, precompute the matrix power ``W ** (1/p)`` during initialization. This has no effect if ``exponent`` is 1.0, 2.0 or ``inf``. Default: ``False`` cache_mat_pow : bool, optional If ``True``, cache the matrix power ``W ** (1/p)``. This can happen either during initialization or in the first call to ``norm`` or ``dist``, resp. This has no effect if ``exponent`` is 1.0, 2.0 or ``inf``. Default: ``True`` cache_mat_decomp : bool, optional If ``True``, cache the eigenbasis decomposition of the matrix. This can happen either during initialization or in the first call to ``norm`` or ``dist``, resp. This has no effect if ``exponent`` is 1.0, 2.0 or ``inf``. Default: ``False`` Notes ----- The matrix power ``W ** (1/p)`` is computed by eigenbasis decomposition:: eigval, eigvec = scipy.linalg.eigh(matrix) mat_pow = (eigval ** p * eigvec).dot(eigvec.conj().T) Depending on the matrix size, this can be rather expensive. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.sparse # TODO: fix dead link `scipy.sparse.spmatrix` precomp_mat_pow = kwargs.pop('precomp_mat_pow', False) self._cache_mat_pow = bool(kwargs.pop('cache_mat_pow', True)) self._cache_mat_decomp = bool(kwargs.pop('cache_mat_decomp', False)) super(MatrixWeighting, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=exponent) # Check and set matrix if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(matrix): self._matrix = matrix else: self._matrix = np.asarray(matrix) if self._matrix.dtype == object: raise ValueError('invalid matrix {}'.format(matrix)) elif self._matrix.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('matrix {} is {}-dimensional instead of ' '2-dimensional' ''.format(matrix, self._matrix.ndim)) if self._matrix.shape[0] != self._matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError('matrix has shape {}, expected a square matrix' ''.format(self._matrix.shape)) if (scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix) and self.exponent not in (1.0, 2.0, float('inf'))): raise NotImplementedError('sparse matrices only supported for ' 'exponent 1.0, 2.0 or `inf`') # Compute the power and decomposition if desired self._eigval = self._eigvec = None if self.exponent in (1.0, float('inf')): self._mat_pow = self.matrix elif precomp_mat_pow and self.exponent != 2.0: eigval, eigvec = self.matrix_decomp() if self._cache_mat_decomp: self._eigval, self._eigvec = eigval, eigvec eigval_pow = eigval ** (1.0 / self.exponent) else: eigval_pow = eigval eigval_pow **= 1.0 / self.exponent self._mat_pow = (eigval_pow * eigvec).dot(eigvec.conj().T) else: self._mat_pow = None
@property def matrix(self): """Weighting matrix of this inner product.""" return self._matrix
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Test if the matrix is positive definite Hermitian. If the matrix decomposition is available, this test checks if all eigenvalues are positive. Otherwise, the test tries to calculate a Cholesky decomposition, which can be very time-consuming for large matrices. Sparse matrices are not supported. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.sparse if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): raise NotImplementedError('validation not supported for sparse ' 'matrices') elif self._eigval is not None: return np.all(np.greater(self._eigval, 0)) else: try: np.linalg.cholesky(self.matrix) return np.array_equal(self.matrix, self.matrix.conj().T) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: return False
[docs] def matrix_decomp(self, cache=None): """Compute a Hermitian eigenbasis decomposition of the matrix. Parameters ---------- cache : bool or None, optional If ``True``, store the decomposition internally. For None, the ``cache_mat_decomp`` from class initialization is used. Returns ------- eigval : `numpy.ndarray` One-dimensional array of eigenvalues. Its length is equal to the number of matrix rows. eigvec : `numpy.ndarray` Two-dimensional array of eigenvectors. It has the same shape as the decomposed matrix. See Also -------- scipy.linalg.decomp.eigh : Implementation of the decomposition. Standard parameters are used here. Raises ------ NotImplementedError if the matrix is sparse (not supported by scipy 0.17) """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.linalg import scipy.sparse # TODO: fix dead link `scipy.linalg.decomp.eigh` if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): raise NotImplementedError('sparse matrix not supported') if cache is None: cache = self._cache_mat_decomp if self._eigval is None or self._eigvec is None: eigval, eigvec = scipy.linalg.eigh(self.matrix) if cache: self._eigval = eigval self._eigvec = eigvec else: eigval, eigvec = self._eigval, self._eigvec return eigval, eigvec
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equals : bool ``True`` if other is a `MatrixWeighting` instance with **identical** matrix, ``False`` otherwise. See Also -------- equiv : test for equivalent inner products """ if other is self: return True return (super(MatrixWeighting, self).__eq__(other) and self.matrix is getattr(other, 'matrix', None))
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" # TODO: Better hash for matrix? return hash((super(MatrixWeighting, self).__hash__(), self.matrix.tobytes()))
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Test if other is an equivalent weighting. Returns ------- equivalent : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a `Weighting` instance with the same `Weighting.impl`, which yields the same result as this weighting for any input, ``False`` otherwise. This is checked by entry-wise comparison of matrices/arrays/constants. """ # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.sparse # Optimization for equality if self == other: return True elif self.exponent != getattr(other, 'exponent', -1): return False elif isinstance(other, MatrixWeighting): if self.matrix.shape != other.matrix.shape: return False if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): if other.matrix_issparse: # Optimization for different number of nonzero elements if self.matrix.nnz != other.matrix.nnz: return False else: # Most efficient out-of-the-box comparison return (self.matrix != other.matrix).nnz == 0 else: # Worst case: compare against dense matrix return np.array_equal(self.matrix.todense(), other.matrix) else: # matrix of `self` is dense if other.matrix_issparse: return np.array_equal(self.matrix, other.matrix.todense()) else: return np.array_equal(self.matrix, other.matrix) elif isinstance(other, ArrayWeighting): if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): return (np.array_equiv(self.matrix.diagonal(), other.array) and np.array_equal(self.matrix.asformat('dia').offsets, np.array([0]))) else: return np.array_equal( self.matrix, other.array * np.eye(self.matrix.shape[0])) elif isinstance(other, ConstWeighting): if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): return (np.array_equiv(self.matrix.diagonal(), other.const) and np.array_equal(self.matrix.asformat('dia').offsets, np.array([0]))) else: return np.array_equal( self.matrix, other.const * np.eye(self.matrix.shape[0])) else: return False
@property def repr_part(self): """Return a string usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" # Lazy import to improve `import odl` time import scipy.sparse if scipy.sparse.isspmatrix(self.matrix): optargs = [('matrix', str(self.matrix), '')] else: optargs = [('matrix', array_str(self.matrix, nprint=10), '')] optargs.append(('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)) return signature_string([], optargs, mod=[[], ['!s', ':.4']]) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" if self.matrix_issparse: posargs = ['<{} sparse matrix, format {}, {} nonzero entries>' ''.format(self.matrix.shape, self.matrix.format, self.matrix.nnz)] else: posargs = [array_str(self.matrix, nprint=10)] optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n', mod=['!s', '']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return repr(self)
[docs]class ArrayWeighting(Weighting): """Weighting of a space by an array. The exact definition of the weighted inner product, norm and distance functions depend on the concrete space. The array may only have positive entries, otherwise it does not define an inner product or norm, respectively. This is not checked during initialization. """
[docs] def __init__(self, array, impl, exponent=2.0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- array : `array-like` Weighting array of inner product, norm and distance. Native `Tensor` instances are stored as-is without copying. impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend. exponent : positive float, optional Exponent of the norm. For values other than 2.0, the inner product is not defined. """ super(ArrayWeighting, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=exponent) # We apply array duck-typing to allow all kinds of Numpy-array-like # data structures without change array_attrs = ('shape', 'dtype', 'itemsize') if (all(hasattr(array, attr) for attr in array_attrs) and not isinstance(array, TensorSpace)): self.__array = array else: raise TypeError('`array` {!r} does not look like a valid array' ''.format(array))
@property def array(self): """Weighting array of this instance.""" return self.__array
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Return True if the array is a valid weight, i.e. positive.""" return np.all(np.greater(self.array, 0))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equals : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is an `ArrayWeighting` instance with **identical** array, False otherwise. See Also -------- equiv : test for equivalent inner products """ if other is self: return True return (super(ArrayWeighting, self).__eq__(other) and self.array is getattr(other, 'array', None))
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" # TODO: Better hash for array? return hash((super(ArrayWeighting, self).__hash__(), self.array.tobytes()))
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Return True if other is an equivalent weighting. Returns ------- equivalent : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a `Weighting` instance with the same `Weighting.impl`, which yields the same result as this weighting for any input, ``False`` otherwise. This is checked by entry-wise comparison of arrays/constants. """ # Optimization for equality if self == other: return True elif (not isinstance(other, Weighting) or self.exponent != other.exponent): return False elif isinstance(other, MatrixWeighting): return other.equiv(self) elif isinstance(other, ConstWeighting): return np.array_equiv(self.array, other.const) else: return np.array_equal(self.array, other.array)
@property def repr_part(self): """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" optargs = [('weighting', array_str(self.array, nprint=10), ''), ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] return signature_string([], optargs, sep=',\n', mod=[[], ['!s', ':.4']]) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [array_str(self.array)] optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, sep=',\n', mod=['!s', ':.4']) return '{}(\n{}\n)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, indent(inner_str)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return repr(self)
[docs]class ConstWeighting(Weighting): """Weighting of a space by a constant."""
[docs] def __init__(self, const, impl, exponent=2.0): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- constant : positive float Weighting constant of the inner product. impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend. exponent : positive float, optional Exponent of the norm. For values other than 2.0, the inner product is not defined. """ super(ConstWeighting, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=exponent) self.__const = float(const) if self.const <= 0: raise ValueError('expected positive constant, got {}' ''.format(const)) if not np.isfinite(self.const): raise ValueError('`const` {} is invalid'.format(const))
@property def const(self): """Weighting constant of this inner product.""" return self.__const
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equal : bool ``True`` if ``other`` is a `ConstWeighting` instance with the same constant, ``False`` otherwise. """ if other is self: return True return (super(ConstWeighting, self).__eq__(other) and self.const == getattr(other, 'const', None))
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((super(ConstWeighting, self).__hash__(), self.const))
[docs] def equiv(self, other): """Test if other is an equivalent weighting. Returns ------- equivalent : bool ``True`` if other is a `Weighting` instance with the same `Weighting.impl`, which yields the same result as this weighting for any input, ``False`` otherwise. This is checked by entry-wise comparison of matrices/arrays/constants. """ if isinstance(other, ConstWeighting): return self == other elif isinstance(other, (ArrayWeighting, MatrixWeighting)): return other.equiv(self) else: return False
@property def repr_part(self): """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" optargs = [('weighting', self.const, 1.0), ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] return signature_string([], optargs, mod=':.4') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.const] optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, signature_string(posargs, optargs)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return repr(self)
[docs]class CustomInner(Weighting): """Class for handling a user-specified inner product."""
[docs] def __init__(self, inner, impl): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- inner : callable The inner product implementation. It must accept two `LinearSpaceElement` arguments, return an element from their space's field (real or complex number) and satisfy the following conditions for all space elements ``x, y, z`` and scalars ``s``: - ``<x, y> = conj(<y, x>)`` - ``<s*x + y, z> = s * <x, z> + <y, z>`` - ``<x, x> = 0`` if and only if ``x = 0`` impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend. """ super(CustomInner, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=2.0) if not callable(inner): raise TypeError('`inner` {!r} is not callable' ''.format(inner)) self.__inner = inner
@property def inner(self): """Custom inner product of this instance..""" return self.__inner
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equal : bool ``True`` if other is a `CustomInner` instance with the same inner product, ``False`` otherwise. """ return (super(CustomInner, self).__eq__(other) and self.inner == other.inner)
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((super(CustomInner, self).__hash__(), self.inner)) @property def repr_part(self): """String usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" optargs = [('inner', self.inner, '')] return signature_string([], optargs, mod='!r') def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.inner] optargs = [] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod='!r') return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
[docs]class CustomNorm(Weighting): """Class for handling a user-specified norm. Note that this removes ``inner``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, norm, impl): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- norm : callable The norm implementation. It must accept a `LinearSpaceElement` argument, return a float and satisfy the following conditions for all space elements ``x, y`` and scalars ``s``: - ``||x|| >= 0`` - ``||x|| = 0`` if and only if ``x = 0`` - ``||s * x|| = |s| * ||x||`` - ``||x + y|| <= ||x|| + ||y||`` impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend """ super(CustomNorm, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=1.0) if not callable(norm): raise TypeError('`norm` {!r} is not callable' ''.format(norm)) self.__norm = norm
[docs] def inner(self, x1, x2): """Inner product is not defined for custom distance.""" raise NotImplementedError('`inner` not defined for custom norm')
@property def norm(self): """Custom norm of this instance..""" return self.__norm
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equal : bool ``True`` if other is a `CustomNorm` instance with the same norm, ``False`` otherwise. """ return (super(CustomNorm, self).__eq__(other) and self.norm == other.norm)
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((super(CustomNorm, self).__hash__(), self.norm)) @property def repr_part(self): """Return a string usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" optargs = [('norm', self.norm, ''), ('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] return signature_string([], optargs, mod=[[], ['!r', ':.4']]) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.norm] optargs = [('exponent', self.exponent, 2.0)] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod=['!r', ':.4']) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
[docs]class CustomDist(Weighting): """Class for handling a user-specified distance. Note that this removes ``inner`` and ``norm``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dist, impl): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- dist : callable The distance function defining a metric on a `LinearSpace`. It must accept two `LinearSpaceElement` arguments, return a float and and fulfill the following mathematical conditions for any three space elements ``x, y, z``: - ``dist(x, y) >= 0`` - ``dist(x, y) = 0`` if and only if ``x = y`` - ``dist(x, y) = dist(y, x)`` - ``dist(x, y) <= dist(x, z) + dist(z, y)`` impl : string Specifier for the implementation backend """ super(CustomDist, self).__init__(impl=impl, exponent=1.0) if not callable(dist): raise TypeError('`dist` {!r} is not callable' ''.format(dist)) self.__dist = dist
@property def dist(self): """Custom distance of this instance..""" return self.__dist
[docs] def inner(self, x1, x2): """Inner product is not defined for custom distance.""" raise NotImplementedError('`inner` not defined for custom distance')
[docs] def norm(self, x): """Norm is not defined for custom distance.""" raise NotImplementedError('`norm` not defined for custom distance')
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``. Returns ------- equal : bool ``True`` if other is a `CustomDist` instance with the same dist, ``False`` otherwise. """ return (super(CustomDist, self).__eq__(other) and self.dist == other.dist)
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((super(CustomDist, self).__hash__(), self.dist)) @property def repr_part(self): """Return a string usable in a space's ``__repr__`` method.""" optargs = [('dist', self.dist, '')] return signature_string([], optargs, mod=['', '!r']) def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" posargs = [self.dist] optargs = [] inner_str = signature_string(posargs, optargs, mod=['!r', '']) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()