Source code for odl.solvers.nonsmooth.primal_dual_hybrid_gradient

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"""Primal-dual hybrid gradient (PDHG) algorithm studied by Chambolle and Pock.

The primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm is a flexible method well suited for
non-smooth convex optimization problems in imaging.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.operator import Operator

__all__ = ('pdhg', 'pdhg_stepsize')

# TODO: add dual gap as convergence measure
# TODO: diagonal preconditioning

[docs]def pdhg(x, f, g, L, niter, tau=None, sigma=None, **kwargs): r"""Primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm for convex optimization. First order primal-dual hybrid-gradient method for non-smooth convex optimization problems with known saddle-point structure. The primal formulation of the general problem is :: min_{x in X} f(x) + g(L x) where ``L`` is an operator and ``f`` and ``g`` are functionals. The primal-dual hybrid-gradient algorithm is a primal-dual algorithm, and basically consists of alternating a gradient ascent in the dual variable and a gradient descent in the primal variable. The proximal operator is used to generate a ascent direction for the convex conjugate of F and descent direction for G. Additionally an over-relaxation of the primal variable is performed. Parameters ---------- x : ``L.domain`` element Starting point of the iteration, updated in-place. f : `Functional` The function ``f`` in the problem definition. Needs to have ``f.proximal``. g : `Functional` The function ``g`` in the problem definition. Needs to have ``g.convex_conj.proximal``. L : linear `Operator` The linear operator that should be applied before ``g``. Its range must match the domain of ``g`` and its domain must match the domain of ``f``. niter : non-negative int Number of iterations. tau : float, optional Step size parameter for ``g``. Default: Sufficient for convergence, see `pdhg_stepsize`. sigma : sequence of floats, optional Step size parameters for ``f``. Default: Sufficient for convergence, see `pdhg_stepsize`. Other Parameters ---------------- callback : callable, optional Function called with the current iterate after each iteration. theta : float, optional Relaxation parameter, required to fulfill ``0 <= theta <= 1``. Default: 1 gamma_primal : non-negative float, optional Acceleration parameter. If not ``None``, it overrides ``theta`` and causes variable relaxation parameter and step sizes to be used, with ``tau`` and ``sigma`` as initial values. Requires ``f`` to be strongly convex and ``gamma_primal`` being upper bounded by the strong convexity constant of ``f``. Acceleration can either be done on the primal part or the dual part but not on both simultaneously. Default: ``None`` gamma_dual : non-negative float, optional Acceleration parameter as ``gamma_primal`` but for dual variable. Requires ``g^*`` to be strongly convex and ``gamma_dual`` being upper bounded by the strong convexity constant of ``f^*``. Acceleration can either be done on the primal part or the dual part but not on both simultaneously. Default: ``None`` x_relax : ``op.domain`` element, optional Required to resume iteration. For ``None``, a copy of the primal variable ``x`` is used. Default: ``None`` y : ``op.range`` element, optional Required to resume iteration. For ``None``, ```` is used. Default: ``None`` Notes ----- The problem of interest is .. math:: \min_{x \in X} f(x) + g(L x), where the formal conditions are that :math:`L` is an operator between Hilbert spaces :math:`X` and :math:`Y`. Further, :math:`f : X \rightarrow [0, +\infty]` and :math:`g : Y \rightarrow [0, +\infty]` are proper, convex, lower-semicontinuous functionals. Convergence is only guaranteed if :math:`L` is linear, :math:`X, Y` are finite dimensional and the step lengths :math:`\sigma` and :math:`\tau` satisfy .. math:: \tau \sigma \|L\|^2 < 1 where :math:`\|L\|` is the operator norm of :math:`L`. It is often of interest to study problems that involve several operators, for example the classical TV regularized problem .. math:: \min_x \|Ax - b\|_2^2 + \|\nabla x\|_1. Here it is tempting to let :math:`f(x)=\|\nabla x\|_1`, :math:`L=A` and :math:`g(y)=||y||_2^2`. This is however not feasible since the proximal of :math:`||\nabla x||_1` has no closed form expression. Instead, the problem can be formulated :math:`f(x)=0`, :math:`L(x) = (A(x), \nabla x)` and :math:`g((x_1, x_2)) = \|x_1\|_2^2 + \|x_2\|_1`. See the examples folder for more information on how to do this. For a more detailed documentation see `the PDHG guide <>`_ in the online documentation. References on the algorithm can be found in `[CP2011a] <>`_ and `[CP2011b] <>`_. This implementation of the CP algorithm is along the lines of `[Sid+2012] <>`_. The non-linear case is analyzed in `[Val2014] <>`_. See Also -------- odl.solvers.nonsmooth.douglas_rachford.douglas_rachford_pd : Solver for similar problems which can additionaly handle infimal convolutions and multiple forward operators. odl.solvers.nonsmooth.forward_backward.forward_backward_pd : Solver for similar problems which can additionaly handle infimal convolutions, multiple forward operators and a differentiable term. References ---------- [CP2011a] Chambolle, A and Pock, T. *A First-Order Primal-Dual Algorithm for Convex Problems with Applications to Imaging*. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 40 (2011), pp 120-145. [CP2011b] Chambolle, A and Pock, T. *Diagonal preconditioning for first order primal-dual algorithms in convex optimization*. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011, pp 1762-1769. [Sid+2012] Sidky, E Y, Jorgensen, J H, and Pan, X. *Convex optimization problem prototyping for image reconstruction in computed tomography with the Chambolle-Pock algorithm*. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 (2012), pp 3065-3091. [Val2014] Valkonen, T. *A primal-dual hybrid gradient method for non-linear operators with applications to MRI*. Inverse Problems, 30 (2014). """ # Forward operator if not isinstance(L, Operator): raise TypeError('`op` {!r} is not an `Operator` instance' ''.format(L)) # Starting point if x not in L.domain: raise TypeError('`x` {!r} is not in the domain of `op` {!r}' ''.format(x, L.domain)) # Spaces if f.domain != L.domain: raise TypeError('`f.domain` {!r} must equal `op.domain` {!r}' ''.format(f.domain, L.domain)) # Step size parameters tau, sigma = pdhg_stepsize(L, tau, sigma) # Number of iterations if not isinstance(niter, int) or niter < 0: raise ValueError('`niter` {} not understood' ''.format(niter)) # Relaxation parameter theta = kwargs.pop('theta', 1) theta, theta_in = float(theta), theta if not 0 <= theta <= 1: raise ValueError('`theta` {} not in [0, 1]' ''.format(theta_in)) # Acceleration parameters gamma_primal = kwargs.pop('gamma_primal', None) if gamma_primal is not None: gamma_primal, gamma_primal_in = float(gamma_primal), gamma_primal if gamma_primal < 0: raise ValueError('`gamma_primal` must be non-negative, got {}' ''.format(gamma_primal_in)) gamma_dual = kwargs.pop('gamma_dual', None) if gamma_dual is not None: gamma_dual, gamma_dual_in = float(gamma_dual), gamma_dual if gamma_dual < 0: raise ValueError('`gamma_dual` must be non-negative, got {}' ''.format(gamma_dual_in)) if gamma_primal is not None and gamma_dual is not None: raise ValueError('Only one acceleration parameter can be used') # Callback object callback = kwargs.pop('callback', None) if callback is not None and not callable(callback): raise TypeError('`callback` {} is not callable' ''.format(callback)) # Initialize the relaxation variable x_relax = kwargs.pop('x_relax', None) if x_relax is None: x_relax = x.copy() elif x_relax not in L.domain: raise TypeError('`x_relax` {} is not in the domain of ' '`L` {}'.format(, L.domain)) # Initialize the dual variable y = kwargs.pop('y', None) if y is None: y = elif y not in L.range: raise TypeError('`y` {} is not in the range of `L` ' '{}'.format(, L.range)) # Get the proximals proximal_primal = f.proximal proximal_dual = g.convex_conj.proximal proximal_constant = (gamma_primal is None) and (gamma_dual is None) if proximal_constant: # Pre-compute proximals for efficiency proximal_dual_sigma = proximal_dual(sigma) proximal_primal_tau = proximal_primal(tau) # Temporary copy to store previous iterate x_old = # Temporaries dual_tmp = L.range.element() primal_tmp = L.domain.element() for _ in range(niter): # Copy required for relaxation x_old.assign(x) # Gradient ascent in the dual variable y # Compute dual_tmp = y + sigma * L(x_relax) L(x_relax, out=dual_tmp) dual_tmp.lincomb(1, y, sigma, dual_tmp) # Apply the dual proximal if not proximal_constant: proximal_dual_sigma = proximal_dual(sigma) proximal_dual_sigma(dual_tmp, out=y) # Gradient descent in the primal variable x # Compute primal_tmp = x + (- tau) * L.derivative(x).adjoint(y) L.derivative(x).adjoint(y, out=primal_tmp) primal_tmp.lincomb(1, x, -tau, primal_tmp) # Apply the primal proximal if not proximal_constant: proximal_primal_tau = proximal_primal(tau) proximal_primal_tau(primal_tmp, out=x) # Acceleration if gamma_primal is not None: theta = float(1 / np.sqrt(1 + 2 * gamma_primal * tau)) tau *= theta sigma /= theta if gamma_dual is not None: theta = float(1 / np.sqrt(1 + 2 * gamma_dual * sigma)) tau /= theta sigma *= theta # Over-relaxation in the primal variable x x_relax.lincomb(1 + theta, x, -theta, x_old) if callback is not None: callback(x)
[docs]def pdhg_stepsize(L, tau=None, sigma=None): r"""Default step sizes for `pdhg`. Parameters ---------- L : `Operator` or float Operator or norm of the operator that are used in the `pdhg` method. If it is an `Operator`, the norm is computed with ``Operator.norm(estimate=True)``. tau : positive float, optional Use this value for ``tau`` instead of computing it from the operator norms, see Notes. sigma : positive float, optional The ``sigma`` step size parameters for the dual update. Returns ------- tau : float The ``tau`` step size parameter for the primal update. sigma : tuple of float The ``sigma`` step size parameter for the dual update. Notes ----- To guarantee convergence, the parameters :math:`\tau`, :math:`\sigma` and :math:`L` need to satisfy .. math:: \tau \sigma \|L\|^2 < 1 This function has 4 options, :math:`\tau`/:math:`\sigma` given or not given. - Neither :math:`\tau` nor :math:`\sigma` are given, they are chosen as .. math:: \tau = \sigma = \frac{\sqrt{0.9}}{\|L\|} - If only :math:`\sigma` is given, :math:`\tau` is set to .. math:: \tau = \frac{0.9}{\sigma \|L\|^2} - If only :math:`\tau` is given, :math:`\sigma` is set to .. math:: \sigma = \frac{0.9}{\tau \|L\|^2} - If both are given, they are returned as-is without further validation. """ if tau is not None and sigma is not None: return float(tau), float(sigma) L_norm = L.norm(estimate=True) if isinstance(L, Operator) else float(L) if tau is None and sigma is None: tau = sigma = np.sqrt(0.9) / L_norm return tau, sigma elif tau is None: tau = 0.9 / (sigma * L_norm ** 2) return tau, float(sigma) else: # sigma is None sigma = 0.9 / (tau * L_norm ** 2) return float(tau), sigma
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()