Source code for odl.set.domain

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"""Domains for continuous functions. """

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np

from odl.set.sets import Set
from odl.util import (
    array_str, is_valid_input_array, is_valid_input_meshgrid, safe_int_conv)

__all__ = ('IntervalProd',)

[docs] class IntervalProd(Set): """An n-dimensional rectangular box. An interval product is a Cartesian product of n intervals, i.e. an n-dimensional rectangular box aligned with the coordinate axes as a subset of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. `IntervalProd` objects are immutable, hence all manipulation methods return a new instance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, min_pt, max_pt): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- min_pt, max_pt : float or `array-like` Vectors of lower/upper ends of the intervals in the product. Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 2.5, 70], [-0.5, 10, 75] >>> rbox = odl.IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> rbox IntervalProd([ -1. , 2.5, 70. ], [ -0.5, 10. , 75. ]) """ super(IntervalProd, self).__init__() self.__min_pt = np.atleast_1d(min_pt).astype('float64') self.__max_pt = np.atleast_1d(max_pt).astype('float64') if self.min_pt.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('`min_pt` must be 1-dimensional, got an array ' 'with {} axes'.format(self.min_pt.ndim)) if self.max_pt.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('`max_pt` must be 1-dimensional, got an array ' 'with {} axes'.format(self.max_pt.ndim)) if len(self.min_pt) != len(self.max_pt): raise ValueError('`min_pt` and `max_pt` have different lengths ' '({} != {})' ''.format(len(self.min_pt), len(self.max_pt))) for axis, (xmin, xmax) in enumerate(zip(self.min_pt, self.max_pt)): if np.isnan(xmin): raise ValueError('in axis {}: min_pt is NaN'.format(axis)) if np.isnan(xmax): raise ValueError('in axis {}: max_pt is NaN'.format(axis)) if xmax < xmin: raise ValueError('in axis {}: upper end smaller than lower ' 'end ({} < {})'.format(axis, xmax, xmin)) self.__nondegen_byaxis = (self.min_pt != self.max_pt)
@property def min_pt(self): """Left interval boundaries of this interval product.""" return self.__min_pt @property def max_pt(self): """Right interval boundaries of this interval product.""" return self.__max_pt @property def ndim(self): """Number of intervals in the product.""" return len(self.min_pt) @property def true_ndim(self): """Number of non-degenerate (positive-length) intervals.""" return np.count_nonzero(self.nondegen_byaxis) @property def volume(self): """`ndim`-dimensional volume of this interval product.""" return self.measure(ndim=self.ndim) @property def length(self): """Length of this interval (valid for ``ndim == 1``).""" if self.ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError('length not defined if `ndim` != 1') return self.volume @property def area(self): """Area of this rectangle (valid if ``ndim == 2``).""" if self.ndim != 2: raise NotImplementedError('area not defined if `ndim` != 2') return self.volume @property def mid_pt(self): """Midpoint of this interval product.""" midp = (self.max_pt + self.min_pt) / 2. midp[~self.nondegen_byaxis] = self.min_pt[~self.nondegen_byaxis] return midp @property def nondegen_byaxis(self): """Boolean array with ``True`` entries for non-degenerate axes. Examples -------- >>> intvp = IntervalProd([0, 0], [1, 0]) >>> intvp.nondegen_byaxis array([ True, False], dtype=bool) """ return self.__nondegen_byaxis
[docs] def min(self): """Return the minimum point of this interval product. Notes ----- This is a method instead of a property in order to match the numpy interface. Users should mostly use `min_pt` directly. """ return self.min_pt
[docs] def max(self): """Return the maximum point of this interval product. Notes ----- This is a method instead of a property in order to match the numpy interface. Users should mostly use `max_pt` directly. """ return self.max_pt
@property def extent(self): """Return the vector of interval lengths per axis.""" return self.max() - self.min()
[docs] def element(self, inp=None): """Return an element of this interval product. Parameters ---------- inp : float or `array-like`, optional Point to be cast to an element. Returns ------- element : `numpy.ndarray` or float Array (`ndim` > 1) or float version of ``inp`` if provided, otherwise ``self.mid_pt``. Examples -------- >>> interv = IntervalProd(0, 1) >>> interv.element(0.5) 0.5 """ if inp is None: return self.mid_pt elif inp in self: if self.ndim == 1: return float(inp) else: return np.asarray(inp) else: raise TypeError('`inp` {!r} is not a valid element of {!r}' ''.format(inp, self))
[docs] def approx_equals(self, other, atol): """Return ``True`` if ``other`` is equal to this set up to ``atol``. Parameters ---------- other : Object to be tested. atol : float Maximum allowed difference in maximum norm between the interval endpoints. Examples -------- >>> rbox1 = IntervalProd(0, 0.5) >>> rbox2 = IntervalProd(0, np.sqrt(0.5)**2) >>> rbox1.approx_equals(rbox2, atol=0) # Numerical error False >>> rbox1.approx_equals(rbox2, atol=1e-15) True """ if other is self: return True elif not isinstance(other, IntervalProd): return False return (np.allclose(self.min_pt, other.min_pt, atol=atol, rtol=0.0) and np.allclose(self.max_pt, other.max_pt, atol=atol, rtol=0.0))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Return ``self == other``.""" # Implemented separately for performance reasons if other is self: return True elif not isinstance(other, IntervalProd): return False return (np.all(self.min_pt == other.min_pt) and np.all(self.max_pt == other.max_pt))
def __hash__(self): """Return ``hash(self)``.""" return hash((type(self), tuple(self.min_pt), tuple(self.max_pt)))
[docs] def approx_contains(self, point, atol): """Return ``True`` if ``point`` is "almost" contained in this set. Parameters ---------- point : `array-like` or float Point to be tested. Its length must be equal to `ndim`. In the 1d case, ``point`` can be given as a float. atol : float Maximum allowed distance in maximum norm from ``point`` to ``self``. Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 0, 3] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> # Numerical error >>> rbox.approx_contains([-1 + np.sqrt(0.5)**2, 0., 2.9], atol=0) False >>> rbox.approx_contains([-1 + np.sqrt(0.5)**2, 0., 2.9], atol=1e-9) True """ try: # Duck-typed check of type point = np.array(point, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False if point.size == 0: return True elif point.shape != (self.ndim,): return False return self.dist(point, exponent=np.inf) <= atol
[docs] def __contains__(self, other): """Return ``other in self``. Examples -------- >>> interv = IntervalProd(0, 1) >>> 0.5 in interv True >>> 2 in interv False >>> 'string' in interv False """ try: # Duck-typed check of type point = np.array(other, dtype=float, copy=False, ndmin=1) except (ValueError, TypeError): return False if point.shape != (self.ndim,): return False return (self.min_pt <= point).all() and (point <= self.max_pt).all()
[docs] def contains_set(self, other, atol=0.0): """Return ``True`` if ``other`` is (almost) contained in this set. Parameters ---------- other : `Set` Set to be tested. atol : float, optional Maximum allowed distance in maximum norm from ``other`` to ``self``. Raises ------ AttributeError if ``other`` does not have both ``min`` and ``max`` methods. Examples -------- >>> min_pt1, max_pt1 = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 0, 3] >>> rbox1 = IntervalProd(min_pt1, max_pt1) >>> min_pt2, max_pt2 = [-0.6, 0, 2.1], [-0.5, 0, 2.5] >>> rbox2 = IntervalProd(min_pt2, max_pt2) >>> rbox1.contains_set(rbox2) True >>> rbox2.contains_set(rbox1) False """ if self is other: return True try: return (self.approx_contains(other.min(), atol) and self.approx_contains(other.max(), atol)) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('cannot test {!r} without `min` and `max` ' 'methods'.format(other))
[docs] def contains_all(self, other, atol=0.0): """Return ``True`` if all points defined by ``other`` are contained. Parameters ---------- other : Collection of points to be tested. Can be given as a single point, a ``(d, N)`` array-like where ``d`` is the number of dimensions, or a length-``d`` `meshgrid` tuple. atol : float, optional The maximum allowed distance in 'inf'-norm between the other set and this interval product. Returns ------- contains : bool ``True`` if all points are contained, ``False`` otherwise. Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 0, 3] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) Arrays are expected in ``(ndim, npoints)`` shape: >>> arr = np.array([[-1, 0, 2], # defining one point at a time ... [-0.5, 0, 2]]) >>> rbox.contains_all(arr.T) True Implicit meshgrids defined by coordinate vectors: >>> from odl.discr.grid import sparse_meshgrid >>> vec1 = (-1, -0.9, -0.7) >>> vec2 = (0, 0, 0) >>> vec3 = (2.5, 2.75, 3) >>> mg = sparse_meshgrid(vec1, vec2, vec3) >>> rbox.contains_all(mg) True Works also with an arbitrary iterable: >>> rbox.contains_all([[-1, -0.5], # define points by axis ... [0, 0], ... [2, 2]]) True Grids are also accepted as input: >>> agrid = odl.uniform_grid(rbox.min_pt, rbox.max_pt, [3, 1, 3]) >>> rbox.contains_all(agrid) True """ atol = float(atol) # First try optimized methods if other in self: return True if hasattr(other, 'meshgrid'): return self.contains_all(other.meshgrid, atol=atol) elif is_valid_input_meshgrid(other, self.ndim): vecs = tuple(vec.squeeze() for vec in other) mins = np.fromiter((np.min(vec) for vec in vecs), dtype=float) maxs = np.fromiter((np.max(vec) for vec in vecs), dtype=float) return (np.all(mins >= self.min_pt - atol) and np.all(maxs <= self.max_pt + atol)) # Convert to array and check each element other = np.asarray(other) if is_valid_input_array(other, self.ndim): if self.ndim == 1: mins = np.min(other) maxs = np.max(other) else: mins = np.min(other, axis=1) maxs = np.max(other, axis=1) return np.all(mins >= self.min_pt) and np.all(maxs <= self.max_pt) else: return False
[docs] def measure(self, ndim=None): """Return the Lebesgue measure of this interval product. Parameters ---------- ndim : int, optional Dimension of the measure to apply. ``None`` is interpreted as `true_ndim`, which always results in a finite and positive result (unless the set is a single point). Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 2.5, 0], [-0.5, 10, 0] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> rbox.measure() 3.75 >>> rbox.measure(ndim=3) 0.0 >>> rbox.measure(ndim=3) == rbox.volume True >>> rbox.measure(ndim=1) inf >>> rbox.measure() == rbox.squeeze().volume True """ if self.true_ndim == 0: return 0.0 if ndim is None: return self.measure(ndim=self.true_ndim) elif ndim < self.true_ndim: return np.inf elif ndim > self.true_ndim: return 0.0 else: return[self.nondegen_byaxis])
[docs] def dist(self, point, exponent=2.0): """Return the distance of ``point`` to this set. Parameters ---------- point : `array-like` or float Point whose distance to calculate. Its length must be equal to the set's dimension. Can be a float in the 1d case. exponent : non-zero float or ``float('inf')``, optional Exponent of the norm used in the distance calculation. Returns ------- dist : float Distance to the interior of the IntervalProd. Points strictly inside have distance ``0.0``, points with ``NaN`` have distance ``float('inf')``. See Also -------- numpy.linalg.norm : norm used to compute the distance Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 0, 3] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> rbox.dist([-5, 3, 2]) 5.0 >>> rbox.dist([-5, 3, 2], exponent=float('inf')) 4.0 """ point = np.atleast_1d(point) if len(point) != self.ndim: raise ValueError('`point` must have length {}, got {}' ''.format(self.ndim, len(point))) if np.any(np.isnan(point)): return float('inf') i_larger = np.where(point > self.max_pt) i_smaller = np.where(point < self.min_pt) # Access [0] since np.where returns a tuple. if len(i_larger[0]) == 0 and len(i_smaller[0]) == 0: return 0.0 else: proj = np.concatenate((point[i_larger], point[i_smaller])) border = np.concatenate((self.max_pt[i_larger], self.min_pt[i_smaller])) return np.linalg.norm(proj - border, ord=exponent)
[docs] def collapse(self, indices, values): """Partly collapse the interval product to single values. Note that no changes are made in-place. Parameters ---------- indices : int or sequence of ints The indices of the dimensions along which to collapse. values : `array-like` or float The values to which to collapse. Must have the same length as ``indices``. Values must lie within the interval boundaries. Returns ------- collapsed : `IntervalProd` The collapsed set. Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 1, 3] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> rbox.collapse(1, 0) IntervalProd([-1., 0., 2.], [-0.5, 0. , 3. ]) >>> rbox.collapse([1, 2], [0, 2.5]) IntervalProd([-1. , 0. , 2.5], [-0.5, 0. , 2.5]) """ indices = np.atleast_1d(indices).astype('int64', casting='safe') values = np.atleast_1d(values) if len(indices) != len(values): raise ValueError('lengths of indices {} and values {} do not ' 'match ({} != {})' ''.format(indices, values, len(indices), len(values))) for axis, index in enumerate(indices): if not 0 <= index <= self.ndim: raise IndexError('in axis {}: index {} out of range 0 --> {}' ''.format(axis, index, self.ndim - 1)) if np.any(values < self.min_pt[indices]): raise ValueError('values {} not above the lower interval ' 'boundaries {}' ''.format(values, self.min_pt[indices])) if np.any(values > self.max_pt[indices]): raise ValueError('values {} not below the upper interval ' 'boundaries {}' ''.format(values, self.max_pt[indices])) b_new = self.min_pt.copy() b_new[indices] = values e_new = self.max_pt.copy() e_new[indices] = values return IntervalProd(b_new, e_new)
[docs] def squeeze(self): """Remove the degenerate dimensions. Note that no changes are made in-place. Returns ------- squeezed : `IntervalProd` Squeezed set. Examples -------- >>> min_pt, max_pt = [-1, 0, 2], [-0.5, 1, 3] >>> rbox = IntervalProd(min_pt, max_pt) >>> rbox.collapse(1, 0).squeeze() IntervalProd([-1., 2.], [-0.5, 3. ]) >>> rbox.collapse([1, 2], [0, 2.5]).squeeze() IntervalProd(-1.0, -0.5) >>> rbox.collapse([0, 1, 2], [-1, 0, 2.5]).squeeze() IntervalProd([], []) """ b_new = self.min_pt[self.nondegen_byaxis] e_new = self.max_pt[self.nondegen_byaxis] return IntervalProd(b_new, e_new)
[docs] def insert(self, index, *intvs): """Return a copy with ``intvs`` inserted before ``index``. The given interval products are inserted (as a block) into ``self``, yielding a new interval product whose number of dimensions is the sum of the numbers of dimensions of all involved interval products. Note that no changes are made in-place. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the dimension before which ``other`` is to be inserted. Must fulfill ``-ndim <= index <= ndim``. Negative indices count backwards from ``self.ndim``. intv1, ..., intvN : `IntervalProd` Interval products to be inserted into ``self``. Returns ------- newintvp : `IntervalProd` The enlarged interval product. Examples -------- >>> intv = IntervalProd([-1, 2], [-0.5, 3]) >>> intv2 = IntervalProd(0, 1) >>> intv.insert(0, intv2) IntervalProd([ 0., -1., 2.], [ 1. , -0.5, 3. ]) >>> intv.insert(-1, intv2) IntervalProd([-1., 0., 2.], [-0.5, 1. , 3. ]) >>> intv.insert(1, intv2, intv2) IntervalProd([-1., 0., 0., 2.], [-0.5, 1. , 1. , 3. ]) """ index, index_in = safe_int_conv(index), index if not -self.ndim <= index <= self.ndim: raise IndexError('index {0} outside the valid range -{1} ... {1}' ''.format(index_in, self.ndim)) if index < 0: index += self.ndim if len(intvs) == 0: # Copy of `self` return IntervalProd(self.min_pt, self.max_pt) elif len(intvs) == 1: # Insert single interval product intv = intvs[0] if not isinstance(intv, IntervalProd): raise TypeError('{!r} is not a `IntervalProd` instance' ''.format(intv)) new_min_pt = np.empty(self.ndim + intv.ndim) new_max_pt = np.empty(self.ndim + intv.ndim) new_min_pt[: index] = self.min_pt[: index] new_max_pt[: index] = self.max_pt[: index] new_min_pt[index: index + intv.ndim] = intv.min_pt new_max_pt[index: index + intv.ndim] = intv.max_pt if index < self.ndim: # Avoid IndexError new_min_pt[index + intv.ndim:] = self.min_pt[index:] new_max_pt[index + intv.ndim:] = self.max_pt[index:] return IntervalProd(new_min_pt, new_max_pt) else: # Recursively insert one, then rest into the result return self.insert(index, intvs[0]).insert( index + intvs[0].ndim, *(intvs[1:]))
[docs] def append(self, *intvs): """Insert ``intvs`` at the end as a block. Parameters ---------- intv1, ..., intvN : `IntervalProd` Interval products to be appended to ``self``. Returns ------- newintvp : `IntervalProd` The enlarged interval product. Examples -------- >>> intv = IntervalProd([-1, 2], [-0.5, 3]) >>> intv2 = IntervalProd(0, 1) >>> intv.append(intv2) IntervalProd([-1., 2., 0.], [-0.5, 3. , 1. ]) >>> intv.append(intv2, intv2) IntervalProd([-1., 2., 0., 0.], [-0.5, 3. , 1. , 1. ]) See Also -------- insert """ return self.insert(self.ndim, *intvs)
[docs] def corners(self, order='C'): """Return the corner points as a single array. Parameters ---------- order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Ordering of the axes in which the corners appear in the output. ``'C'`` means that the first axis varies slowest and the last one fastest, vice versa in ``'F'`` ordering. Returns ------- corners : `numpy.ndarray` Array containing the corner coordinates. The size of the array is ``2^m x ndim``, where ``m`` is the number of non-degenerate axes, i.e. the corners are stored as rows. Examples -------- >>> intv = IntervalProd([-1, 2, 0], [-0.5, 3, 0.5]) >>> intv.corners() array([[-1. , 2. , 0. ], [-1. , 2. , 0.5], [-1. , 3. , 0. ], [-1. , 3. , 0.5], [-0.5, 2. , 0. ], [-0.5, 2. , 0.5], [-0.5, 3. , 0. ], [-0.5, 3. , 0.5]]) >>> intv.corners(order='F') array([[-1. , 2. , 0. ], [-0.5, 2. , 0. ], [-1. , 3. , 0. ], [-0.5, 3. , 0. ], [-1. , 2. , 0.5], [-0.5, 2. , 0.5], [-1. , 3. , 0.5], [-0.5, 3. , 0.5]]) """ from odl.discr.grid import RectGrid minmax_vecs = [0] * self.ndim for axis in np.where(~self.nondegen_byaxis)[0]: minmax_vecs[axis] = self.min_pt[axis] for axis in np.where(self.nondegen_byaxis)[0]: minmax_vecs[axis] = (self.min_pt[axis], self.max_pt[axis]) minmax_grid = RectGrid(*minmax_vecs) return minmax_grid.points(order=order)
def __len__(self): """Return ``len(self)``.""" return self.ndim
[docs] def __getitem__(self, indices): """Return ``self[indices]`` Parameters ---------- indices : index expression Object determining which parts of the interval product to extract. Returns ------- subinterval : `IntervalProd` Interval product corresponding to the given indices. Examples -------- >>> rbox = IntervalProd([-1, 2, 0], [-0.5, 3, 0.5]) Indexing by integer selects single axes: >>> rbox[0] IntervalProd(-1.0, -0.5) With slices, multiple axes can be selected: >>> rbox[:] IntervalProd([-1., 2., 0.], [-0.5, 3. , 0.5]) >>> rbox[::2] IntervalProd([-1., 0.], [-0.5, 0.5]) A list of integers can be used for free combinations of axes: >>> rbox[[0, 1, 0]] IntervalProd([-1., 2., -1.], [-0.5, 3. , -0.5]) """ return IntervalProd(self.min_pt[indices], self.max_pt[indices])
def __pos__(self): """Return ``+self``.""" return self def __neg__(self): """Return ``-self``.""" return type(self)(-self.max_pt, -self.min_pt) def __add__(self, other): """Return ``self + other``.""" if isinstance(other, IntervalProd): if self.ndim != other.ndim: raise ValueError('addition not possible for {} and {}: ' 'dimension mismatch ({} != {})' ''.format(self, other, self.ndim, other.ndim)) return type(self)(self.min_pt + other.min_pt, self.max_pt + other.max_pt) elif np.isscalar(other): return type(self)(self.min_pt + other, self.max_pt + other) else: return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): """Return ``self - other``.""" return self + (-other) def __mul__(self, other): """Return ``self * other``.""" if isinstance(other, IntervalProd): if self.ndim != other.ndim: raise ValueError('multiplication not possible for {} and' '{}: dimension mismatch ({} != {})' ''.format(self, other, self.ndim, other.ndim)) comp_mat = np.empty([self.ndim, 4]) comp_mat[:, 0] = self.min_pt * other.min_pt comp_mat[:, 1] = self.min_pt * other.max_pt comp_mat[:, 2] = self.max_pt * other.min_pt comp_mat[:, 3] = self.max_pt * other.max_pt new_min_pt = np.min(comp_mat, axis=1) new_max_pt = np.max(comp_mat, axis=1) return type(self)(new_min_pt, new_max_pt) elif np.isscalar(other): vec1 = self.min_pt * other vec2 = self.max_pt * other return type(self)(np.minimum(vec1, vec2), np.maximum(vec1, vec2)) else: return NotImplemented def __div__(self, other): """Return ``self / other``.""" return self * (1.0 / other) __truediv__ = __div__ def __rdiv__(self, other): """Return ``other / self``.""" if np.isscalar(other): for axis, (xmin, xmax) in enumerate(zip(self.min_pt, self.max_pt)): if xmin <= 0 and xmax >= 0: raise ValueError('in axis {}: interval {} contains 0, ' 'division not possible' .format(axis, [xmin, xmax])) vec1 = other / self.min_pt vec2 = other / self.max_pt return type(self)(np.minimum(vec1, vec2), np.maximum(vec1, vec2)) else: return NotImplemented __rtruediv__ = __rdiv__ def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" if self.ndim == 1: return '{}({:.4}, {:.4})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.min_pt[0], self.max_pt[0]) else: return '{}({}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, array_str(self.min_pt), array_str(self.max_pt)) def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" return ' x '.join('[{}, {}]'.format(xmin, xmax) for xmin, xmax in zip(self.min_pt, self.max_pt))
if __name__ == '__main__': from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()