Source code for odl.phantom.transmission

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Phantoms typically used in transmission tomography."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr import DiscretizedSpace
from odl.phantom.geometric import ellipsoid_phantom

__all__ = ('shepp_logan_ellipsoids', 'shepp_logan', 'forbild')

def _shepp_logan_ellipse_2d():
    """Return ellipse parameters for a 2d Shepp-Logan phantom.

    This assumes that the ellipses are contained in the square
    [-1, -1]x[-1, -1].
    rad18 = np.deg2rad(18.0)
    #       value  axisx  axisy     x       y  rotation
    return [[2.00, .6900, .9200, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0],
            [-.98, .6624, .8740, 0.0000, -.0184, 0],
            [-.02, .1100, .3100, 0.2200, 0.0000, -rad18],
            [-.02, .1600, .4100, -.2200, 0.0000, rad18],
            [0.01, .2100, .2500, 0.0000, 0.3500, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0460, 0.0000, 0.1000, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0460, 0.0000, -.1000, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0230, -.0800, -.6050, 0],
            [0.01, .0230, .0230, 0.0000, -.6060, 0],
            [0.01, .0230, .0460, 0.0600, -.6050, 0]]

def _shepp_logan_ellipsoids_3d():
    """Return ellipsoid parameters for a 3d Shepp-Logan phantom.

    This assumes that the ellipses are contained in the cube
    [-1, -1, -1]x[1, 1, 1].
    rad18 = np.deg2rad(18.0)
    #       value  axisx  axisy  axisz,  x        y      z    rotation
    return [[2.00, .6900, .9200, .810, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [-.98, .6624, .8740, .780, 0.0000, -.0184, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [-.02, .1100, .3100, .220, 0.2200, 0.0000, 0.00, -rad18, 0, 0],
            [-.02, .1600, .4100, .280, -.2200, 0.0000, 0.00, rad18, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .2100, .2500, .410, 0.0000, 0.3500, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0460, .050, 0.0000, 0.1000, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0460, .050, 0.0000, -.1000, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .0460, .0230, .050, -.0800, -.6050, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .0230, .0230, .020, 0.0000, -.6060, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0],
            [0.01, .0230, .0460, .020, 0.0600, -.6050, 0.00, 0.0, 0, 0]]

def _modified_shepp_logan_ellipsoids(ellipsoids):
    """Modify ellipsoids to give the modified Shepp-Logan phantom.

    Works for both 2d and 3d.
    intensities = [1.0, -0.8, -0.2, -0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]

    # Add minimal numbers to ensure that the result is nowhere negative.
    # This is needed due to numerical issues.
    intensities[2] += 5e-17
    intensities[3] += 5e-17

    assert len(ellipsoids) == len(intensities)

    for ellipsoid, intensity in zip(ellipsoids, intensities):
        ellipsoid[0] = intensity

[docs]def shepp_logan_ellipsoids(ndim, modified=False): """Ellipsoids for the standard Shepp-Logan phantom in 2 or 3 dimensions. Parameters ---------- ndim : {2, 3} Dimension of the space the ellipsoids should be in. modified : bool, optional True if the modified Shepp-Logan phantom should be given. The modified phantom has greatly amplified contrast to aid visualization. See Also -------- odl.phantom.geometric.ellipsoid_phantom : Function for creating arbitrary ellipsoids phantoms shepp_logan : Create a phantom with these ellipsoids References ---------- .. _Shepp-Logan phantom: """ if ndim == 2: ellipsoids = _shepp_logan_ellipse_2d() elif ndim == 3: ellipsoids = _shepp_logan_ellipsoids_3d() else: raise ValueError('dimension not 2 or 3, no phantom available') if modified: _modified_shepp_logan_ellipsoids(ellipsoids) return ellipsoids
[docs]def shepp_logan(space, modified=False, min_pt=None, max_pt=None): """Standard Shepp-Logan phantom in 2 or 3 dimensions. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom is created, must be 2- or 3-dimensional. If ``space.shape`` is 1 in an axis, a corresponding slice of the phantom is created. modified : `bool`, optional True if the modified Shepp-Logan phantom should be given. The modified phantom has greatly amplified contrast to aid visualization. min_pt, max_pt : array-like, optional If provided, use these vectors to determine the bounding box of the phantom instead of ``space.min_pt`` and ``space.max_pt``. It is currently required that ``min_pt >= space.min_pt`` and ``max_pt <= space.max_pt``, i.e., shifting or scaling outside the original space is not allowed. Providing one of them results in a shift, e.g., for ``min_pt``:: new_min_pt = min_pt new_max_pt = space.max_pt + (min_pt - space.min_pt) Providing both results in a scaled version of the phantom. See Also -------- forbild : Similar phantom but with more complexity. Only supports 2d. odl.phantom.geometric.defrise : Geometry test phantom shepp_logan_ellipsoids : Get the parameters that define this phantom odl.phantom.geometric.ellipsoid_phantom : Function for creating arbitrary ellipsoid phantoms References ---------- .. _Shepp-Logan phantom: """ ellipsoids = shepp_logan_ellipsoids(space.ndim, modified) return ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipsoids, min_pt, max_pt)
def _analytical_forbild_phantom(resolution, ear): """Analytical description of FORBILD phantom. Parameters ---------- resolution : bool If ``True``, insert a small resolution test pattern to the left. ear : bool If ``True``, insert an ear-like structure to the right. """ sha = 0.2 * np.sqrt(3) y016b = -14.294530834372887 a16b = 0.443194085308632 b16b = 3.892760834372886 E = [[-4.7, 4.3, 1.79989, 1.79989, 0, 0.010, 0], # 1 [4.7, 4.3, 1.79989, 1.79989, 0, 0.010, 0], # 2 [-1.08, -9, 0.4, 0.4, 0, 0.0025, 0], # 3 [1.08, -9, 0.4, 0.4, 0, -0.0025, 0], # 4 [0, 0, 9.6, 12, 0, 1.800, 0], # 5 [0, 8.4, 1.8, 3.0, 0, -1.050, 0], # 7 [1.9, 5.4, 0.41633, 1.17425, -31.07698, 0.750, 0], # 8 [-1.9, 5.4, 0.41633, 1.17425, 31.07698, 0.750, 0], # 9 [-4.3, 6.8, 1.8, 0.24, -30, 0.750, 0], # 10 [4.3, 6.8, 1.8, 0.24, 30, 0.750, 0], # 11 [0, -3.6, 1.8, 3.6, 0, -0.005, 0], # 12 [6.39395, -6.39395, 1.2, 0.42, 58.1, 0.005, 0], # 13 [0, 3.6, 2, 2, 0, 0.750, 4], # 14 [0, 9.6, 1.8, 3.0, 0, 1.800, 4], # 15 [0, 0, 9.0, 11.4, 0, 0.750, 3], # 16a [0, y016b, a16b, b16b, 0, 0.750, 1], # 16b [0, 0, 9.0, 11.4, 0, -0.750, ear], # 6 [9.1, 0, 4.2, 1.8, 0, 0.750, 1]] # R_ear E = np.array(E) # generate the air cavities in the right ear cavity1 = np.arange(8.8, 5.6, -0.4)[:, None] cavity2 = np.zeros([9, 1]) cavity3_7 = np.ones([53, 1]) * [0.15, 0.15, 0, -1.800, 0] for j in range(1, 4): kj = 8 - 2 * int(np.floor(j / 3)) dj = 0.2 * int(np.mod(j, 2)) cavity1 = np.vstack((cavity1, cavity1[0:kj] - dj, cavity1[0:kj] - dj)) cavity2 = np.vstack((cavity2, j * sha * np.ones([kj, 1]), -j * sha * np.ones([kj, 1]))) E_cavity = np.hstack((cavity1, cavity2, cavity3_7)) # generate the left ear (resolution pattern) x0 = -7.0 y0 = -1.0 d0_xy = 0.04 d_xy = [0.0357, 0.0312, 0.0278, 0.0250] ab = 0.5 * np.ones([5, 1]) * d_xy ab = ab.T.ravel()[:, None] * np.ones([1, 4]) abr = ab.T.ravel()[:, None] leftear4_7 = np.hstack([abr, abr, np.ones([80, 1]) * [0, 0.75, 0]]) x00 = np.zeros([0, 1]) y00 = np.zeros([0, 1]) for i in range(1, 5): y00 = np.vstack((y00, (y0 + np.arange(0, 5) * 2 * d_xy[i - 1])[:, None])) x00 = np.vstack((x00, (x0 + 2 * (i - 1) * d0_xy) * np.ones([5, 1]))) x00 = x00 * np.ones([1, 4]) x00 = x00.T.ravel()[:, None] y00 = np.vstack([y00, y00 + 12 * d0_xy, y00 + 24 * d0_xy, y00 + 36 * d0_xy]) leftear = np.hstack([x00, y00, leftear4_7]) C = [[1.2, 1.2, 0.27884, 0.27884, 0.60687, 0.60687, 0.2, 0.2, -2.605, -2.605, -10.71177, y016b + 10.71177, 8.88740, -0.21260], [0, 180, 90, 270, 90, 270, 0, 180, 15, 165, 90, 270, 0, 0]] C = np.array(C) if not resolution and not ear: phantomE = E[:17, :] phantomC = C[:, :12] elif not resolution and ear: phantomE = np.vstack([E, E_cavity]) phantomC = C elif resolution and not ear: phantomE = np.vstack([leftear, E[:17, :]]) phantomC = C[:, :12] else: phantomE = np.vstack([leftear, E, E_cavity]) phantomC = C return phantomE, phantomC
[docs]def forbild(space, resolution=False, ear=True, value_type='density', scale='auto'): """Standard FORBILD phantom in 2 dimensions. The FORBILD phantom is intended for testing CT algorithms and is intended to be similar to a human head. The phantom is defined using the following materials: ========================= ===== ================ Material Index Density (g/cm^3) ========================= ===== ================ Air 0 0.0000 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 1 1.0450 Small less dense sphere 2 1.0475 Brain 3 1.0500 Small more dense sphere 4 1.0525 Blood 5 1.0550 Eyes 6 1.0600 Bone 7 1.8000 ========================= ===== ================ Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` The space in which the phantom should be corrected. Needs to be two- dimensional. resolution : bool, optional If ``True``, insert a small resolution test pattern to the left. ear : bool, optional If ``True``, insert an ear-like structure to the right. value_type : {'density', 'materials'}, optional The format the phantom should be given in. 'density' returns floats in the range [0, 1.8] (g/cm^3) 'materials' returns indices in the range [0, 7]. scale : {'auto', 'cm', 'meters', 'mm'}, optional Controls how ``space`` should be rescaled to fit the definition of the forbild phantom, which is defined on the square [-12.8, 12.8] x [-12.8, 12.8] cm. * ``'auto'`` means that space is rescaled to fit exactly. The space is also centered at [0, 0]. * ``'cm'`` means the dimensions of the space should be used as-is. * ``'m'`` means all dimensions of the space are multiplied by 100. * ``'mm'`` means all dimensions of the space are divided by 10. Returns ------- forbild : ``space``-element FORBILD phantom discretized by ``space``. See Also -------- shepp_logan : A simpler phantom for similar purposes, also working in 3d. References ---------- .. _FORBILD phantom: .. _algorithm: """ def transposeravel(arr): """Implement MATLAB's ``transpose(arr(:))``.""" return arr.T.ravel() if not isinstance(space, DiscretizedSpace): raise TypeError('`space` must be a `DiscretizedSpace`') if space.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('`space` must be two-dimensional') scale, scale_in = str(scale).lower(), scale value_type, value_type_in = str(value_type).lower(), value_type # Create analytic description of phantom phantomE, phantomC = _analytical_forbild_phantom(resolution, ear) # Rescale points to the default grid. # The forbild phantom is defined on [-12.8, 12.8] x [-12.8, 12.8] xcoord, ycoord = space.points().T if scale == 'auto': xcoord = ((xcoord - space.min_pt[0]) / (space.max_pt[0] - space.min_pt[0])) xcoord = 25.8 * xcoord - 12.8 ycoord = ((ycoord - space.min_pt[1]) / (space.max_pt[1] - space.min_pt[1])) ycoord = 25.8 * ycoord - 12.8 elif scale == 'cm': pass # dimensions already correct. elif scale == 'm': xcoord *= 100.0 ycoord *= 100.0 elif scale == 'mm': xcoord /= 10.0 ycoord /= 10.0 else: raise ValueError('unknown `scale` {}'.format(scale_in)) # Compute the phantom values in each voxel image = np.zeros(space.size) nclipinfo = 0 for k in range(phantomE.shape[0]): # Handle elliptic bounds Vx0 = np.array([transposeravel(xcoord) - phantomE[k, 0], transposeravel(ycoord) - phantomE[k, 1]]) D = np.array([[1 / phantomE[k, 2], 0], [0, 1 / phantomE[k, 3]]]) phi = np.deg2rad(phantomE[k, 4]) Q = np.array([[np.cos(phi), np.sin(phi)], [-np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)]]) f = phantomE[k, 5] nclip = int(phantomE[k, 6]) equation1 = np.sum( ** 2, axis=0) i = (equation1 <= 1.0) # Handle clipping surfaces for _ in range(nclip): # note: nclib can be 0 d = phantomC[0, nclipinfo] psi = np.deg2rad(phantomC[1, nclipinfo]) equation2 = np.array([np.cos(psi), np.sin(psi)]).dot(Vx0) i &= (equation2 < d) nclipinfo += 1 image[i] += f if value_type == 'materials': materials = np.zeros(space.size, dtype=space.dtype) # csf materials[(image > 1.043) & (image <= 1.047)] = 1 # less_dense_sphere materials[(image > 1.047) & (image <= 1.048)] = 2 # brain materials[(image > 1.048) & (image <= 1.052)] = 3 # denser_sphere materials[(image > 1.052) & (image <= 1.053)] = 4 # blood materials[(image > 1.053) & (image <= 1.058)] = 5 # eye materials[(image > 1.058) & (image <= 1.062)] = 6 # Bone materials[image > 1.75] = 7 return space.element(materials.reshape(space.shape)) elif value_type == 'density': return space.element(image.reshape(space.shape)) else: raise ValueError('unknown `value_type` {}'.format(value_type_in))
if __name__ == '__main__': # Show the phantoms import odl from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests # 2D discr = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [1000, 1000]) shepp_logan(discr, modified=True).show('shepp_logan 2d modified=True') shepp_logan(discr, modified=False).show('shepp_logan 2d modified=False') forbild(discr).show('FORBILD 2d', clim=[1.035, 1.065]) forbild(discr, value_type='materials').show('FORBILD 2d materials') # 3D discr = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1], [300, 300, 300]) shepp_logan(discr, modified=True).show('shepp_logan 3d modified=True') shepp_logan(discr, modified=False).show('shepp_logan 3d modified=False') # Run also the doctests run_doctests()