Source code for odl.phantom.geometric

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# This file is part of ODL.
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"""Phantoms given by simple geometric objects such as cubes or spheres."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np

from odl.discr.discr_space import uniform_discr_fromdiscr
from odl.util.numerics import resize_array

__all__ = (

[docs]def cuboid(space, min_pt=None, max_pt=None): """Rectangular cuboid. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom should be created. min_pt : array-like of shape ``(space.ndim,)``, optional Lower left corner of the cuboid. If ``None`` is given, a quarter of the extent from ``space.min_pt`` towards the inside is chosen. max_pt : array-like of shape ``(space.ndim,)``, optional Upper right corner of the cuboid. If ``None`` is given, ``min_pt`` plus half the extent is chosen. Returns ------- phantom : `DiscretizedSpaceElement` The generated cuboid phantom in ``space``. Examples -------- If both ``min_pt`` and ``max_pt`` are omitted, the cuboid lies in the middle of the space domain and extends halfway towards all sides: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], [4, 6]) >>> odl.phantom.cuboid(space) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], (4, 6)).element( [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] ) By specifying the corners, the cuboid can be arbitrarily placed and scaled: >>> odl.phantom.cuboid(space, [0.25, 0], [0.75, 0.5]) uniform_discr([ 0., 0.], [ 1., 1.], (4, 6)).element( [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] ) """ dom_min_pt = np.asarray(space.domain.min()) dom_max_pt = np.asarray(space.domain.max()) if min_pt is None: min_pt = dom_min_pt * 0.75 + dom_max_pt * 0.25 if max_pt is None: max_pt = dom_min_pt * 0.25 + dom_max_pt * 0.75 min_pt = np.atleast_1d(min_pt) max_pt = np.atleast_1d(max_pt) if min_pt.shape != (space.ndim,): raise ValueError('shape of `min_pt` must be {}, got {}' ''.format((space.ndim,), min_pt.shape)) if max_pt.shape != (space.ndim,): raise ValueError('shape of `max_pt` must be {}, got {}' ''.format((space.ndim,), max_pt.shape)) def phantom(x): result = True for xi, xmin, xmax in zip(x, min_pt, max_pt): result = (result & np.less_equal(xmin, xi) & np.less_equal(xi, xmax)) return result return space.element(phantom)
[docs]def defrise(space, nellipses=8, alternating=False, min_pt=None, max_pt=None): """Phantom with regularily spaced ellipses. This phantom is often used to verify cone-beam algorithms. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom should be created, must be 2- or 3-dimensional. nellipses : int, optional Number of ellipses. If more ellipses are used, each ellipse becomes thinner. alternating : bool, optional True if the ellipses should have alternating densities (+1, -1), otherwise all ellipses have value +1. min_pt, max_pt : array-like, optional If provided, use these vectors to determine the bounding box of the phantom instead of ``space.min_pt`` and ``space.max_pt``. It is currently required that ``min_pt >= space.min_pt`` and ``max_pt <= space.max_pt``, i.e., shifting or scaling outside the original space is not allowed. Providing one of them results in a shift, e.g., for ``min_pt``:: new_min_pt = min_pt new_max_pt = space.max_pt + (min_pt - space.min_pt) Providing both results in a scaled version of the phantom. Returns ------- phantom : ``space`` element The generated phantom in ``space``. See Also -------- odl.phantom.transmission.shepp_logan """ ellipses = defrise_ellipses(space.ndim, nellipses=nellipses, alternating=alternating) return ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipses, min_pt, max_pt)
[docs]def defrise_ellipses(ndim, nellipses=8, alternating=False): """Ellipses for the standard Defrise phantom in 2 or 3 dimensions. Parameters ---------- ndim : {2, 3} Dimension of the space for the ellipses/ellipsoids. nellipses : int, optional Number of ellipses. If more ellipses are used, each ellipse becomes thinner. alternating : bool, optional True if the ellipses should have alternating densities (+1, -1), otherwise all ellipses have value +1. See Also -------- odl.phantom.geometric.ellipsoid_phantom : Function for creating arbitrary ellipsoids phantoms odl.phantom.transmission.shepp_logan_ellipsoids """ ellipses = [] if ndim == 2: for i in range(nellipses): if alternating: value = (-1.0 + 2.0 * (i % 2)) else: value = 1.0 axis_1 = 0.5 axis_2 = 0.5 / (nellipses + 1) center_x = 0.0 center_y = -1 + 2.0 / (nellipses + 1.0) * (i + 1) rotation = 0 ellipses.append( [value, axis_1, axis_2, center_x, center_y, rotation]) elif ndim == 3: for i in range(nellipses): if alternating: value = (-1.0 + 2.0 * (i % 2)) else: value = 1.0 axis_1 = axis_2 = 0.5 axis_3 = 0.5 / (nellipses + 1) center_x = center_y = 0.0 center_z = -1 + 2.0 / (nellipses + 1.0) * (i + 1) rotation_phi = rotation_theta = rotation_psi = 0 ellipses.append( [value, axis_1, axis_2, axis_3, center_x, center_y, center_z, rotation_phi, rotation_theta, rotation_psi]) return ellipses
[docs]def indicate_proj_axis(space, scale_structures=0.5): """Phantom indicating along which axis it is projected. The number (n) of rectangles in a parallel-beam projection along a main axis (0, 1, or 2) indicates the projection to be along the (n-1)the dimension. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom should be created, must be 2- or 3-dimensional. scale_structures : positive float in (0, 1], optional Scales objects (cube, cuboids) Returns ------- phantom : ``space`` element Projection helper phantom in ``space``. Examples -------- Phantom in 2D space: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [1, 1], shape=(8, 8)) >>> phantom = indicate_proj_axis(space).asarray() >>> print(odl.util.array_str(phantom, nprint=10)) [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0] * 3, [1] * 3, [8, 8, 8]) >>> phantom = odl.phantom.indicate_proj_axis(space).asarray() >>> axis_sum_0 = np.sum(phantom, axis=0) >>> print(odl.util.array_str(axis_sum_0, nprint=10)) [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 3., 3., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 3., 3., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] >>> axis_sum_1 = np.sum(phantom, axis=1) >>> print(odl.util.array_str(axis_sum_1, nprint=10)) [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] >>> axis_sum_2 = np.sum(phantom, axis=2) >>> print(odl.util.array_str(axis_sum_2, nprint=10)) [[ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]] """ if not 0 < scale_structures <= 1: raise ValueError('`scale_structures` ({}) is not in (0, 1]' ''.format(scale_structures)) assert space.ndim in (2, 3) shape = space.shape phan = np.zeros(shape) shape = np.array(shape) - 1 cen = np.round(0.5 * shape) dx = np.floor(scale_structures * 0.25 * shape) dx[dx == 0] = 1 # cube of size 2 * dx, offset in x axis, symmetric in others ix0 = int((cen - 3 * dx)[0]) if space.ndim == 2: ix, iy = (cen - 1 * dx).astype(int) phan[ix0:ix, iy:-iy] = 1 elif space.ndim == 3: ix, iy, iz = (cen - 1 * dx).astype(int) phan[ix0:ix, iy:-iy, iz:-iz] = 1 # 1st cuboid of size (dx[0], dx[1], 2 * dx[2]), offset in x and y axes, # symmetric in z axis ix0 = int((cen + 1 * dx)[1]) ix1 = int((cen + 2 * dx)[1]) iy0 = int(cen[1]) if space.ndim == 2: phan[ix0:ix1, iy0:-iy] = 1 elif space.ndim == 3: iz = int((cen - dx)[2]) phan[ix0:ix1, iy0:-iy, iz:-iz] = 1 # 2nd cuboid of (dx[0], dx[1], 2 * dx[2]) touching the first diagonally # at a long edge; offset in x and y axes, symmetric in z axis ix0 = int((cen + 2 * dx)[1]) ix1 = int((cen + 3 * dx)[1]) iy1 = int(cen[1]) if space.ndim == 2: phan[ix0:ix1, iy:iy1] = 1 elif space.ndim == 3: iz = int((cen - dx)[2]) phan[ix0:ix1, iy:iy1, iz:-iz] = 1 return space.element(phan)
def _getshapes_2d(center, max_radius, shape): """Calculate indices and slices for the bounding box of a disk.""" index_mean = shape * center index_radius = max_radius / 2.0 * np.array(shape) # Avoid negative indices min_idx = np.maximum(np.floor(index_mean - index_radius), 0).astype(int) max_idx = np.ceil(index_mean + index_radius).astype(int) idx = [slice(minx, maxx) for minx, maxx in zip(min_idx, max_idx)] shapes = [(idx[0], slice(None)), (slice(None), idx[1])] return tuple(idx), tuple(shapes) def _ellipse_phantom_2d(space, ellipses): """Create a phantom of ellipses in 2d space. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Uniformly discretized space in which the phantom should be generated. If ``space.shape`` is 1 in an axis, a corresponding slice of the phantom is created (instead of squashing the whole phantom into the slice). ellipses : list of lists Each row should contain the entries :: 'value', 'axis_1', 'axis_2', 'center_x', 'center_y', 'rotation' The provided ellipses need to be specified relative to the reference rectangle ``[-1, -1] x [1, 1]``. Angles are to be given in radians. Returns ------- phantom : ``space`` element 2D ellipse phantom in ``space``. See Also -------- shepp_logan : The typical use-case for this function. """ # Blank image p = np.zeros(space.shape, dtype=space.dtype) minp = space.grid.min_pt maxp = space.grid.max_pt # Create the pixel grid grid_in = space.grid.meshgrid # move points to [-1, 1] grid = [] for i in range(2): mean_i = (minp[i] + maxp[i]) / 2.0 # Where space.shape = 1, we have minp = maxp, so we set diff_i = 1 # to avoid division by zero. Effectively, this allows constructing # a slice of a 2D phantom. diff_i = (maxp[i] - minp[i]) / 2.0 or 1.0 grid.append((grid_in[i] - mean_i) / diff_i) for ellip in ellipses: assert len(ellip) == 6 intensity = ellip[0] a_squared = ellip[1] ** 2 b_squared = ellip[2] ** 2 x0 = ellip[3] y0 = ellip[4] theta = ellip[5] scales = [1 / a_squared, 1 / b_squared] center = (np.array([x0, y0]) + 1.0) / 2.0 # Create the offset x,y and z values for the grid if theta != 0: # Rotate the points to the expected coordinate system. ctheta = np.cos(theta) stheta = np.sin(theta) mat = np.array([[ctheta, stheta], [-stheta, ctheta]]) # Calculate the points that could possibly be inside the volume # Since the points are rotated, we cannot do anything directional # without more logic max_radius = np.sqrt( np.abs(mat).dot([a_squared, b_squared])) idx, shapes = _getshapes_2d(center, max_radius, space.shape) subgrid = [g[idi] for g, idi in zip(grid, shapes)] offset_points = [vec * (xi - x0i)[..., None] for xi, vec, x0i in zip(subgrid, mat.T, [x0, y0])] rotated = offset_points[0] + offset_points[1] np.square(rotated, out=rotated) radius =, scales) else: # Calculate the points that could possibly be inside the volume max_radius = np.sqrt([a_squared, b_squared]) idx, shapes = _getshapes_2d(center, max_radius, space.shape) subgrid = [g[idi] for g, idi in zip(grid, shapes)] squared_dist = [ai * (xi - x0i) ** 2 for xi, ai, x0i in zip(subgrid, scales, [x0, y0])] # Parentheses to get best order for broadcasting radius = squared_dist[0] + squared_dist[1] # Find the points within the ellipse inside = radius <= 1 # Add the ellipse intensity to those points p[idx][inside] += intensity return space.element(p) def _getshapes_3d(center, max_radius, shape): """Calculate indices and slices for the bounding box of a ball.""" index_mean = shape * center index_radius = max_radius / 2.0 * np.array(shape) min_idx = np.floor(index_mean - index_radius).astype(int) min_idx = np.maximum(min_idx, 0) # avoid negative indices max_idx = np.ceil(index_mean + index_radius).astype(int) idx = [slice(minx, maxx) for minx, maxx in zip(min_idx, max_idx)] shapes = [(idx[0], slice(None), slice(None)), (slice(None), idx[1], slice(None)), (slice(None), slice(None), idx[2])] return tuple(idx), tuple(shapes) def _ellipsoid_phantom_3d(space, ellipsoids): """Create an ellipsoid phantom in 3d space. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom should be generated. If ``space.shape`` is 1 in an axis, a corresponding slice of the phantom is created (instead of squashing the whole phantom into the slice). ellipsoids : list of lists Each row should contain the entries :: 'value', 'axis_1', 'axis_2', 'axis_3', 'center_x', 'center_y', 'center_z', 'rotation_phi', 'rotation_theta', 'rotation_psi' The provided ellipsoids need to be specified relative to the reference cube ``[-1, -1, -1] x [1, 1, 1]``. Angles are to be given in radians. Returns ------- phantom : ``space`` element 3D ellipsoid phantom in ``space``. See Also -------- shepp_logan : The typical use-case for this function. """ # Blank volume p = np.zeros(space.shape, dtype=space.dtype) minp = space.grid.min_pt maxp = space.grid.max_pt # Create the pixel grid grid_in = space.grid.meshgrid # Move points to [-1, 1] grid = [] for i in range(3): mean_i = (minp[i] + maxp[i]) / 2.0 # Where space.shape = 1, we have minp = maxp, so we set diff_i = 1 # to avoid division by zero. Effectively, this allows constructing # a slice of a 3D phantom. diff_i = (maxp[i] - minp[i]) / 2.0 or 1.0 grid.append((grid_in[i] - mean_i) / diff_i) for ellip in ellipsoids: assert len(ellip) == 10 intensity = ellip[0] a_squared = ellip[1] ** 2 b_squared = ellip[2] ** 2 c_squared = ellip[3] ** 2 x0 = ellip[4] y0 = ellip[5] z0 = ellip[6] phi = ellip[7] theta = ellip[8] psi = ellip[9] scales = [1 / a_squared, 1 / b_squared, 1 / c_squared] center = (np.array([x0, y0, z0]) + 1.0) / 2.0 # Create the offset x,y and z values for the grid if any([phi, theta, psi]): # Rotate the points to the expected coordinate system. cphi = np.cos(phi) sphi = np.sin(phi) ctheta = np.cos(theta) stheta = np.sin(theta) cpsi = np.cos(psi) spsi = np.sin(psi) mat = np.array([[cpsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * spsi, cpsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * spsi, spsi * stheta], [-spsi * cphi - ctheta * sphi * cpsi, -spsi * sphi + ctheta * cphi * cpsi, cpsi * stheta], [stheta * sphi, -stheta * cphi, ctheta]]) # Calculate the points that could possibly be inside the volume # Since the points are rotated, we cannot do anything directional # without more logic max_radius = np.sqrt( np.abs(mat).dot([a_squared, b_squared, c_squared])) idx, shapes = _getshapes_3d(center, max_radius, space.shape) subgrid = [g[idi] for g, idi in zip(grid, shapes)] offset_points = [vec * (xi - x0i)[..., None] for xi, vec, x0i in zip(subgrid, mat.T, [x0, y0, z0])] rotated = offset_points[0] + offset_points[1] + offset_points[2] np.square(rotated, out=rotated) radius =, scales) else: # Calculate the points that could possibly be inside the volume max_radius = np.sqrt([a_squared, b_squared, c_squared]) idx, shapes = _getshapes_3d(center, max_radius, space.shape) subgrid = [g[idi] for g, idi in zip(grid, shapes)] squared_dist = [ai * (xi - x0i) ** 2 for xi, ai, x0i in zip(subgrid, scales, [x0, y0, z0])] # Parentheses to get best order for broadcasting radius = squared_dist[0] + (squared_dist[1] + squared_dist[2]) # Find the points within the ellipse inside = radius <= 1 # Add the ellipse intensity to those points p[idx][inside] += intensity return space.element(p)
[docs]def ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipsoids, min_pt=None, max_pt=None): """Return a phantom given by ellipsoids. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Space in which the phantom should be created, must be 2- or 3-dimensional. If ``space.shape`` is 1 in an axis, a corresponding slice of the phantom is created (instead of squashing the whole phantom into the slice). ellipsoids : sequence of sequences If ``space`` is 2-dimensional, each row should contain the entries :: 'value', 'axis_1', 'axis_2', 'center_x', 'center_y', 'rotation' If ``space`` is 3-dimensional, each row should contain the entries :: 'value', 'axis_1', 'axis_2', 'axis_3', 'center_x', 'center_y', 'center_z', 'rotation_phi', 'rotation_theta', 'rotation_psi' The provided ellipsoids need to be specified relative to the reference rectangle ``[-1, -1] x [1, 1]``, or analogously in 3d. The angles are to be given in radians. min_pt, max_pt : array-like, optional If provided, use these vectors to determine the bounding box of the phantom instead of ``space.min_pt`` and ``space.max_pt``. It is currently required that ``min_pt >= space.min_pt`` and ``max_pt <= space.max_pt``, i.e., shifting or scaling outside the original space is not allowed. Providing one of them results in a shift, e.g., for ``min_pt``:: new_min_pt = min_pt new_max_pt = space.max_pt + (min_pt - space.min_pt) Providing both results in a scaled version of the phantom. Notes ----- The phantom is created by adding the values of each ellipse. The ellipses are defined by a center point ``(center_x, center_y, [center_z])``, the lengths of its principial axes ``(axis_1, axis_2, [axis_2])``, and a rotation angle ``rotation`` in 2D or Euler angles ``(rotation_phi, rotation_theta, rotation_psi)`` in 3D. This function is heavily optimized, achieving runtimes about 20 times faster than "trivial" implementations. It is therefore recommended to use it in all phantoms where applicable. The main optimization is that it only considers a subset of all the points when updating for each ellipse. It does this by first finding a subset of points that could possibly be inside the ellipse. This optimization is very good for "spherical" ellipsoids, but not so much for elongated or rotated ones. It also does calculations wherever possible on the meshgrid instead of individual points. Examples -------- Create a circle with a smaller circle inside: >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [5, 5]) >>> ellipses = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], ... [1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] >>> print(ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipses)) [[ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 2., 1., 0.], [ 1., 2., 2., 2., 1.], [ 0., 1., 2., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]] See Also -------- odl.phantom.transmission.shepp_logan : Classical Shepp-Logan phantom, typically used for transmission imaging odl.phantom.transmission.shepp_logan_ellipsoids : Ellipses for the Shepp-Logan phantom odl.phantom.geometric.defrise_ellipses : Ellipses for the Defrise phantom """ if space.ndim == 2: _phantom = _ellipse_phantom_2d elif space.ndim == 3: _phantom = _ellipsoid_phantom_3d else: raise ValueError('dimension not 2 or 3, no phantom available') if min_pt is None and max_pt is None: return _phantom(space, ellipsoids) else: # Generate a temporary space with given `min_pt` and `max_pt` # (snapped to the cell grid), create the phantom in that space and # resize to the target size for `space`. # The snapped points are constructed by finding the index of # `min/max_pt` in the space partition, indexing the partition with # that index, yielding a single-cell partition, and then taking # the lower-left/upper-right corner of that cell. if min_pt is None: snapped_min_pt = space.min_pt else: min_pt_cell = space.partition[space.partition.index(min_pt)] snapped_min_pt = min_pt_cell.min_pt if max_pt is None: snapped_max_pt = space.max_pt else: max_pt_cell = space.partition[space.partition.index(max_pt)] snapped_max_pt = max_pt_cell.max_pt # Avoid snapping to the next cell where max_pt falls exactly on # a boundary for i in range(space.ndim): if max_pt[i] in space.partition.cell_boundary_vecs[i]: snapped_max_pt[i] = max_pt[i] tmp_space = uniform_discr_fromdiscr( space, min_pt=snapped_min_pt, max_pt=snapped_max_pt, cell_sides=space.cell_sides) tmp_phantom = _phantom(tmp_space, ellipsoids) offset = space.partition.index(tmp_space.min_pt) return space.element( resize_array(tmp_phantom, space.shape, offset))
[docs]def smooth_cuboid(space, min_pt=None, max_pt=None, axis=0): """Cuboid with smooth variations. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace` Discretized space in which the phantom is supposed to be created. min_pt : array-like of shape ``(space.ndim,)``, optional Lower left corner of the cuboid. If ``None`` is given, a quarter of the extent from ``space.min_pt`` towards the inside is chosen. max_pt : array-like of shape ``(space.ndim,)``, optional Upper right corner of the cuboid. If ``None`` is given, ``min_pt`` plus half the extent is chosen. axis : int or sequence of int Dimension(s) along which the smooth variation should happen. Returns ------- phantom : ``space``-element The generated cuboid phantom in ``space``. Values have range [0, 1]. """ dom_min_pt = space.domain.min() dom_max_pt = space.domain.max() if min_pt is None: min_pt = dom_min_pt * 0.75 + dom_max_pt * 0.25 if max_pt is None: max_pt = dom_min_pt * 0.25 + dom_max_pt * 0.75 min_pt = np.atleast_1d(min_pt) max_pt = np.atleast_1d(max_pt) axis = np.array(axis, dtype=int, ndmin=1) if min_pt.shape != (space.ndim,): raise ValueError('shape of `min_pt` must be {}, got {}' ''.format((space.ndim,), min_pt.shape)) if max_pt.shape != (space.ndim,): raise ValueError('shape of `max_pt` must be {}, got {}' ''.format((space.ndim,), max_pt.shape)) sign = 0 for i, coord in enumerate(space.meshgrid): sign = sign | (coord < min_pt[i]) | (coord > max_pt[i]) values = 0 for i in axis: coord = space.meshgrid[i] extent = (dom_max_pt[i] - dom_min_pt[i]) values = values + 2 * (coord - dom_min_pt[i]) / extent - 1 # Properly scale using sign sign = (3 * sign - 2) / axis.size # Fit in [0, 1] values = values * sign values = (values - np.min(values)) / (np.max(values) - np.min(values)) return space.element(values)
[docs]def tgv_phantom(space, edge_smoothing=0.2): """Piecewise affine phantom. This phantom is taken from [Bre+2010] and includes both linearly varying regions and sharp discontinuities. It is designed to work well with Total Generalized Variation (TGV) type regularization. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscretizedSpace`, 2 dimensional Discretized space in which the phantom is supposed to be created. Needs to be two-dimensional. edge_smoothing : nonnegative float, optional Smoothing of the edges of the phantom, given as smoothing width in units of minimum pixel size. Returns ------- phantom : ``space``-element The generated phantom in ``space``. Values have range [0, 1]. Notes ----- The original phantom is given by a specific image. In this implementation, we extracted the underlying parameters and the phantom thus works with spaces of any shape. Due to this, small variations may occur when compared to the original phantom. References ---------- [Bre+2010] K. Bredies, K. Kunisch, and T. Pock. *Total Generalized Variation*. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 3(3):492-526, Jan. 2010 """ if space.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('`space.ndim` must be 2, got {}' ''.format(space.ndim)) y, x = space.meshgrid # Use a smooth sigmoid to get some anti-aliasing across edges. scale = edge_smoothing / np.min(space.shape) def sigmoid(val): if edge_smoothing != 0: val = val / scale with np.errstate(over="ignore", under="ignore"): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-val)) else: return (val > 0).astype(val.dtype) # Normalize to [0, 1] x = (x - np.min(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)) y = (y - np.min(y)) / (np.max(y) - np.min(y)) # Background values = -(x + y) / 2 # Square-ish region indicator = np.ones(space.shape) indicator *= sigmoid(-(0.015199034981905914 * x - y + 0.13896260554885403)) indicator *= sigmoid((0.3333333333333323 * y - x + 0.598958333333334)) indicator *= sigmoid((-2.4193548387096726 * y - x + 2.684979838709672)) values += indicator * 2 * (x + y - 1) # Ellipse part x_c = x - 0.71606842360499456 y_c = y - 0.18357884949910641 width = 0.55677657235995637 height = 0.37279391542283741 phi = 0.62911754900697558 x_c_rot = (np.cos(phi) * x_c - np.sin(phi) * y_c) / width y_c_rot = (np.sin(phi) * x_c + np.cos(phi) * y_c) / height indicator = sigmoid(np.sqrt(x_c_rot ** 2 + y_c_rot ** 2) - 1) values = indicator * values + 1.5 * (1 - indicator) * (-x - 2 * y + 0.6) # Normalize values values = (values - np.min(values)) / (np.max(values) - np.min(values)) return space.element(values)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Show the phantoms import odl # cuboid 1D space = odl.uniform_discr(-1, 1, 300) cuboid(space).show('cuboid 1d') # cuboid 2D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [300, 300]) cuboid(space).show('cuboid 2d') # smooth cuboid smooth_cuboid(space).show('smooth_cuboid x 2d') smooth_cuboid(space, axis=[0, 1]).show('smooth_cuboid x-y 2d') # TGV phantom tgv_phantom(space).show('tgv_phantom') # cuboid 3D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1], [300, 300, 300]) cuboid(space).show('cuboid 3d') # Indicate proj axis 3D indicate_proj_axis(space).show('indicate_proj_axis 3d') # ellipsoid phantom 2D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [300, 300]) ellipses = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipses).show('ellipse phantom 2d') # ellipsoid phantom 3D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1], [300, 300, 300]) ellipsoids = [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ellipsoid_phantom(space, ellipsoids).show('ellipsoid phantom 3d') # Defrise phantom 2D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [300, 300]) defrise(space).show('defrise 2D') # Defrise phantom 2D space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1, -1], [1, 1, 1], [300, 300, 300]) defrise(space).show('defrise 3D', coords=[0, None, None]) # Run also the doctests from odl.util.testutils import run_doctests run_doctests()