
odl.solvers.nonsmooth.proximal_operators.proximal_quadratic_perturbation(prox_factory, a, u=None)[source]

Calculate the proximal of function F(x) + a * |x|^2 + <u,x>.


A factory function that, when called with a step size, returns the proximal operator of F

anon-negative float

Scaling of the quadratic term

uElement in domain of F, optional

Defines the linear functional. For None, the zero element is taken.


Factory for the proximal operator to be initialized


Given a functional F, this is calculated according to the rule

\mathrm{prox}_{\sigma \left(F( \cdot ) + a \| \cdot \|^2 +
<u, \cdot >\right)}(x) =
c \; \mathrm{prox}_{\sigma F( \cdot \, c)}((x - \sigma u) c)

where c is the constant

c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \sigma a + 1}},

a is the scaling parameter belonging to the quadratic term, u is the space element defining the linear functional, and \sigma is the step size.

For reference on the identity used, see [CP2011c]. Note that this identity is not the exact one given in the reference, but was recalculated for arbitrary step lengths.


[CP2011c] Combettes, P L, and Pesquet, J-C. Proximal splitting methods in signal processing. In: Bauschke, H H, Burachik, R S, Combettes, P L, Elser, V, Luke, D R, and Wolkowicz, H. Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, Springer, 2011.